Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Confession: Part 4 ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Morgan of Kurama's rose girl (all at fanfiction.net).
Keiko: What a scaredy-cat.
Kia: Hey, Ayumi, how come you let Kouga swear?
Kuwabara: I didn't think she even liked him.
Misao: You got the “I didn't think” part right.
Esanan: Is “piss off” even really a swear?
Ayumi: To answer your question, Kia, there's what Esanan said and the fact that I don't know how to say that in Japanese.
[Ayumi shrugged, while most of the people looked at her oddly.]
Shizuru: And why would you have to know what it was in Japanese?
Ayumi: [slightly nervous] Um...it's called the Censor Button.
[Sanosuke was stopped in the middle of his Twilight Zone music imitation by Yusuke smacking him on the head.]
Sanosuke: I'm going to be covered in bruises by the time I leave this party!
Yukina: Maybe you shouldn't sit so close to Yusuke.
Sanosuke: That's a good idea!
[As soon as Sanosuke stood up to move, everyone - except for Kenshin, Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yukina - raised their hand in an about-to-slap position. Sanosuke gulped, pulled the Boflex backwards (out of Yusuke's reach), and sat back down on it.]
Sanosuke: Why am I so disliked!??
Yusuke: [sarcastically] It's your charming personality.
Yami: Hey, since Kouga ran off like that -
Sango: You mean like a wimp?
Yami: [semi-glaring at Sango] - who should pick who has to confess next?
Morgan: [raising her hand] I'll volunteer to pick someone!
Miroku: I'd be more than happy to volunteer!
Ayumi: Wouldn't we all...
Kurama: So who will pick someone?
Kaoru: How `bout you? All in favor say “Aye!”
All except Kurama and Hiei: AYE!!
Kenshin: I guess it is unanimous, that it is.
Kurama: Very well. Hie - [looking to his left] Hey, where did he run off to?
[Everyone looked at where Hiei was supposed to be, and saw that he was indeed missing.]
Inuyasha: When could he have slipped away?
Kilala Li Fang: That's weird...I could have sworn I had my arm around him the entire time!
Kia+Esanan: You WHAT!?!?
Kia: Oh, wait, never mind. I did, too.
Esanan: You WHAT!?!?
Aoshi: Let me guess, you did as well?
[Esanan opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it again, as if she just remembered something.]
Esanan: [thoughtful] Wait...did I?
Botan: Even if you did, it didn't seem to restrain Hiei, did it now?
Kagome: And he just *happens* to be the one with telepathy!
Keiko: Oh, Kuwabara, couldn't you sense Hiei's energy?
Kuwabara: [somewhat surprised at the request] I guess I could...Hey - why should I help you guys? And how'd you know about that anyway, Keiko?
[Keiko gulped, then looked away nervously, while whisting.]
Misao: [with a sinister smile] You should help us `cause we could tear you apart in no time flat.
Kuwabara: No, you couldn't!
Misao: Wanna bet?
Yukina: [sweatdropping] Um...I'd rather you didn't...
Kuwabara: I refuse to fight a lady! It's against my honor code.
Sanosuke: Misao? A lady? You've got to be kidding me.
Misao: And what exactly was THAT supposed to mean, Rooster-head?!
Sanosuke: Exactly what is sounds like, Weasel-girl!!
Sango: Calm down, you two, or someone's going to get hurt.
Yusuke: Namely Sanosuke.
Sanosuke: Oh yeah!? How `bout you and me go man-to-man right here, right now??
Yusuke: Fine with me!
[Suddenly, most of the people in the room starting either arguing or fighting - or both.]
Yami: [sighing, somewhat to himself] Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have all these people in one room...
Shizuru: Duh...You think?
Yami: Actually -
Ayumi: [exasperated] Let's not go into that again...
Sesshomaru: I guess the air is full of fighting today.
Sanosuke: [suddenly paying attention] Huh? Oh, Yay! My wish came true!
Miroku: [sarcastically] I'm so happy for you.
Morgan: If it's the air, maybe going outside will help.
Kurama: That seems like a good idea. Why don't we?
Kilala Li Fang: All in favor, scream really loud so you can be heard over this racket!!!
[Everyone who was paying attention thus yelled or shouted, so they all stood up to exit the premises.]