Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ STUPID ONE-SHOTS MADE IN 5 MINUTES ^^ ❯ DROWNING MORE THAN ONCE XD (YYH ONE-SHOT) ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yoko: *is looking in stream* ...


Kuro: *walks behind him and pushes him in the water* *snicker*


Yoko: *doesnt come up*


Kuro: *is waiting*


Yoko: *bubbles*


kuro: o.o *jumps into the water to save him* *finds dead body at the bottom* *gasps, taking water in his lungs* X.X *dies*


Yoko: *looks up* o.o *gasps, taking in lung fulls of water* X.X *dies*


~ 15 yrs l8er ~


Kurama: *is looking in stream*


Hiei: *walks behind him and pushes him in the water* *snicker*


Kuama: *doesnt come up*


Hiei: *is waiting*


kurama: *bubbles*


Hiei: o.o *jumps into the water to save him* *finds him dead at the bottom* *gasps, taking water into his lungs* X.X *dies*


Kurama: *looks up* o.o *gasps, taking in lungs full of water* X.X *dies*






Riena: *laughing butt off* XD *realizes Kurama is dead, jumps into a stream, gasps at the cold, and drowns*


Kit: -.-