Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Cowboy Bebop Fan Fiction / Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ More Random Things ❯ Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Neko: Hi this is my second fic and I''m sooo happy! ^-^ However enjoy!

Neko: My god how long does it take Sailor Dark to bring some pizza over


Sesshomaru: *chained to ceiling* Beats me?

Vash: *sitting on ground reading the paper about Neko's paper about the

warehouse he bought for her own show* Hey Neko!

Neko: *Looks at Vash* What?

Vash: They say this place is haunted!

Miroku: Yeah like that's possible! I mean we already experienced that

already! *Pours chemicals in to a test tube* (A/N I put him in a

electric cage! The reason why……He's a pervert!)

Sailor Dark: I have the pizza!

Neko: About time!

Hiei: *Comes out from Neko''s work out room.* Finally!

Spike: *comes out with beer can* I can finally have something not in a

plastic cup!

Neko: Where did you get that can of beer?

Spike: Uhhhhhh…….

Koga: He took out the bottle waters and put in beer in it''s place!

Neko: WHAT?

Spike: Hehehehe

Neko: *Grabs beer can and runs to kitchen then the sound of something

going down drain fills room. Then looks out of kitchen* Spike say

Bye-Bye to your cans of beer!

Spike: What are you talking about?

Neko: Neko-hiei here boy!

Kittens voice fills room

Neko-hiei: *is meowing the Meow-Mix song* (A/N My kittens name is

Hiei! So you people won''t get mixed up!)

Kenshin, Yahiko, Sanosuke: *Look down at Neko-hiei coming in with empty

beer in mouth*

Short chapter I''ll be writing the next chapter soon Bye!