Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Artemis Fowl: The Most Dangerous Mission ❯ Caviar ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


"Paper, Yah I win!!!" Shouted Kuwabara "I get to fight first!"

"Why should we have Kuwabara go first? He IS the weakest!" muttered Yusuke

"I heard that, Urameshi! I can beat you any time, anywhere!"

"Is that a challenge? I'll take you out in one blow!"

"Oh yah?"


"No you can't!"

"Yes I can!"

"No you can't!"

"Yes I can, yes I can, yes I can!!!!"

"Boys, boys, settle down." said Artemis, as if he was their superior "We have to be civilized or my parents will think that something is amiss."

"I've brought you all snacks!" said Juliet as she entered the room with plate full of...is that-

"Thanks!" said Kuwabara, stuffing three in his mouth at once.

"Hey, I want 5 of those!" said Yusuke's soon-to-be-stuffed-mouth

"Ut are ese eyay?" said Kuwabara's stuffed mouth

"Swallow before you speak," sighed Artemis.

Kuwabara swallowed "What are these anyway?" he said before he grabbed more.

"Caviar, Arty's favor..."

"What, are you crazy? Caviar?!?" Yusuke said, dropping all that had been in his hand. "Ick!"

"What are you trying do?! Poison us?" asked Kuwabara

"This isn't half-bad" said Kurama, trying a piece.

"I always thought that demons were weird..." said Yusuke.

"What would you two like then" Artemis sighed. "Peanut butter and jelly, perhaps?" he asked.

"That sounds delicious! I haven't had those for a long time!" exclaimed Kuwabara.

"I was being sarcastic," muttered Artemis "Juliet, peanut butter & jelly sandwiches" I can't believe I just said that! It's half as bad as lollipops!

"Can we get on with this fight?" said Butler, looking up from his issue of Guns and Ammo

"Yah! I've been waiting to fight!" Kuwabara yawned "I just need a good nights sleep."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

T. T. F. N.

Ta Ta For Now


^_^ JA NE!

~~~~~~~~Michelle (Editor)