Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: None
A Lesson in Humility
“It's really amazing! I've never seen such fast healing,” a woman gasped, bringing Kagome from the hellish limbo of unconsciousness.
“Fast? It's been four days,” another voice argued.
Kagome groaned as her eyelids cracked, letting the light hit her eyes full force.
Kagome slowly adjusted to the unbearably bright room, and found that she was on a 4th Division hospital bed. Oddly enough, in a room by itself, with an actual door on either side. And around her was… a lot of people…
“And she lives,” a voice snarled to her side. “Can we go now, Shinji?”
“Stop bein' so damn impatient, brat,” he said before cuffing the back of her head to the sound of her loud grumbling.
“Welcome back, Captain Higurashi,” an old voice grumbled, revealing none other than Yamamoto himself, along with Byakuya, Rukia, and Momo.
“Good to be back… How long will I have to stay still?” she asked, craning her head toward a disapproving-looking Unohana.
“With the amount of blood you lost, Kagome, you shouldn't even be exerting the energy to talk,” Unohana said, her scary-calm voice making Kagome understand why all other Shinigami feared the Captain.
Really, Kagome! Taking on three Arrancar by yourself!? Are you stupid, or suicidal!?” Rukia growled.
“Hey, I wasn't by myself! Uryuu just wasn't very helpful,” she sighed.
“If ya could pull yer mask out faster, ya wouldn'ta' gotten yer ass kicked,” Shinji said with a frown.
“Not to mention that even with your mask, taking on three alone is exceedingly arrogant,” Byakuya added, frowning.
“Though the Quincy couldn't exactly give us a very good description, other that you took on three Arrancar alone. Is there more to this story, perhaps?” a soft voice asked, revealing Ukitake just entering.
That gave Kagome pause. She really wondered why Uryuu hadn't mentioned the Spirit Detectives, and that led her to wondering if they'd done something to him. And it worried her that the thought that they had didn't terrify her.
Kagome suddenly remembered she'd been asked a question, and realized all eyes were glaring suspiciously at her.
“Oh, for the love of… It was a trap! It was an entire freaking army of Gillian, and three Arrancar. The three weren't even tough, until they unleashed their ResurreciÅns.”
“An army?” Rukia asked, eyes wide.
“A small army, but it was more than a hundred of the damned things. And they were all focused. The Arrancar said they were there for me. Uryuu and I beat the Gillian easily, but it still took energy.”
“Uryuu certainly didn't mention that,” Yoruichi said.
“Yeah, well, he… may or may not have had a concussion. He got hit pretty hard.”
“I'll say! The Quincy's entire right arm was shattered,” Shinji exclaimed.
“He… He's okay, right?”
“Nothing I couldn't fix,” Unohana sighed.
“I have to admit, I wasn't even hurt so badly because of a direct attack.”
“Yeah, we figured that much out when the Uryuu looked extremely guilty,” Yoruichi sighed. “Damnit, you could've moved faster. Kagome, you're gonna' end up getting yourself killed doing stupid things like that.”
“If I hadn't done it, Uryuu'd be dead. She broke right through my bankai. Do you have any idea how strong that gauntlet is? I could block a missile with the thing. And it didn't even seem like that Arrancar had been throwing in all of her strength. If I hadn't blocked the attack, there'd be two corpses instead of one seriously injured Shinigami that can heal faster than anyone else.”
“So, no regrets, then?” Shinji asked.
“Well, I have two regrets,” Kagome sighed.
“Two?” Yoruichi asked, frowning.
“Yeah. I would've liked to have hit her with my bankai, but she managed to dodge it. And that's not a good thing, because she was massive. I also wish I'd been faster, so I could've gotten myself out of the way, too, but that Arrancar used Uryuu to draw me in, too fast for me to really think about bringing out my mask or using some kind of Kido…”
“It was really that fast?” Ukitake asked, frowning thoughtfully.
“Yeah. She turned into a dragon. Admittedly, if Uryuu hadn't been there, it's possible I could've beaten her, but I doubt I'd have faired much better. She had four arms, could shoot high-speed fireballs, and probably had a wide-range Cero.”
“That's quite a lot of power… You say she had two others with her?”
“Yeah… They weren't weak, but they certainly weren't even a fiftieth as strong as her, even released.”
“We will have to discuss this once you're up,” Yamamoto said just before vanishing.
Kagome noticed that at some point, Yoruichi had vanished as well, but was more concerned over the fact that she hadn't noticed the vibrant purple hair going missing than anything. Maybe she did need to stay and rest for a while.
“He's in a bad mood,” Shinji said, smirking.
“Yes, well, can you blame him? I'll be going as well, then. Do at least try to cooperate with Retsu, Kagome,” Ukitake sighed before also disappearing.
“They're gone. I'm getting' the hell outta' this place,” Hiyori growled before taking off, leaving a sighing Shinji and Unohana the only ones still there.
“That brat's too damn impatient,” Shinji sighed. “When yer better, I'm gonna' kick yer ass until you can bring out that mask when ya need it,” Shinji said, a cruel gleam in his eyes.
“We'll see,” Kagome said, smirking.
“See ya!”
And then, it was just Kagome and Unohana, and Kagome suddenly feared for her life.
“Now, Kagome, I know you'll be a good patient, right?” the Captain asked, her tone and facial expression inexplicably intimidating.
“A… Absolutely. But, if it's at all possible, can someone bring my son?” Kagome asked, still impressed with the seemingly timid Captain's ability to terrify… everyone.
“There's no need,” Unohana replied with a kind smile, her intimidation factor gone.
“He's coming, now,” Unohana said before vanishing.
Seconds later, the kit appeared, and instantly wrapped around her in a hug.
“Momma! They wouldn't let me in until you were awake. I was so worried!”
“Sorry, Shippo,” she said, stroking his hair. “I got a little overboard.”
“So it would seem,” a deep, elegant voice said, making Kagome practically jump.
“Damn! I really need to get some rest, if I can't even sense you, Lord Sesshomaru,” Kagome sighed.
She tilted her head to take in the inu taiyoukai, and a smile broke out.
“And Rin and Kagura. It's been a while,” the miko said, trying and failing to sit up.
“Lady Kagome!” Rin yelled, also wrapping Kagome in a hug. Which, with her innate demonic strength, was bone-crushing and made breathing hard.
“It's good to see you, too, Rin,” the miko said with an affectionate smile when the young demoness realized what she was doing to her and pulled back.
The girl turned to Shippo, a wide smile on her face.
“Wanna' go get Yachiru and-”
“You bet!” the kit exclaimed excitedly before both demons took off with childish fervor.
“I see she's as energetic as usual,” Kagome said, smiling.
“Indeed… It's not like you to let yourself become hurt so easily, Kagome,” Sesshomaru said, cutting to the chase.
“I know. I screwed up. You going to mock me for it, too?” Kagome sighed.
“No. Having three limbs broken and getting ridiculed by your colleagues seems like punishment enough.”
“There's also the fact that we know why you're so hurt,” Kagura added, staring meaningfully at Kagome's stomach.
The miko's eyes widened almost comically, and her now-healed arms curved protectively over her womb.
“Damn youkai senses,” she grumbled.
“Indeed. There's also a not-quite diminished scent of fear and disbelief that radiates from you,” the taiyoukai added, frowning.
“Really? I really need to work on hiding my scent.”
“Perhaps. What has you so scared?” Kagura asked, frowning thoughtfully.
“You do need to work on your ability to hide your scent, Kagome. You betray your lie before you even weave it,” Sesshomaru said, smirking.
“Damnit! It's Inuyasha.”
“What of that filth?” Sesshomaru growled, hackles rising.
“He's not dead.”
Sesshomaru simply raised a delicate eyebrow in disbelief, and seemed to be expectant of more.
“A few days ago, I saw him. Alive. Still a hanyo. With a perfectly undamaged Tetsusaiga. And it doesn't make sense! I personally made sure that his corpse was destroyed. And he was definitely dead.”
Sesshomaru's eyes bled red, and every muscle was instantly tensed.
“The filth lives?” he snarled.
“It seems that way,” Kagome said, nodding. “But you're not going to do anything about it,” she added, the absolute authority in her voice surprising the taiyoukai out of his rage.
“I won't?” he asked, bemused.
“No, you won't. You ended your fight with Inuyasha. And you've got more important things in your life now,” she said, throwing a meaningful look at Kagura's hand, intertwined with one of his.
“I cannot simply do nothing. As long as that abomination exists, I will fight. I will not stand aside due to a childish infatuation.”
“You're wrong,” Kagome said, her power rising like a wolf's hackles. “This has nothing to do with my previous stupidity in a choice of `infatuation.' This time, he's mine. He's tried to kill me entirely too many times. You've had your turn, and now you have a real, legitimate chance at happiness.”
“As long as he's alive, my father's name-”
“Shut it, Fluffy,” Kagome growled, eyes flaring silver.
Kagura laughed at the extremely bemused expression overtaking his expression, but Kagome was clearly pissed now.
“Your father's name no longer has anything to do with him. I will find him, I will kill him, and I will bring the heir's sword back for you. Does that sound fair?”
“Do you really assume to beat him?” Sesshomaru asked, eyebrow raised.
“Oh, trust me. I owe him payback. You've already settled your debts, so the way I figure, this just means I get a chance, too.”
And neither demon could argue, with the pure and raw anger in her voice. She legitimately wanted the same opportunity of beating the hanyo that Sesshomaru had had.
“Very well, then. I shall leave the task to you, Kagome,” the taiyoukai said with a smirk.
“Thank you.”
“Well, we should get moving. Honestly, if those two find Yachiru, then there'll be a Captain showing up at our house again looking for the three,” Kagura sighed.
“Indeed. We'll be taking our leave then,” Sesshomaru said, turning to leave.
Please drop by sometime, Kagome,” the ex-incarnation said, a broad smile on her face before she, too, took off after the taiyoukai.
Not a minute after their departure, the door opened, and in stepped Uryuu, looking guilty, and Orihime, dragging Ichigo by the arm.
As soon as the vibrant girl was in, she gasped and her eyes widened in horror.
“Oh, wow! Kagome, what happened!? I came here as soon as I heard, but Captain Kuchiki and Unohana wouldn't let me in,” she said, almost pouting.
“It was to teach me a lesson. They got their point across,” Kagome sighed.
“Oh… But at least Miss Unohana mended the bones, though,” Orihime chimed, always the optimist.
“Yeah. But I still can't move much… Or, I probably shouldn't, anyway,” Kagome groaned.
“Really? Let me fix that,” she said, reaching for her hair clips.
“No, it's fine, really. Don't waste your energy on me, Orihime,” Kagome said, smiling.
Of course, the real reason she was against the girl helping her was because her powers would probably have a bad effect on the growing life form inside of her. Especially since she didn't know it existed.
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. I just need some rest, and I'll be back up in… crap…”
“Everyone out, now,” Kagome gasped as bile began to rise.
And then, Kagome began to retch, and Orihime understood the miko's need for privacy. Quickly, she pushed the men outside, and grabbed a nearby trash can for the miko, helping her into a more comfortable position.
“Oh, god, I hate this,” Kagome groaned into the bucket between retches.
“Where does it hurt?” Orihime asked, rubbing soothing circles in Kagome's back.
“There's no pain…”
“I'm just… sick, I think,” Kagome groaned.
Before Orihime could further inquire about what the miko was talking about, a burst of power surged through the air. Seconds later, four men and a vibrantly dressed woman appeared in the room, Uryuu quickly following behind.
“Oh, god. What're you doing here?” Kagome groaned, not even looking up from the bucket.
“Shorty told us to make sure you ain't dead,” Yusuke growled. “We had to wait til' they were all gone.”
“I'm not going to die so easily,” Kagome scoffed.
“Yeah? Looks like ya' can't even move!”
At that, Kagome lifted her right arm and pointed at the Spirit Detective, whose eyebrow rose in confusion.
“Bakudo 61, RikujÅkÅrÅ,” Kagome murmured.
“Oh, hell!”
Yusuke turned and began to run…
…and then, the six pillars of light formed, paralyzing him completely.
“That's never gonna' get less funny, Urameshi!” Kuwabara laughed, mocking the detective.
“I believe the fool's right, for a change,” Hiei added, a smirk breaking his stoic mask.
“Bitch! I'm gonna' be sure that I can tell Koenma you're dead, as soon as I'm outta' this!” Yusuke snarled, his power surging against his restraint.
Suddenly, Uryuu's hand came up, and his bow took form.
“I advise you don't threaten my girlfriend, if you want to live for very long,” the Quincy said, power flowing outward from his bow.
Despite his anger and current situation, Yusuke surprised everyone when he suddenly started laughing.
“Even if I can't move, I can still kick yer sorry ass! I'd never lose to some weak, useless pretty boy who couldn't even take on one measly youkai by himself!”
At that, a wall of blue energy rose around his body, and Kagome sighed. Her right arm quickly formed the sigils in the air, and red energy glowed in the air.
“Bakudo 9, Geki.”
Suddenly, Uryuu's body was surrounded by a red aura, and his movement was stopped.
“What the hell!?”
“You certainly have a large number of spells at your disposal,” Kurama mused.
“Oh, I wish you people hadn't shown up,” Kagome groaned, going back to the bucket as her nausea returned.
Orihime, who still hadn't moved from her spot beside Kagome, went back to rubbing circles on the miko's back as she began retching again.
“Ugh… Everyone, out,” Kagome growled.
Nobody moved, and Kagome pulsed with silver energy.
“Let's try again. Everyone out! Except you,” she added, stopping Orihime from moving away.
“I don't know if I can do much… I can't heal sickness,” Orihime sighed.
“I believe I can be of some help there. I'm… very talented in medicine,” he said, remembering that the others weren't supposed to know who they were.
“That something that comes with the plant magick you seem to be so fond of?” Kagome groaned.
“Something like that,” he said, nodding.
“What the hell? I'm the son of a hospital director,” Uryuu growled.
“Ugh… I don't care. Everyone, just get-”
She was cut off by another bout of sickness, worse than any of the previous ones. Her entire body shook, and Orihime frowned.
Suddenly, a wall of golden energy formed, and pushed everyone out, though there were many protests. Oddly enough, Kurama seemed to be completely unaffected by Orihime's barrier.
“This sucks,” Kagome said into the bucket.
“This isn't the first time you've been sick,” Kurama mused.
“Yeah, I know… I don't for the life of me know why they call it morning sickness! It's almost night… oh, crap,” she groaned, having not realized she'd spoken until she saw their shocked expressions.
“What?” Orihime asked, eyes wide.
“Umm… Can you disregard that last part? I don't know what I was saying. I must be dehydrated,” Kagome said, her speech abnormally fast.
“You're pregnant, Kagome!? Congratulations!” Orihime squealed, wrapping the miko in a bone-crushing hug. “How long have you known? Does Uryuu know? Have you-”
“Orihime,” Kagome groaned, gently covering the excited woman's mouth. “Yes, I'm pregnant. It's been two months since I found out. He doesn't know, and I have absolutely no idea how to tell him.”
“Don't worry! Your secret's safe with me!” she exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement.
“And I assume you don't care enough to break it to my boyfriend,” Kagome added, looking at Kurama.
“I'm so happy for you, Kagome!” Orihime squealed again, again wrapping the miko in an overzealous hug.
RikujÅkÅrÅ- Six Rods Prison of Light
Geki- Strike
Well, the cat's out of the bag now? What will come of it? Keep reading to find out!
As always, be sure to tell me what you think of my writing!