Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Spin the Bottle: Part 3 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Inufox of an anonymous reviewer (all at fanfiction.net).
[Yukina reached for the bottle nervously. She spun it around. When it stopped, it was pointing to...Hiei!? Ayumi, Botan, Inufox, Kia, Kilala Li Fang, and Kurama gasped; some let out an "Uh-oh..." Hiei looked as if he was about to keel over dead. The casts of Inuyasha and Rurouni Kenshin were confused, along with Kuwabara, Shizuru, and Yukina.]
Kagome: What's wrong with everybody?
Kouga: If you wish to know, I shall find out, my dear Kagome. [Kagome sweat- dropped.][yelling to the people who are surprised] What the Jigoku is wrong, people!?
Kurama: *sweat-dropping* You see, it's quite simple, really...
Hiei: Kurama, I'll explain it.
Kurama: [aghast] You will?
Hiei: Yukina, I'm...*deep breath*...I...am...OUT OF HERE!
[Hiei rushed outside in the blink of an eye. Inufox and Kia ran out the door after him. Yukina was left with a startled expression.]
Inufox+Kia: [chasing after Hiei] Come back, Hiei!
Botan: I knew Hiei couldn't say it!
Kuwabara: Say what? What are you guys talking about!? Is there something about shorty that you know and I don't?
Kilala Li Fang: Let's just say "yes-but-we-don't-want-to-tell-you-so-stop- asking."
Misao: You're acting a whole lot like Kenshin when he wouldn't tell me when I knew he knew something about the Oniwabon Group.
Sanosuke: He had his reasons, missy.
Misao: Don't call me "missy"! I thought that was Kaoru's nickname.
Shizuru: Not anymore, apparently.
Yukina: Why did Hiei run off like that? And who am I supposed to kiss now?
Sango: Well, it looks like the people who know are not going to tell us people who don't.
Miroku: As for your second question, you can just spin the bottle again.
Kuwabara: Or you can just kiss me, my darling Yukina!
Yukina: Ah...That's okay, Kazuma, I think I'll spin again.
[Yet again, Yukina reached for the bottle and spun it around. But before it could stop...*SLAM!* The bottle flew across the circle and hit Kouga in the face, leaving a large, red mark.]
Kouga: WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!?!?
Kia: [from in front of the door] Sorry...I didn't realize closing the door made such a racket - or that it made the floor vibrate!
[Kia and Inufox stood in front of the door to the outside, which Kia had just closed. Inufox waved "Hi."]
Kilala Li Fang: Hiei got away?
Inufox: Yeah, but not before we gave him a present.
Kenshin: A "present"?
Kia: Two big smooches by yours truly!
Inufox: I think he liked my kiss better.
Kia: WHAT!? He liked MY kiss better!
Inufox: Mine!
Kia: MINE!!!
[Inufox and Kia started arguing again. Nobody even TRIED to stop them.]
Kaoru: [to Yukina] So you don't have to spin AGAIN, why don't you just kiss Kouga? The bottle really "landed" on him.
Yukina: Oh...okay.
[Yukina walked toward Kouga - who was blushing like mad - and kissed him for the required two "Mississippi's." He fell over backwards when they were done. Yukina giggled and went back to her seat. Kuwabara looked disturbed.]
Kouga: [after recovering] My dear Kagome, you know I would never voluntarily kiss another girl, right?
Inuyasha: You mean you would kiss another guy?
Kouga: *growl* [yelling] You know what I meant!
Inuyasha: But that's not what you said!
[A few seconds later, Inuyasha and Kouga were engaged in an all-out fist- fight.]
Sanosuke: Now THIS is entertainment!
Aoshi: Are they always like this?
Botan: Pretty much. This is the second time Inuyasha has fought somebody.
Ayumi: And I assure you, it won't be the last!
Inufox: [done arguing with Kia] Whose turn is it?
Kagome: [pulls out a slip of paper] It's Shizuru's.
Shizuru: [sarcastic] Lucky me. By the way, if it lands on my brother, it doesn't count.
Misao: Of course it wouldn't count! That would be gross.
[Kia snickered at the fact that Misao doesn't know what just happened with Hiei and Yukina.]
Kuwabara: Just spin the bottle, Shizuru.
[Shizuru first glared at Kuwabara, then spun the bottle. After a few seconds, it came to a stop. The closest guy it was pointing to was Sanosuke.]
Sanosuke: And I thought I'd have to wait a while.
Shizuru: Let's get this over with.
[Shizuru reluctantly kissed Sanosuke (can you blame her?). He seemed to enjoy it, though.]
Sango: [to Shizuru] Was it really that bad?
Shizuru: *snort*
Miroku: I wonder what that means...
Kurama: Whose turn is it now?
Kagome: It is...Sesshomaru's!?