Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 28 ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Violence, Gore, Language
“This is where it ends,” Kazuma stated as the barrier hummed loudly with his energy. “I can't exactly kill you, if you can so easily escape the Black Coffin. You simply have too many kinds of ill-mixed and impure powers within you, which makes you volatile and dangerous.”
“So, what's with the dome?” Kagome growled, sending a worried glance toward Kurama and Tsuki.
“This barrier will seal us off from any of the dimensions or worlds, permanently separating you and them. I can only hope one of the strong youkai coming down upon them will kill that pseudo-human and the jewel.”
“Well, the way I see it, if I kill you before this barrier's complete, I can return,” Kagome said as she charged, claws sprouting from her fingers.
“On the contrary, the barrier will become complete when I die, and I'm not expecting to last much longer, anyway,” he stated, freezing Kagome in her tracks.
And then, he was on the move, her fist connecting with her nose as he moved on her shock.
“You've killed a friend of mine, and are an abomination on my once-noble bloodline! You're going to suffer before I die.”
And, true to his words, he began to beat the shocked miko in earnest. Within less than a minute, she was beaten to a bloody pulp, her nose smashed and her left arm shattered.
And then, he grabbed the fragmented blade of her Zanpakuto, bringing it up before her wide eyes before slowly beginning to drag it down into her chest.
On instinct, Kagome finally broke out of her shock, her claws going for the arm holding her dagger.
Kazuma let out a wail of pain as his arm fell from his shoulder, blood and the blade alike turning to ash.
“I refuse to die like this,” she growled, her wounds quickly knitting closed. “I refuse to die with my daughter and… Kurama separated by a little line.”
“You have no choice,” Kazuma bit out. “It's all going to be over in seconds. My only regret is that I didn't kill you when I had the chance, before you got strong. And that I won't get to see Enma's death… You know, I'd even pity the jewel for being Enma's puppet and future weapon of mass destruction… if it weren't a bastardization of all order in the universe. At least Sosuke did one thing right,” he added, staring at the Garganta's open all around them.
“What's that?”
“Several of our A- and S-Class youkai have escaped into the Ningenkai through those gaping doors.”
Kagome ignored the abject horror at that thought, seeing that maybe he was right after all about her being trapped.
“Well, if I'm going to be trapped in here, I may as well get some answers,” Kagome sighed. “What's this tournament you were talking about?”
“Well, I may as well tell you since it won't do me any harm,” he said with a shrug, his blood still falling to the ground. “Three years ago, a young Mazoku ended a three-way war between powerful youkai trying to claim the Makai as their own. He did this by starting a tournament, where the winner would become king for a set number of years before the next tournament, and the winner would be decided again… You know, it's actually a pity you're going to be trapped in this limbo for all eternity. Your blood's so tainted and full of power that you'd probably stand a fair chance. Of course, all that power's not worth shit, here, eh?” he asked, sneering.
And then, Kagome's lips quirked into a smirk, her eyes darkening.
“It would be a shame.”
“What're you suddenly so happy about?” he growled.
“You really like to ramble. It's a good thing. Because it's given me time to attune myself.”
“Attune yourself?” he asked, brows furrowed in confusion.
In answer, Kagome's hand went to the hilt at her side, the blood having completely missed Kazuma's attention.
“I've finally finished attuning myself to the energy of the sword. Now, Kazuma Kuchiki, prepare to feel the bite of the great inu taiyoukai's fang!”
And then, she pulled, drawing the Tetsusaiga out with a massive flare of light. Before Kazuma could react, the blade turned black, and she swung.
The barrier around them was hit by the Meidou, and a series of ear-shattering explosions went off around them. Finally, the barrier lost to the power of the Meidou, and they fell back to the ground, Kazuma hitting the ground with a solid thud.
Not letting it distract her, Kagome brought the Tetsusaiga up, power flaring around her. And then, she brought it him in the center of his chest, pinning him as blood pooled at her feet.
“It may not be as accurate as if I had an animal youkai's senses, but it should finish you like this! Wind Scar!”
The building power exploded downward like a jackhammer, the ground erupting around them. Kazuma let out a loud roar of agony before his life ended, not a single shred of him remaining.
Kagome let out a sigh, the power slowly coming back to her body.
She felt the others coming towards her, but she didn't look, knowing what was coming next and knowing that, in all likelihood, she wasn't coming out of it alive.
Without a word, a Senkaimon opened, and she disappeared, leaving her friends thoroughly confused and shocked...
Well, there's the newest chapter. Sorry Kazuma didn't last long, but he certainly served a purpose. Hope you've enjoyed so far, and will keep enjoying! As always, be sure to leave your opinions. See you next time.