Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Flames of Love ❯ In Which A Take Over Happens ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Flames of Love 7:
In Which A Take Over Happens
Author's Notes: Good evening boys and girls. Here is the semi eagerly awaited squel to the stories A Ghostly Love one of my DBZ stories, and Demon Beloved one of my Yu Yu Hakusho. So it would be a good idea to read those two stories or else you will be so lost. The URL's for those stories are
A Ghostly Love: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1015512
Demon Beloved: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=738534
Also this story takes place one year after A Ghostly Love and five years after the end of the Yu Yu Hakusho story. I did not know what age Shura was at the end of YYH so I am guessing on the age. So without further ado I present 'FLAMES OF LOVE'!
Babi-sa stopped and stared in shock at the new comers.
"Who the hell are you?!" she demanded in total and complete fury.
"I am Koenma son of Enma I demand that you stop this," said Koenma in a voice that demanded obidence.
Unfortunately Babi-sa had never been taught how to listen to her elders. Her father had always taught her to take what she wanted no matter what. She would follow the same destiny that her family had followed. She would survive were they had failed and she would make all the Kais suffer for what had happened all those years ago. She would also get a good man while she was at it. Turning to look at the Fire Demon she smirked, only to recive the middle finger from him.
"How rude," she said snottly. "I have never been so insulted in my entire life."
"You must not look in the mirror," said Catterina under her breathe.
"I heard that you little whore," snapped Babi-sa.
"So ain't makin me upset," said Catterina.
"I can tear you up into pieces bitch," snapped Babi-sa.
"Oh really that would be a first I haven't seen you and your little piece of shit do much, except chat."
"That's it I am going to finish this little conversation by giving you a one way ticket to hell!"
"Yeah right!"
Babi-sa growled and raised her right and started to power up a blast to send at the Shadow Demon. She released the ball of energy and it sailed at the awaiting Shadow Demon, but suddenly a bright flash of light intervenes. Goku and the others blinked in completely shock, they remebered her from a few weeks ago. She was dressed in a loose pait of black pants and a black tank top, the pants were held up by a red sash with her Glaive strapped to her back with a braided red leather.
"It's it's you," said Veggitta.
"Wow that was intellegent," said Jackie smirking.
"Jackie what are you doing here?" asked Panthera.
"I came to check in on you darling what else?"
"Cause terror and utter chaos has we know it?" asked Catterina sacractical.
"Very funny doll," said Jackie smirking. "Although that does sound like fun. Oh well next time I come to this charming mortal world I'll just have to give it a whirl."
Then Jackie chuckled and drew the long broad sword and smirked at Babi-sa.
"Now I know you did not just threaten my little friends here," she said tossing the sword up in the air and catching it.
"And what if I did?" asked Babi-sa getting all cocky.
"What the hell is going on here damnit?!" demanded Kai.
"You don't know who she is?" asked Kone.
"Yes of course I was there when we first meet but that is not the point why is she here?!"
"For those of you that weren't listening let me recap," said Catterina. "Jackie is a friend of mine and Panth's family. She has been a friend of the family since she first landed on Earth. Anywho she is here to protect us since with her if you hurt someone she cares for she is going to open a can of whop ass on ya and it ain't pretty. Ask alot of Demons that kept trying to rape one of our aunts."
"Whatever happened to that guy anyways?" asked Panthera thoughtfully.
"I think she finally got sick of him popping up out of no where and just killed his sorry ass," said Cat.
"Oh yeah that's right she didn't she and then she made a dagger from one of his bones."
"Yeah it was a really nice one to she gave it to me for my fifteenth birthday."
"That kinda upset mom."
"I know so I placed it somewhere so she doesn't have to be reminded of it."
"Why didn't she give it to our aunt though?"
"Oh remeber our aunt really hates fighting so it would have been disrespectful to give her a weapon."
"Good point even though it would have been respectful to give it to her in a sense that it is a sign that he will never harm you again."
"How true how true. However only males are supposed to do that sort of thing. Infact I am shocked that Hiei didn't give you Ecithead's head when he killed him."
Panthera strengethened up and blushed suddenly.
"What the hell are you onnas talking about?!" snapped Veggitta.
"Oh I am sorry Veggie I didn't mean to leave you out," cooed Cat.
"Cat that's enough," said Koenma.
"Alright fine," said Cat shrugging.
The three of them turned back to the fight ignoring Veggitta.
"Will someone please explain what is going on here?!" demanded Bra.
"It's simple," said Panthera. "I assume you already know Jackie right?"
"Of course baka!" snapped Veggitta.
Panthera just looked at him like he was an idoit before turning her back on him.
"Has I was saying," said Panthera. "Jackie is a good friend of the families I am half Fire Demon, half Temple Maiden. Catterina is my adopted older sister being a full Shadow Demon. She resided at the temple helping to protect the Scared Grounds."
"A Demon protecting the Scared Grounds?!" demanded Noke.
"Ironic isn't it?" smirked Catterina. "And the Demon then marrying the Rekei Prince."
"Enma would never have allowed that!"
"Well he did."
"Can you please stop with your damn conversation and pay attention to the fight?!" snapped Yuusuke.
"Oh fine just be a sorry little pain in the ass just because you aren't getting any from Keiko is no reason for you to take it out on us," said Catterina placing her hands on her hips and looking pissed.
Yuusuke and Keiko both blushed like mad has Catterina turned to look at the fight that had been going on between Jackie and Babi-sa. Jackie was taking the defense in the fight and for the time being looked like she was winning. However Babi-sa soon got the upper hand by delivering a round house kick to a startled goddess and finishing it up with a upper cut to the jaw. The blow sent the goddess soaring, Babi-sa flew after her and slammed her fists into Jackie's back. Sending the young goddess plumeting to the ground and creating a crater in the middle of the arenea floor.
"Jackie!" shouted Panthera running forward only to be stopped by a blast of power from Baa. "Let me go damnit!"
"Mistress I have hold of the royal whore," said Baa.
Suddenly a thin blast of light pierced infront of Baa's eyes causing her to release Panthera.
"My eyes!" shrieked Baa rubbing at them.
"Never ever lay a hand on the princess again," said Kurone leaping down to join them with Suki not far behind.
Kurone grabbed Panthera and lefted her up onto his shoulders (remeber that garden scene in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust where D and that hunter chick see Mire's chick and she gets saved by that werewolf guy well that's the scene).
"Your eyesite will return," said Saki. "However if you harm the princess again you will wish you were dead. Either by me or by Kurone, prey that if one must kill you it is me. For my partner has no mercy on those that harm the Fire Nymph."
"I would be glad to test that anger," said Baa moving into a fighting postion.
"Baa no not right now we have better things to do," said Babi-sa.
"Has you wish mistress," said Baa.
"Right let's get down to buisness," said Babi-sa then she snapped her fingers and a dark shadow surronded Hiei.
"Hiei-kun!" shrieked Panthera jumping from Kurone's shoulders.
"No don't!" shouted Kai reaching out to grab her.
However Goku was faster and already had the young Fire Demon Princess pinned against him.
"NO!" screamed Panthera. "Let me go!"
"What the hell are you doing get your hands off the princess," said Kurone running to her aide with Saki not far behind.
But it was too late Hiei's screams of pain died down and everyone waited for the smoke to clear wondering what they would find.