Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Flames of Love ❯ In Which The Battle Ends ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Flames of Love 14:
In Which the Battle Ends
Author's Notes: Good evening boys and girls. Here is the semi eagerly awaited squel to the stories A Ghostly Love one of my DBZ stories, and Demon Beloved one of my Yu Yu Hakusho. So it would be a good idea to read those two stories or else you will be so lost. The URL's for those stories are
A Ghostly Love: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1015512
Demon Beloved: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=738534
Also this story takes place one year after A Ghostly Love and five years after the end of the Yu Yu Hakusho story. I did not know what age Shura was at the end of YYH so I am guessing on the age. So without further ado I present 'FLAMES OF LOVE'!
Panthera stared at the spell calmly before gathering her rod to her. She held it over her head and slammed it down into the ground causing a burst of energy to spring from the ground, it destoryed the spell in it's tracks.
"No impossible!" shouted Babi-sa.
"You underestimate my power," said Panthera. "Your underestimation of my power shall be your downfall."
"Arrogant bitch!" snapped Babi-sa.
Panthera stood there emotionless however her muscles were ready for anything.
"Well," said Babi-sa. "Let's see if you can cancel out this. FLAMING DARKNESS!"
Babi-sa sent a black wave of fire straight at Panthera. Panthera spun her rod around her head and shouted, "FLAMES OF THE HEAVENS!"
Flames sprouted from her stone in the rod and surged forward devouring the black flames in it's path and almost everything else in it's path. Babi-sa frowned and decided that she had had enough of this foolish game so she had only one choice and that was to use her greatest spell. The chances of her survival were very small in fact they were practically zilch. Oh well no loss she could always find someone else to fill the spot and allow Hiei to think she was Panthera. It should be an easy mind spell.
"It's time to finish this little spell and destory this planet once and for all!" shouted Babi-sa. "And everyone else along with it!"
Panthera stood strong against the gathering power of Babi-sa ready for anything. However the blast she realised was not something she had been ready for and it was not where she had expected it to be aimed. She had expected it to be aimed at the ground to destory the planet from the core. However she was wrong the blast was aimed at her.
'Why would she aim the blast at me,' thought Panthera.
Suddenly she remembered she was tied to the Earth. If something happened to her then all of Earth would be destoryed.
'So that is the way of it,' thought Panthera. 'Very well come on show me what you've got it won't be that easy.'
Panthera tightened her grip on her rod and ignored the shouts of the others to get out of the way. She wasn't aware that Goku and the others surged forward but where blown back by Baa. All she was aware of was the blast coming toward her she rose her rod above her head and conjuered the power that was deep within her. She conjuered all of it and felt her vision blur slightly from the effort. She closed her eyes against the headache that was starting to form.
At that moment she was swept off her feet and felt a pair of warm lips on hers. Her eyes snapped open and she saw Hiei in front of her kissing her. Suddenly she felt stronger and held her rod higher. She felt the heat of the blast surrond them but not the pain of it. She was distantly aware of the screaming of Keiko and the other females. But she shut their screams out concentrating on the power and controling it.
Goku moved forward and saw his friends next to him, suddenly a poweful blast knocked them all back. The moment he got back on his feet he saw the Demon Hiei moving forward. The Demon grabbed the girl and pressed his lips against hers. The fading power of the girl suddenly got a tremendous bust. The power engulfed them at the same time Babi-sa's did and Goku watched the silhoutes of the kissing couple they weren't harmed. Suddenly he was alerted to even more screaming and turned to look at the females that were the friends of the kissing couple. They were screaming and power was surging from them.
"What the hell?!" shouted Veggitta. "Karrotto do you feel that?!"
"Yeah Veggitta I do what is going on here?" asked Goku.
"We'll explain later on," said Yuusuke trying to keep his balance against the surging power coming from the girls.
Botan was watching everything when she felt a sudden pain in her chest she haunched over slightly and moaned. Her mind barely regigstered the others that seemed to be having the same problems. SHe could barely feel Kurama's hands on her shoulders and his worried voice. She dropped to her knees and felt tears came from her eyes. It hurt so much, there was so blinding pain it felt like knives stabbing her chest. Suddenly she felt something erupt from within her and she let out a horrified bloodcurling scream. It hurt so much.
While Veggitta watched the females he had at first considered weak exploded with power and he drifted into the giant sphere that encircled the other two. The sphere was composed of two powers that seemed to be battling. However with the added power of the others it seemed the the white fire was winning. Yelling drew his attention to the others and the males were powering up has well. Their power surged forward and engulfed the sphere. Suddenly there was a burst of power and light that threw everyone off of their feet two female screams and then nothing.
The sunshone down on the field that had once been used to do battle and figures began to move. They stared pulling themselves up before helping others up. They then looked around and sighed everyone was over now. Suddenly they all started to laugh, before they realized that Panthera and Hiei had yet to move from their spot in the middle of the field.
"Are they alright?" asked Goku has Yukina and Botan examined them.
"They should be," said Botan has she and Yukina both got to work on healing them.
After awhile the two of them sat up and looked around.
"How is everyone?" asked Panthera shaking her head.
"All alive and accounted for," said Botan. "Well except for Babi-sa and Baa but then again they don't count."
"Good," said Hiei lightly kissing Panthera's check.
"Panthera Hiei come here!" commanded Flareics.
They two of them looked at eachother and stood up before going to stand before the Fire Dragon. Flareics took Panthera's hand in one of his and Hiei's in the other and placed them in one hand before placing the other hand over their hands. Showing them that he approved of them and he was allowing Hiei to marry his daughter. The entire group cheered even Kai, Piccollo, and Veggitta couldn't hold back a smile. Today was a good day to be alive, a very good day.
Autho r's Notes: In the next saga Wedding Day Plans - Panth and Hiei plan for their wedding day but run into a Succubus that goes after Hiei.I'll write that once I finish the other Yu Yu Hakusho fic I am writting for now I am going to work on some DBZ fics. Anyways if you leave a review for this chapter I'll inform you of other YYH stories that I write and the next saga Wedding Day Plans. I hope ya'll enjoyed reading this has much has I had writting it. Well peace off and remeber getting a car wash from a zombie 1/5 your soul, cutting the arm off of a Zombie 2/5 your soul, beheading a xombie 3/5 your soul, smashing a zombie 4/5 your soul, putting a zombie back together 5/5 your soul, getting hugged by a zombie pricless. I in no way support the abuse or dismemberment of zombies.
Skkitten - Thanks
Isle - Thanks here ya go