Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Strong Language
Second Try
There was a light knock on the door, and before Kagome could respond, if flew open.
“Oi, Kagome, get up! We're going… What the hell!?”
Kagome rose from her bed with a groan, arm caked in blood and body full of a singular, dull ache.
The woman at her door was gaping at the amount of blood leading from Kagome's door to her bed.
“Good morning to you, too, Yoruichi,” Kagome groaned, rubbing her left arm absentmindedly.
“What in the hell happened!?” Yoruichi yelped, at the miko's side in a second.
“I was in the Ning- living world. I got hit by surprise,” Kagome groaned, knowing that Enma was probably somehow listening.
And the idea of being assassinated while she was already in pain wasn't too pleasant.
“Surprise? what the hell could sneak up on you!? Even I can't do that!” Yoruichi said, eyes conveying her utter lack of belief.
“I'm not even sure. I think it was some kind of Arrancar…”
Kagome hated lying, especially to her friends and mentors like Yoruichi. Of course, telling her it was her ex-love interest who was supposed to be dead had done it would probably have come off as insane. So, a lie it was.
“Hmm… Well, you should've gone to see Unohana,” she said, frowning.
“No way,” Kagome complained. “I don't want anyone knowing I got beaten like this,” she said, lying back down.
“Even Shinigami can die,” Yoruichi argued vehemently.
“Yeah, I know… But I don't need Captain Unohana's help. Retsu's awesome, but I'm sure she's entirely too busy for something like this. If I sleep for a few more hours, the energy I lost will come back and I'll be fine.”
Clearly, Yoruichi didn't believe her, and Kagome groaned.
“Come on, Yoruichi! I swear! An hour or two, and I'll be fine. Look, I barely even have a scratch,” she said, showing where her wounds had previously been.
Yoruichi's eyes widened at the sight of the slightly pink, but otherwise unmarred, skin. She then turned around and looked at the blood, and back again.
“Whatever you had must've been huge… Damn, Kags! You always find new and inventive ways to surprise me.”
Kagome blushed, rubbing her arm while fighting off the embarrassment.
“Th… Thank you, Yoruichi.”
The elder woman gave her a blank stare for several seconds before sighing and wrapping her arm around Kagome's shoulder.
“Alright, Kags, listen up. I'll give you two hours. If you can keep up with me for two minutes after that, then I'll leave it be. Sound good?”
“Absolutely,” Kagome said, smirking. “Now, if you don't mind, I need some more sleep.”
She collapsed back onto the bed and wrapped her arm protectively around her kit.
“Heh. You adapt faster than anyone I know. I'll see you later then,” she said before vanishing from Kagome's room.
With a sigh, Kagome closed her eyes and let oblivion take her once again…
Kagome emerged from her home an hour later, looking completely refreshed and in absolutely perfect condition.
She quickly tracked Yoruichi's spiritual energy, and smirked when she felt another presence with her. Specifically, Soi Fon.
For one cruel moment, Kagome contemplated going and interrupting their `fun,' just to teach them a lesson. But in the end, her own possible embarrassment won out, and she instead took off in the opposite direction.
As she roamed the Seireitei, Kagome took in the beautiful scent of the pure air. Dead or alive, people growing up in Tokyo would definitely appreciate the beautifully pure and delicious air.
Suddenly, a strange sound assaulted her ears, and she stopped dead in her tracks. She heard crying nearby, quickly followed by loud, obnoxious laughter and mocking.
She quickly took off in that direction, and found a truly strange scene before her.
Botan, the Grim Reaper from Reikai, was pushed up against a wall. A sword was by her neck, and she was crying and whimpering. Around her were four tall, burly men. Kagome understood what was happening instantly the second she saw the mark on their back.
“Hey, c'mon! Don't be so scared! What's a reject like you doing in our turf?” the one holding the sword growled.
Kagome stepped up behind them and cleared her throat loudly. The men tensed, except for the apparent leader.
“Go away, bitch.”
What the other three saw that he didn't was who the `bitch' he was talking to was. Instantly, they bolted, leaving the leader confused. Using his confusion, Botan ducked under him and quickly got behind Kagome, shaking.
“Alright now, why don't you back off of the poor woman?” Kagome growled. “…Or, I could always go get Yachiru. I'm sure she'd love having her subordinates picking on a poor, defenseless woman,” she said, her voice sickeningly sweet despite the hard edge to her eyes.
Finally, the man turned and snarled at her. But all of color instantly drained from his face, and he backed up, breaking into a cold sweat.
“Uh… Uh… Yes, of course! Please forgive my indiscretions, Captain Higurashi.”
Before she could respond, he jumped to the roof above him and took off. When Kagome felt he was far enough away, Kagome sighed and turned to the Grim Reaper.
“You're okay. The 11th Division can be so annoying. I wish Seireitei had such a thing as sexual harassment suits,” she groaned, leaning against the building behind her.
“Kagome! I was so scared!” the Grim Reaper exclaimed, pulling the miko into a fierce hug.
“Oof! Okay, okay, you're welcome! I can't breathe,” Kagome gasped.
Botan released her, blushing darkly.
“Umm… Sorry…”
“So, why exactly are you here? Shouldn't you be off… ferrying people?”
“That's not all I do! I'll have you know I'm Lord Koenma's personal assistant,” the Grim Reaper huffed.
“Okay. But that doesn't really answer my question,” Kagome said, making a `get on with it' gesture.
“Oh, right! Well, Lord Koenma reviews Kurama's report. You seem to have gotten on Yusuke's bad side really quickly-”
Kagome tensed, and quickly grabbed the girl, moving as far away from possible ears as she felt was safe. She glared at the Grim Reaper, who gulped.
“The Shinigami don't know about all of that! Are you trying to get me killed!?”
“Oh! So sorry,” Botan said, blushing beet red.
Kagome sighed, then leaned back against a tree.
“Alright, what were you saying?”
“After yesterday, Lord Koenma believes that it would be better if you were to meet the team in a much more… controlled… setting.”
“Oh? Kurama… That's the redhead, right?”
“Was he able to get… Yusuke? Was he able to get Yusuke out of my spell?”
“Umm… No. According to Kurama, he was stuck paralyzed for ten full minutes after you left. Yusuke wasn't happy,” she said, giggling.
“I can imagine… So, what is the controlled setting I'll be meeting them in?”
“Lord Koenma would want you to meet in his office. He believes it unlikely that you will try to kill each other in his presence.”
“Fine,” Kagome sighed. “But listen carefully. Next time you want me, try to find a better way to contact me, okay? Enma will have me killed if someone finds out things they shouldn't.”
“Oh, dear! I'm so sorry!”
“Well, nobody was around, so it's fine… I think I need another one of those communicators Koenma gave me,” the miko added, showing the Grim Reaper the blood-covered compact.
“Wow! That's a lot of blood!”
“Yeah. Luckily, I've got a fast regenerative system. So, can you open the Senkaimon?”
The gate opened, and they quickly vanished inside. The second Kagome came out in Koenma's office, she was met with hostile stares all around.
Except for Kurama, who seemed to be examining her like a science project, and Koenma, who was looking at the others' reactions.
“Hello, again, Captain Higurashi.”
“Please, call me Kagome,” Kagome sighed.
“Very well… Kagome, meet Yusuke Urameshi, the leader of my Spirit Detectives. Yusuke Urameshi, meet Kagome, your team's newest member.”
At that, the thug with the slicked-back hair snarled and turned on his boss.
Fuck that! I'm not having her anywhere near me!”
“You don't have a choice, I'm afraid, Yusuke,” Koenma said calmly.
“No way! She showed up outta nowhere and nearly killed Hiei with whatever kind of weird, fucked up power she's got!”
“Oh, he's still alive? Thank goodness. It'd suck if I had that on my conscience,” Kagome sighed.
Yusuke turned and snarled at her, though his attention remained on Koenma.
“And not only that, but she was fucking talking to that youkai!”
“In case you didn't notice, I wasn't on his side,” Kagome pointed out.
“Bullshit! You were talkin' to that youkai, and it seemed like you knew each other well!”
Suddenly, Kagome burst out into laughter, and Yusuke snarled while the others glared thoughtfully at her.
“What's so damn funny, bitch!?”
“You! Did you really think that he was a whole youkai?”
“The fuck are you talkin' about!? It had youki, and that thing certainly wasn't human! You don't know what the fuck yer talkin' about!”
Suddenly, Kagome's mirth died and her eyes hardened with an almost physical chill spreading through the room.
You don't know shit,” she snarled, surprising them with how much power crackled to the surface of her skin. “What you were fighting was only half demon. It was a hanyo. A hanyo who, I might add, is supposed to be fucking dead,” she growled, though the last bit wasn't to them.
Yusuke laughed this time, a sneer on his face.
“Yeah? He sure didn't seem dead to me, bitch!”
“Yeah, I know. It's a real problem… Oh, man, I should probably tell Sesshomaru,” she added to herself, scratching her head.
“Oi, Koenma, there's no way in hell I'm workin' with this bitch!”
“She seems to be quite insane,” the black-haired youkai that had, until then, been unnoticed spoke up.
“Fuck, I don't need this,” Kagome growled. “Koenma, there's no way in hell I'm going to work with these people. But, I also would prefer not to be assassinated in my sleep… So give me a call if you need me for something these idiots can't handle.”
With that, the miko turned to leave. Before she made it three steps to the door, though, a blast of energy went off, and flew right for her head.
In one quick, fluid motion, Kagome spun and caught the ball of energy. In her bare hand. And at the same time, her other hand came up and suddenly, the detective was bound in glowing golden chains with the same pillars paralyzing him as before.
Yusuke stared at her in shock, while she glared icily at him.
“I didn't use the incantations, so they'll disappear the second I'm gone. I'd advise you don't go around shooting at peoples' backs unless you're willing to die,” she snarled.
“I would advise you to wait,” Kurama said from beside the detective.
“Like I give a fuck what you think,” Kagome growled. “I don't want to, nor do I need to deal with this idiot. I already had to deal with a person like him, and I don't think he'll be safe around me.”
“Hmm… That's interesting. But, regardless, you should still wait.”
“Why should I?” Kagome asked, her anger slowly subsiding. “And stop doing that,” she added, her anger returning quickly when she realized he was manipulating her somehow.
“We can't exactly let things as they are. You've already run into Hiei twice while he was out looking for youkai.”
“And there's also another matter to think over,” Koenma added.
“And what would that be?”
“Think of it this way. My father doesn't let people who know state secrets live easily. But, if you were to work for me, then you'd be on my `leash,' so to speak, and he would see no reason to keep you under constant surveillance. There's also the fact that if you don't work for me, you living will be a nonissue.”
Kagome shuddered at that, and glared at the ground.
“Damnit… Okay, you're right. Provided that Yusuke doesn't get within 30 feet of me, I'll try as much as possible to work with all of you.”
At that, Kurama's eyes widened marginally, and Koenma scratched his head.
“Why thirty, specifically? It seems to be a rather random number,” Kurama said, frowning.
“Thirty feet is my range.”
“Range? Of what?” Koenma asked.
“The range of my accuracy. If something's within 30 feet of me, I can throw my dagger without any effort and still get a dead-on shot. A fatal, shot.”
Their eyes widened in shock at that.
“Surely you're just speculating on that,” Kurama said, eyes almost comically wide.
“You can think that,” Kagome said, smirking.
Koenma cleared his throat and brought their attention to his annoyed form.
“If that's all you need, then that's fine. I'm sure you probably already know, but these are Kurama,” he said, pointing at the redhead. “They are Hiei and Kuwabara,” he added, pointing to the black-haired demon and the oaf in turn.
“Okay, then.”
She turned to leave, but she was stopped once again.
“Is there anything else we need to know to keep us safe around you?” Kuwabara asked.
“No. All you need to know is that I'm Kagome, and I can be the best ally or the most dangerous enemy you'll ever have.”
“Oh, one more thing. What were you talking about, before? How do you know that their target was a hanyo?” Koenma asked.
Kagome tensed, and she refused to turn back around.
“It's better if you don't know. Man, I keep finding things to say.”
She turned around, and leveled a gaze across them all.
“I'll say this once. If he shows up again, I'm going to personally kill him. And if anyone gets in my way, then what happens isn't my responsibility. As long as we're clear, I'll be taking my-”
Kagome's eyes suddenly widened and her hand went to her stomach.
She threw the door open, but didn't get out in time.
Everyone present watched as she dropped to her knees and began to retch. For ten full minutes, they stared in shock at the unmoving woman, who had become so violently ill so suddenly.
Then, with what seemed to be pure willpower, she forced herself up to her feet. And she left, moving so fast that she literally seemed to teleport…
There's another chapter for all of you! Hope you've enjoyed up until now! As always, leave your opinions, be they good or bad!