Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 49 ( Chapter 49 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Angst, Language

“Okay,” Kagome stated slowly. “So, for the sake of argument, let’s say that it’s true. That I’m Raizen’s sort-of-daughter... What does that mean? Yusuke and I are siblings?”
“Well, the logistics are kind of confusing,” Kurama mused. “I suppose the most likely would be that you’re half-siblings.”
“They certainly share certain traits,” Hiei quipped, smirking when she glared at him.
“Regardless, I’d much prefer Raizen as a father,” Kagome said, glaring at the ground. “This is giving me a headache!”
“I finally found you,” a voice sighed, breaking Kagome from her mood and bringing all the others’ attention to a tall, purple-haired woman with several people to her side.
“Hey! What the hell happened?” Kagome asked, mood forgotten as they joined their group of friends.
“The guy I was fighting used this annoying sword to shoot a bunch of ghosts at me, and I got so distracted with the laughter that I didn’t see the hulking mass of muscle behind me before an explosion threw me off the island,” Yoruichi sighed.
“Funniest thing I’ve seen all week,” Urahara said with a laugh. “They played her shocked look on the instant replay a few times. Wish I’d had my camera.”
“Yeah? Like you would’ve noticed the thing, either, Kisuke,” Yoruichi growled, glaring at him.
“These are more friends of yours?” Natsume asked, staring at the two with amusement.
“Why are there so many youkai slayers in the tournament to become ruler of the Makai?” Mukuro asked, glaring at them.
“Well, I don’t really kill youkai,” Yoruichi said with a shrug. “And I’m not exactly on the Shinigami’s side right now. But I lost, so does it really matter?”
“But you are a Shinigami?” Enki asked.
“It’s a love-hate relationship,” Yoruichi said with a shrug.
“To be fair, we didn’t even know that there were still youkai around until recently,” Urahara added as Shippo went around him, running up to Kagome.
“Momma, you kicked ass!” Shippo said with a grin.
“Mouth,” Kagome chided, lightly tapping his head before caressing Tsuki’s face.
“You know, if you wanted to keep people in suspense about what you are, blasting them in the face with lightning was probably the wrong way to do it,” Urahara said with a smirk.
“Hey, the island’s still there,” she complained.
“Yes, but subtle it was not,” Sesshomaru stated.
“You’ve certainly picked an interesting person to play with, Kurama,” Mukuro stated.
“Hey, I’m gonna’ kick yer ass fer being so like that bastard!” Koko growled, glaring at Kagome.
She was about to respond when Koto’s voice rang out through the mic system, breaking her focus.
“And in an incredible show of power, Yusuke Urameshi has won against Jin again! And I can’t believe how much blood these two can move around without!” the cat yelled excitedly. “And next up, Shishiwakamaru versus Kazum… Umm… Shishiwakamaru seems to be going through a bout of insanity, screaming obscenities and turning his back on Kazuma… Umm… start?”
A brilliant flash of light filled the sky, and the next thing visible was Shishiwakamaru on the ground, bleeding heavily and clearly unconscious.
“Uh… Once again, in a display that we couldn’t catch on cameras, Kazuma the ex-Shinigami wins… Next match, the current King Enki versus the great Lord of the West of past, Sesshomaru!”
Said inu youkai smirked, meeting Enki’s gaze.
“Well, let’s make this a good one, huh?” Enki laughed. “I’ve been waiting for this for centuries!”
“Let’s get going then, shall we?” Sesshomaru stated before vanishing in a blur of movement.
Enki quickly vanished, and suddenly she felt a heavy set of glares on her from Koko and Mukuro.
“Huh… I didn’t know they knew each other,” Kagome said confusedly.
“Oh, yeah! Fluffy and us go way back!” Koko hiccupped.
“Fluffy?” Kagome asked with a laugh. “So, I guess I wasn’t as original as I thought.”
“So, you’re Raizen’s daughter, then,” Mukuro stated, cutting off her mirth.
“I guess so…”
Shippo gave Kagome a confused expression, and she knelt down with a smirk.
“I’ll explain things later,” she laughed while ruffling his hair.
“I was unaware of you having a kit, Kurama,” Mukuro stated.
“Ah, he’s mine,” Kagome said, smirking as Kurama blushed.
“Yours? Really?”
“Yeah. It’s a long story.”
“Not really. It seems pretty simple,” Mukuro stated, her eye shifting from her to Kurama.
As a brilliant patch of red crossed Kagome’s skin, the youkai smirked, right along with Hiei and the rest.
Kagome was about to make a snappy retort when a charge filled the air, and her eyes widened the same second a warm body appeared at her back. Instantly, she had both blade hilts in white-knuckled grips and spun to face an amused Kazuma.
“Well, good to see you’re on your guard,” Kazuma mused. “And your friends, as well.”
“Gutsy move, Kazuma,” Urahara said, gripping his cane with white knuckles.
“Your arrogance is astounding, really,” Kurama added, a whip curling out from either of his hands.
“So, this would be the reason you’re here?” Natsume asked Kagome, glaring at Kazuma.
“One of them. Hiei, don’t waste the dragon on him,” Kagome added, sensing the energy building around the growling youkai.
“Hardly a waste. The dragon could use a chew toy in Hell,” Hiei stated as black energy began to rise from his arm.
“Oh, but Kagome here isn’t going to let any of you kill me. She wants that pleasure for herself. Am I right?”
Shippo pressed to Kagome’s legs, and she began to draw the Tetsusaiga.
“I think everyone here’s earned a shot at you, actually,” Kagome growled. “You have exactly five seconds before your head leaves your body.”
“You can’t do it. Not with so many people around,” Kazuma sneered. “Your sword’s got a bit of a… spatial issue. Plus, if you showed off too much, you might get a stadium full of angry youkai coming for your head.”
“I’ve lived with that since I was 15,” Kagome scoffed. “You threatened my family. Just like that bastard sitting up on his throne. You’re both going to be dead by the end of the week,” Kagome growled, her youki beginning to seep into the air.
A small smirk of satisfaction formed when he took an involuntary step back from her power, though all other beings but Shippo and her friends within fifteen feet of her did as well.
“Our match will be in the ring,” Kazuma stated, his amusement gone. “And don’t think I’ll die as easily as my shadow did.”
With that, he was gone, and Kagome’s powers slowly retracted, hands slowly releasing the Tetsusaiga. Before she could do anything else, Koto’s voice once again boomed through the air.
“I don’t believe it! Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match is Sesshomaru! Enki has lost! The first half of the second round is over! Next up, we’ve got Koko, Enki’s firecracker of a wife, versus Yomi!”

For some reason, Mediaminer won't accept my Word files anymore, so after a long time of trying different things, I think this format is what's needed for the rest of the story, which I finished close to a month ago. Sorry!
For those who haven’t figured it out, I’m working on the assumption that while Mukuro, Yomi, and Raizen were the original Makai Lords, Sesshomaru was the fourth direction, the West. Don’t know if it fits, but it does for this. Hope you enjoyed. As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they good or not. See you next time!