Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Truth or Dare: Part 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan.
Sanosuke: I dare you to hug Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru: WHAT!?
Kagome: [putting her arms around Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's necks, pulling them closer] C'mon, guys. Can't you show some brotherly love?
Sesshomaru: Over my dead body!!!
Kuwabara: He talks a lot when we make him angry. Maybe we should do it more often...
Kagome: I wouldn't suggest it.
Inuyasha: [jumping at Sanosuke] IRON REAVER, SOUL STEALER!!!
[Inuyasha slashed his claws in the air, just above Sanosuke. Sanosuke jumped out of the way just in time. He only got scratched on the side. The wall, however, suffered long claw marks.]
Ayumi: Inuyasha!!! I just painted that!
[Inuyasha jumped back on the couch next to Kagome. He stuck his hands into his baggy sleeves (right hand into left sleeve, left hand into right), and took a meditating position. Sanosuke climbed back onto the Boflex.]
Sanosuke: Geez, some people and their anger. Now he's acting like he doesn't have to do it.
Yusuke: Don't worry. I'm sure we can find some other way to embarrass him later.
Kaoru: It's your turn to truth or dare someone, Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: [without opening his eyes] Kagome, truth or dare?
Kagome: Give me a truth, please.
Inuyasha: What was your grade in history that you refused to tell me?
Kagome: [embarrassed] Please no one yell at me! It was...a 69. [she covered her face with her hands]
[A couple of snickers arose.]
Kuwabara: Hey, it's better than what I got!
Yusuke: Join the club, Kuwabara!
[Abundant laughter arose at this point. Even Kagome, Yusuke, and Kuwabara joined in.]
Kagome: Now that I've admitted that, Kenshin, truth or dare?
Kenshin: [surprised at being talked to] Uh...I would like a truth, that I would.
Kagome: Truth it is. Do you looovvvve Kaoru, too?
Kenshin: Oro...um...ah...
[Kenshin peered over at Kaoru, who was glaring at him in expectancy. Just then, another thump from the stairs showed that Esanan had come back down. This time, she carried a platter full of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, mustard, ketchup, and relish. She was eating one of the burgers.]
Kenshin: All right, YES!
Esanan: Yes what?
Yukina: Yes, Kenshin does love Kaoru.
Esanan: What else is new?
[Esanan put the platter on the floor in the middle of everyone. They all started grabbing food as lighting speed.]
Kaoru: God-like speed is not only good for fights, is it Kenshin?
Kenshin: That's very true, Miss Kaoru.
Esanan: whose turn is it in the game?
Shizuru: It's Kenshin's turn to truth or dare someone.
Kenshin: Let's see...Ayumi, truth or dare?
Ayumi: Oh, it's my turn. I'd like a truth, please.
Kenshin: Who is your favorite person in this room?