Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Come Clean ❯ Getting Away with Murder ( Chapter 8 )
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Disclaimer- Phoxy owns the main character, Papa Roach owns the song. She also owns Finte, Tastu, Rikunin, and herself. I own the rest…I think…anyway. Hope you like.
Groggily he blinked his blue eyes, glazed over with pain. Either the room was dark or he'd finally done enough slamming his head into things and was blind, though he was guessing the room was dark. Making an attempt at moving his arms he found they were chained to the wall behind him, his back pressed to stone. As he came to, he wished he was unconscious.
Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness
I need to calculate what creates my own madness
There was no way he was back here again. No way in hell this was happening. It was a bad dream, why couldn't he wake up!? His brown hair stuck to the side of his face in a mess of dried blood. His head ached painfully and he closed his eyes even to the darkness. With a small groan he squinted and tried to see through the black, not even a stray glimmer of moonlight lit up the room. For a split second he heard footsteps then the door slammed open and light spilled in. He squinted and looked away, when his eyes adjusted he saw a figure shrouded in the doorway.
And I'm addicted to your punishment
You're the master
And I am waiting for disaster
The figure walked in swinging steps towards him, the light lit up the shaggy brown hair and dark green of those eyes all to well for his liking. When it was close enough the figure placed a hand on the blue eyed teen's chest.
“So nice to see you again Tamu,” he said, his grin something sly. Something bad.
“Rikunin,” Tamu spat at his father. Rikunin only laughed to himself, looking the boy in the eyes with those dark green ones, “Why am I here?”
“You don't remember?” Rikunin questioned, tilting his head to the side, “You're the only survivor of that little castle.”
Tamu froze in horror as memories painfully shot through his skull.
I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth like I'm
Getting away with Murder
Too much blood to think about, too many deaths and screams. No one there saw it coming. Tamu's glare hardened as his hands clenched to fists.
“You bastard,” he said through gritted teeth. Rikunin only smirked with a small chuckle.
“I see you remember; maybe you remember that you're the one who did it?” Rikunin perked a brow. Memories soared through Tamu's head and pounded against his skull. He grunted in pain and closed his eyes.
It is impossible
To never tell the truth
But the reality is
I'm getting away with murder
Encased in his memories he watched it all replay in his head. There was no reason for it, he cracked for some reason he didn't know, but that wasn't the point. The point was they were dead and it was entirely fault.
First was Phoxy, the very kitsune who had given him a home. Using his father's blade, that complicated weapon he was able to wield with such expertise he absorbed all her attempts at fire attacks. The whole time attempting to get him to snap out of it, to tell her what was going on. But he didn't even know. It was like a bad movie. Stabbing her with the blade at the end of the staff and ripping it up through her rib cage. Mutilating her upper torso. Blood clotted all over him, staining his clothing, hair face, anything it touched was filthy.
Inuyasha attempted an attack of his own, not expecting the human to wield the weapon so nicely or move so quickly. Dodging the attempt, the scythe end slammed into the inu-hanyou's back, only to be brutally pulled out of his side, spilling blood and gore all over the floor. The half demon was dead before his corpse managed to hit the ground in its own puddle of innards and blood.
I drink my drink and I don't even want to
I think my thoughts when
I don't even need to
The Jaganshi's were even simpler. Both sleeping upstairs, sneaking up there was simple, slipping into the room. Tamu watched the replay in his head in horror as he rammed the kodachi through Hiei's spine with a sickening crack, then straight into Sheamaru's stomach. Hiei didn't make a sound as his eyes snapped open from the pain, Sheamaru managed a scream of surprise. But it was cut short anyway by a dagger of jagged stone stabbing through the back of her neck. Penetrating the Jagan eye on the back of her teal neck. Hiei, paralyzed by the blade through his spine, could only watch as his wife's blood sprayed on his face, only to have a dagger of the same sort stab through his Jagan. Destroying the eye and killing the demon with a blow to the brain.
Ruki and Yuna were too horrible to want to comprehend, not like the other's were a walk in the park. Ruki's back was carved of the flesh that held the beautiful tattoo of mechanical wings. The skin carefully peeled away, lying down in a pool of blood and gore, a huge whole in his stomach where vital organs should be. They were strewn across the floor leading to the bed. Yuna lie there, her mouth open in a scream, a whole where her heart should be. Her chest cavity torn open, innards pulled out and cast across the bed like someone was looking for something in her and the organs were in the way. Ruki's patch of skin, adorned with the tattoo, lie next to her, as though a blanket tossed aside in a restless sleep.
I never look back cause I don't even want to
And I don't need to because
I'm getting away with murder
Hitaku pinned to the wall with long jagged spears of rock through his chest, neck, hands and legs. His head limp to the side, blood pouring down his grey flesh. Thank the gods his eyes were closed. Tamu never wanted to see another set of eyes like the other's again.
Tastu lying in a heap on the floor surrounded by blood that soaked the fur of his half transformed self. His head against the ground, he looked like he was sleeping. Sleeping in a peaceful puddle of red. Aria's wings ripped from her head and lying on the bed, the white feathers soaked and blotted with blood. Little ligaments and veins hung from the end of both wings, blood gushed from the two deep gashes in the side of her head. Staining her platinum like blonde hair and white clothing.
Only one group left.
“No!” Tamu yelled. He didn't want to see it, he didn't want to know those two were dead. Not them, god not them.
`Oh but my son, you really should see your handy work, those two were defiantly your best,” Rikunin purred against his ear. Tamu felt tears brim his eyes, that was confirmation enough. But he didn't want to see it.
I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth like I'm
Getting away with murder
Pressing a little bit of energy into Tamu, Rikunin was able to unlock the images. And Tamu screamed, “No!”
Finte was divided into several parts. First his wolf ears were ripped or cut off with jagged lines and at two opposite sides of the room. His torso was separated from his waist and his head separated from his neck. His head lie on the bed, a terrified and lost look in those gold eyes. His torso on the ground near the dresser that held Kenti's clothing. Oh god, they were killed in the very room Kenti and Tamu had slept in together! His bottom half wasn't even there anymore. Blood coated the room thickly and dropped from the ceiling. The memory flashed to the bathroom, water was running into the tub. But it was running red. How was the shower running red? He didn't want to know.
It is impossible
To never tell the truth
But the reality is
I'm getting away with murder
The white stone tub was filled with blood. The dark thickness obscured the very of anything below the demons shoulders. But there was a ripped open spot just under the demons collar bone. It only grew as it went down; Tamu knew the organs were spilled out and lying at the bottom of the tub. He felt sick, he could handle the rest of it but this made him feel sick. Mentally and physically he vomited. Kenti's newly short blue hair was soaked and drenched with blood. It streaked down his pale flesh, staining it horribly. His lover's corpse lacked a shirt; his skin was covered with the sick scent and sight of blood. His head lied to the side exposing deep still bleeding slashes along the throat. Deep enough to kill yet somehow Tamu knew that was only a way for the ice demon to suffer while the real damage was done.
Getting away, getting away
Getting away, getting way
Getting away, getting away
Getting away with murder
Rikunin jumped back as his son vomited. It splashed on the ground with a horrible scent but Rikunin only laughed. His son looked up at him with eyes that were cold, hard, and angry, yet lost in a rage he knew couldn't be controlled.
Somewhere beyond happiness and sadness
I need to calculate what creates my own madness
“You sick bastard. You did that, not me,” Tamu said in a low voice that didn't even sound like him.
“Oh no. Don't try to give me the credit, you cracked,” Rikunin told him with a sly smirk. Tamu watched the images in his head continue, Kenti's arms were being held to the stone wall of the bathroom by heavy stone shackles.
And I'm addicted to your punishment
And you're the master
And I am craving this disaster
In blood that ran down the wall, his demons blood, the words `Love beyond death my dear, Ken-ti-ko.' where wrote. Tamu's eyes only grew in rage, yet mentally in horror.
I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth like I'm
Getting away with murder
It is impossible
To never tell the truth
But the reality is
I'm getting away with murder
“No,” Tamu growled, the earth gave a small shake but Rikunin silenced it. Walking back over to his son, avoiding the puddle of vomit he touched his son's head.
“Then you watch them over until you believe it,” he said to his son's ear.
Getting away, Getting away
Getting away with murder
Nightmares engulfed Tamu, suffocating him with the blood and horrified expressions. Choking him with the smell of fresh blood and gore. The images of his friends, his lovers, slaughtered. Running over and over in his mind, it made him sick and weak to think about. What made him even more sick was the reality of knowing he did it. That slaughter was murder, and he'd done it.
I feel irrational
So confrontational
To tell the truth like I'm
Getting away with murder
It is impossible
To never tell the truth
But the reality is
I'm getting away with murder