Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: language and ANGST
“So, this is Koenma… I always thought you'd be taller,” Urahara said as soon as they entered the prince's office.
“And you must be Captain Urahara. Your disrespect is more infamous than Yusuke's,” Koenma sighed.
At that, Yusuke extended his hand, a crooked smirk on his face.
“Well, nice to meet ya. I think you and I are gonna' get along great.”
“Let's hope so,” Urahara replied, shaking the Spirit Detective's hand.
“Let's hope that this time round, we all don't end up almost killing each other,” Kurama added, winking at Kagome, who fought a sudden blush.
“Yes, yes! This is all very well and good. All the groups have come together, better strength in numbers, blah, blah, blah! What the hell did you lot think you were doing?” Koenma snarled, standing up in his teenaged body and showing a very uncharacteristic anger. “Do you know what could've happened tonight?”
“Well, there are a lot of things that could've happened tonight,” Yoruichi said, frowning.
“Indeed… It could've certainly led to many bad things,” Kurama added, tone grim.
“Bad things? Bad things!? Tonight could've started a dark day in history for every living being! It's a good thing that you lot were all competent enough to fight together. Those three together could've started a foothold for Aizen to rise up. Do you have any idea who that man was?”
“No, we don't got a clue,” Hiyori said with a shrug.
“I think I might,” Urahara said, eyes decidedly avoiding Kagome.
“Oh? You think so? Well, whether you know who he was isn't really important. But the man can do things that are not pleasant! Hiei, you think that your original plot with the Shadow Sword was impressive? This man can make an entire army of fucking corpses!” Koenma growled, slamming his fist into his desk.
“Whoa, chill out, Toddler,” Yusuke said, eyes wide.
“Chill out? I'm sick of this. You've been teamed with Kagome for barely over a week, and in that time, you've all almost killed her as many times as she's almost gotten herself killed. And now, there are even more Shinigami involved in this mess. We've recently received confirmation that the Hogyoku doesn't exist anymore, and the only person to have had it was Aizen. Add that to the fact that he's apparently resurrected the hanyo Inuyasha, who's fought dozens of youkai with considerably more power than himself and won. You want me to chill out, Yusuke? Then find a way to stop them, before everything alive is turned into puppets and ash!”
“Well, it seems you've got quite a bit on your plate, Prince Koenma. I think we'll be taking our leave,” Shinji said, turning toward the still-open Senkaimon…
…which promptly shut and vanished.
“I'm venting right now, but there's an actual point for you and the girl being here.”
“Girl!? I'll-”
“Shut up,” Shinji sighed, smacking Hiyori upside her head.
“And if it weren't so pathetic, I'd have been laughing my ass off,” Koenma added, glaring at Kagome. “Your records said you were better than all that, Kagome. And yet you almost died. More than a few times. In one night, shudder to think about ever since the hanyo showed up.”
“I let my emotion get the best of me. It's been more than a year since the last time I even felt anything so powerful, and I've never hated anything, so it was definitely a surprise,” the miko sighed.
“Yes, I noticed. It was a disgrace to watch someone supposedly so strong getting her ass kicked so thoroughly. You've got more power than anyone realizes, and you should learn to use it, damnit!”
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked, confused. “I've already reached the limit of my powers, beyond training physically and learning more Kido.”
At this, Hiei simply smirked, power radiating from behind his bandana.
“You're worse than the dimwit.”
“Looks like there's yet another Mazoku that we've got with us,” Hiei said, glaring at Koenma. “Were you going to tell us at some point?”
The others simply stared at the two, confused expressions covering their faces.
“A Mazoku? That's a kind of youkai, isn't it?” Kagome asked, trying to figure out what they were calling her.
“Yusuke's one. It's a human who, somewhere, centuries past in their family lineage, has demon blood. It's kind of like a hanyo, except much more powerful. Some kind of instinct releases during battle, and the human becomes a real, full-blooded youkai.”
“But I got over it, a while ago,” Yusuke said, smirking.
“So… I'm a demon…”
“It'd explain all the sudden, roid-rage bursts tonight,” Shinji said, nodding. “And come to think of it, if you were already sort of a youkai, it'd explain why the Hollow didn't take you over when you first Hollowfied.”
“I'm a miko. How would it be possible?” Kagome asked, eyes closed to prevent the mounting headache.
“It's not only possible, it's the truth. You may be born of priestesses, but you have to remember you're also part Shinigami, so you're not completely human to begin with. That kid in your stomach's definitely going to be interesting… if you stop almost dying and putting it in danger. But, regardless of all this power you have in you, you're pathetic. Every time you've let your emotion control you, which was a lot over the last two weeks, you've almost died more times than the entirety of your stay in the Feudal Era collectively. And there were powerful, bloodthirsty demons roaming freely then. How can one hanyo do so much?”
“How can he do so much? You do realize that he was a good friend of mine, right up to the point he sided with the queen of bitches and tried to kill me, right?”
“Yeah. I also know you used to love him. I would hope that's not a distraction, but I'm honestly not sure.”
“Trust me, it's not. I got over that a while ago. But still, there's no question about it. The next time I see him, I'm going to need to be better than right now. Because when he shows up again, I can't afford to lose again,” Kagome said, eyes narrowed.
“I'm so glad you think that, Kagome. If you don't want me to inform my father that you're a lost cause, you're going to go and train.”
“Train?” Kagome asked, eyebrows raised in confusion. “I already train with the best Shinigami, as well as the Vizards.”
“You've never met Genkai,” Koenma said, slowly regaining his composure.
“Genkai… I've heard the name before.”
“You're sending her to the hag's?” Yusuke asked, barely able to hide the smirk building.
“Yes. If you want to remain alive, you'll train with Genkai, assuming she'll even take you. Hopefully she'll teach you to keep your head better than Yusuke… or at least she'll teach you to stay alive while you're losing your composure. So, what do you think?”
“I think it sounds good.”
“Excellent. And you'll be taking her, Yusuke,” Koenma said, finally back to being calm.
“I am?”
“You'll be helping to train her.”
“So… What I'm hearing is that I get to take her to the hag's, and I get to help her train? So I can hurt the bitch?” he asked, a dark smirk forming on his face.
“I suppose so, if you want to look at it that way.”
“I thought you told him we were even,” Kagome said, glaring at Kurama.
“Oh, we're even, alright. I still don't trust you, but that shit you pulled tonight showed that you're definitely a capable fighter, and if these guys are as strong as we've heard, we'll need you. But I think a little pain's in order for all those times you froze me like a damn puppet,” Yusuke sneered.
“Fair enough,” Kagome sighed.
“Anyway, I'm giving you two days' rest. I'd prefer it if you stayed here, as it's less likely you'll get randomly attacked while in the Reikai.”
“I have to look after Shippo and Souta.”
“I'll bring them here. Maybe our healers can help your brother out in his recovery… Though I'd certainly like to hire that Hachi fellow as a healer here. He does amazing work,” Koenma added, looking at Shinji.
“Heh… I doubt Hachi'd like living in a castle.”
“What a pity. But nonetheless, I'll have someone bring them, rest assured. They've both got great things in their futures, and I'm not about to let that all fall to pieces,” Koenma said, returning his attention to the miko.
“Alright… Sleep sounds good.”
“You're tired? I thought that guy fixed everything,” Yusuke said.
“Healing is fine in itself. But all the energy I used up and had replenished tonight… let's just say that if something like this happens again, my life expectancy will be limited. I can heal, but every time I do, a little bit of the damage remains, and it can build up… So I need sleep.”
“I'll have a room arranged quickly, then. Now then, as for the rest of you. You Vizards are a force to be reckoned with, and I hope that we'll have your help when the time comes.”
“Yeah, sure. I'd like to kick Aizen's ass for old times' sake,” Shinji said, smirking.
“Excellent. And you Shinigami probably know what I'm going to say. I'm giving you strict orders, as your superior's superior in command, to keep silence. Unless you're solely in the presence of the people in this room, your group, or Captain Yamamoto, you're not to say a word about the Reikai, youkai, or my detectives. Is this understood?”
“Of course, your holiness,” Urahara said, smiling brightly.
“If I may make a suggestion?” Kurama asked, leaning casually against the wall.
“What is it?”
“I suggest that perhaps I should travel with Kagome to Genkai's, instead. That way, Yusuke can get there faster and explain the situation, and I can get us quickly through the forest.”
The rest of the detectives seemed surprised by the proposal, especially Hiei, but Koenma simply shrugged.
“Yes, yes, that sounds like a fine idea. Is that all?”
Nobody had anything else to add, so Koenma leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.
“Very well. You're all dismissed.”
Everyone took off through the gates that appeared, with the exceptions of Hiei, Kagome, and Kurama. Soon, a large ogre appeared in the office, informing them that Kagome's room was ready, and the miko took off, only mildly surprised when Kurama followed close behind.
“Is there any ulterior motives to wanting to travel with me instead of Yusuke?” Kagome asked over her shoulder, just as they reached her room.
“Not really. I thought perhaps it would be faster if I were to take you, as youkai probably won't attack you randomly with my aura around. Yusuke made some… malcontent acquaintances on his last trip through the forest.”
“Really? Okay, then.”
“For what it's worth, I'm truly sorry,” Kurama said, bringing the miko to a stop from opening the door.
“Sorry? About what?”
“All the trauma received today, emotional, physical and psychological. There seems to be quite a bit of it.”
“Not really… I mean, most people almost die three times in a single night while carrying a child, have their whole family brutally slaughtered by their first love, learn their boyfriend's been cheating on them from pretty close to the start of things, almost loses her children, and learn that their family of mikos has youkai blood somewhere in it. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
She'd started out with false cheer in her tone, but by the end of the monologue, Kagome was shaking, tears rolling down her face, which was blessedly away from the kitsune.
“Well, don't go thinking that the youkai blood makes you impure. It just means that there was a miko or priest somewhere in the past who saw more to things than simply holy and unholy.”
“I'm glad about that. It's something I quickly figured out in the Feudal Era,” she said, smiling despite herself. “I saw youkai who were abused simply for existing, by people who were far crueler than a lot of other youkai. Shippo and Souta are both the purest people I've ever seen. I hope they simply grow older, never losing that.”
“Yes, I agree with that… And as for the other things… I hope you realize that the Quincy's the idiot, not yourself,” Kurama said, watching as she subtly tensed.
“Is he? He's the second person to have cheated on me, out of two people I've dated. Maybe it is me.”
Suddenly, youki filled the hallway, and Kagome turned around in surprise to find Kurama's eyes bright gold, a small smirk on his face.
“I can assure you, dear lady, it's not you. The Quincy boy and the hanyo were both simply idiots, not to see the gem they had.”
Kagome felt a blush creeping up her neck, eyes wide.
“I can assure you not all men, youkai or otherwise, are blithering, cheating scum, despite your experiences.”
“This coming from a seducing kitsune? That's hilarious,” Kagome said, smirking as her tears quickly dried.
“Ah, you wound me, fair lady,” he retorted, mock pain showing on his face.
“I don't know who to be more wary of. You, who's open about wanting to seduce me, or Kurama, who I can't get any read on at all.”
“Ah, a fair concern. Well, life's not worth living without being on your toes every now and then… Kurama wants to take control again.”
“You two seem to be pretty in sync,” Kagome mused. “I don't have to tell you that I'm not exactly looking for boyfriends right now, do I?”
“No, you don't. But keep it in mind. You might, someday soon, and I assure you that I'm genuine in my interest, as is Kurama, though he'll assuredly deny it to make himself seem more the gentleman when I return his body to him.”
Before Kagome could respond, the gold vanished from Kurama's eyes, and he stood for several seconds looking dazed before a look of horror crossed his face.
“Oh, sorry about all that, Kagome. Youko assured me he wouldn't do any trickery.”
“Yeah, well, that's what you get for trusting a curious fox to not be mischievous… And thank you. Both of you… I feel slightly better now. Have a good night, Kurama.”
And with that, Kagome opened the door and slipped inside, her first true smile of the night showing on her face.
Nobody expected how truly exhausted the miko was, until two days had passed without her even slightly stirring from her sleep. The first thing she noticed upon opening her eyes was Shippo staring down at her with wide eyes.
Slowly, a smile blossomed on her face and she pulled the kit to her chest, nuzzling his head with her cheek.
“Shippo! Hello.”
“Good morning, momma. We were all really worried about you.”
“Worried about me?” Kagome asked, frowning in confusion.
“Yeah… Uncle Souta's still being helped out by those healer guys, but the tall guy with the letters on his forehead kept stopping in and asking if you woke up.”
“How long has it been?”
“We got here a few minutes after all the people showed up, and I was sent right to you. It's been two days,” the kit said excitedly, hugging her neck.
“Two days?”
A knock sounded on the door, and before she could answer, in stepped Kurama, his usual school uniform bright and shiny as ever.
“Koenma said that you would still be asleep. You weren't jesting about the rest needed to heal from all that.”
“No kidding,” Kagome said, sitting up and letting out a bone-cracking yawn.
“Whenever you're prepared, we'll take our leave.”
Kagome nodded sleepily and the kitsune left as she forced herself awake.
“Sorry you had to stay here, Shippo. It must've been boring,” she apologized as she quickly went through the conveniently placed closet and found suitable hiking clothes.
“Nah, it was fun! That Botan lady played with me the whole time.”
“Really?” Kagome asked, pulling on a loose T-shirt and jeans.
“Yeah. She wanted to make sure you were okay. Momma, why were you crying?”
“What?” she asked, wondering if she'd somehow been crying even in a coma.
“You smelled like saltwater… Did something bad happen?”
“Something very bad, Shippo… Is it okay if I don't explain it right now?” she asked, fighting the urge to cry yet again.
“Okay… So, where are we going?”
“We're going to a temple that belongs to a really powerful psychic,” Kagome said as she slipped on the last piece of her clothes. “She's hopefully going to teach me to be even stronger.”
“Is that even possible?” Shippo asked, eyes wide in shock.
“Well, let's hope so. Ready?”
Shippo quickly jumped onto her back, and she smiled as a portal opened in the hallway, right next to Kurama.
“Well then, let's hope you get along better with her than Yusuke, shall we?” the kitsune asked before, with a smirk on his face, he flipped backward through the portal, a slight glint of gold flashing quickly through his eyes.
“Show off,” Kagome growled before she, too, jumped through the portal, landing before a massive set of stairs…
Well, here's the newest chapter. This is looking to be the longest fic I've ever written, from the storyboard I'm still working on. Hopefully you've enjoyed it until now, and will keep enjoying my work. Be sure to comment, be it positive or negative!