Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 42 ( Chapter 42 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: None
Day of Rest
“So, we'll do that tomorrow?” Kagome asked, smiling brightly.
“If you wish. The point is that you relax after that,” Kurama mused, caressing her cheek.
“Then I should rest up,” Kagome said with a smile.
“Yes. I'll go check on Shippo and Tsuki, then. I don't think it would be conducive to your sleeping if I were to remain here,” he added, slowly eyeing her body, smirking when he landed on her beet red face.
“R… Right. Have a good night, then,” Kagome said, a passionate kiss the last thing her body had the energy left before she fell unconscious…
“C'mon, Kags,” Yoruichi sighed, draping her arms over said miko's shoulder. “Why're you looking all anxious, huh?”
“I'm not anxious,” Kagome argued with a frown, fighting her blush. “Does this spell work?” she added.
Yoruichi examined her in the mirror, looking for any trace of demonic in her appearance.
“Your teeth are still a little pointed, but you look human,” the Shinigami finally said.
Finally! I've been working at this all morning,” Kagome sighed, her body at once shifting back to her new youkai features.
“What? You don't want the youkai to know you're a youkai at the tournament?”
“Well, the element of surprise is going to be awesome. But that's not why I need this.”
“Oh? Does this have something to do with why you've got that new outfit that screams sex laying across your bed?” Yoruichi asked, snickering when Kagome went beet red.
“It's not like that!” Kagome growled out. “It's just a date! Oh, damnit,” Kagome sighed, glaring at her smirking friend in the mirror.
Tsuki started making noises and Kagome crossed the room, focusing on ignoring her friend.
“A date, huh?” Yoruichi asked as the miko started changing her daughter. “Well, why didn't you say so?”
“Cause you're going to torment me,” Kagome sighed.
“True, but you still could've told me in the first place. I'll be glad to take care of Tsuki while you're away… What exactly can you do in the Makai, for a date?”
“We're going to the Ningenkai… It's a date, but it's also going to be a bit of recon.”
“Only you would focus on more than the hot guy you're on a date with,” Yoruichi sighed.
“It's not like we're looking for a fight,” Kagome complained. “It is a date. But I want to check on Souta and Genkai, to make sure they're still okay. Maybe visit Ryuken, as well. But other than that, we're just going to spend the whole day together.”
“You've got a different level of brainpower, to keep a date and a life or death situation on the same level of concentration, Kagome,” Yoruichi said with her smirk widening.
“As long as we use absolutely no power, I won't trip any sensors with this spell up,” Kagome said, beginning to slip on her clothes.
“That sounds good, but you know that the Soul Society is very good at tracking someone down. You're going to need to be very careful. Especially if you're going into Karakura Town,” Yoruichi warned, humor gone.
“I know. But it's been a whole week since Totosai started working on Kumori, and I need to know that they're all still safe,” Kagome sighed.
Yoruichi was about to respond when a soft knock came at the door.
“Coming, Kurama,” Kagome called, seeing the smirk back on her friend's face.
With that, she gently handled the once again sleeping Tsuki to Yoruichi and turned, heading for the door.
“Don't get yourself into too much trouble, Kagome,” Yoruichi called before the miko opened the door.
When Kagome exited into the hall, Kurama's eyes widened, his brain supplying him no words as he took in her appearance. With her new youki, Kagome's skin had darkened slightly, giving her a dark tan. It had also given her a few inches of leg, which the short skirt she was wearing accentuated. That combined with her tight, black shirt and the ethereal glow to her skin made her appear to be a goddess in human form.
Finally, he managed to regain a semblance of his previous composure, after Kagome secretly took a great delight in the effect she had on him.
“Well, then, shall we be going?” he asked, smiling.
With a nod, a portal appeared, and the two took off into the Ningenkai. When they came out of the portal, they were standing in front of Genkai's home, where an impressive show was going on.
Souta did a full somersault backwards, narrowly avoiding Genkai's attack. Shards of the tiled ground exploded upward around them as the elder psychic's fist hit the ground.
“You're pretty fast, kid,” Genkai said, smirking. “Hello, Kagome,” she added, stopping her attack.
Souta stopped moving as well, turning to his sister with excited glee humming around him.
“Hey, sis! What're you doing here?” he asked, eyes wide.
“Good question,” Genkai said, frowning. “It's not a good idea for you to be in the Ningenkai.”
“I know. I'm keeping it low-key… I wanted to make sure everyone's still okay. And some other stuff,” she added, blushing when Kurama subtly brushed against her.
“Huh… Is he your boyfriend?” Souta asked, eyeing Kurama curiously.
“Souta! Geez,” Kagome mumbled, face flaming red as Kurama stifled a snicker.
“That's a yes,” Souta said, smirking. “So, what are you?”
“I believe you mean who, don't you? I'm Kurama.”
“Okay… So what are you, Kurama?” Souta asked. “Those two different auras are making my eyes hurt. You're not human, and you feel like Shippo does.”
“Well, trained him very well, haven't you?” Kurama asked, smirking at Kagome.
“Yeah. Apparently I didn't hit on the finer points of subtlety, though,” Kagome growled, glaring at her brother.
At that, Souta laughed, body shaking with each hack of laughter.
You, subtle? You're as subtle as a brick wall,” Souta said between gasps.
“Thank you so much for that, Souta,” Kagome murmured. “But it's not polite to ask someone if they're not human. For one thing, it could lead to you looking bad if you're wrong, and it could piss someone off if you aren't.”
“Okay,” Souta sighed.
Kurama and Genkai were both extremely amused by the exchange, but the elder psychic was focused on the energy flowing around Kagome, more than what was happening.
“You've been working hard, to get that much power in a week,” she mused.
Kagome's eyes widened, horrified that she'd lost her focus on the disguise.
“Well, I've got a damn good sparring partner,” Kagome said, brushing it off when she realized she was still hidden.
“Well, we're fine. You've done well training the brat,” Genkai added, smirking.
“Of course. Well, cautious or not, we'd better be getting moving,” Kagome sighed. “Be good for Genkai, Souta, or I'll kick your ass,” she added before Kurama vanished, her along with him.
“You shouldn't use so much power,” Kagome sighed as the smirking Kurama slid her into his arms, her own arms wrapping around his neck for dear life and her face turning to flames.
“Well, it's not much power. Youko was a very good thief, so getting around undetected is my specialty.”
“Don't I know it,” she mused, impressed by how fast they were moving. “I haven't needed to do this in a while.”
“Do what?”
“Hang on someone faster,” Kagome sighed.
“Ah. Well, take solace. You're faster when you can use your energy.”
“Yeah, but that's not much of a consolation,” she growled, pouting.
With a smirk, he simply gave her a kiss, which took the pout right away.
When her faculties returned to her, Kagome found herself in front of a hospital.
“Wow. You're good,” Kagome said. “Shall we go in?” she asked, looking up at the top floor, where she knew Ryuken's office was.
With a nod, the two went inside, the mousy receptionist in the lobby eyeing them curiously.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes. I was wondering if Ryuken Ishida was in.”
“He is. May I ask what this is about?” the receptionist asked, pulling a phone off its cradle.
“Tell him Miss Higurashi's here. He'll understand,” Kagome stated simply.
The receptionist went to work, and after relaying the message, hung up, her speculative stare growing more intense.
“Mr. Ishida said to come up. His office is on the top floor, you won't miss it.”
“Thank you,” Kagome said before taking off, Kurama trailing close behind.
They quickly ascended the building, and Ryuken's eyes widened as they stepped in.
“Hello, Kagome. What are you doing here? From what I hear, it's not exactly safe for you.”
“Well, that's true, but I'm being careful. And I've got some fantastic help,” she added, pointing at Kurama before taking the seat opposite Ryuken at the large desk. “I was here anyways, and decided to come here. I heard that you want to know Tsuki.”
“Yes. Honestly, I'm surprised that idiot even had it in him to even have a child. But I would like to get to know her, be a normal grandparent, if possible.”
“My problem is with Uryuu, not you. I have no problem letting you get to know her, or she you,” Kagome stated with a smile. “But you're going to have to wait until it's safe in the Ningenkai for her and myself.”
“Agreed. And on that note, you should be careful.”
“Well, I know that,” Kagome sighed.
“Yes. But I've heard of what's going on. By the way, I'm very impressed there's someone alive gutsy enough to threaten the Spirit King. But there are people you'd probably rather not go up against on the side of the assassination plot.”
“What? Who do you mean?” Kagome asked, eyes wide.
“I don't know many specifics, but Uryuu and a few of the Captains, for starters. And it would appear that not all Vizards are against it, either,” Ryuken sighed.
“Thank you for the heads up,” Kagome said, rising. “With that, staying in Karakura for long's probably not a good idea.”
“Agreed. You know, much of an idiot as Uryuu is, I'm glad that he at least found someone competent. Before screwing it up, of course,” Ryuken sighed.
“Thank you. I'll be sure to bring Tsuki next time,” Kagome said before she and Kurama took their leave.
“Well then, let's get the hell out of here before we're spotted,” Kagome sighed as soon as they were out of the hospital.
“We've got the whole day. Where do you want to go first?” Kurama asked, scooping her up and taking off again…
Kagome bumped against Kurama, smiling brilliantly and leaning into Kurama's side.
“This day was amazing,” she sighed. “Definitely a good way to relax.”
“Yes, well, you certainly deserve it,” he responded, caressing her forehead as they walked, moonlight streaming down and accentuating the goddess-like appearance of hers'.
“Mmm… Keep that up and I might end this date with a bang,” Kagome purred, her heightened youkai sensitivity making the caresses launch waves of pleasure through her entire body.
“Well, we should make haste, then,” Kurama mused, beginning to form a portal.
And then, the lovely atmosphere was gone as a chilling ripple of energy flooded the air.
“Oh, goddamnit!” Kagome growled.
“Shinigami and Enma's pawns. But they don't appear to have spotted us,” Kurama said, scenting the air.
“No… But that energy's coming from…”
She focused on the other energies near the forces, and her eyes widened.
“Well, it was almost perfect,” he sighed. “Let's go.”
Kurama took off towards Genkai's, Kagome trailing behind as the masking of her energy vanished…
Well, there's another chapter for your reading pleasure. Hope you enjoyed, and as always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!