Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 18: New Arrivals ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Sorry this chapter is kind of short, but school is really weighing down heavily on me. Enjoy.

*What Revenge Brings*

By: Kage Otome

Chapter 18: New Arrivals

‘The nerve of that wretched fool.’ Kagome thought sourly to herself. ‘How dare he presume to judge me, say that to me! He knows nothing! Nothing...’ Maybe that’s why it hurt so bad, he was so quick to jump to conclusions about her, he knew nothing about her. He had no right. Inuyasha was truly a jackass.

Kagome laughed bitterly to herself.

You know the ironic thing about it all was that even though she couldn’t have kids, claimed to have never wanted to have kids. That was all she dreamed about as a child. One day growing older, mating, having kits of her own to offer all the love that her mother never showed her. ‘Psh. I wouldn’t have made a good mother anyway. Kagome thought, trying to convince herself.

No one would ever know her desire.

To be loved, accepted. To have kits of her own. No one.

Just how she wanted it.

Just how she despised it.

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“How dare you, you impudent--”

“Silence.” Hiten sat down, eyes flashing a deep red. Kagome had stalked out immediately after answering Inutashio. His glowing crimson eyes narrowed into slits targeting Inuyasha. Disgusting hanyou. How dare he say such things about his sister, to his sister.

“Keh. I’m sure the wench is glad she can’t have children, that way she can fuck as many guys as she wants too. I’m sure she’s all loose and disgusting though, like an old granny.” Inuyasha said his mouth getting the better of him. It was Bankotsu who lost control this time. Pinning him to the wall he snarled, eyes turning dangerously darker, flickering from red to blue.

Shut up.”

“Kagome, is a proud woman. She has had less lovers then you, half-breed. And she most certainly is not loose. Nor has she lost the tightness of her body.”

Well, this was certainly a turn of events. What an odd and slightly disturbing conversation to be had.

“And how would you know that? Did you sleep with her?” Inuyasha sneered.

“No. He did not. It is simply a part of our--breed--to be endowed with great sexual prowess. The women of our breed, fallen angels, will always remain tight no matter how many times they have sex or how many children they have. And the males will always be--very well endowed.” Jigoku said having tired of the hanyou's abuse of his daughter.

“Now, if we are finished,” he shot Inuyasha and his sons a pointed look, “let us discuss more important matters then my daughter and her sex life.”

They blushed.

Well at least they had some shame and bit of modesty left.

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------

“I t’s true, isn’t it?”

Kagome turned looking at the avatar standing next to her, looking at her with something akin to compassion in his eyes. She turned away unable to keep his gaze.


“Is there no way for you to become pregnant?”

Kagome turned and looked him straight in the eye.

“If there is, I have not found it. It matters not to me.”

“I think it does.”

“You know nothing, fox.”

“I see it in your eyes. You wanted kids--didn’t you?”

She glared harshly at him but could not find the words to say, so she remained silent. Emerald eyes took in her harsh glare calmly, knowing the truth of his words. She really was a beautiful, and tragic woman. One he would enjoy getting to know better.

“What’s it to you fox?”

“You would make a great mother.”

Kagome snorted out loud.

“I assure you fox, I would most certainly not make a good mother.”

“I think--you would, and that scares you.”

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He r talk with that fox, Kurama, had done little to ease the terrible ache she felt deep in her chest. She was afraid. Even if she could have kits, would she treat them right? Love them as her mother never her? Play with them, protect them, which her mother failed to do with her? What he’d said to her brought back so many memories so many thoughts. So many. She was overwhelmed.


“Kikyou-neesan?” ;

“Hai, Kagome-chan?”

“When I get older, I want to have plenty of kids.”

“Oh?” She cocked a brow.

“Yup. “

“Why, Kagome-chan?”

Kagome grinned cheekily.

“Because then, I’d never be lonely.”

End Flashback

Kagome almost flinched at the memory. “Because then, I’d never be lonely.” It didn’t matter how many subordinates she had, how many people were there. It was true she was lonely. Even as a child. Hiten and Bankotsu had been studying to take over hell, even Kikyou had been training. Her only company was Yura. No one else would play with her with the exception of Lirin. The others stayed close by but were reluctant to get close to her. Simply because of her station.

Perhaps she was doomed to live a life of loneliness, surrounded by people who cared, who loved her, but knew nothing about her desires, her wishes. Call it selfish, but she deserved to be selfish once in a while, right? Maybe...This was just how things were meant to be. Preordained.

Or maybe...

Fate hadn’t even started on her yet.

She shivered.

Fate, Destiny, had been cruel to her. The thought of more coming made her wince. Hopefully no one would die in the battle with Naraku. She knew the battle with Naraku was inevitable but--

Hadn’t she suffered enough?

Hadn’t everyone suffered enough?

---------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

They would be arriving any minute as per Kagome’s instruction. Kagome had order the evacuation of all those related to or connected to any and all of the people in Hell. That is except for the Lords of Makai. Their families had adequate protection.

Six women stepped out of the portal created by Koenma. Kagome frowned mentally. Had these men no male influence? That would explain somethings. Kurama’s, gentle nature, perhaps he was gay? Yusuke’s brash attitude, no one to straighten him out, Hiei’s sexual repression, as she saw it, Kuwabara’s love for kittens. Hell.

Maybe they were all gay.

Now that was an amusing thought.

Though she highly doubted it.

“Um...Hello?” Keiko said shyly.

“Welcome to the underworld.” Kagome spoke sending shivers down her spine. Keiko turned to see who spoke and stood. Speechless. ‘Good Lord. She’s beautiful.’

Kagome cocked a brow at the red faced girl.

“Um... Hi, I’m Keiko Yukimura.” The girl said timidly.

A tall brown haired woman with dark chocolate eyes stepped forward, eyes sober. Her face was a tad weary but she smiled awkwardly at her son.

“Atsuko Urameshi.”

A blue haired maid with light crimson eyes stepped forward dressed in a blue yukata with a red obi. She bowed. Lifting her head with a shy smile towards Kagome she introduced herself as “Yukina”.

“Shizuru Kuwabara.”

Kagome nodded her acceptance not looking in the least bit surprised. She was fairly attractive with light brown hair and eyes. The next woman reminded her of Kurama, not by looks mind you. She was slightly timid but welcoming, her smile was warm and her eyes filled with epiphany, a new understanding. At least Koenma had explained to them what was happening. Good. She certainly did not want to.

“Hello, I’m Shiori Minamino.”

Kagome nodded in her direction, she was hit with a brief feeling of envy. Perhaps if she had a mother like Shiori Minamino...Shaking her head free of wistful thoughts she turned to the last person and her eyes narrowed in careful speculation before nodding, it was really her. This woman would be of great help but--hadn’t she died during the Ankoku Bujutsukai?

Kagome stood stock still before inclining her head and bowing slightly a show of respect startling almost everyone else there, except for those belonging to her and Hell.

“Hello Genkai...”

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A/ n: For those of you who don’t know the Ankoku Bujutsukai is the Black Martial Arts Tournament or the Dark Tournament. Hope you enjoyed it.