Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 7: Hell's Generals ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the plot and my OC’s.

*What Revenge Brings*

Chapter 7: Hell’s Generals

Kagome growled softly under her breath cursing that foolish Majin. Kougaiji was admiring her form from slightly behind and to the right of her. He chuckled softly at her distress. Kagome whirled around and glared at the handsome red haired, violet eyed youkai. His smirk was just as annoying as the majin’s. Three stripes adorned his left cheek adding to the effect that he had on her. Kagome had always adored Kougaiji since she was a little girl. After all he was her protector. They were close to age about a 50 year age difference. Anywhere from 10-100 years of age difference was considered ‘close’.

“Shut up.” was the response from the fiery vixen as Kougaiji chuckled.

Everyone back in the meeting room were still watching the two closely. Kougaiji smirked and gently nuzzled her head. She scowled at him having to look up at him because of his taller height of 5’11. She hmphed and turned proceeding to walk down to Itsuki’s room. Itsuki. Now he was an interesting character. He was utterly infatuated with Sensui after Sensui spared his life. He even fell in love with Sensui’s more feminine side. But he got what she needed done, he was resourceful. Yet even as he claimed to love Sensui he held an attraction towards Kagome.

Kagome paused at the entrance to Itsuki’s room. “Are you coming with me Kougaiji?” she asked wondering if the handsome youkai. He nodded his head in consent.

Kagome frowned slightly. “Itsuki doesn’t like you.” Was all she said.

“I know.” he grinned at her as she shook her head.

Kougaiji waited for her to walk in first silently admiring her backside. He shook his head. ‘I’ve been hanging around that pervert too long.’ He thought referring to Miroku who was ironically a Buddhist monk working as one of the underworlds advisors, his mate Sango was one of the generals of hell.

Kougaiji was almost immediately attacked by Itsuki’s pet shadow that had to form of a giant head. It swallows whoever Itsuki tells it to. Kagome stepped in front of Itsuki’s pet causing it to stop. Kagome did so because she knew that Itsuki was not stupid enough to believe that she would be defeated by a shadow. Kagome scoffed at the idea. Mentally of course.

“Itsuki.” Kagome called out snapping her fingers so the room was illuminated by torches on the wall instead of pure darkness. Her eyes landed on the handsome Gate Keeper. Some of Sensui’s seven who had sought them out for ‘work’ kept there code names. That suited Kagome just fine since they would need code names anyway. He had teal hair to mid-back and pale gold eyes. His pale skin was almost the same shade as Kagome’s.

“Is there a reason you summoned me?” Kagome asked walking over to Itsuki, Kougaiji in tow. He looked up at her his pale eyes clashing with her own. Kougaiji’s normal dark and solemn attitude falling into place now that he was in the presence of someone other then Kagome. Itsuki calmly looked over at Kougaiji as if willing him to burst into flames. Kagome sensing the tension stood directly in front of Kougaiji.

“You will not be so disrespectful to me Itsuki.” Her voice soft but carrying threat.

He bowed his head low and looked up at her with open admiration. Kagome raised a brow at him and gestured for him to explain as to why she was there. Kougaiji stood behind her like a guard his eyes showing nothing of his inner turmoil. A part of him wanted to give Itsuki a chance to be his ally. Another part of him, the more dominant part wanted to rip him to shreds for being competition for Kagome’s affections.

“Why is he here?” Itsuki asked his voice lashing out at Kagome.

She growled softly. “He want’s his revenge on Naraku as well.”

And that was the truth. One of the children that Naraku took all those years ago was a girl named Lirin. Lirin was a very beautiful child with orange hair and green eyes with two magenta stripes on her right cheek. She was Kougaiji’s half sister. Kougaiji adored her and she him. She looked up to Kougaiji and Yaone as parents. Yaone was killed by Naraku when he attacked some 13 years ago. Yaone had dark purple hair and crimson eyes. She was secretly in love with Kougaiji even though the feeling was unrequited.

Itsuki did not know of what Kougaiji’s past with Naraku was or why he wanted revenge against Naraku but he didn’t know of Kagome’s past either. He wisely decided to leave it be for the moment. He glanced up at Kagome’s face and could see the first signs of her anger. He was far from stupid and was definitely not going to get on her bad side.

The next hour or so was spent discussing battle strategies and war tactics. Jigoku stopped watching after the first 10 minutes knowing that it would be a while before Kagome and Kougaiji came out of the room. The other generals joined in the conversation 15 minutes after the start of the ‘meeting’.

Hell had 8 generals; Kougaiji, Hagiri Kaname (Sniper), Jakotsu, Shippo, Sango, Shizen, Kashaku and Suikotsu. They all adored Kagome. Sango, Sniper and Shippo had come to be generals after the incident with Naraku otherwise they would have tried to save her, even against her fathers orders.

Kougaiji code named hell raiser, was the proclaimed ‘leader’. He wants revenge on Naraku for his younger sister Lirin. He could summon demons to do hid bidding but he was also a skilled swordsman. He was approximately 23 years old in human years.

Hagiri Kaname code named Sniper was 19 at present and held a slight attraction for Kagome and respected Hiten and Bankotsu greatly. He was a little colder towards Jigoku for what he didn’t do 10-13 human years ago, he could have saved Yura and Kagome not to mention the other children that Naraku took sometime during Kagome’s capture. Snipers three siblings were taken and killed by Naraku right after Sensui’s death almost causing him to go on a killing spree. Kagome stopped him and saved many lives.

Jakotsu was code named Jak. He had short dark brown hair in a bun and brown eyes with two purple stripes going down from his eyes to just above his chin. He has a deep-seated hatred towards women except for Kagome and Sango. He was well built but cross dressed and wore make up most of the time. His current love interests are Inuyasha and Bankotsu. Bankotsu of course avoids him like the plague clinging as close to Kagome as possible when he’s around and Inuyasha, well, Kagome’s not willing to protect him from Jak’s advances. His choice weapon is Jakotsutou, the deadly snake bone sword. It’s very difficult for his opponents to predict the swords movements because of the interchanging blades that whip out from the hilt, twisting and turning like a snake. He holds sadistic pleasure in killing which is what attracted Kagome to him in the first place. Kagome invited him into the ranks when he and his friend Suikotsu were injured.

Shippo code named Kit, while not as old and experienced as anyone else in the matters of war and bloodshed he was not one to be messed with. His innocent appeal caused him to be a deadly opponent. He often took the form of a 7-8 year old kitsune youkai to fool his opponent into underestimating him. He played with them for a while before killing him with his Kitsune Bi or Fox Fire. His ability to shape shift provided good distraction and confusion amongst the enemies. He also used his sharp claws and kitsune magic. His power was over fire rather then earth like some other kitsunes. He was about 18 with long orange hair in a high ponytail and dark forest green eyes. He had one tail in his humanoid form and 4 tails in his fox form. He admired the three siblings as great warriors. He one day wished to accomplish some of the feats that they had.

Sango code named Tajiya was a human woman married to Miroku who was an advisor of Lord Jigoku. They recently came into service for them about 8 years ago when Sango had been 21 and Miroku 22. They had since then climbed the ranks. Kagome of course influencing there status once in a while. She understood the reason that they were doing what they were doing. Miroku had been cursed with the ‘wind tunnel’ by Naraku and had to kill Naraku soon or else he would die like his ancestors before him. Sango had lost her brother to Naraku when he had raided one of the last true Tajiya training grounds. Kohaku now served as the undead servant of Naraku. She was now 28 and a very pretty woman by human standards. Long dark brown hair pulled into a high horsetail and fierce, determined brown eyes with magenta eyeliner. Her weapon of choice was Hiraikotsu. Hiraikotsu literally meaning flying bone. It was a large boomerang made of demon bones that she hurled at her enemies cutting them down. She also used her katana, poison powders and arm scythe when needed. Almost constantly accompanying her is her fire neko companion Kirara.

Shizen code named Shi (Death) was a handsome kitsune youkai with long auburn hair and light green-gold eyes. He had two light red-orange fox ears on his head and was laid back most of the time except in a fight and serious situations. He becomes closed off and cold much like Shippo. He controls thunder/lightning and some fire abilities. He uses his Kaminari (thunder) whip, Raikou dageki (Lightning strike) along with his other abilities. He is a huge softy for children and could never bring himself to kill a child. He has a special bond with Shippo seeing as they come from the same clan.

Kashaku was dubbed as the ‘Merciless Angel’. His long silver hair was streaked with crimson and eyes a deep crimson, two stripes adorned his cheeks the color of fresh spilt blood and slivers of a silver sword combined. His eyes and emotions betrayed nothing of what he felt. He showed no mercy when striking down opponents. He had a large fluffy tail that showed his inu heritage. He was an excellent swordsman but he preferred the twin kodachi’s (small swords). He is protective of what he considers his and has a past he’s tried hard to forget.

The last general was a friend of Jakotsu’s, Suikotsu he was code named berzerker. He has a split personality, two completely different personalities. Some times he’s a kindhearted doctor, however at the sight of blood or violence he becomes the heartless mercenary. He adores children but the other personality will kill anyone. He’s the most confusing of the generals but he can be counted on to get the job down. Jakotsu, Kagome and Hiten are the only one’s that can calm him down when he becomes violent and that’s only because they know just how to do it. Practice makes perfect.

The meeting had finished and the Generals went there separate ways along with Kagome who returned to her chambers to check on Sephiroth. The Royals of Makai and there generals along with the Reikai Tantei had been escorted to there rooms no doubt. She scented the air trying to find out where they were and was quite surprised to find her father had stationed them in the wing adjacent to her own. Bankotsu and Hiten also had there own wing to keep there personal belongings and where there personal guests stayed. Kagome’s wing consisted of one bedroom, one study, one library and a few other rooms used to do other...things.

Sephiroth was thrashing and sweating when she entered her room crying out in pain. Kagome was at his side instantly scanning his body for any poisons or toxins. She found none so she concluded it to be a nightmare.

“Sephiroth...” Kagome called softly to the thrashing demon on her bed.

She gently shook his shoulder careful not to jar it too much otherwise it would cause an ache in the bite wound belonging to Kagome. He shot up his back ramrod straight, eyes wild and terrified. Kagome grabbed him and held him close to her in a hug. His eyes refocused and his back relaxed after a couple minutes of her holding him, comforting him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He sniffled.

She grabbed his chin being careful of her deadly black claws.

“Don’t you dare tell me that was nothing.”

“It was just a nightmare okay?” He asked annoyed with her.

“You will tell me of this nightmare.” Kagome demanded.

“You can’t just go around demanding me to do something I don’t want to do.” He said enraged.

“You lay in my bed, in my room, in my wing, and have the audacity to yell at me?” she asked. “I don’t think so, you will answer the question and you will not argue with me about it.”

“I don’t trust you.” was his short reply.

“Good. That means your smart. I don’t trust you either. But it’s a nightmare right, that means that if you tell someone about it then you’ll feel better. I didn’t trust anyone at the meeting today and I told them a part of my past with Naraku. Why? Because they needed to know some of the things that Naraku is willing to do. I need to know what is causing you to sweat, thrash, and cry out in terror in my bed.”

Sephiroth hesitated only briefly before going into full detail about his nightmare. Surprisingly it was about a younger version of Kagome and Riku. It was of them mating and having a large happy family. It was the picture of perfection. It was a picture that left Sephiroth cold, lonely, abandoned by his own father. The throne was all that Sephiroth really had. Riku got everything else, everything Sephiroth ever wanted. The throne, a happy life, a loving family, Ansem’s respect, Kagome. Though that little detail was left out.

Kagome was silent for a moment before nodding. “He’s taken everything that you’ve ever wanted hasn’t he?” Kagome asked softly.



Sephiroth nodded cautiously.

“For one. You are the heir to the throne. Two, not everyone gets a happy life, ever. Three, a loving family is hard to come by but not impossible. Four, as long as you respect yourself then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, certainly not some arrogant ass like Ansem.” Kagome said flatly.

Sephiroth smirked.

“Yes, I suppose your right.” was all he said before turning on his side and drifting off to sleep in the comforting embrace of Kagome. She tucked him in, tenderly like she would have Yura had she still been alive. ‘I need to think, I need time to...contemplate.’ Kagome thought to herself heading out to the gardens.

She sighed a soft sigh of resignation before stepping out into the gardens completely surprised by what she saw there.