Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Defy Your Fate ❯ A New Mission ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer : I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho OR Inuyasha, if I did, I would have made this crossover.

kugutsu - puppet, I think

Osuwari - Sit

Yo! heh, heh, for some reason I got a weird idea, it just so happens I'm making this fic part of a series of fic, this fic is somewhere I think the 2nd fic of them. Anyway, I'm still thinking of the prequel to this, along with the sequel, so please watch out for it when I send it in

In the previous chapter, Yusuke, along with the Inuyasha-ikkou managed to win against Raizen, barely, now they're trying to get back to Kaede's village. Naraku has seen the fight and now wants the powerfil youkai on his side,will Yusuke and the others be able to stop him, or maybe Raizen is gone already, you'll see in this chapter, or in the next one why I said that. Meanwhile, while all of this is happening, what has become of Yusuke's friends back in his own time?

Chapter 5:

Modern Time

Gathered in a beach and having fun, all of Yusuke's friends watched Keiko's sadness, "Yusuke you idiot!!! Why won't you come back!!" "Keiko..." said a tall guy with weird red hair, and is not that good-looking. "Keiko, he said that he'll be back in three years, you know he'll keep his promise," said another tall red-head, but in his case, he's too gorgeous and often times mistaken for a woman.

"I know that, Kurama," replied Keiko, "but you said the tournament's over, why is he still there?" she asked. "I don't know, but I do know that he'll be back, just be patient for him," Kurama replied. "He's right, Yusuke has never broken any of his promises, so we can count on him," said Kuwabara, the not so good-looking red-head. After a few moments, Keiko finally lightened up, "Thanks you guys, I feel better now," "Really?" asked a sweet girl, with silvery blue hair. "Yeah, Yukina, I'm okay, I remembered that Yusuke always keeps his promises," Keiko replied.

"Anyway, I have to go back, I still have school tomorrow, see ya!" she said, and she when she was finally away from view, the others felt sorry for her. "Poor Keiko," said another blue haired girl, but taller than the previous. "Botan, do you why Yusuke is still back there?" asked a girl with long dirty-blonde hair, who is smoking a lot for her age. "I don't either, Shizuru," said Botan. "That idiot better come back, for Keiko's sake," said an old woman. "Genkai..." said Botan.

All of them were silent for a few moments, when Kuwabara yelled out, "Urameshi!!! You better get back here for Keiko's sake! You stupid idiot!!" "Yusuke!! You Idiot!" yelled Botan. After releasing their frustration, they all left back to their homes.

Sengoku Jidai

"Achoo! Achoo!"

"Hey! don't you even think of sneezing on me!" said Inuyasha.

"Shut it! Dog-Boy!" said Yusuke.

"What did you say!?! You wanna try taking me down?!"

"Be glad to! You've been looking at me like I was a crack addict!"

"A what!?"

"Both of you stop it!" yelled Kagome, "can't you guys stay quiet even for a minute?!" "I'm beginning to see why you said you have a serious headache, Kagome," said a fat old woman, wearing robes of a priestess. "My headache is still throbbing, Lady Kaede, these two kept arguing ever since we left the village," said Kagome, "Not only that, we even got attacked by one of Naraku's kugutsu.


After the battle with the youkai, Kagome carried Shippo and the smaller form of Kirara, Inuyasha carried Sango, while Yusuke carried Miroku. Before they even left the run down village, both Inuyasha and Yusuke couldn't carry their load and stopped for a break.

"Tch. This guy's heavy," said Yusuke.

"If you can't handle your own wounds, then give him to me and we'll leave you," said Inuyasha.

"Heh, you think you'll be able to carry both of them? when your legs are shaking?"

Inuyasha looked at his legs and saw that they ARE shaking, but only a little, 'Dammit,' he also noticed that his head is getting woozy, 'I lost a lot of blood to that youkai.'

"What? you still think you can carry both?" said a smiling Yusuke.


"Hey, we better get to Kaede's village fast, so we'll all be healed," said Kagome.

"How? We're all injured here," said Yusuke, stating the obvious. "I'll look for something to carry them easier," and then she left to look for any sort of transportation, leaving both Inuyasha and Yusuke alone. (A/N: Bad move there, Kagome)

Yusuke, sat down and thought of his friends, and also of what the hell happened, and where is he. Just then, he felt the eyes of the one named Inuyasha, looking at him, "What?"

"Don't think you can fool me, youkai, you want the Shikon no Tama shard."

"The Shikon-what?"

"Don't make fun of me!?"

"Hey, whatever your problem is, don't involve me in it."

Inuyasha gave him a low growl, which Yusuke looked to as a challenge. All of a sudden, both of them heard a scream. "Kagome!" yelled Inuyasha, he then ran over to her. "Hey wait! what about these guys?" Yusuke looked at the unconscious comrades of Inuyasha and decided follow him.

Once Inuyasha and Yusuke saw Kagome, she was being attacked by a white monkey, with wooden tentacles coming out of him. The monkey managed to get a hold of her. "That's one of Naraku's kugutsu," said Inuyasha, drawing Tessaiga. "Hey! How did that big ass sword fit in that small little sheath?" asked Yusuke. "Shut up! gotta save Kagome," said Inuyasha, and he brought up the Tessaiga with his left hand and cut the tentacles of the puppet, letting go of Kagome. "Kagome!" yelled Inuyasha, he was about to grab her, when the puppet regenrated more arms and attacked Inuyasha from behind and hit the bitten wound, "Arrgh," grunted Inuyasha, being thrown aside. "Inuyasha!" yelled Kagome.

The puppet was about to get a hold of Kagome, reaching for her shard, when she disappeared. Kagome opened her eyes to see she's in the arms of not Inuyasha, but the other guy.

"You okay?" asked Yusuke. "Yeah," said Kagome. She looked past him to see Inuyasha look at them, she then felt a bit embarrased, and jumped off Yusuke's arms. "Thank you for saving me," she said. Yusuke nodded and then turned to face the puppet, and then at Inuyasha, "This thing regenerates right?" "Yeah, what about it?" said Inuyasha.

While talking, the puppet attacked them, but they evaded them. Yusuke asked Kagome, "How do you beat it?" still dodging the attacks. "You have to destroy its heart, it's deep inside it" said Kagome. "Right," said Yusuke.

Yusuke evaded the last attack and yelled to Inuyasa, "Hey, this one's mine!" After hearing that, Inuyasha yelled back, "No way! This one's mine!" "But you just got beaten!" "I can kill this thing without your help!" Inuyasha used his Tessaiga to slice the puppet in half, revealing what seems to be the heart of the puppet. "Heh, told you," said Inuyasha, but before he finished his landing, the tentacles wrapped around him, "What the?" He looked to see that he did not completely destroy the heart, barley missed it, since it has a scratch on it.

Yusuke then jumped and punched the heart to finally destroy the monkey puppet. After all of that, Kagome went to see if Inuaysha's okay, which he is not, considering his previous wound. "You shouldn't be reckless, Inuyasha" said Kagome, 'Come to think about it, he's never this reckless, maybe with Kikyo...but what he did just now...' she broke from her thoughts when she heard yelling.

"I thought I told you I didn't need your help!?" shouted Inuyasha.

"If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be needing any help coz you'll be dead!" shouted Yusuke.

"You fool, I don't die that easily!"

"It seemed that you were dying!"


"Both of you please!" yelled Kagome, "you're acting like kids!"

"He started it," Yusuke pointed at Inuyasha. "You started it!" yelled back Inuyasha.

"Urrgh, I give up!" said Kagome, and then she left, but then she saw a huge wheel barrow that doesn't seem broken, and is big enough for their friends, "Hey you guys!" But they weren't listening, because they're till shouting at each other, each comeback getting louder, like a shouting contest, "YOU GUYS!!" she finally screamed at the top of her lungs, they finally looked at her, "What?!" they said at the same time.

"I found our transportation," she pointed at the huge wheel barrow. "But what will move it? there's no horse, or cow," asked Inuyasha. Yusuke thought of the same thing. Kagome wondered the same thing when she thought of an idea, she then looked at both of them, which made them feel a little uneasy. "Kagome, what're you thinking?" asked Inuyasha. Yusuke felt like he's not going to like whatever she says.

On the road going to Kaede's village, Yusuke and Inuyasha are pulling the wheel barrow with the others on it, and Kagome is in front of them, leading the way.

"This is all your fault! Dog-boy!" said Yusuke.

"Shut up!" 'And why do they always call me that?!'

End Flashback

"I see, so that's how it went," said Kaede.

"Keh." said Inuyasha, he then fell silent. The same with Yusuke.

"Lady Kaede, how're the others?" asked Kagome. "They're fine, Kagome, they only need lots of rest." "Thank you." "Don't mind it," and then she left the hut to look after Miroku and the others.

"Okay, now that she's gone, tell us who you are," demanded Inuyasha. "Inuyasha! Don't be rude!" said Kagome, "we should introduce ourselves first." "Keh."

"My name's Kagome Higurashi," she shook the guy's hand, "And this is Inuyasha," but they did not shake hands, only glared at each other, "Okaay, so what's your name?" she asked.

"The name's Yusuke Urameshi."

Kagome blinked for a while, when it hit her, "Eehhhh!? You!? You're Yusuke Urameshi!?" she yelled too loud the villagers were getting scared. "You know this guy, Kagome?" asked Inuyasha. "I only heard of him, he's Yusuke Urameshi, the number one punk in the streets," she replied. "What makes him so special?" snorted Inuyasha. "From what I've heard, he has never lost any of his fights, and some call him a youkai when he fights," said Kagome.

"Heh, never lost in a fight, huh?," said Inuyasha, then glared again at Yusuke. He saw it and returned the glare. "I also heard that he disappeared two years ago, and no one has heard from him, come to think about it, some of the boys from when I was in junior high were celebrating that he disappeared," she added. "Hahaha! Looks like them and me share something in common, " said Inuyasha, "And it's that we don't like you." "Oh yeah?" said Yusuke, "Well I don't like you too." "Yusuke-san," said Kagome. "Hmm? Oh you don't have to use formalities, hahaha" said Yusuke. "How is it that you were able to follow us through the well?" she asked. "The well?" he wondered, "Oh yeah that well, I don't know, I just followed both of you down it, and, here I am, wherever this is."

'What? He was able to get through the well just by following both of us? How did that happen?' thought Kagome.

"Umm, Yusuke, I don't know if you might be able to handle this, but you're in the Sengoku Jidai Era," said Kagome. "The wha?" said Yusuke, clueless. "You're 500 hundred years back in the past!" yelled Inuyasha. The whole hut remained silent, then,"WHAAT!?!" Yusuke said, still not believing what they said, "How did that happen!?" "How am I suppose to know? Only me and Kagome are able to pass through time."

'Wait, if I'm 500 years back in time, then oyaji probably hasn't met her, yet? That's why he was eating all those humans?' after some time, he realized something that almost made him shout it out, 'Oh my god! I almost killed him! Shit! I almost made myself disappear! Oh man, luckily he decided to go away?' again he thought about it and suddenly had a headache, 'Dammit, being back in the past is really dangerous, and thinking too hard definitely isn't for me.'

"Yusuke? are you all right?" asked Kagome. "Hmm? Oh, yeah, just fine, how were you able to go back 500 years?" asked Yusuke. "It happened at least a year ago, when I was 15," replied Kagome. "Really, so what about you?" he points towards Inuyasha, "You from the future too?" "No, he's from this time," said Kagome. "If so, how is he able to?" Kagome just shrugged. "Well anyway, how am I able to go back?" asked Yusuke.

"Don't worry, we always were able to go back," said Kagome. "Really?" asked Yusuke. "Yeah," reassured Kagome. Inuyasha did not even say anything. "All right! Looks like I get to go back home!" As he was about to get ready to leave, Inuyasha stopped him, "Hey, I've got some questions for you." "Like what?"

"Like, who was that youkai we fought? Looks like you know him, and how is it that you're a youkai?"

Yusuke stopped in his tracks, and said, "It's none of your business."

"What? Say that again, if you dare."

"It's none of your business!" They started to get in each others nerves again. Kagome couldn't take it anymore and said that word, "Osuwari!" and then, Inuyasha came crashing to the ground. "Kagome! What'd you do that for!?" yelled Inuyasha. "What just happened?" asked Yusuke, 'This girl has many tricks up her sleeve.'

"That, is a kotodama rosary, it can make him behave whenever I say osuwari." "Ow! " (A/N:You can imagine what happened) "Oops, sorry Inuyasha." "You did that intenionally!" While watching all of this happen, Yusuke smirked a little when his imagination got the best of him, he laughed a little and said to Inuyasha, "Heh heh heh, looks like your master got you on a short leash, eh, dog-boy?" Upon hearing this Kagome blushed severely, "Yusuke, don't say that! I'm not Inuyasha's master!" she said shaking her head, imagining putting a collar on Inuyasha'a neck, and keeping him beside her, all the time.

"What does that mean? And I'm not her servant, no matter how she tries!" Inuyasha growled at Yusuke, who is laughing his ass off at their reactions, while Kagome is still fantasizing about whatever she's thinking.

"Whoo! That felt great, anyway I've gotta go, see ya!" said Yusuke, and then he left, but then came back and asked, "Uhh, how do I cross-over again?" Inuyasha and Kagome fell anime style. "All you have to do is just jump into the well," said Kagome. "Oh, thanks,well see ya again!" "Wait! We'll go with you." "What! Why?" asked Inuyasha. "We have to go with him to make sure he goes back!" "Fine."

They went outside, and saw Lady Kaede come out of one of the huts, "Oh, where are all of you going?" "We're going to the bone-eater's well, to return him to his own time, Lady Kaede," said Kagome. "I see, well, see you then." "Bone-eaters well?" asked Yusuke. "That's just the name they gave it," replied Kagome. "Oh."

When the three of them arrived at the well, Yusuke said, "So, I just jump, right?" "Yeah, that's right," said Kagome. Inuyasha just said, "Just go." "Well, see ya guys," and with that, Yusuke jumped right in. But, no light appeared, and when Yusuke looked around, it seems nothing has changed at all, "Hey! You guys still up there?!" he then climbed out of the well and saw Kagome and Inuyasha still there, "Hey! I thought you said all I have to do is jump?!" "Maybe we have to jump with him?" suggested Kagome. "Fine, let's get this over with," said Inuyasha.

This time, they all jumped together, but still, there was no light, they then came out of the well to see they're still in the Sengoku Jidai. "I-I don't understand, what's happened?" wondered Kagome. Inuyasha growled and grabbed Yusuke by his shirt, "What did you do!?" "I didn't do anything!" Yusuke then shrugged off Inuyasha. "This never happened until you arrived!" "Don't blame me! How am I suppose to close a portal I've never even heard of! Much less a time portal!" retaliated Yusuke.

Both of them growled at each other when, they noticed Kagome remained silent, they then looked at her and stopped their arguing. "Kagome..." said Inuyasha.

"W-we have to find a way to go back," sadi Kagome. "But how?" asked Yusuke. "There's only one way to do it," said Inuyasha, "And that's get the rest of the Shikon no Tama." "The Shikon no-what again?" said Yusuke, "What the hell is it anyway?" "What? You mean you've never heard of it?" asked Inuyasha. Yusuke shook his head. "The Shikon no Tama is a jewel that holds great powers, it can amplify a youkai's strength hundreds of times, it can even resurrect others," said Kagome, "I don't know what other abilities it has, but I know it can restore the portal and return us back to modern time."

"Kagome, you don't have to tell this guy anything," said Inuyasha, "he hasn't even told us anything about him, only his name and his reputation." "Inuyasha, we'll need his help to stop Naraku, and finish him once and for all."

"Who is this Naraku guy anyway? You mentioned him once before," said Yusuke when he loked at Inuyasha. "Naraku is a hanyou who has caused pain for all of us," said Inuyasha. "A hanyou?" asked Yusuke. "You've got to be kidiing me," Inuyasha has a vein popping in his forehead from frustration at this guy, "You don't know what a hanyou is?" Yusuke didn't say anything. Inuyasha just sighed. "A hanyou is someone who is half youkai and half ningen," said Kagome. "Kagome! you're telling him everyting!" said Inuyasha. "Half youkai and half hanyou huh?" said Yusuke.

"Well anyway, let's go find this Naraku guy and get the Shikon-thing," said Yusuke. Both Kagome and Inuyasha sweatdropped and unknowingly thought the same thing, 'He reminds me of someone.' "Hey, what're you guys standing around for?" said Yusuke. "It's not that easy to find him," said Kagome, "He always hides from us and sends other youkai to try to kill us for him." "Really? What a sissy, hiding behind his men." Both Kagome and Inuyasha then thought together again, 'Yup, definitely reminds me of someone familiar.'

"So, what do we do now?" asked Yusuke. "Well, we'll wait for our friends to recover, then we'll look for Naraku," said Kagome. "Sure, let's go," said Yusuke. And while they were walking towards the village again, Yusuke stopped and looked toward the well, 'Keiko, please wait for me, this is another mess I've gotten myself into,' he thought, 'I've got one more year, I better make it.' And with that, he followed the hanyou and the girl to the village.

Meanwhile back in the Modern Time

"Sir, we've finished sealing the portal," said one of the members of Enma's defense force. "Good, now let's go and report this to Enma Daioh," said the captain, and then they left.

(A/N: Hey! This is the 5th chapter to what I can tell will be a long story. You know, making this chapter was easier than the other four combined, huh.

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