Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Spin the Bottle: Part 2 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Inufox of an anonymous reviewer (all at fanfiction.net).
[He spun the bottle around really fast. After a minute or so, it came to a stop, pointing to Keiko. (You could have guessed, I know.) They looked at each other for a moment. Then, Yusuke leaned towards her, his lips meeting hers. "Ooos and "ahhs" came from the group.]
Kilala Li Fang: One Mississippi, two Mississippi. 'Kay Yusuke, you can-
[She stopped short when she saw that Yusuke and Keiko had no intention of stopping.]
Yukina: That's so sweet...
Sesshomaru: [surprising everybody] Just not here.
[Sesshomaru picked up both Yusuke and Keiko at one time. They seemed oblivious to it all. He carried them to a room down the hall and "placed" them on the futon in there. He walked back and sat in the circle as if nothing happened.]
Sango: [to Sesshomaru] Were you disturbed or something?
Inuyasha: More like jealous.
Sesshomaru: [attacking Inuyasha with his claws] TAKE THAT BACK!!!
[Inuyasha dodged just in time. The two brothers jumped away from the circle. Inuyasha drew the Tetsusaiga and sliced at Sesshomaru, who drew his sword and blocked in the nick of time. They continued to fight each other.]
Ayumi: I'm not going to even TRY to stop them...
Miroku: [to Kagome] Why don't you just tell Inuyasha to "sit"?
Kagome: Because, if I did say "sit"-
Inuyasha: [muffled] KAAAAAAAGGOOOOOMMMEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Kagome: [embarrassed] Oops...
Kurama: If we don't act fast, Inuyasha is going to be ribbons.
Voice: Not to fear, for I am here!
[Everyone turned their heads toward the sound. Holding on to the back of Sesshomaru's shirt was a 15-year-old girl that was wearing black, silk pants and a black, silk kimono top. The top had silver buttons and a silver symbol in the lower, right-hand corner that said "Wolfish Fox." She had long, dark brown hair in a bun held up by two fans, gray eyes, tan skin, fangs, and red fox ears.]
Girl: [letting Sesshomaru fall to the ground] Oh, Hiei!!
[She jumped over the couch and onto Hiei, who looked seriously displeased. Sesshomaru got up and sat back in his place in the circle.]
Hiei: [desperately trying to escape her grasp] GET OFF OF ME!!! Whoever you are!
Girl: I'm Inufox.
Kurama: You're a fox-demon like me, aren't you?
Inufox: [looking dreamily at Kurama] Yep....
[Kurama sweat-dropped.]
Kenshin: [to Inufox] Are you the last person joining us?
Another Voice: Nope.
[Again, everyone turned their heads, this time toward the stairs. There stood Kouga, Aoshi, and a girl with braided purple hair and blue eyes. Kouga quickly sat beside Kagome. Inuyasha - who had recovered from the sit - glared at him menacingly. Misao ran over to her Aoshi, giving him a hug. Then they sat down on the recliner together.]
Kilala Li Fang: [to Aoshi and Misao] What, you're not playing?
Aoshi: I don't play anything.
Misao: I don't need to play, now that I have my Aoshi with me!
Kaoru: [to herself] They're such a cute couple...
Newest girl: Aren't you forgetting someone?
Ayumi: Sorry, Kia. We were to caught up in the lovebirds.
Kia: [sitting on the other side of Hiei as Inufox] Move over, girl, he's mine!
Inufox: Are you crazy? He's mine!
Kia: No, mine!
Inufox: MINE!
[Kia and Inufox went on arguing over Hiei, who wasn't too happy about it. He even blushed slightly.]
Botan: Let's get one with the game! It's your turn, Yukina.
[Yukina reached for the bottle nervously. She spun it around. When it stopped, it was pointing to...Hiei!?]