Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Revenge Brings ❯ Chapter 19: Torture ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: This chapter will have a very detailed ‘torture’ scene. Not the type of torture I’m sure is running through your minds. But I caution you if you are not mature enough to handle it please don’t read it. There will be warnings posted. It’s not overly bad but it may be pushing the rating on FF.NET.

*What Revenge Brings*

By: Kage Otome

Chapter 19: Torture

It was an entirely different task getting the women settled, they seemed a tad uneasy around her brothers so she was asked to direct them to their rooms. Psh. Forced more accurately. There is no way in hell she’d ever volunteer to torture herself listening to their babbling. Well...At least two of their babblings. It was seriously ticking her off.

She had been glad to get rid of them. Very glad. Honestly, how could men be attracted to such females? Granted, they were pretty enough, the noise, how much they talked would be enough to tear the ears off of anyone. That Keiko girl and .... Well she didn’t remember her name but they were talking about how ‘pretty’ Hell was. Hell, was not pretty. Where did they get off saying that?

‘Pretty my ass.’ Kagome thought sourly.

“Kagome-sama, wait!”

‘Oh Kami-sama, why me?’

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They were all happily, or not so happily consuming their evening meal, all was relatively silent and peaceful with the exception of Kagome’s irritated glance at Keiko who continued to fawn over Yusuke. It was nauseating. Jakotsu had the same thoughts seeing as he was currently making gagging motions. Kagome threw him an amused smirk, honey eyes twinkling with suppressed mirth.

Kagome was taking a sip of blood spiked wine when Yusuke drew her into a conversation. Unwillingly on her part, seeing as she attempted to ignore him for a good two minutes before he got fed up and screamed her name deafening her briefly.


“So, Kagome...”

“Yes?” Kagome prodded already bored with their ‘conversation’.

“Have you ever fucked an animal?”

Koenma along with a few others choked. Then silence.

“What?” Her voice was soft and careless.

“Have you ever fucked an animal?”

“As in a youkai who’s base power and true form is an animal, like an inu youkai?”

“No as in an animal. A dog, a wolf, a--.”

“We get the point.” Hiten said twitching. The women looked positively horrified, with the exception of Genkai and Kagome.

“An animal?” Kagome said repeating the question.

“Yes, an animal.”

“No.” Her eyes were filled with something wicked and a tad bit sinister, “Have you?”

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Di nner had been interrupted by a sentry coming in to tell Jigoku-sama that a spy had been found among Hells ranks. His name was Karai. He’d worked his way up to ‘spy’ for his father. Unfortunately he’d been working for the other side the entire time. Kagome growled her displeasure, letting her father know just how displeased she was with him. Her brothers growls mingled with hers making quite the sound.

“Bring us to the prisoner.”

“May we come as well?” The taiyoukai Inutashio inquired.

“If you think you can stomach it.” Hiten said completely serious.

“We can.” He replied cooly, clearly insulted.

That’s what they thought.

The ‘traitor’ was a very handsome kitsune male with light golden hair and sharp green eyes. His golden kitsune ears twitched picking up the littlest of sounds. He’d heard them long before they entered the large room. His eyes fell first on their entourage which had grown considerably, then on Jigoku. His eyes traveled then to the eldest son, he was as handsome as the women claimed to be. Licking his lips absently his eyes trailed to the younger son, equally as handsome. But his breath hitched at her. The infamous Hell’s Angel. There was nothing in her eyes, no pity, no anger, no mercy. They were flat icy eyes of gold. But she was beautiful. Now he understood why his master wanted her all to himself. He would too.

“You are Karai?” She spoke sending shivers up his spine.

His voice came out husky and rough.


A smirk fell across her pretty features. She along with one of her brothers and ‘guards’ stepped forward. A confused expression stole briefly across his face. Why were they coming closer? There was no way they could possibly get him to talk. So what were they doing, were they going to kill him? Certainly not, they needed him, they wouldn’t kill him, as long as he kept his mouth shut. Right?


“Yes Hiten?”

“Remove his clothing.”

She did so. He was a perfect male specimen.

“I am Hiten the heir to Hell, you shall answer to me.”

“I am Kagome, third heir to Hell, you shall bow to me.”

“I am Sirus, Guardian of the heir, you shall cower from me.”

Karai winced.

Well, he would now find out what it’s like to be tortured by them. It couldn’t be too bad, could it? Oh, who the hell was he trying to fool. This was going to be bad.

Real bad.

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“Wh at are they doing?” Keiko asked curiously.



“He’s a kitsune, kitsune’s crave touch, we are sensual beings, this type of torture will no doubt cause him to surrender information.”

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(Consider yourselves, WARNED, CAUTION, If you are not mature enough to handle the following material and you read it anyway, this is a note stating I have WARNED you. ^_^ On with the story!)

“Tell us what we want to know and we won’t have to go through with this.”


“Then you leave us with no choice.” Hiten gestured towards Karai. Kagome stalked up to the chained kitsune leisurely, she let her claws trace down his chest to his six pack. She was considerably smaller then him so, she yanked his face down towards her level using his hair. She kissed him roughly, no gentleness, just a hard, rough kiss. Karai groaned into her mouth desperately wanting to touch her but his restraints allowed him no movement. He was chained to the wall, completely at their mercy. Moving one of her hands up to caress the furry appendages perched on his head she moved her mouth up to lick at his ears before bringing it back down.

Her hands flew to his hips and she dragged her mouth down his chest bringing out thin lines of blood with her fangs. He was erect. She skipped that and went for his thigh, spreading his leg open farther, she bit into his femoral artery taking in his blood, delighting in his taste. She stopped and moved back towards her brother. Hiten tilted her chin up and kissed her, his tongue exploring her mouth taking in the taste of blood. He pulled back his face stained with blood much like hers. Turning Kagome grabbed Sirus by his blonde hair and pulled him to her trailing her bloody mouth down his neck, kissing, nipping and he groaned enjoying the attention she granted him.

Hiten’s hands landed on her waist as he bent down to kiss her neck tearing a soft sound from her. Karai groaned in want at such an erotic scene. This time all three of them approached. Hiten biting into his arm, lapping at the wound, Sirus taking his other arm, near the wrist and Kagome stood in front of him. Not doing anything, not touching him, not kissing him. She leaned forward rubbing her nylon clad chest against his, Sirus brought his claws to cut the fabric bearing her stomach and undersides of her breast. He panted.

She licked up his neck then down his jaw and brought him into a deceptively innocent kiss. She abruptly pulled away before sinking her teeth into his neck tearing a cry somewhere between pain and pleasure from him. Kagome’s eyes closed in bliss, he was simply delicious. Hiten drew back first coming to circle his arms around his sisters waist trailing blood covered hands over her body, her arms her stomach. He placed bloody kisses on her neck as she pulled away with Sirus giving him access to her collarbone. Sirus kissed her from the front, deeply, his tongue twining with hers sharing the life giving liquid.

Kagome sunk her teeth into Sirus’ neck as her bloody hands trailed over both Hiten and Sirus. Sirus cried out in pleasure, eyes fogged over in what could only be described as euphoria. Kagome and Hiten’s eyes fogged over slightly with red. Hiten bit into Kagome’s shoulder making her growl in satisfaction. Karai was fighting his bonds with vigor, desperately trying to join them. She raised blood fogged eyes to him removing herself from Sirus and Hiten she stalked up to their ‘prisoner’ before pressing her lips to his, letting him taste Sirus.

“My kitty has the sweetest blood, ne?” Kagome purred dragging her claws down his chest making shallow wounds. Meanwhile their audience stood in shock, disgust and an odd sense of arousal, even though their minds were telling them this was wrong.

“Please.” He whimpered.

“Please what?” Kagome purred as her brother moved her braid away laving her neck with kisses as Sirus bit into Karai again, this time on his calf. Kagome brushed a soft kiss against his lips before lowering herself, taking his nipple into her mouth. She bit and moved lower to his stomach before sinking her teeth into the flesh at his waist. His cries became moans of pleasure as he continued to lose blood. He was painfully erect now. Kagome grinned to herself. It would only be a matter of time before he broke. Hiten lifted her up pinning her to the wall and kissed her madly. Kagome although not really attracted to her brother allowed him to do as he willed, he was after all the dominant this time.

Kagome was so close to Karai as Hiten caressed her body and kissed the hell out of her. There was no doubt in her mind that Hiten had in fact done that on purpose. Sirus came up and brushed his lips against hers when Hiten dipped down to feed on Karai. Hiten moved back looking at his handiwork, both Kagome, Sirus, himself and Karai were covered in blood, most of it Karai’s. Sirus was busy with Kagome’s neck obviously doing something she liked as she stroked his hair watching Hiten with half-lidded eyes. Waiting for the next move, Moving Sirus away from her neck she glanced at the whimpering and whining Karai. She kissed him once more before she turned and walked towards her half-naked brother and half-naked Sirus.

“Maybe if you are more cooperative tomorrow-”

“Wait!” Karai’s green eyes were wild.

They nailed him.

“I’ll tell you what you want to know.” Karai looked up at the three with tortured eyes. “Don’t go.”


“Naraku sent me here to assassinate one of your brothers and take his form. After that had been successfully completed he said he’d send word through a ‘messenger’ as to what the next step would be, but I never completed the first step before I was caught. “




“I planned to disguise myself as a woman and then kill him after I’ve seduced him.”

Hiten nodded towards Kagome.

Kagome walked forward, she kissed him.

“Good boy.”

Kissing her way down his chest, she drew a blade behind her back, something everyone saw except for Karai. Drawing it from behind her back she slit his throat his blood coming out in quick spurts before his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He was dead.

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They all walked back in silence. As they sat down at the conference table Inuyasha exploded. He slammed his hands down onto the table glaring, disgusted at both Hiten and Kagome. They were brother and sister and they’d practically made out right in front of them.

“That was disgusting. You two are brother and sister, that’s incest!”

Kagome looked at him annoyed, wiping her face clean with a moist towel. Normally she’d allow Conri or Sirus to clean it off with their tongues but now was not the time. They were already throwing her odd looks that caused her to frown mentally, she had done nothing wrong.

“What, are you talking about?”

“That stuff you just did in that room!” Kagome shot him a dry look.

“You mean kiss?”

“Yeah! And that other stuff with the blood!”

“Oh. “ Kagome frowned. “What did we do wrong?”

All of those belonging to Hell were confused not understanding what was so wrong about what they did. It’s not like humans and demons alike did not intermarry with their families. Not that Hiten and Kagome were being mated. They’d just kissed. That’s all they’d ever done. In the old days humans married their cousins, their sisters, their brothers, their half-siblings. Same with demons. What was different with what they were doing. It’s not like they’ve actually mated.

“You kissed your brother.”

Kagome looked at him blankly.


He growled frustrated.

“That’s wrong!

“In hell, Inuyasha, it’s not considered a sin to be in an incestuous relationship. Many of our nobles still carry on the tradition of their children mating with their cousins or each other. Your humans and demons once had the same traditions and thoughts.”

“But why?”

Some of them understood now. Remembered their lessons and their own bloodlines.

“To keep the bloodline pure.” Yomi said.

“So you’re going to mate with one or both of your brothers?” Shiori Minamino asked horrified.

No. I said some of our nobles still do this. We’ll kiss and stuff, but not actually mate. Incest has been encouraged in Hell since Lucifer’s time but not all the nobles actually followed this. As disgusting as this is to you who come from a conformed, strictly biased society, I can see how it would affect your views and make you feel dirty, make you feel like we are disgusting, sinful mongrels. But this is how we were raised.”

“But it’s wrong.”

You’re morals and laws are wrong to us but you don’t hear us complaining.” Hiten muttered darkly.

“So are you two getting married?” Kuwabara asked.


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A/n: Yes, my sick twisted little mind came up with this. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not interested in incest. I have an annoying little brother who i’d much rather beat up then kiss. I’d probably kill myself before doing something like that. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it.