Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Iliad ❯ The Burden of Humanity ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The burden of humanity
Achilles first birthday is fast approaching. His birthday will mark the three month period for our pregnant sisters.
It is all very exciting.
His birthday will prove to be a grand affair, Lord Father will make sure of it. He is exceedingly proud that his first disciple has only a year more before he will be training with the palace guard and the Ginyu Force too, I suspect….
Alcemene the loyal follower and loving mother she is, is happy as well for Lord Frieza has promised that Captain Ginyu himself will be present for the celebration although we all know the Ginyu Force is away on missions.
Personally I would rather they stay away and am not at all pleased to hear of their return. I have no doubt their return may very well mark the deflowering of another sister. Gods forbid it be Kore or Daphne I fear they would not survive. In any case I suppose such opinions are different for a mother.
We are all quite busy with the preparing of gifts and decorations. Lord Father has given us access to all we need to spoil the boy and left most of the celebration's decisions to Alcemene, even though the gathering will be but small as we are Frieza's most well kept and guarded secret.
I try not to let my reservations ruin the fun for the rest as they seem to enjoy this break in our monotonous routine. Mother always said routine would be something I would relish when I was older, but I do not find her prediction to be so. Our gifts for Achilles each reflect what we want to teach the boy in some facet.
I am writing a book of fairy tales for him and illustrating it myself, I am not a bad artist and every child deserves the chance to hope to dream of something better especially, those living in the nightmare of the Kolds' tyranny.
Kore and Harmonia are working together on the entertainment for the celebration.
Persephone is working her handicraft magic on some special material she requested from Lord Frieza to make Achilles a little uniform. She is also patiently helping Vanessa knit horn warmers for the little man.
Selene has great skills in craft as well. She obtained a rare shell from Lord Father and hand crafted it into a horn for Achilles. She holds music in the highest regard just like Kore and Harmonia.
Daphne only helps with the decorating, I can tell that something within her does not allow her to care enough for the spawn of that which killed her soul to make him a truly caring gift, but she tries, at least seemingly to save face.
Today was Achilles birthday…
We all knew Lord Father would not show up until later because of his tyrannical court obligations but we had more fun without him anyway. The Ginyu Force too, also did not make it around for most of the celebration much to my enjoyment. We gave Achilles his gifts and ate, drank, sang, and danced like we were part of a free world once again. It was all quite surreal, until Lord Father came, and although he was as jovial as his creepy lizard persona would allow we were still all on edge and struck dumb and mute in his horrible presence.
Almost caringly he held and bounced baby Achilles, like a real grandfather, accept one with a psychotic secret and a cold smile.
Then to make matters worse the Ginyu Force stormed in and to all our shock deposited two resisting human females on the floor of our courtyard. Both looked as though they could scream, one in anger the other in fear. After Berter and Recoome unceremoniously plopped them on the floor Captain Ginyu rushed over kneeling at Frieza's feet. “Greetings my lord, I bring two new daughters for you in honor of my son's birthday.”
Frieza smirked and chuckled rising and beckoning Ginyu to do the same before handing the happy child to his father. Ginyu bounced and cuddled the child as if he wasn't a heartless monster. “Ha ha! Happy Birthday my son, soon you will be training and become strong just like me.” Ginyu gloated, beaming with pride as Frieza looked over the new arrivals.
Their faces were all too familiar for me, they looked just as Kore and I had upon our arrival I imagine, one scared and confused, the other angry and defiant. Lord Father circled them like a hawk eyeing its prey. Neither moved a testament to their strength surely. “Hmm, they are quite courageous and defiant for humans? Are you sure they are not Halflings of some kind?”
“Oh no sire, we checked already, the dna is 100 percent human.” Jeice chimed in ready and willing as always to please those higher up than he.
“Hmm, interesting?”, he said inspecting the more defiant of the two. She had medium black hair and piercing hazel eyes that were unafraid to stare even our lord down, if only for a moment.
“Well defiance is not new to us and I'm sure it won't become a problem?” He said looking at me pointedly, he did not agree with my simple acts of defiance. “You two.” He said staring pointedly at myself and Kore. “Take your new sisters to their rooms and help them get ready for the celebration, this is their celebration now as well.”
Kore and I bowed our heads obediently before we rose to get the girls. I kneeled down next to the dark haired human with the angry eyes and grabbed her arm. “Get up!” I ground out forcefully not wanting to be in Lord Father's presence a moment longer.
She glared at me and I glared back, “I am not your executioner, sister, now get up!” I whispered with a growl before pulling her to her feet and dragging her up the stairs.
Kore's charge was much more willing and followed her easily.
We walked all the way around the raised corridor to the vacant rooms down the hall. Once inside with the door closed, it was only a little easier to speak freely. And speak freely the human did.
“Who are you to treat me such!?” She growled pulling her arm from my grip, fire flashed in her eyes as she spun to face me.
“I am your sister now, like it or not. I certainly don't, but this is my harsh reality and now yours.” I snapped back with similar fervor. My passionate fire left me and was replaced with a cold anger. “Welcome to the harem of Frieza's daughters.”
Her human counterpart seemed far more frightened by the whole situation then she. She shook in Kore's embrace, Kore's caring manner overflowing her youkai to help the poor girl. I knew my charge would be much more difficult and the last thing I wanted was for her to get herself killed over a foolish outburst. “Victoria…what's happening to us?” The fearful human girl questioned meekly. Her angry counterpart softened a little and turned to her, her fists clenched. “It seems our worst fears have been realized. How could father do this to us!? To you!?” She growled putting her face in her hands showing her anguish.
“This is a mistake.” Victoria mumbled into her hands. “Diana is not but my handmaiden she is of no political value to Frieza why would he take us both?”
I stared as the façade of anger began to break down into confusion and betrayal. She was under the mistaken impression that Lord Frieza was interested in her status. Lord Father cares not for such things.
“You are mistaken lady if you think it matters to him. She and I,” I said motioning a hand to Kore. “Are common demons of no high rank or extensive power, his interest in us is that we are strong of body and mind… strong enough to bare his army.”
Her jaw became agape at my statement. Her counterpart, Diana began to shake her head in denial. “We are to be his….”
“No…you are to be at the mercy of his elite's achievements and sexual fantasies.” I corrected hating how I sounded, condemning my own existence with my own tongue.
Victoria shook her head her black bob bouncing. “Father would never allow such a thing.”
“He did. King or peasant, every man has his reasons. Greed is a harsh master for the innocent.” I told her and upon seeing the truth dawn on her I was not proud of the small defeat I saw mirrored in her eyes.
Amazingly she shook it off a moment later and her shoulders squared. She walked over to Diana and grasped her hands in a similar way of reassurance to the one I found myself giving Kore everyday. “Don't worry Diana, I won't let anyone hurt you I promise.”
Kore smiled slightly and put a hand on each of their shoulders. “Fear not sisters , this existence is bleak, but there is hope still.”
Kore would never admit even to herself that hope may very well be lost…sooner then we think.
I'll never admit it aloud but it hurt to dole such harsh reality out to the human girls. Contrary to popular belief demons are not inherently cold, we only become that way when circumstances arise where our survival is threatened and cold harsh logic overrides instinct and emotion. Such a situation has been since the Kold's rule of the universe.
My father always said that my passion and my temper could never be subdued by the coldness that had come to rule many a demon.
My father is no longer an authority on such things…
Our human sisters have been with us for almost six months now, such it was with all of us the fear has diminished into a solemn acceptance and muted anxiety of our existence. I have succeeded in amending my coldness towards the new arrivals. Now we all direct our animosity towards Alcemene. She is far whinier during this second pregnancy then during her first, she has been laid up in bed for days now, wanting us to wait on her hand and foot. Achilles is in the care of us and the maids more often then not. He has begun talking and true to his breeding his first word was. “Want.” Greed is no stranger to this world or any other.
This is but the first pregnancy for Persephone and Selene and yet they make no complaint. Zarbon continues to gain our esteem as he visits Persephone often, they sit on a bench of the conservatory path talking, Persephone smiles and Zarbon does too. The way they act you would almost think it were…
But such things do not exist in the world of snow and ice that is Frieza's domain… ?
Persephone went into labor today. Only one of us as well as a maid, nurse, and doctor are allowed in the room for the duration of the labor.
Persephone has long since asked Kore to be by her side for she is near and far the most calm and caring of us.
It has been four hours and I can still here Persephone's screams and grunts of pain and determination. She wants this baby and she is a fighter down deep so I have every confidence that she will bring that baby into this world healthy…and soon…
Soon has come…the child is a girl…Persephone wept with joy when she was born but wept in sorrow when Frieza called the child a waste of time.
After Persephone had rested and been cleaned as well as the babe Frieza and Zarbon appeared to view the child. Kore told me they came in and Persephone presented them the child with a smile and so much humility. She said Zarbon smiled, but when Frieza asked the baby's gender and received an unwanted answer he sneered. “ I expected more from you…from you both.” He said to Persephone and Zarbon. “Females are a waste of my time…but because she is of strong blood perhaps she will be a good dame…” With that he left. Kore spoke of Zarbon's face as a mix of shame and sympathy, that he seemed as though he would stay to comfort the now weeping Persephone but Frieza called him to follow, and when Frieza calls, we all must obey…no matter how our emotions sway.
The tale did nothing to comfort our new human sisters who are only new to this realm and are now exposed to horrors of our existence not even we knew. They too are but babes both in our eyes and here in and of this place.
Even with Frieza's disapproval and Zarbon's abandonment Persephone loves her child no less, if it is possible she loves her all the more. She has decided to call her Phoebe….
Two days hence since Phoebe's birth Alcemene and Selene went into labor almost simultaneously. Both would have chosen Persephone for their comfort but she is and was indisposed so Selene chose me and Alcemene chose Kore as well.
Selene's labor was by far the longest, all the day and into the night she toiled. I urged her on and helped to ease her pain as best I could and even through it all she quiet and accepting of her pain. The doctor said it was so hard because the father's species did not normally procreate in the traditional way. She tried so long Alcemene gave birth first to yet another boy.
It unsettled me to see Selene whom is so calm and serene all the time so disheveled and rushed. Finally during the witching hour she succeeded in her trial of womanhood and brought a boy who looked much more like his sire then she with green skin, pink muscles and antenna. Yet it phased her not. She held him still like a loving mother and gazed at him with happiness and whispered “Welcome to the light, my son.”
And so Phoebe, Thalion, and Herakles were added to our family. Along with our human sisters who upon seeing the new progeny of Frieza's manufactured clan, Diana said, “We shall have children, Victoria, beautiful children, of ever color of the light spectrum.” Victoria scowled obviously not as moved by the miracle of life as her companion, but she too spoke. “A welcome distraction from life's toil they shall be…”
Such is life, I suppose, in the eyes of humans, humans quickly losing their humanity to join the alien slaves of our universe…