Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Spin the Bottle: Part 5 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, Inufox of an anonymous reviewer, Morgan of Kurama's rose girl, and Gwen of Kurama's rose girl's sister (all at fanfiction.net).
[Peoples heads turned towards the door to the outside. Hiei stood in the doorway, being held down by a girl. He looked rather angry and embarrassed.]
Hiei: Let go of me, ningen!
[The girl stuffed a hot dog in Hiei's mouth.]
Kaoru: Gwen!? Shouldn't you be asleep?
Girl: I WAS asleep, but my sister woke up me up when she heard Hiei had run away from this party.
Botan: Because you were the one who caught Hiei when we all went to your house.
[Gwen nodded. (If you want to know what Botan was talking about, read Kurama's rose girl's fanfic "A Dream.")]
Ayumi: Speaking of your sister, is she here too?
Gwen: I think she's coming. She wanted to know if Kurama was here.
Aoshi: [pointing to the blushing Kurama] He's right over there.
Inufox: [giving Hiei a hug] Did you miss me, Hiei?
Kia: [pulling Hiei away from Inufox] He only missed me! Right Hiei?
Hiei: [mumbling] Not really...
Gwen: I got to go. Bye guys!
Everyone else: Bye!
[Gwen walked out the door. Kia and Inufox made Hiei sit next to them. Soon after Gwen left, another girl popped her head in the door.]
Kenshin: Hello, Miss Morgan.
Girl: Hi, guys. Sorry I didn't come sooner!
Kurama: That's all right. Better late than never!
[Morgan smiled and sat next to Kurama.]
Kagome: Now that you're here as well as Hiei, there's an even number of guys and girls left.
Morgan: Left for what?
Kilala Li Fang: We were playing "Spin the Bottle," and there are five girls and five boys left who haven't been kissed.
Misao: Are you going to do something special, then?
Ayumi: Well, I had the idea that the boys could line up, and on the count of three, us girls could glomp the boy we want to kiss.
Sanosuke: Sounds like a good idea to me!
Shizuru: You're not even in this!
Sanosuke: So?
Yukina: So, do you boys who are in this okay with it?
[Inuyasha, Kenshin, Kurama, and Kuwabara nodded their heads, while Hiei obviously shook his.]
Kouga: Hiei isn't okay with anything.
Kaoru: This setup means whoever is the slowest person has to kiss Kuwabara.
Kuwabara: What makes you think no one will want to kiss me!?
Kaoru: Common sense.
Inufox: Poor Hiei...He is being forced to kiss someone besides me.
Kia: Don't you mean besides ME!?
Inufox: In your dreams!
Botan: Don't you dare start arguing again!
Kia+Inufox: We're not arguing!!!
Inuyasha: Are you people going to do this lineup thing, or what!?
[The five boys lined up - Hiei had to be forced to do so. Ayumi, Botan, Kaoru, Kilala Li Fang, and Morgan lined up a few feet away from the boys. Aoshi counted to three, and the girls each leaped for a boy. Five crashes and "oophs" followed.]
Morgan: Sorry about that, Kurama.
Kurama: Don't worry about it.
Kaoru: Hi Kenshin!
Kenshin: Your heavier than I thought, Miss Kaoru.
[Kaoru slapped Kenshin across the face.]
Kia: Kilala Li Fang! Don't squish my Hiei!
Kilala Li Fang: Don't worry Kia, I won't.
Hiei: Mmph...
Ayumi: Cool! I get Inuyasha!
Inuyasha: And I get to be kissed by two girls in the same evening!
Kuwabara: Hey Botan, how come it looked like you TRIED to "glomp" me?
All besides Kuwabara+Botan: WHAT!?
Botan: Well, I thought I'd be nice and let the other girls have whatever guys they wanted. Besides, Kuwabara, you DID have a crush on me during the first season!
Inufox: That's true...
Sesshomaru: [yelling] Just hurry up and kiss each other!!!
Kagome: Wow, Sesshomaru, I didn't know you so into this.
Sesshomaru: *snort* I'm not...
Kouga: He's right though. You guys DO need to kiss each other already!
Kenshin: You must be patient, Kouga, that you must.
[Kaoru and Kenshin were the first "couple" to kiss. Soon after, the other "couples" followed. Misao counted two Mississippi's, and they stopped (some reluctantly).]
Ayumi: Can everyone here promise not to tell Yami about this?
Sanosuke: [slyly] And why not?
Shizuru: [throwing the empty chip bowl at Sanosuke] Knock it off, Sanosuke.
Sanosuke: Ouch! That hurt...
Kilala Li Fang: So, Hiei. Did you like my kiss?
Hiei: Maybe, maybe not.
Kia: Are you kidding? He only liked MY kiss!
Inufox: Keep telling yourself that.
[This time, Kia, Inufox, AND Kilala Li Fang got into an argument.]
Morgan: Excuse me, but now that were done with "Spin the Bottle," what should we play?