Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Wands & Demons ❯ chapter 11 ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter (cant think of any funnies, leave some in reviews if you can think of some)

Algernon went to dump the boat after she dropped the rest of them off in the woods she dropped them off and drove the boat a couple miles away to sink it. That left Attica to show them to the hideout; they walked quietly through the woods not saying a word trying and failing to mask their fear of being discovered and their sorrow of Shadow's death. Then Attica stopped dead and bent down to the ground and looked over it carefully before lifting a near invisible trap door up off the forest floor reveling a tunnel that went 10ft underground before branching out into a dimly lit underground chamber.

Attica jumped down and landed noiselessly and then called back up "the last one down has to close it and make sure its good and down" then she walked down the chamber and disappeared out of sight. They all looked at each other and Ron pointed to the hole and said "ladies first" Hermione nodded and jumped down the hole and landed not so gracefully on the floor and called back up "it fine come on and jump", then she moved out of the way so they could. Then Harry plucked up his courage and jumped down the hole, he landed on his feet and then fell backwards onto his but then he got painfully to his feet and moved out of the way for Ron to jump, and proceeded to look around the room. It was a simple underground hole, with packed dirt walls, a concrete floor, a few candles were burning along the walls giving the place the ghostly air of a dungeon, four simple beds against the wall, a small portable stove, and a curtained aria the served as a bathroom. This place was neither comfortable nor inviting but it served one purpose well, security; no one would find them here.

Then Ron dropped down and didn't even land on his feet and instead landed on his but and the trapdoor slammed shut behind him. Harry reached down and helped him and he looked over the room taking in the gloomy appearance. They saw Attica standing over near on of the beds and was putting the stuff they brought with them against separate beds. They waited in the semidarkness for Algernon to come back for about a hour when the trap door opened and Algernon fell in, she looked perfectly normal until she stepped into the range of the candle light and they all noticed that she had scratches and cuts allover her face and arms, her jeans and shirt were in tatters and Harry noticed several lone and deep cuts underneath the rips. Attica rushed forward and caught her before Algernon fell face forward onto the concrete floor, then she supported Algernon on her shoulder and said "can someone get the first aid kit on top of the toilet", and Hermione ran over to the toilet while Attica dragged Algernon over to a bed and sat her up on so that her back was leaning against the dirt wall.

When Hermione came back with the firs aid kit Attica practically ripped the top of it's hinges and began applying a disinfectant spray to all her cuts and put a small icepack on the bruise on her shoulder. After a while Algernon began waking up and started complaining how the didn't need to baby her and that she was fine, until she tried to get up and almost fell face first again if Attica hadn't pushed her the other direction so she ended up sitting again. After most of her wounds were bandaged and she hand been given some food and water Attica demanded to know who had hurt her. Algernon practically spit out the words "Spirit Detectives, that's who got me, as if one of them isn't enough, no I got attacked by all 4 at once". Attica gasped and said with equal dislike "those Detectives they make my skin crawl, stupid human lovers, traitors, and half breeds"

O.K. Since no one can translate Spanish ill just change the contest: the rules are the same but the new phrase to descramble is O'UYR A NIWNRE come on I need the people in the next story so please help.