Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Flames of Love ❯ Flames of Love 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Lady Catterina rested in the large hot spring and breathed in the relaxing scents of Camielle and Lavender. She sighed has a blood red rose drifted by her and taking it into her hand she sniffed it smelling the immistakeable scent of her mate. She smiled he was indeed sweet to her. She sighed and brushed her shoulder length black hair out of her golden eyes. She sighed and placed her hand over her stomach. The stretch marks weren't visible anymore since the birth had taken place four years ago. She grinned and thought of her little girl with brown hair like her father's and gold eyes like her mother's. The Reikai Senshi trained her for half the day before she and Koenma took care of the rest of the schooling.
During that time everything was placed aside so that the royal family could spend time together. Ever Lord Enma came over to spend time with his Granddaughter who just so happened to be his pride and joy.
"Yeap everything just seemed so perfect now," sighed Cat closing her eyes.
At that moment has if it had been a signal the ground began to shake and the pillars surronding the hot spring began to crumble and fall. Cat leapt into the air and landing in a crouch looked around sniffing the air. She could hear the sounds of feet storming around the castle and female voices coming in her direction. However the door to the Hot springs was blocked, a quick glance told her it would take them an hour to get into the Spring even at high power, since the pillars were virutally indistructable. They were made of the same material that the walls in her's and her husband's training room was made of.
Standing up straight she looked around sniffing the air.
"Who would dare to attack the castle?" she asked softly. "And for that matter who would have the power to do so?"
Movement out of the corner of her eyes caught her attention, her head snapped in that direction and she crept back into the water going under and waiting for them to appear around the edge of the spring. Finally two figures appeared at the rim of the spring and Cat narrowed her eyes. One of them was tall with skeltol wings and black horns, his dark blue skin was thinly covering his muscles with pieces of skin torn away. The other one was shorter and had stringy her and had the legs of a goat with a goat tail.
'What sort of Demons are those?' she asked herself. 'Whoever they are they are wrong if they think they can attack my home and survive."
With that Cat leapt into the air and grabbed a sheet hanging from a branch wrapping it securely around her before landing on the two Demons causing them to fall on their backs. She leapt off of their chests and backflipped in the air landing in a croach with her backs to them she span on her toes and stared at them has they stumbled to their feet.
"Who are you?!" she demanded angerily. "What right have you to trespass Demons!"
"Stupid whore who are you to talk to Lucifer's Generals in that tone?!" demanded the one with the wings.
"I am Lord Koenma's wife bastard!"
"Koenma?" asked the shorter one.
"Yes you jackass Lord Enma's son!"
"Lord Enma has a son?" asked the shortty one.
The taller one scowled and looked at his companion.
"When Lord Lucifer merged Hells with that other man it must have caused both the Earths and Spirit worlds to merge has well."
"What should we do with her?" asked the shorter one.
"No help for it we will just have to kill her."
"I would so love to see you try," smirked Cat.
"Is that I challenge?" asked the Demon with wings grinning.
"Of course it is baka!" snorted Cat.
"You're going to die bitch."
"Not likely," grinned Cat launching herself at them.
She slammed her fist into the taller one first before kicking the shorter one into the spring. She was slammed into a pillar by the taller one, she leapt out of the pillar and drew her whip snapping it around his neck, the posion sipped into his skin causing him to fall to the ground gasping for breathe. She flicked her wrist and the whip unwound itself from his neck and with another flick she sent it into the spring and pulled out the shorter one. She flicked him into another pillar creating a crater in it. She yelped in shock when she found herself being kicked in the gut and was flying to the other end of the spring.
She stood up and shook her head before taking off running swiftly across the hotspring.
Koenma stood behind his Reikai Tentai and gave orders on how best to get through to his wife.
"Try to destory it from undernegth!" he shouted.
Koenma would only use his power unless there was no other way he didn't want to risk killing his mate. Light footsteps told him his daughter was coming, he smiled has an idea came to him right about now would be a good time to see his daughter's powers in action.
"Come here little princess," he said with a smile.
"What is it daddy?" asked his daughter looking up at him sweetly twirling one of her long pigtails around her finger.
"I want you to show me how strong your Reikai Powers have become. Step back everyone!"
"Yes sir," came the collection of male and female voices.
The Reikai Senshi made way for the little princess who calmly made way through them and stood five feet from the blocked entrance to the hot spring. She looked at it for a minute before turning to look at her father her eyes wide and questioning.
"Try and destory it from undernegth," said Koenma coming to stand near her.
"The pillars daddy?"
"Yes little princess the pillars."
The little girl gathered a large ball of red energy into the pslam of her left hand, bringing it over her head she shouted, "FURY OF THE DRAGONS!"
She brought her hand down to the bottom of the crumble of pillars and sent them hurling into the room. There were animal like shrieks and then they faded away has the pillars slammed into the other wall. Koenma and his daughter ran into the room with the Reikai Senshi drawing their swords not far behind them. They saw Cat their with the sheet around her in shreds.
"Their gone," said Cat breathing heavily.
"Are you alright?" asked Koenma coming to stand next to his wife.
"Of course but I have a feeling the others should know about this," said Cat.
"Of course but they would now be at the Tenkaichi Budoukai by now," said Koenma.
"We need to tell them about this at once,"
"I agree," said Koenma he turned to the Reikai Senshi. "General Koora take over things from here send someone to tell my father what has happened here if he does not already know!"
"Yes sir," said the man bowing.
"Tygeria I want you to stay here," said Koenma.
"But I want to see my aunts and uncles again," said Tygeria.
"We'll all have a get together once this is all over with but right now it might be a bit too dangerous for you to be out there."
"Alright daddy," pouted Tygeria.
'I guess I'll just sneak there,' thought Tygeria has her parents hurried out of the room.
"And don't even think about sneaking there," said her mother from down the hall.
"Foof," pouted Tygeria.
H iei walked up to the registration booth and stared down at the small round man in orange and yellow.
"Your name sir?" asked the man looking up.
"Hiei," said Hiei coolly.
"Do you have a last name?" asked the man.
"No just Hiei no last name."
"I see thank you um you can wait back there."
Hiei nodded and walked passed the booth into the other throng of fighters.
Surpreme Kai and the others looked up has Hiei passed by them. Then they exchanged a look it would soon begin.