Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 4: Saving Sephiroth ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I didn’t own anything before I don’t own anything now, except the plot, and my OC’s.

*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 4: Saving Sephiroth

Calling the meeting to a halt, they all agreed that they would continue again once they reached the underworld. Kagome was stiff as they made there way through the portal back to hell. Wings tucked in close to her back twitching in agitation. Growling at the male otherwise known as Jigoku, who dared to touch her after blatantly lying. Had he no shame? She took no one to her bed when she was in heat. To do otherwise would be, risking getting pregnant. She would take no such risk. So, she made her way to her brothers side, avoiding touching anybody, completely ignoring them.

Sensing his sister’s unease, Bankotsu grasped her delicate hand in his larger one. Squeezing his hand in reassurance that she was all right Kagome softly stroked his hand with the pad of her thumb absentmindedly. At the arrival home the three siblings went off in another direction then the rest of the group. Conri and Sirus followed obediently while the rest followed Jigoku to the conference room where the meeting would commence.

Punching a fist sized hole in the dojo wall Kagome clenched her hands letting the blood drip from her knuckles. Falling to the floor with a drip drip like sound. The other four men in the room watched as she removed the chain sickle from her waist and proceeded to remove the heads of some practice dummies. Although she would’ve preferred taking off some real heads.

What is a chain sickle?

It’s a curved blade attached to a long chain.

Flicking her wrist outwards and abruptly pulling it in a downward arc towards the left side the sickle followed the movement of her wrist in an arc. Using the sickle it took skill to hit one’s target, blind luck would not help you when you used this type of weapon. It would probably result in one hurting themselves. In order to wield a sickle or really any weapon while moving you had to have good hand-eye coordination. The wielder must always be in control of the weapon, not the weapon in control of the wielder. Quickly disposing of the ten dummies heads the others watched silently as she worked out her anger.

They knew she was angry with herself, losing her cool back in Reikai. Tending to get into these kinds of mood, she did. They also knew that no matter what any one told her she would always blame herself for what happened all those years ago, blame herself for things that weren’t her fault, that she couldn’t control. Heads whipped around as the heard the bellowing yell for Kagome. She frowned, speeding out of the room before anyone could blink.

Kagome burst into the conference room as a large 1/2 King Cobra and 1/2 Diamondback Rattlesnake was about to plunge it’s large poisonous fangs into Sephiroth, the Prince and Heir to the Northern Lands. She wasted no time running on the table next to it’s large 50 foot body, throwing herself in front of Sephiroth. Landing in his lap, her back to his chest. It stopped instantly, fangs barely grazing her skin before retracting into it’s mouth. Putting his head down in respect to his creator. Kagome hissed at the close call, she and her brothers had been giving themselves various amounts of different types of poisons since they were younger to build up their immune systems.

“Sei.” Kagome hissed eyes flashing dangerously.

The snake dubbed as Sei feeling her anger coiled in on itself as if trying to hide.

‘Why did you attack him?’ Kagome hissed in Sei’s head.

“Not Know, Protect Master.” Sei replied.

‘That is no excuse to attack him, why him in particular. Wait, how did you get out of my room anyway?’
Now she was suspicious again.

“Not Know. Not Know. Door Open.”

Eyes narrowed as she signaled for the large snake to leave. She had created Sei some 80 or so years ago, when she was 100. A genetic cross between the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake and the African King Cobra, 50 feet long and his scales were patterned as the Diamondback Rattlesnake, but his venom was that of the King Cobra, potent and deadly.

Watching Sei slither out of the room past Hiten, Bankotsu, Sirus and Conri who just entered the room only when she was sure he was gone did she get off of Sephiroth to see whether he’d been bitten. Lifting his shredded shirt, there on his abdomen lay one shallow wound. Sei must’ve made that scrape when trying to find a place to penetrate.

“Damn.” Kagome cursed softly.

Picking up the pasty and somewhat delirious Sephiroth she laid him on the table, carefully. Maneuvering her way between his legs she scented the wound and lapped at it, using her tongue and mouth to suck the venom out of him and take it into herself. He began to pant, having a difficult time breathing and she growled softly not in the least bit pleased.

Repositioning him so he straddled her lap as she sat where he was previously seated. Tilting his head to the side she sunk her fangs into his jugular vein draining the venom from his veins. Coming up to breathe her head throbbed from taking in so much venom at one time. She closed her eyes for a second and Hiten tossed her a bottle filled with blood. Who’s? She didn’t know or care.

She downed the blood in five large gulps before returning her attentions to Sephiroth. His green eyes were glazed over and his body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He was fighting a losing battle. His silver hair drenched from his sweat and falling out of his ponytail. She was losing him. She would not have his death on her hands. He would be a valuable member to the destruction of Naraku.

She once again bit the same spot and continued draining the venom from his body. Once she had drained it all which was a slow and tedious process taking 30 minutes, she herself began to feel the effects of taking in so much of the deadly venom. A really bad migraine. Sephiroth was unconscious so, she picked him up cradling his larger body to her own smaller one. She motioned for Sirus to help her with him. He took the larger man into his arms and proceeded to walk out of the room with Kagome being supported by Bankotsu.

“Where are you taking my son?” Ansem asked uncertainly

“To my room. I have to monitor his vitals and make sure no venom was left in his system. Unlike me he is not immune to Sei’s venom.” Kagome ground out glaring at the man, “Did you even try to save him from Sei?” Kagome asked.

He stayed silent looking away. Clear proof of his guilt, Kagome couldn’t stop the disgusted sneer that formed on her face. “Pathetic, Truly Pathetic.” Was all she said before leaving the room Bankotsu still supporting most of her weight.

She turned back not once too disgusted with Ansem’s cowardice. He had not even tried to protect his eldest son and heir. She couldn’t believe how foolish he was. Sephiroth could have died and Ansem probably wouldn’t have even blinked. After all he still had another son just as cowardly and manipulative not to mention as sly as him. Riku.


Now, that name brought back so many unwanted memories. Riku was the first person that she had ‘fallen in love’ with. He was her first kiss, her first love, her first lover. And in the end of it all after he got what he wanted, her body. He betrayed her,
telling his father things she wished to be kept secret, and then ‘breaking up’ with her as if she was nothing. His name alone brought so much pain, so much anger, so much hate and betrayal.

And oh so much regret.

Shaking her head of unpleasant thoughts she let Bankotsu pick her up, cradle her to him. Hiten followed behind them after explaining to Jigoku that Kagome would explain it all later when she had stabilized Sephiroth. He had been stunned when she rushed to save him at the risk of possibly her own life. Although he knew that Sei would never hurt Kagome. When he asked her why she did what she did as he caught up to them, she only said,

“I will not have his innocent blood on my hands. I may be a killer and a cold hearted bitch but, I will not have him die when I could have saved him, I refuse to spill innocent blood if it can be helped. He does not deserve death. He will be a great asset in the battle with Naraku.”

When there little entourage arrived at her room they opened the large black doors and entered. The room was decorated in shades of black, gold and a deep crimson. The walls were black with gold and crimson tigers and other various ‘big cats’. Her carpet was also a rich golden color. The curtains to her windows were gold and red. Outside of the window you could see a large underground garden. Kagome’s work. Her deadly plants were in that garden as were some of Bankotsu, Hiten's and Kagome’s pets.

The room was large and spacious, plenty of room. Sirus laid Sephiroth on Kagome’s bed, made completely out of obsidian stone with a thick futon laid over it. Sheets a deep crimson with gold designs of panthers on them, pillows of gold that clashed with Sephiroth’s silver hair.

On the far right of the room was a shoji screen and behind that screen you could find her walk in closet with her different outfits, most black, red or gold. And a little farther to the left parallel to the bed stood a locked room, it was coded with voice recognition, retina scan, fingerprint scan, typed codes and fail safes. She was the only one who could access the room. Inside that room lay her deepest darkest secrets along with weapons that she rarely used.

The guys took a seat on her large black leather sofa in front of her entertainment system and put in a movie. Resident Evil: Apocalypse. She never quite understood there obsession with the movie. She had a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with “Jill Valentine” and “Alice”. She rolled her eyes and went to Sephiroth’s side. His eyes were open and he stared at her.

“Why?” He managed to choke out.

“Why what?” Kagome returned.

“Why did you save me?” Sephiroth managed to get out after Kagome gave him a glass of water.

“You have done nothing wrong. Therefore you should not be punished. I saved you because you are a valuable member to the ‘team’ that shall go against Naraku. It’d be a pity to lose you now because my snake thought you to be a danger.” Kagome replied.

He nodded. “You know, your not as cold as you pretend to be.”

She crawled over on top of him and stared into his eyes, “I never pretend to be something I’m not Sephiroth. I really am a cold-hearted bitch. You just don’t know me all that well yet. Give it time and you’ll see what I mean...I can play very very dirty...” She purred into his ear. He shuddered and Kagome laughed that soft husky laugh that make heads turn in a bar.

She was suddenly off of him and striding to the door leaving him there on her bed flustered. He reprimanded himself. ‘What’s wrong with me? I shouldn’t be getting so flustered over her. But damn...She’s hot.’ Sephiroth thought to himself falling asleep almost instantly at the wonderful scent emitting from the pillows that belonged to Kagome...

‘Mmm...’ Sephiroth thought his senses heady with Kagome’s scent. His last thought before falling into a deep sleep was,‘Vanilla, Cinnamon and a hint of Pine...’