Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Mayakashi ❯ Chapter 52 ( Chapter 52 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Bleach, or YuYu Hakusho, or any of the anime/manga characters.
Warnings: Mild Language and Violence

“In a stunning show of bloodshed and viciousness, Kagome seems to have… for lack of a better description, shattered Kazuma. I have never seen so much power! As there’s no longer a Kazuma around, Kagome is the winner! I don’t know how well she’ll be able to get off that island after that display, though…”
Kagome glared at the nearest speaker, blood dripping from her arm.
“You win even when you lost. I doubt I can take on either of those two, now, you bastard,” Kagome snarled as she began stumbling towards the edge of the ring.
Slowly, she dropped from the island, energy exploding at the last second to stop the impact from crushing her body. And then, she pushed herself towards the crowd, and her friends.
Surprisingly, she hadn’t made it ten steps when a pair of warm arms went around her midsection, and she pressed into Kurama’s safety.
“That was quite the performance,” he stated as she leaned into him, warmth radiating from her wounds.
“Damn, I love plant magic,” she sighed as his energy knitted her wounds back together and filled her with warmth.
“It is convenient, isn’t it? Do you think you’ll be able to continue?” he asked.
She slowly released her grip on him and put herself back onto her own feet, half her energy more than enough to keep her upright.
“I have to keep going… I can only hope that two things happen. Whichever one wins comes out of it with less energy than me, and Enma doesn’t come bursting in… Why do I feel like both are going to go the other way?”
“Because you’re not deluded… When Enma comes, you’re going to have allies. After that display of power, there will be many youkai that will think you to be a Goddess, and will probably go against the old one.”
“Well, let’s hope… Where are Shippo and Tsuki?”
“Yoruichi and Kisuke are watching over them. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you this, but they won’t let any harm come to them.”
“I know… You know, win or lose, I don’t think I’ll be able to return to the human world any time soon, and I definitely can’t go to the Seireitei ever again.”
“We’ll come up with something,” Kurama said with a shrug. “But you’re frightened of something,” he added, seeing the wavering in her aura.
“Kazuma took all that energy and tried to turn me to stone. I have a little more than half my power in me right now… After the next fight, I don’t know if I’ll have anything left in me… If Enma brings the Shinigami with him, then I really think that Tsuki will be taken away… I don’t know what to do.”
“You’ll manage. Don’t forget, you have friends beyond Urahara and Yoruichi, Kagome,” Kurama mused as his hand traced a pattern up her side, their pace towards the others slowing considerably.
“I know… You guys are more than good friends. I trust all of you with the lives of myself and my children. You, especially, Kurama… But if I somehow live with all of your deaths on my conscience… I don’t know what I might do,” Kagome said as tears began to form.
Slowly, his arms enveloped her, and her head pressed tightly into his shoulder.
“Let it out, Kagome. You need to be focused if you want to win.”
And then, Kagome broke, words flooding from her mouth against her will.
“My family’s dead. I’ve killed not only my first love and previous self, but I also just killed my father. My children will live in a world of constant threat and danger if I don’t kill Enma, an actual god. I’m strong, but not enough to take him on right now. I just don’t know what the fuck’s going to give first, me or that bastard. And I have to worry about becoming the ruler of an entire dimension, by fighting either one of my oldest allies and friends who probably still outclasses me by far, or Hiei’s mate…”
“It will be alright,” Kurama murmured, his breath on her clammy skin making her shiver. “Only two of those problems are here and now. From what I understand, your monk friend is the one that finished the tainted being known as Kikyo, and the hanyo slaughtered your family, regardless of previous affections. You are not alone in your fight against Enma, I assure you of that. And when he falls, your children will also be safe. And, as for that last one, well… that you’re on your own with,” he said, smiling gently when she let out a giggle.
“Thank you, Kurama… For everything,” she sighed as she pressed further into his warmth. “We’d better hurry up and see who I’ll be fighting.”
Just as they reached the crowd and the screens, Sesshomaru and Mukuro landed on screen. Thanks to the systems around, even their low-key talking was audible to the audience.
“Well, this should be interesting, Lord Sesshomaru,” Mukuro stated. “I’ve heard stories. Wish I’d been around while you still were.”
“Indeed. Yomi spoke highly of your skills,” the inu quipped. “Try not to disappoint.”
With a smirk, she dropped into a fighting stance, and Koto was practically bouncing.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the second half of the semi-finals is about to get under way! The Lord of the West in the past, Sesshomaru, versus the previous Mistress of the South, Mukuro! Let the bloodshed begin!”
Instantly, Sesshomaru took off. His fist connected with her upraised knee, and just as they connected, her own hand whipped towards the inu’s face.
In response, he jumped back and a long, glowing green whip curled out from his fingers. He went at Mukuro with unbelievable ferocity, the whip coming increasingly closer to her lithely dodging form with every swing.
When one of his swings went wide, Mukuro stopped dodging and pounced. Blood flew from his face as her fist connected, a second before her other hand grabbed his long hair and she slammed him downward.
As her fist came down to his unprotected face, he pushed upward, and she did an impressive series of flips to avoid the sudden, rapid strikes of his sickly glowing claws.
“My, my, they appear to be evenly matched,” Kurama said with surprise.
“What do you think, Hiei?” Kagome asked, smirking when the engrossed youkai broke away from watching, his face turning slightly red.
“I’d honestly like to say Mukuro’s the better fighter, but I’ve heard stories of Sesshomaru. He simply has too much experience and strength to be beaten, at her current lack of energy. Then again, she’s no slouch.”
“Aww,” Kagome said, laughing when he turned an even darker shade of red.
“Quiet, onna, or I’ll be forced to make you suffer,” he growled.
A noise brought their attention back to the screen, Kurama gently tapping the laughing miko’s forehead with his knuckles.
Mukuro launched again at the inu taiyoukai, and her eye widened when he didn’t move out of the way, his claws glowing brilliantly. As she stopped her momentum to dive back, the inu spun.
And the green whip wrapped around her frame, her eye now wide in shock.
“It’s over,” Sesshomaru stated before green smoke rose from the whip.
Slowly, Mukuro’s eye rolled into the back of her head, and she collapsed limply to the ground.
Kagome noticed Hiei’s growling, and gripped his forearm to catch his attention.
“Relax. It’s a kind of toxin that he can release. He didn’t pierce her skin with it, so the worst that it can do is render her unconscious. Don’t go on the warpath.”
Hiei calmed down, and Kagome sighed in relief.
“Umm… It appears that Sesshomaru’s used some kind of poison to knock Mukuro out. She’s not dead, and there was only a little bit of blood, but since she’s technically incapable of fighting, Sesshomaru wins! Let’s just hope that the finals will be gruesome enough to make up for it!” Koto exclaimed. “We’ll have a ten minute break for all bets to be placed, and then we’ll have one hell of a match! Lord Sesshomaru, a great youkai whose feats of murder are legendary, versus Kagome, a hanyo with way more power than we’ve seen that literally shattered her last opponent! Who will win? The anticipation’s killing me!”
“Well, this is going to suck,” Kagome sighed.
“Perhaps. But we have ten minutes for you to heal as much as I can do,” Kurama stated, pressing to her.
With a purr, she pushed herself hard against him, a smile creeping to her lips as warmth engulfed her.
“Not a bad way to spend the time before I have to fight a master tactician,” she murmured, smiling…

I just guessed which direction Mukuro would lead, but she seemed like someone who would rule the south (usually the correspondent to the element of fire), and as for the comment she made, I’m working on the assumption that she was younger than Yomi and Raizen, and was therefore gone before Sesshomaru left to the future. Hope you enjoyed the non-Kagome fight, though I admittedly know very little about how Mukuro fights…
And so the final match is decided! The drama’s mounting! As always, hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing it. Be sure to leave your opinions, be they positive or not. See you next time!