Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Spork Raiders ❯ Syco The Psycho ( Chapter 3 )
The Spork Raiders
Chapter One: Syco The Psycho
It's now official! Sporks aren't overrated! They're worth every penny! Buy your sporks today! YEAH BABY!!!! Hey you know what I think I'll go buy some now! Yep, than we can have a spork party! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!
I also dedicate this chapter to my sister! ((the Psycho))
Kuwabara: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! YOU CLOSED THE DOOR!!!! *blink* By the way who are you?
~A girl one inch taller than Clumsy, with long brown hair glared at Kuwabara. She wore some cargo pants and a black tank top~
Clumsy: *grins*
Kurama: Why don't I like that grin?
Kuwabara: Why don't I like that glare?
Yusuke and The New Girl: You're not supposed to "like" glares, stupid.
Yusuke: o.O
Clumsy: *snaps* Yea!
Kurama: Do you know her?
Clumsy: *still clung to his leg* Of course I do!
Sheep: She's Clumsy's "older" sister, Syco.
Everyone except Clumsy/sister/sheep: O.O
Kuwabara: That's your sister!
Syco: Better believe, buddy. *sends him another glare*
Kuwabara: Eeep!
Syco and Yusuke: Coward.
Clumsy: Yea.
Syco: Shut up.
Kurama: Err . . . ok.
Syco: *directed to Kurama* You're not the idiot that got roped into baby-sitting her? *points at Clumsy who's grinning*
Kurama: Umm . . . yea.
Kagome: *glances at Inuyasha than glares at Syco* He's not an idiot!
Syco: *eyes Kagome than looks over at Inuyasha* Interesting. *rolls her eyes and looks at everyone in the room* So you all got trapped in here? Now that's a "big shocker".
Kuwabara: Well you got locked in here just like us!
Syco: Yea but I was bored and some one has to keep the midget in order.
Kurama: *narrows his eyes* I'm sure I could do fine.
Syco: I'm so sure. *rolls eyes again*
Kagome: *eyeing Inuyasha again* Kurama could do a way better job than you ever could! *says to Syco*
Inuyasha: *another silent growl*
Kurama: *not caring much for Kagome's retorts* Like I said I'm sure I can handle her.
Yusuke: I wouldn't think so.
Kurama: And why's that?
Yusuke: Well since Syco "is" Clumsy's sister I'd think she could handle Clumsy when she's on a sugar high.
Syco: I actually just let her run off the energy and with so many people here I'm sure it'll run of quickly.
Kuwabara: You mean you'll just let her kill us!
Syco: Sure. *shrugs*
Kuwabara: *O* *mouth drops open*
Syco: The only ones who'll remain alive are the ones who can handle themselves. *smirks evilishly*
Leon: So we've got to be armed?
Clumsy: CANDY, CANDY, CANDY!!!!!!
Kurama: Oh no you don't. *grabs clumsy by the shirt collar*
Clumsy clings to Kurama's arm and bites his hand.
Kurama: AHH! She bit me! *let's go of Clumsy*
Clumsy: *jumps away and at the bowl of candy* SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFY!!!!!
Kurama rubs his hand while mostly everyone else watched Clumsy consume the entire bowl of sugar. Kagome watches Inuyasha then wraps her arms around Kurama's neck hanging.
Kurama: *falls over with the weight hanging from his neck* GAAH!
Kagome: AHHH!
Syco: You're so retarded.
Inuyasha: *grumbling*
Clumsy: *scoots over by Inuyasha with chocolate covering her mouth*
Inuyasha: *doesn't notice because he's grumbling about Kagome*
Kurama: *gets up* Ouch.
Kagome: *Lying on floor* Would you help me up? *flashes eye lashes up at Kurama holding out hand*
Kurama: Err…
Yusuke: Now Kurama has a girlfriend. *laughs*
Inuaysha: Grr...
Clumsy: AWWWEEE POOR WITTLE INU!!! DO I SENSE I BIT OF JEALOUSY!!! *says high pitched, baby talk, right into his ear*
Inuyasha: AHH! *tumbles over*
Clumsy: *jumps onto the stage and sings* You got me lifted, shifted higher than the ceiling! *shuffles her feet to the right*
Leon: O.o
Kuwabara: Dude! Why you dancing?
Yusuke: Someone stop her from singing, it sucks.
Clumsy: *still singing* Sugar how ya get so-
Yusuke: AHHHHHHH shut her up!
Syco: Clumsy!
Clumsy: O.O
Syco: Shut it.
Clumsy: Yes Sir, ma'am. Ehh….sir? No ma'am….
Syco: Idiot.
Hiei: *sits down in a chair* You're all insane.
Clumsy: ….
Yusuke: Hey she didn't say anything.
Leon: It's either an improvement or she's lacking brain cells to speak.
Inuyasha: Well I wouldn't be able to tell the difference now that I'VE GONE DEAF!!!
Sheep: *smirks* Amusing.
Kuwabara: So if I were to insult fuzz face over there he wouldn't be able to hear me?
Syco: Sure . . . *grins evilly*
Kuwabara: HEY DOGGY! GO FETCH THE STICK!! *throws a random stick that he happened to have* HAHAHAHAHA…you're just a stupid animal.
Inuyasha: If I'm stupid you must be retarded.
Kuwabara: HAHAHAHA! Hey . . . you could hear me?
Inuyasha: I'll show you stupid! *tackle Kuwabara and starts to beat him up*
Kurama: That looks painful.
Kuwabara: OUCH!
Yusuke: HAHAHAHAHA! *laughing really hard*
Kuwabara: UFFF!
Clumsy: HEE HEEE! The violence! Yeah violence!!!
Syco: Kuwabara's getting the crap kicked out of him.
Kuwabra: AHHHH! UGGH!
Inuyasha: *stands up and cracks his knuckles satisfied* What a weakling.
Leon: He's weak and you're fragile.
Inuyasha: What was that?!?!
Leon: Hey, I never got to kick your ass.
Clumsy: *Jumps on Leon's back and starts hitting him with a frying pan*
Clumsy: No cussing! I've had enough!
Yusuke: HA, HA!
Clumsy: *glares at Yusuke* That goes for you too. *lifts pan pointing at him*
Kurama: *pulls Clumsy's off Leon* You've all filled her mind with violence.
Syco: Violence is always good.
Kurama: I see where she gets her encouragement.
Syco: Heh, yea. ~sarcastically~
Clumsy: *scrabbles away from Kurama and gets on the stage* Hee.
Miroku: *looks over at Clumsy*
Kagome: *clinging to Kurama's arm*
Kurama: *arches an eyebrow at her*
Inuyasha: Kagome why have you suddenly become symbiotically attached to Kurama?
Kagome: Isn't it obvious? He's a lot hotter than you.
Kagome: Plus he's nicer, more considerate and hasn't once hurt my feelings. He isn't in love with some other girl like you.
Kurama: Umm . . .
Syco: Heh, this is interesting.
~The music from Hoobastank "The Reason" starts to play suddenly and everyone turns their head looking over at Miroku standing by the stereo~
Miroku: *grins innocently* She gave me a quarter.
Clumsy: *she enters on the stage sliding in, not wearing shoes but socks* I'm not a perfect persoooon. As many things I wish I didn't dooooo. But I continue learniiiing. *singing*
Syco: *arches eyebrow*
Yusuke: *arches eyebrow*
Clumsy: *jumps down off stage and walks over next to Inuyasha* I never meant to do those things to yooooou. And so I have to say before I go that I just want you to knooow . . .
Everyone: *staring at Clumsy*
Clumsy: *closes eyes tight and grabs Inuyasha's shirt pulling him down* I've found a reason for meeeeeee to change who I used to beeeeee. A reason to start over neeeew and the reason is yooooou!! *singing loudly in his ear*
Inuyasha: @________@
Clumsy: *Slides over next to Kagome* I'm sorry that I hurt yooou. It's something I must live with every daaaaay. And all the pain I put you throoough I wish that I could take it all awaaay. And be the one who catches all your tears. That's why I need to heeeaaar. I've found a reason for meeee to change who I used to beeee! A reason to start over neeew and the reason is yoooou! And the reason is yooou! And the reason is YOOOOO-
Syco: *grabs Clumsy by the shirt collar and pulls her away* Come on you spazz.
Everyone: O.O;
Inuyasha: Err
Kagome: That was weird. Does she really always do that?
Kurama; Sadly, yes.
Clumsy: *comes running across the stage singing* I've found a reason for me to change who I used to be. A reason to start over new and the reason is you! I've found a reason to shooow A side of me you didn't know! A reason for all that I do! AND THE REA-
Syco: *tackles Clumsy off the stage, both landing behind a red curtain*
Kuwabara: O.O;
Yusuke: She's crazy no doubt.
Clumsy: *appears behind Kuwabara with a huge grin* These chicks don't even know the name of my band! But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands. Cause once I blow they know that I'll be the man! All because I'm the lead singer of my band!
Syco: DIE!! *tackles Clumsy and Kuwbara at the same time*
Kuwabara: AHHHHHHH!
~Clumsy, Syco and Kuwabara scramble around on the ground~
Syco: *grabs Clumsy's ankle* GOT YA'!
Clumsy: NAAAH! *bite her*
Kuwabara: WAAAAAH! *crying while he lies on the ground*
Syco: Ohh you gonna get it! You goin' to be wishin' you hadn't bit me!
Clumsy: WAAAH! *also bawling*
Yusuke: This is one of those awkward moments.
Kagome: *looks over at Inuyasha who is watching the three on the floor*
Inuyasha: *notices Kagome*
Kurama: *walks over to the three on the ground and pulls Kuwabara out*
Kuwabara: Heh, thanks- I mean I was fine. I could have gotten out!
Yusuke: Yea, sure. You were bawling like a baby!
Kuwabara: SHUT UP!!
Syco: *has Clumsy tied up at the feet and hands also with a gag around her mouth* Problem solved.
Clumsy: *breaks free of binds* VENGINCE WILL BE MIIINE!!
Syco: *stuffs sock in Clumsy's mouth*
~While everyone is laughing at Clumsy someone walks into the room~
Clumsy: *looks over at the door* O.O Look. . . who . . . it is.
Syco: Oh no.
Kurama: What?
Yusuke: Who's are they?
Kuwabara: FOOOOOOLS! You've closed the d-
Inuyasha: *elbows Kuwabara in the faces* Give it a rest.
Clumsy: It's . . . it's . . . *star eyes*
??????: What's going on in here?
Woohoo! I'm not going to tell you who it is until next chapter! Muahahahaha! . . . . Oh yea. Um to those who want to join in you need to send me an email telling me like what you look like, your personality, name and things like that. If you just email me telling me your/character name I'll just make up what you look like and your personality. Okay? Anyway, until next time!!
Disclaimer: I own none of these shows and yea . . .
-_-_-_ Cows Will Rule The World -_-_-_