Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ A New Sister, A New World ❯ The Begining ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Pairings- Kagome/Hiei
Disclaimer - I do not own Inuyasha, Harry Potter or Yu Yu Hakusho. I wish I could.
Nickname-Vedelle / Shinigami Is Back From Hell
Summory- Kagome gets accepted to Hogworts and so does the Yu Yu gange. She is also the princess of the Western Lands and the vampires. Kuabaka will probably not be in this story. Also Inuyasha and Kikyo are dead. Inuyasha is in heaven for demons(basicly like Makia from Yu Yu) and kikyo's soul went back to Kagome. The final battle was already faught and this is all happening when Kagome is making her last trip though the well.
speackingthoughtschange of places
Kagomes, Inuyashas, Sesshomarus Dream
The room was pure white and so silent that you could her a pin drop a mile away without the slightest echo come to your ear.The only things in the white abist were a human, demon, half demon, and four elagent chairs in a circle. Next to each chair there were tags the red had Inuyashas, silver Seehomarus, black Kagomes, and the last was Navy blue and Inutaishos name on it.
are you doing in my dream Inuyasha......Lord Sesshomaru?"asks a very surpised Kagome.
Sesshomaru does not no imoto."
sence when have we had the same dreams....isn't that something pups do with each other and there parents when there in trouble or the parents want to check up on them?"asks Inuyasha.
was very surprised by his brothers knowledge of well... anything."You are right brother.For once. .."
I'm right lots of times Fluffy!"yells Inuyasha
Inuyasha. Like when."askes Sessho
is dead silence in the room...well except for the slight chuckle of Kagome. Who is injoying the argument amungest the brothers.
I was saying before I was so rudly interupted."Sessho glares evily at Inuyasha who looks around inesently. "It is only done in high dog demons because pups tend to be a little more adventurest. I have never heard of it done with someone who is not by blood or a sibaling in it before. Also Inuyasha and my father is not live so this should not be done."States Sessho
why are we here then."asks Inuyasha and Kagome
a very deep voice dooms for above."Because I have brought you all here to tell you the truth of your haretage. Now all of you please sit this will take awhile."
Sesshomaru takes orders form no one."
and neither do I." says Inuyasha
Inuyasha yes you do."said Kagome
does have a point little brother."replied a smirking Sesshomaru
this went on a figure slowly appeared in his seat and all mouths went wide open."Not even for your own father boys......and what about my daughter ........Kagome is it. (two pairs of eyes shot toward her as he said that.)Your mother picked out a lovely name my daughter... Now if you will all sit down everything will be explained."
dumforeded to to comperhend everything else they all did as they were told and slowly sat in there assined seats.
know I have a lot to explain for and I will in do time. But first I have something to tell all of you...I have been given the chance to come back into the living and have decided to take up the offer. I want to get to know all of my childern. I am sorry that I've never been there for you Inuyasha, Kagome. Sesshomaru you have turned out to be a Lord beyond reconing, but you should have been aloud a childhood as were you Inuyasha. My sons I wish your lives could have been easier on you....Sesshomaru I now being Lord of the Western Lands is hard but son you shouldn't give up all your emotions for it. This human Rin....the young human you have adopted I believe she will do you alot of good in seeing to that. Inuyasha I am not ashammed in your haretage an neither should you. I loved your mother as I did yours Sesshomaru, and Kagome. Eventhough you are what you are never be asshammed of it. I don't see you as a you are not the half demon you recon to be. As my son and this is my gift to you....( a purple light soon desends apon Inuyasha. When it leaves Inuyasha is a pure demon but he is in control and has the cresant navy blue mood on his head.) Now you are truely an air to the Western Lands....Kagome my daughter I'm sorry that you have never knew what you are or how your true family is. The last time I saw you you were only two months old. You are half dog demon, a fourth fox demon and a fourth vampire. The reason you never know who you were is because there was a war when you were little your mother was killed tring to protect you. I had one of my servent take you to another castle. They were followed an slotered. I looked for you for months it seemed you were gone and I had almost given up hope when i got a vision of you in someother world happy and safe. You were my last dream for that day I died in combat . My last thaught were to all of you to grow up happy and strong. Now kagome it is time to remove the spell that conseals your real form from the world."
looks over at her as the same light that desended over Inuyasha desends over her. When it fades away everyonr gasped at the beauty. She now have long white hair with blue and black streaks and pointed ears. She had grown 2 inches so is now about 5ft 3in. She had filled out in all the right places, and had markings on her face, on her four head was the cresent moon of the west but behind it was a black dragon that encicled it with piercing red eyes, on her checks were a black and silver strip on each side. She had claws like all deamon, her fangs were a little longer than normal and could retrack and elongate. Finally her eyes were gold with silver, blue and red flacks in them.
look beautiful my daughter. I only wish I could have been there with all of you as you grew up......"said Inutaisho( there father)
So.....let me get this straight. I'm a full demon know and Kagome's my sister?"
I know this may come as a shock to you but believe me this is all true. Shesshomaru how are you taking this?"said Inutaisho
father..."looks over at Kagome"is she the child that you braught to the castle 2 weeks before you died that you were saying we would be very close?....... If she was and probably is you should know all three of use consider eachother brother and sister. We have thought this wayfor awhile know. Eventhough Inuyasha got himself killed he still finds a way sometimes to annoy us."said Sesshomaru
she is." Inutaisho smiles as he looks at his pups."I want to let you all that I'll always love you know matter what. I have been granted premission to come back to the living. I am happy to say that I have taken up the offer. Although I will only be with Sesshomaru for a couple hundred years, I want to be with at least some of my family."Said Inutaisho."So Sesshomaru What do you say is it alright if I come back with you?"
I would be delighted if you were to come back to the world of the living with me." said Sesshomaru bowing to his father.
my son..I am sorry to say that our time is up here and we all must leave. Inuyasha I have and always will love you. I wish of you to be at peace in Heaven were you turely belong.........Kagome my only daughter we will meet again........"as the world slowly collapes down and everyone returns to there times Inutasho calls out to kagome his last words echoed though her head."That I promiss you....my daughter."
I'm sorry to anyone who reads America?. I'll update it soon. Family and school have been rough.
Disclaimer - I do not own Inuyasha, Harry Potter or Yu Yu Hakusho. I wish I could.
Nickname-Vedelle / Shinigami Is Back From Hell
Summory- Kagome gets accepted to Hogworts and so does the Yu Yu gange. She is also the princess of the Western Lands and the vampires. Kuabaka will probably not be in this story. Also Inuyasha and Kikyo are dead. Inuyasha is in heaven for demons(basicly like Makia from Yu Yu) and kikyo's soul went back to Kagome. The final battle was already faught and this is all happening when Kagome is making her last trip though the well.
speackingthoughtschange of places
A New Sister, A New World
Kagomes, Inuyashas, Sesshomarus Dream
The room was pure white and so silent that you could her a pin drop a mile away without the slightest echo come to your ear.The only things in the white abist were a human, demon, half demon, and four elagent chairs in a circle. Next to each chair there were tags the red had Inuyashas, silver Seehomarus, black Kagomes, and the last was Navy blue and Inutaishos name on it.
are you doing in my dream Inuyasha......Lord Sesshomaru?"asks a very surpised Kagome.
Sesshomaru does not no imoto."
sence when have we had the same dreams....isn't that something pups do with each other and there parents when there in trouble or the parents want to check up on them?"asks Inuyasha.
was very surprised by his brothers knowledge of well... anything."You are right brother.For once. .."
I'm right lots of times Fluffy!"yells Inuyasha
Inuyasha. Like when."askes Sessho
is dead silence in the room...well except for the slight chuckle of Kagome. Who is injoying the argument amungest the brothers.
I was saying before I was so rudly interupted."Sessho glares evily at Inuyasha who looks around inesently. "It is only done in high dog demons because pups tend to be a little more adventurest. I have never heard of it done with someone who is not by blood or a sibaling in it before. Also Inuyasha and my father is not live so this should not be done."States Sessho
why are we here then."asks Inuyasha and Kagome
a very deep voice dooms for above."Because I have brought you all here to tell you the truth of your haretage. Now all of you please sit this will take awhile."
Sesshomaru takes orders form no one."
and neither do I." says Inuyasha
Inuyasha yes you do."said Kagome
does have a point little brother."replied a smirking Sesshomaru
this went on a figure slowly appeared in his seat and all mouths went wide open."Not even for your own father boys......and what about my daughter ........Kagome is it. (two pairs of eyes shot toward her as he said that.)Your mother picked out a lovely name my daughter... Now if you will all sit down everything will be explained."
dumforeded to to comperhend everything else they all did as they were told and slowly sat in there assined seats.
know I have a lot to explain for and I will in do time. But first I have something to tell all of you...I have been given the chance to come back into the living and have decided to take up the offer. I want to get to know all of my childern. I am sorry that I've never been there for you Inuyasha, Kagome. Sesshomaru you have turned out to be a Lord beyond reconing, but you should have been aloud a childhood as were you Inuyasha. My sons I wish your lives could have been easier on you....Sesshomaru I now being Lord of the Western Lands is hard but son you shouldn't give up all your emotions for it. This human Rin....the young human you have adopted I believe she will do you alot of good in seeing to that. Inuyasha I am not ashammed in your haretage an neither should you. I loved your mother as I did yours Sesshomaru, and Kagome. Eventhough you are what you are never be asshammed of it. I don't see you as a you are not the half demon you recon to be. As my son and this is my gift to you....( a purple light soon desends apon Inuyasha. When it leaves Inuyasha is a pure demon but he is in control and has the cresant navy blue mood on his head.) Now you are truely an air to the Western Lands....Kagome my daughter I'm sorry that you have never knew what you are or how your true family is. The last time I saw you you were only two months old. You are half dog demon, a fourth fox demon and a fourth vampire. The reason you never know who you were is because there was a war when you were little your mother was killed tring to protect you. I had one of my servent take you to another castle. They were followed an slotered. I looked for you for months it seemed you were gone and I had almost given up hope when i got a vision of you in someother world happy and safe. You were my last dream for that day I died in combat . My last thaught were to all of you to grow up happy and strong. Now kagome it is time to remove the spell that conseals your real form from the world."
looks over at her as the same light that desended over Inuyasha desends over her. When it fades away everyonr gasped at the beauty. She now have long white hair with blue and black streaks and pointed ears. She had grown 2 inches so is now about 5ft 3in. She had filled out in all the right places, and had markings on her face, on her four head was the cresent moon of the west but behind it was a black dragon that encicled it with piercing red eyes, on her checks were a black and silver strip on each side. She had claws like all deamon, her fangs were a little longer than normal and could retrack and elongate. Finally her eyes were gold with silver, blue and red flacks in them.
look beautiful my daughter. I only wish I could have been there with all of you as you grew up......"said Inutaisho( there father)
So.....let me get this straight. I'm a full demon know and Kagome's my sister?"
I know this may come as a shock to you but believe me this is all true. Shesshomaru how are you taking this?"said Inutaisho
father..."looks over at Kagome"is she the child that you braught to the castle 2 weeks before you died that you were saying we would be very close?....... If she was and probably is you should know all three of use consider eachother brother and sister. We have thought this wayfor awhile know. Eventhough Inuyasha got himself killed he still finds a way sometimes to annoy us."said Sesshomaru
she is." Inutaisho smiles as he looks at his pups."I want to let you all that I'll always love you know matter what. I have been granted premission to come back to the living. I am happy to say that I have taken up the offer. Although I will only be with Sesshomaru for a couple hundred years, I want to be with at least some of my family."Said Inutaisho."So Sesshomaru What do you say is it alright if I come back with you?"
I would be delighted if you were to come back to the world of the living with me." said Sesshomaru bowing to his father.
my son..I am sorry to say that our time is up here and we all must leave. Inuyasha I have and always will love you. I wish of you to be at peace in Heaven were you turely belong.........Kagome my only daughter we will meet again........"as the world slowly collapes down and everyone returns to there times Inutasho calls out to kagome his last words echoed though her head."That I promiss you....my daughter."
I'm sorry to anyone who reads America?. I'll update it soon. Family and school have been rough.