Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 50 ( Chapter 50 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Language

An explosion of light went off, and when the dust cleared, a tall goat-like youkai was on the ground, a woman standing over him and panting.
“And in a stunning match, Mukuro has beaten Yomi, for the final spot in the next round! We’ll be taking a twenty minute break, and then we’ll be moving onto the semi-finals of the Makai tournament! The first match will be the hanyo Kagome versus the ex-Shinigami, Kazuma!” Koto boomed.
“That was quite a match, I have to say,” Yomi groaned as Mukuro lifted him up and they left the island.
Kagome found herself smirking as the youkai bustled about, the idea of her ‘father’ no longer existing giving her unspeakable amounts of joy.
“Don’t get too excited. When you win, you’ll still have to compete with this Sesshomaru,” the inu quipped.
“Ha! Don’t think you’ll beat me so easily, dog boy,” Mukuro sneered from where she sat at Hiei’s side.
“That’s going to be an interesting fight,” Kagome admitted, smirking.
“Don’t take Kazuma lightly,” Yoruichi sighed.
“He’s faked his death too many times to take him lightly. I’m going to make sure he’s dead 100 different ways before we’re through,” Kagome responded, subconsciously brushing her hand against Kurama’s.
“Considering that this is the end, you can’t hold back, though I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that,” Hiei added.
“Well, I’m not going to… But there are certain aspects of what I can do that the youkai watching may not appreciate…”
“Regardless of how pure that side of your powers is, don’t forget that he’s not a youkai,” Kurama sighed. “So if you stick to your youki, there should be no riots.”
“I myself am quite curious as to what, exactly, you can do,” Yomi sighed, nursing the large wound on his side.
“Well, I’ve got about eighteen minutes to get ready. Be sure to enjoy the show,” Kagome said before vanishing, leaving her considerably large group in a small cloud of dust.
“So, who exactly is this woman? She’s very intriguing,” Mukuro sighed, rubbing at where her arm had been broken not ten minutes ago.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Hiei laughed. “These youkai are in for one hell of a show now that she’s getting serious.”
“Quite,” Kurama agreed with a smirk.
“So, speaking of Kagome, you two seem chummy,” Yusuke said with a grin.
“Yes, the dimwit’s right,” Hiei added.
“What? You’re surprised, Hiei?”
“Hell no. Surprised you’re not trying to deny it, though,” he quipped.
“Yeah. Got any details?”
Suddenly, a solid thumping sound came, and Urahara gripped the bright, red fist-shaped mark on the back of his skull with a grin.
“Shut it, Kisuke. We need to save that til she’s around.”
“So, I know we’ve covered this, but I’m a little confused,” Natsume sighed from her spot off to the side. “So how does this whole thing work? You’re Shinigami? And the one she’s fighting is her father?”
“That bastard may be her father, but she’s definitely got Raizen’s blood in her veins,” Sesshomaru sneered.
“Yeah. Who knew she had so much youki in her?” Kagura, who’d just recently shown up, added with a grin. “Explains a few things, though.”
“Okay, so it’s all cleared up. We were Shinigami, but some bad shit happened a few centuries ago that got us on their bad sides. We ran, and then a little over a year ago, Kagome showed up. And we trained her,” Urahara sighed.
“Of course, we were only so much use training her, even before she knew she was a youkai, so some friends of ours also helped her with her youki… though we didn’t know that it had anything to do with youkai until she met this lot and found out,” Yoruichi added, pointing to Yusuke, Hiei and Kurama.
“Okay… But if Kagome’s a Shinigami, then why would you all be against them?” Natsume asked, her tone full of confusion and frustration.
“Well, let’s just say that Kagome pissed off the wrong person. Amazing how fast they all went to kill her, really,” Urahara sighed.
“Who’d she piss off?” Koko asked, glaring at them from beside her husband.
“Pissed off is insufficient, I’m afraid,” Kurama sighed. “But it’s her burden until she lets others in on it.”
“Well, I’d be glad to take that bastard’s head myself, really,” Hiei growled.
“Well, yeah, I think we all would,” Yusuke sighed. “But she’s the one that wants to be stupid and take the big guy on by herself, so she can do whatever the hell she wants. I’ll just be sure to be there to take on those brainwashed assholes that he’s got under him. No offense,” he added to the Shinigami.
“None taken. I’ve called them worse,” Urahara laughed.
“So, basically, whatever Kagome’s purpose here is, it will end in a war,” Mukuro concluded. “I’m not sure how many youkai would allow their ruler to use them as cannon fodder for some personal vendetta.”
“Oh, if they found out who she wants dead, I’m sure there’d be plenty of troops lining up at her door,” Hiei laughed.
“So, are you single?” Yoruichi suddenly asked, making Natsume jump in surprise at her sudden appearance.
“Damn you’re fast!” she yelped.
And then, her mind registered the question and she frowned.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Down, girl,” Urahara sighed, tapping the suddenly grinning Yoruichi on the skull.
“I think she’s hitting on you,” Koko said, rolling with laughter as Natsume quickly reddened.
“But seriously, you should get ready, Yoruichi,” Urahara sighed, killing the mood. “You know that they’ll be here sooner than later. I’m surprised it’s taking them this long.”
“When they show up, I’m going to be ready. But are you ready to put that rusty sword of yours to use?”
“This day’s going to end in a blood bath. Hopefully we’ll be the winners,” Hiei added, glaring at the ground.
“Indeed. Even if she refuses our help, she can’t handle all of Soul Society and him by herself,” Kurama added. “I propose we see how many youkai we can round up for aid…”

Kagome glared down at the ground, energy pulsing around her arm and heat rapidly building.
“So, what’s the plan, boss?” a bubbly voice echoed through her skull.
“I’m using everything in me to kill him. I need enough left to fight whoever makes it to the finals, but half of my energy should be enough,” Kagome sighed. “Can you rest, Kumori? I’m going to need you, too. And my Hollow, probably.”
Suddenly, the heat and energy sparked to visible life, and black flames coiled slowly around her arm, leaving a twisting, serpentine scorch mark up her skin. Quickly, she pulled the cloth that Hiei had given her from her pocket and wrapped the arm, feeling the energy already building and pushing to break free.
“Are you going to be okay killing your old man? For real, this time?” Kumori’s voice asked with concern.
“If I can’t kill him, then I don’t stand a chance against Enma. That said, I don’t think there’ll be a moral dilemma here. I think I’ll lead with my Shinigami powers to gauge.”
“I get to be first up? Alright!” Kumori squealed, making Kagome’s brows twitch as her awareness slowly slipped back to the sword.
“Okay! Ladies and gentlemen, we have three minutes left before the match starts! Will both contestants please come to the stage now?” Koto’s voice boomed.
With a grimace, Kagome took off, her power steadily leveling out throughout her entire being as she approached the island.
Unsurprisingly, Kazuma was already there, and he was smirking.
“Why, hello, dear daughter. I hope you’ve enjoyed the competition today.”
“Cut the small talk. You’re here for one reason and one reason only, and that’s so I can finally kill you,” Kagome growled as her dagger flew to her palm.
“Oh? Well, you’re in a mood,” he said with a smirk.
“A mood? Being in your presence makes me angrier than I thought possible. You had my family killed. You tried to seal me off from my friends. And you threatened my children. I. will. kill you today, you bastard,” Kagome snarled, red bleeding into her eyes as her composure left, a burst of her youki flowing up around her.
“Impressive. Not even a whole minute before I break your cool. I hope this will last more than a few minutes. The winner of this whole fiasco has to be the one that’s strong enough to take Enma’s head, so holding back’s not a good idea.”
“First, I’m taking out your throat before I burn you to dust and scatter the ashes. Then, I’m going to take all of this power that I got from your tainted blood, as well as my real family’s side, and I’m going to take my time slowly breaking Enma down to nothing for all of the shit that he’s put me through. Sound like a good plan to you?” Kagome snarled, eyes narrowing.
“Well, we’ll just see how things go, shall we?” Kazuma asked with an infuriating smirk.
Kagome’s power pulsed in response, and the island rocked as darkness overtook the previously clear skies.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know if you’re seeing this, but Kagome’s got some serious power! She’s obviously been holding back! There’s got to be some seriously bad blood between these two competitors. Without any more delay, I say let the bloodshed begin! Try to make it last, guys!”
And then, Kagome was moving…

So, the show-down begins! I hope I’ve kept your interest to this point, and that you’ve enjoyed reading my work as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it. As always, be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not, especially if you’ve got a critique of my work. See you next time!