Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 27 ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Language and Violence
After several seconds of staring, Kagome regained her composure, glaring at him.
“You're lying,” Kagome stated through her still-present mask, power flaring around her as she turned to Aizen. “Listen up, you bastard. I don't care if the Hogyoku's made you a demigod, an immortal, or even an actual god. If you don't give me my child safely, right now, I'll lob that head off your shoulders.”
Unperturbed, Kazuma simply continued, smirking.
“It's really quite hilarious that someone who doesn't trust anyone, even herself, can somehow believe the best of a god who's openly threatened her life. Enma decided the Shikon was too valuable, and used all the different pent-up energies roiling in her new form to recreate the artifact. He was, of course, fully intending to use her as a weapon once you died.”
“I don't believe you,” Kagome bit out.
“Hardly matters,” he said with a shrug. “We have the Hogyoku, the Shikon no Tama, an army of powerful youkai and Arrancar, and now all we have to do is take over the Ningenkai, and we'll be on our way to slaying Enma.”
Their discussion was interrupted as finally, Hiei and Zaraki appeared from the still-open Garganta above them. Zaraki quickly took in the sight of the downed Kuchiki's, and Kazuma, and a wicked smile spread across his face like a Cheshire Cat.
“I always wanted to slaughter a Kuchiki. Now I can!”
With a loud series of manic laughs, Zaraki charged the wounded Kazuma.
Using the distraction, Kagome moved without hesitation. Within the span of a single second, she crossed the dozen or so feet between her and Aizen with Shiho, her arms curving gently and protectively around her daughter.
Just as she began to retreat, Aizen's Zanpakuto pressed flush to her throat, the blade drawing a small line of red.
“I won't give you the chance to kill me a second time, miko bitch. You'll give me the jewel back, or I'll slit your throat and let it watch as its creator dies, slowly.”
A mere second later, Aizen's eyes widened in shock as his entire body became overcome and engulfed in a mass of spiky vines, trying to dig into his body.
“This trick won't get past the Hogyoku's glorious armor,” he mocked coldly.
His eyes widened even more as a red-haired, human-appearing boy appeared at Kagome's side, his body surrounded by crackling red bursts of energy.
“Well then, let's try a different tact, shall we? Juryo Yozanken!”
And then, Kurama swung his arm down, and a mass of thorns fused into a sharp, agony-causing rose blade.
Aizen let out a gasp of pain as his new, `invincible' body broke everywhere, cracking rapidly as the blade hit and millions of smaller lacerations appearing over his entire body.
“I've made sure that you will die in a slow, horrifically agonizing way, which will last a considerably long time and never heal fast enough to survive. I would have used the Janen Ju to make you suffer for eternity, but I've somehow found enough mercy to allow you to die,” Kurama stated, his voice absolutely subzero in warmth.
Aizen began screaming in agony as the vines around his body began feeding off the open wounds. Slowly, Kurama turned to Kagome, and at once the coldness left him.
A soft smile curled his lips, and he gently caressed her cheek.
“Are you alright, Kagome?”
Still surprised by Kurama's sudden aggression, Kagome simply nodded, staring at her daughter. Her beautiful, unharmed daughter.
“It looks like she's okay,” she finally stated as her mask began to fade into dust.
Just as she got the statement out, her eyes widened at a sound of movement behind her. Immediately, she and Kurama dove to the side, just as Kazuma landed with the blade of his Zanpakuto where Kagome's head had been.
Zaraki and Hiei quickly appeared, beginning to attack at once. Kagome stared in shock as Kazuma handled both of the skilled fighters with what could almost be called ease, his single sword matching the rest.
“You should stay still so I can kill you easier once I'm done with these two,” Kazuma stated before vanishing.
“Please, keep her safe,” Kagome said with a strange tone of begging in her voice to Kurama.
And then, she vanished as Kurama suddenly found the crying Tsuki in his arms.
She reappeared, her Shikai blades blocking two long, black blades in Kazuma's hand that dripped with youki and acid from the backs of Zaraki's and Hiei's necks.
And then, her body pulsed with a wave of energy, and Kazuma was flung backward like a missile.
Kazuma returned quickly, beginning an unbelievable assault. Kagome dodged with vigor, fully aware of the fact that one knick from the poison could end her life in an instant.
Thankfully, his injuries from Byakuya, Rukia and Zaraki were clearly a hindrance. It was obvious Kagome had the advantage, as shown when she swung a fast slash at him and instantly smashed his blades to small fragments.
“This ends now,” she snarled, swinging for his throat.
Unfortunately, despite the damage and lost energy, he was clearly not dead yet. As shown when a massive burst of energy flooded out from his body in waves of blackness.
“Seeping crest of turbidity, arrogant vessel of lunacy. Boil forth and deny, grow numb and flicker, disrupting sleep. Crawling queen of iron, eternally self-destructing doll of mud. Unite, repulse. Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness! Hado 90, Kurohitsugi!”
Kagome's eyes widened as a massive cage of darkness began forming around her.
“Fuck! Bakudo, Tenrai Kujiku!”
A massive barrier took form around her, and she brought her blades up, adding to her resistance to the closing of the coffin.
“You can't hold off the Black Coffin, Kagome,” Kazuma sneered.
Kagome ignored him, focusing on pushing the coffin open again. And then, she remembered the second part of this Kido, and she took off. Just as the coffin snapped closed, Kagome hit the ground, the edge of one of the outer spears cutting her side as she went.
She slowly rose, glaring at Kazuma at the realization that her swords were lighter. And, looking down, she understood why.
Her blades had snapped off under the pressure at the hilt.
And then, he was in front of her, and she had no chance.
“Bakudo, Sekenbunori!”
Kagome gasped as power rushed upward around them, silver and black power growing like a living thing in a dome around them.
“Welcome to a living hell, dear daughter,” Kazuma growled out as the energy solidified, the barrier clearly separating them from her allies…
Juryo Yozanken- By creating multiple Rose Whips, Yoko Kurama can create the Juryo Yozanken, which is basically many rose whips entangled together around the arm, creating a sharp point at the end much like a fencing saber. The attack can also lengthen and attack at distances.
Kurohitsugi- Black Coffin
(Seken)(bun)(ori)- World Dividing Cage