Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Confession: Part 1 ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Morgan of Kurama's rose girl (all at fanfiction.net).
Morgan: Let's play Confession.
Miroku: Question! What's "Confession"?
Morgan: It's a game I made up where each person has to confess something they did, thought, said, etc., that they never want to tell anyone.
Kurama: What if you have nothing to confess?
Kaoru: Everyone has something to confess!
Morgan: [shrugging] It can also be something embarrassing that you like to do.
Kenshin: I'm sure we can all think of something, that I am.
Kilala Li Fang: Look who's talking...
Kenshin: [confused] Oro...?
Inuyasha: So, who wants to start?
Aoshi: [smirking] How about you?
Inuyasha: What!? I'm not going to start!
Hiei: Are you scared or something?
[Let's just say that if Inuyasha had heat vision, Hiei would be a pile of ashes.]
Inuyasha: I'm not scared of anything!!!
Kouga: Wanna bet?
[...ditto for Kouga.]
Ayumi: If it'll make you stop glaring death glares at each other, I'll start!
[Heads turned towards Ayumi in surprise.]
Botan: You're actually volunteering to go first?
Ayumi: [shrugging] I already know something I can confess, not that I want to of course...
Kagome: So...what is it?
[Ayumi took a deep breath.]
Ayumi: Um, Kurama...[Kurama looked up at Ayumi expectantly.]...The first time I saw you - you hadn't talked yet or anything - I thought you were a girl...
[Kurama blushed slightly in embarrassment. The others, besides Ayumi, snickered softly.]
Kurama: That seems to happen a lot, actually...
Keiko: How shall we choose who has to confess next?
Kia: How about we let the person who just confessed something pick?
Kouga: Sounds fair to me!
Kuwabara: Since when did you care about fairness?
Misao: He's got a point there, Kouga.
Kouga: Who cares!? Just pick, Ayumi!
Ayumi: All right. [Ayumi glanced around the room with a thoughtful look on her face.] I pick...you, Shizuru!
Shizuru: [casually] I have nothing to hide...
[Shizuru took a few minutes to think about what she could confess.]
Shizuru: I confess...[Everyone leaned towards her in anticipation.]...when I was a kid, I liked to eat mud pies.
Esanan: I think lots of us liked to taste mud pies.
Shizuru: No, I mean I ate ALL of it...
[There was a dramatic pause for a few moments before most of the room burst out laughing. Shizuru simply sighed, leaned back, and waited for it to stop.]
Yukina: We're sorry, Shizuru...
Yusuke: We are?
[Keiko slapped Yusuke on the face.]
Shizuru: That's okay, Yukina. Unlike my brother, I can stand being laughed at.
Kuwabara: I could stand it if you guys weren't so mean to me all the time!!!
Yusuke: [grinning] Then I guess you're screwed, Kuwabara!
Yami: Who are you going to pick, Shizuru?
Shizuru: Let's see...[Shizuru surveyed the room.] Kagome.
Kagome: [surprised] Me? Okay, um...
Sango: [glancing from Inuyasha to Kouga] You can confess which guys you're in love with.
[Kagome blushed a deep shade. She looked at Inuyasha for a minute, and then she looked at Kouga. Both boys raised an eyebrow at her expectantly.]
Kagome: I guess I could...
[Sanosuke started mimicking the music from Jeopardy. (The *doo-doo...doo- doo...doo-doo, doo. Doo - doo-doo, doo...doo...doo...doo. Bung, bung* stuff. ^_^)]
Sesshomaru: That's getting really annoying...
[Sesshomaru pointed his claws at Sanosuke, who instantly became silent. Sesshomaru smirked proudly. He then joined the others in staring anxiously at Kagome.]
Kagome: All right! I confess...I LOVE SOMEONE WHO I HAVEN'T DECIDED WHO IT IS YET!!!!!
[Kagome took a deep breath, then sighed deeply. Everyone else stared at her accusingly, making her scared and causing her to jump behind the couch.]
Kagome: [scared and half-jokingly] Please don't hurt me!
Morgan: C'mon, we'd never hurt you!
[Kagome climbed back onto the couch.]
Miroku: But you still have to confess something.
Kagome: Okay...I confess I think Sesshomaru's kinda cute.
[Kagome smiled warmly at Sesshomaru. He blushed slightly and turned away.]
Kilala Li Fang: Awe...is the big bad demon embarrassed??
[Sesshomaru wiped around and glared daggers at Kilala Li Fang.]
Kilala Li Fang: Um...never mind!!!
Sesshomaru: Good. [He turned back around.]
Kurama: Well, you will you pick to go next, Kagome?
Kagome: I choose...you, Inuyasha!