Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 36 ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Language, Violence, Gore, Angst
Retribution in Blood
The youkai took a staggering step backwards, mismatched eyes wide in horror. All the youkai in the room watched as Kagome pulled downward, the chains holding her snapping like string with resounding snaps.
Before they could even process that the `weak hanyo' had just broken free of their special imprisonment, the `customer' let out half a guttural yowl before his head landed on the floor, halfway across the room with a sickening trail of blood following its path.
Kagome's power continued to rise, her anger forcing more and more power out of her body. They were horrified to witness the stone walls behind her melting from her energy.
Finally, sense kicked in, and they turned tail, running for the cell door…
…which promptly snapped shut, locking them in. They slowly turned to find Kagome, eyes bright with power.
With every step she took towards the cowering youkai, more of the stone around them melted, her anger becoming a tangible force in the air.
“You picked the wrong. fucking. girl,” she snarled, power building in small explosions with each word.
The entire room was now bathed in an unholy combination of black, red, and silver energies, accentuating the terror in the youkai's eyes.
“And you shouldn't have let my dagger get fixed, either,” she stated.
Her hand shot out, and the Tetsusaiga flew across the room, landing with a resounding snap in her palm. Slowly, she bent a knee and her other foot slid back, the power in the room slowly receding into her hand, poised over the hilt of her blade.
And then, her grip tightened and she pulled. The blade came out with a spiked flare of energy, screams filling the air the same second. When the dust settled, five of the eight youkai in the room were on the floor in thousands of small pieces.
“P… Please!”
“Have mercy!” they squealed, shaking in terror.
“If it'd been a year ago, maybe. But rapists don't get mercy; they go to Hell after I blow them apart,” she growled, the massive blade in her hand glowing with a contradictorily pure and silver glow, even as the rest of her body flared black.
“W… We didn't touch you!” they exclaimed as she advanced even further along the long cell.
Kagome's lips quirked in a sneer at that, fangs gleaming in the semidarkness.
“You may not have actually touched me, but seeing as to how good you are at abducting unsuspecting women, chaining them in the basement of a brothel, and selling them, I have no doubts you've done so before. But I assure you. It'll be your last time.”
Before they could protest again, she brought the Tetsusaiga down on the stone floor.
The ground around them collapsed as a massive wave of youki launched forth, the entire side of the building vanishing in a flash of light.
“My dagger, if you please, Totosai,” she stated, sheathing the blade and turning to the seemingly bored old youkai.
“Good to see you again, Kagome, though the circumstances could certainly be better,” he sighed, tossing her her Zanpakuto.
“Yeah, good to see you again, too. How've the last 500 years treated you?” she asked as they turned as one and left the smoking crater that had been her cell, walking back into Yomi's city proper.
“Can't complain,” he said with a shrug. “I've had quite a good living repairing armor and weapons for foolish youkai breaking their new toys getting into squabbles. It's clear a lot's happened to you,” he added. “Why would a miko wander into a youkai city?”
“Well, I've never been a very good miko, no matter how much power I have,” she said, lips quirked.
“No, I suppose not,” he nodded in agreement. “But it's still a curious question. You're no longer human.”
“Well… I think I'm technically 1/4th human,” she stated, frowning in thought. “Mikos are humans, though, so maybe 1/2? Well, anyway, I'm actually staying near here until the tournament starts, but I had to get my Zanpakuto repaired-”
Her eyes widened as she realized what she'd just said, but Totosai simply nodded, smirking.
“I knew it was a Zanpakuto!”
“Yeah… Thank you, for repairing her, Totosai,” she added, looking down at the blade.
And her eyes widened in horror to discover that while the blade now had power again, and she felt complete again, she didn't sense Kumori within the blade.
“I see you have the Tetsusaiga,” Totosai murmured, breaking Kagome's horrified revelry.
“Yeah,” she sighed, glaring at the ground.
“For the blade to work for you, Inuyasha had to have died, and recognized you as its master, with half youki.”
“Yeah, funny thing… Turns out I wasn't the only non-prejudiced miko in my family… probably. Somewhere down my family tree, there's a Mazoku… I got the Tetsusaiga after killing Inuyasha, when he tried to kill me.”
“I see… This may just be the ramblings of an old man, but I for one feel much better with the sword in your care than that brash, idiotic, dense fool… It's truly a pity. I'd heard what happened. The great Inu Taishou must be rolling in his grave at what his son had become.”
“I don't regret doing it, and I don't feel bad, but… in Inuyasha's defense, he was simply stupid. Kikyo, Naraku, Aizen, and Naraku are the ones that made him into that… thing. He wasn't evil, just easily manipulated and gullible,” Kagome sighed, knowing she'd always have conflicting memories of who he'd been in the Feudal Era, and who he'd become in her time.
“I see… Well, there's some solace in that, I suppose.”
Kagome nodded in agreement, and the rest of the walk went in silence. When they reached a large hill, Totosai stopped, eyes wide.
“This is Yomi's castle.”
“I know. This is where I'm staying,” Kagome said, stopping in her stride and turning to him.
“I see… Then I leave you in safe hands,” Totosai said before turning and walking back toward the city.
“Oh, and I apologize for the pain, but that dagger should be good as new, now,” he added before disappearing.
With a sigh, the miko returned to the steep incline, her energy lacking from all that her anger had released. As Kagome reached the crest of the hill, she found Kurama standing in front of the castle, glaring down at the city.
When he saw her, he relaxed considerably, Tsuki squirming in his absently moving arms.
And then, he really saw her, and his face contorted with anger.
“I took care of it,” Kagome sighed, weariness creeping into her voice as she realized what could have happened.
“What happened?”
“Getting pissed will be useless,” Kagome stated. “I killed all of those bastards… Haven't wholesale slaughtered youkai like that in a long time,” she added, glaring down at the ground as her body began shaking.
In an instant, he was at her side, sliding the squealing Tsuki into her arms. Before she could completely comprehend what was happening, Kurama's arms dipped under her knees, and she fell back with a squeak of protest.
And then, the kitsune carried her into Yomi's castle, concern and fear glowing in his eyes as Kagome pressed herself into his comforting presence…
Yep, Kagome's a badass when she's pissed. But, now I've got rest and relaxation planned for her for a large portion of the weeks to come until the Makai tournament. As always, hope you enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy, and will leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!