Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ First Prophecy Unveiled ❯ A Plan for Salvation ( Chapter 11 )
Chapter 9
The Arrival of Vegeta and the Capture of Hope
When the light had faded completely she ran up to one of the three figures it had revealed and said, "Brother, I'm so glad you're here," as she threw her arms around a short man whose spiky black hair resembled the flame of a candle.
She was completely oblivious to the five pairs of eyes that stared at her in shock. Hiei sheathed his sword and Daniel put away his gun. There was silence for a long moment. Then Andrea pulled back and noticed the two people who had come with Vegeta.
"Who are they Vegeta?" asked Andrea.
"Introduce yourselves, brats," ordered Vegeta.
The two in question stepped foreword. Both were teenagers by saiyan standards. Andrea could instantly tell they were each half human and half saiyan. One of them had lilac colored hair and blue eyes. He said, "My name's Trunks. Why did you just hug my Dad?"
Then the one with dark eyes and a hairdo that was messy, spiky and black said, "My name's Goten and my Dad is more powerful then Trunk's Dad. His name is Goku, but Vegeta calls him Kakarot."
Andrea looked at Vegeta who nodded. He knew what her unspoken question had been. She introduced Hiei and Daniel to the three new arrivals. After that Daniel said, "I'll go tell the others about this," and then left the room.
Vegeta turned on Hiei and asked, "Are you the one that my sister has a crush on?"
Hiei took a step back and was glad when Andrea answered for him, "Stop intimidating him. He is the one I mentioned." Andrea walked up behind Hiei and wrapped her arms around him before she continued. "You'd better not kill him, `Geta."
Vegeta laughed and ruffled Hiei's hair, ignoring the demon`s scowl. "If that's what you want Andrea."
A second later there were hurried footsteps and someone knocked at the door. Andrea opened the door and let Daniel back in. He was breathing hard. "Freiza teamed up with Anubis. Five of his ships have appeared in orbit and someone's throwing explosives at the Iris protecting our Stargate. Freiza's ship has also suddenly left this solar system. We don't know where he went."
Minutes later Hiei, Andrea, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten were in the Gateroom. Freiza had contacted them again. He gave a Gate Address and said that if they didn't go there that he would have Earth decimated from orbit. Vegeta was confident that he could handle what was to come. Goten and Trunks were looking at each other for a long moment.
"Fusion?" asked Goten curiously.
"Yes, but later," came Trunk's reply.
Goten nodded and went to stand beside his friend.
Jack and Teal'c were also in the gate room. They were nervous. They hated their helplessness, but there was really nothing they could do but stand and watch as the iris opened and five people walked through it.
********************************************************** *********
The first thing Andrea noticed about the other planet was that Freiza was standing in front of the Stargate. On either side was a long line of Jaffa soldiers. All of them carried unusual weapons and were pointing those weapons at the new arrivals.
Five people fired their weapons. Five people collapsed to the ground
The last thing Andrea heard as consciousness fled her body was Freiza's laughter.