Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Chapter 15

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I can update today! This is so exciting; it's been forever since I've updated on a Saturday.
Serena SilverMoon: You're right. Kira thought Hiei was good-looking, so she chose to overlook any sort of demonic aura he had. Not smart on her part since she's now supposed to protect the village from people like him. If the Reikai Tantei found out Hiei's views on Kagome and Robin, they probably would freak. But we know Hiei, and he's intensely private when it comes to stuff like that, so he probably won't say anything. The Shard Hunters aren't moving the present for good. They're only there for until things settle a little bit.
Kurama'sFoxyMiko: I suppose this is relatively soon, right? For an update, I mean. I've been known to not update for almost three or four weeks, so this is pretty good for me. I've tried to make myself update every weekend, but sometimes there just isn't time. The main goal of school is to drain all your time away from you so there's nothing left and we writers still haven't uploaded any new chapters for people to read. However, this week they failed, for I am putting up a new chapter!
Inuyasha noticed when Hiei took his leave of them, but he didn't say anything. He was still distraught about the death of the last person he knew fifty years ago. Now he was the only one left. She was old for a human. I knew she wouldn't last much longer, but…I wasn't expecting this sort of pain. He followed Kagome when she beckoned, leaving the funeral in a daze.
They all gathered around outside the former home of Kaede. “I think that it's time we left,” he stated quietly. They all nodded sadly. Their miko would be sorely missed, but they weren't going to stick around if Kira was running the show now. They split up, with Sango, Miroku, and Kohaku going to their new home to pack, and the rest of them entering the hut.
Kagome looked around for a second and said in surprise, “Hiei's stuff is gone. Did he leave already?”
Inuyasha, thinking that he might know where the fire demon went, just said, “I guess so. Let's just take our stuff and leave as soon as possible.”
They exited the hut and walked towards Inuyasha's Forest, but before reaching there, they saw Kira on the ground, staring into the forest. “He left,” she kept saying.
“I think she means Hiei,” sniffed Inuyasha, brushing past her. They all did likewise, but she didn't indicate that she even noticed them.
They met Sango, Kohaku, and Miroku next to the well. Everyone who hadn't yet gone through the well looked nervous. They had no idea of how it worked, or if it would work.
“Let's go,” sighed Kagome. “I'll go first with Sango, Kohaku, and Kirara since we won't all fit in the well at the same time.”
So first it was them, then Robin took Miroku and Shippo, while Inuyasha brought up the rear. Right before he leaped after them, there was a noise coming towards him. Now what? he thought impatiently. Tapping a foot on the ground in irritation, he waited for the person to appear. It was Kira, looking around.
“Something you need?” he asked irritably, standing away from the well.
She regarded him with a cold glare. “I was wondering why so many people were leaving today, the day my mentor Kaede died,” she said, the last part almost a whisper.
“What we do is really none of your business,” he snapped. Come on, just go away already.
She sneered. “It is my business. Everything going on in this village is now my business.”
He looked around. “This doesn't looked like the village,” he said. “Go back to the others; they probably need you right now. Besides, don't you have to settle yourself in Kaede's hut?”
“Are you mocking me?” she screamed at him.
“Um, I don't know, let's try…Yeah,” he said sarcastically.
“I don't have to take this from you, half-breed,” she snarled. “Where are the other people?”
“No clue,” he said.
“You came here together.”
“Yeah, so? We split once we reached the forest. They went one way, and I went another. Got a problem with that?”
She growled at him. “If Kaede hadn't made me promise to try and tolerate you, I would've purified you a long time ago.”
“That's not my problem,” he said, not looking at her. Go away already!
“Fine,” she huffed. “I won't learn anything from you.” She turned on her heel and walked quickly out of the forest.
Finally! He jumped into the well and entered Kagome's time.
“Where were you?” demanded Kagome when he crawled out.
“I was delayed by a certain new miko we all know and love,” he said, the last part sarcastic. “She wanted to know where you all were, and wouldn't leave. That kid is too persistent.”
“Tell me about it,” said Robin. “She wanted to know where I came from because she didn't know where they made dresses like mine. I couldn't tell her, but she wouldn't stop asking.”
“Yeah,” agreed Kagome, “but she isn't here now. Let's tell Michael that we're back, and we have company so he doesn't freak out too much.”
Michael and Sota were cleaning up some of the trash around the area so it would be a bit cleaner when more tourists arrived tomorrow. They had been working nonstop ever since break started. Michael missed Kagome and Robin, especially their help, but he missed Robin the most. She was, after all, his girl. They had told him that things had calmed down where they were going, that there wasn't as much fighting, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't get hurt in the fights that do occur.
He was just finishing the clean-up when a voice behind him said, “Hey, Michael, we're back.”
He spun around and grabbed Robin, kissing her to show how much she was missed. She kissed him back, showing how much she missed him, then pushed away a bit, saying, “We have company. They're going to help around the shrine for a while.” She led him to where the others were, and said, “Guys, meet Michael. Michael, this is Miroku, Sango, Kohaku, Shippo, and Kirara. You already met Inuyasha.”
As their names were said, they said something, like “Hello” or “Nice to meet you” and that kind of thing. He recognized the hanyou right away, and when his name was said, Michael greeted him, “Nice to see you again. How are you?”
Inuyasha smiled a little. “Not bad. How `bout yourself?”
“Not bad,” answered the computer genius. “Hey, Sota,” he called, “they're back.”
A blur came charging out of the house and latched itself onto Kagome. “You're back, you're back!” he shouted joyfully.
“What did you do to the poor kid?” asked Robin.
“Um…” said Michael.
“He was great, but it's good to have you back,” said Sota while still holding his older sister.
“Okay,” laughed Robin. Turning back to Michael, she said, “These people are here to help around the shrine. Is that okay?”
Michael felt like he could have flown in the air while doing acrobatics. “That's great!” he said enthusiastically. “The guys I've been having help out are good, but they're nothing compared to you guys.”
The people being talked about blushed. “They couldn't be that bad,” said Kagome playfully.
“You wouldn't believe how much I mean it,” Michael replied. “They aren't exactly bad, but they don't know where anything is, and I can't help them all at the same time. They never ask Sota, oh no, they come to me, and I send them with Sota then.”
“It's great having you back,” chimed in Sota from his position on Kagome's hip. “And it's great finally meeting all of you. Kagome's told us so much about you, but we weren't able to meet you until now.”
Robin clapped her hands together. “Okay,” she said briskly, “let's get inside and get ready for tomorrow. How long are you guys staying?” she asked the shard hunters.
They looked at each other. “Well, how about we stay until you have to go back to school,” suggested Miroku. They all nodded.
“Right. Let's go inside and get rooms ready,” said Kagome. “Robin, could you make dinner? Please?”
“Sure,” said Robin.
She does the puppy-look well, thought Michael. Better watch out for that. He followed the others into the house.
It was dark again. It had been light and dark for who knows how long now. Serena had been running for over three days straight. That much she knew. She didn't feel the hunters, but that didn't mean that they weren't following her.
She stumbled and nearly wrenched her ankle. She continued, but now with a limp. I wish this were a nightmare, she thought as she kept walking as fast as her ankle would allow. I want to go home. But if I do, then that would put my family in danger. I can't. I must be strong.
Serena didn't notice that she had reached a familiar place until she ran into a sign saying, “Sunset Park”. This park is in Tokyo, though. I can't have come this far already, could I? She stumbled onward, knowing that a friend of hers lived close. Yuki wouldn't mind if she stayed over with her. She prayed that she was there and hobbled to her front door. Luck simply wasn't with her. There was no one home. Now what? she wondered in despair. I have nowhere else to go. Putting her head on her knees, she wished it would all end.
“Hey, aren't you Serena Tsukino?” asked a strangely familiar voice.
She jerked her head up and looked into the curious eyes of Michael Lee, a sophomore in her old school. They had never spoken to each other, but knew the other on sight. “Hai,” she said cautiously.
“I didn't know that you were back in town,” he said, friendly as ever. “I thought you moved.”
“I did,” she replied in a quiet voice. “I came back, though.”
“On your own?”
She nodded, her throat closing up. “I was going to stay here with Yuki, but her family isn't here, so I don't know what I'll do.”
His hand appeared at her elbow and he pulled her up. “You can always stay with us,” he offered. “We have some visitors over, so what's one more person? The more, the merrier, they say.”
Serena just let him pull her along to the Higurashi Shrine. She couldn't quite make it up the stairs due to a twisted ankle, so Michael had to juggle the bags of food that he bought and carry her up bridal style. He didn't complain, but she knew that he had to have cramps in his legs after that climb and carrying her while juggling bags at the same time.
Setting her down, he had her lean on him and he half-dragged her to the house. “Hey, Robin, Kagome,” he called, “I found an old classmate of yours.”
Robin entered the room wearing an apron. “Who-” then she saw Serena. Dropping the dishtowel she was holding, she rushed to Serena and asked, “What happened? We thought you moved.”
“I did,” she replied, “but I made a mistake, the one you told me not to do.”
Robin's already white skin paled even more. “What happened?”
Serena looked meaningfully at Michael, or tried to since he was behind her. Robin got the gist of what she was saying and said, “It's fine. Michael used to work for them, but he doesn't anymore. You can talk freely in front of him.”
She was set onto a couch, and she recounted all that had happened. Their reaction wasn't the one she was expecting. Instead of throwing her out, they were sympathetic, and when she was finished, they still were offering her a place to stay.
“Of course we won't throw you away,” said Robin, astounded that she would even think they would do something like that. “I have the same problem you do. When they first started coming after me, I came here, and Mrs. Higurashi took care of me. How can I do any different? Michael,” she said to the person behind Serena, “take her to the kitchen, will you? I'll get a room ready for her.” She started for the stairs, where Serena assumed the rooms were.
Michael helped her make her way to the kitchen, where he left her in a chair, saying, “If you need anything, just holler, and someone will be with you shortly.”
She could hear him talking to Kagome in the room that they had just left.
“Your friend Serena Tsukino is here,” he told Kagome.
“I thought she moved,” she responded in surprise.
“She did, but she used her wind Craft, and Amon happened to see it. She didn't want him tracking her back to her family, so she came back to Tokyo.”
“Oh, poor Serena! She'll have to stay here, of course, unless she has other plans.”
“Is this place going to be a safe haven of some sort for witches? That's what it looks like to me.”
“If they need help, Michael, then I won't turn them away.”
“I'm not saying you should,” he said defensively. “Just be careful. They don't have me anymore, but they might find a replacement. If there's too much activity around here, they'll come and check it out. Then what'll you do?”
“I'll take them all down the well if I have to. From what you told me about the Orbo, no one should be shot with that sick stuff.”
Silence. Then, “You're right. I'm just worried about the STN finding out what's going on.”
“I understand your concern, but we'll be fine.”
“If you say so. She's in the kitchen if you want to talk to her.”
Footsteps, then Kagome stuck her head into the kitchen. “Hey, Serena, long time, no see.”
“Hi, Kagome,” she said. She tried to hide her leg when she saw that Kagome noticed it. “It's just sprained,” she explained. “It's nothing, really.”
“That's not nothing,” said Kagome seriously. “Let me see it.”
Serena shrank away from her. “It's fine. It really is.”
The other girl sighed. “If you don't show me of your own free will, I'll see it without it.” She held up her hand for her foot.
Serena had to acquiesce. She winced in pain as Kagome touched the hurt part. “Oh, you walked all the way to Tokyo on this?” asked Kagome incredulously.
“No,” Serena gasped. “I only twisted it a little ways from here.”
“It was still too far,” said Kagome firmly. “Don't worry, though. I'll fix it.”
Before Serena could ask what she was doing, her ankle was surrounded by a purple glow. It took away the pain that she had begun to ignore, and it made her ankle feel right again. The light dissipated, and Kagome smiled at her. “How's that? Better?”
She turned her foot around a few times, but it remained pain-free. “How did you do that?” she asked in wonder.
“That's part of my Craft,” she said as an explanation. “I have healing Craft. What's yours?”
“I control the wind,” Serena replied.
“Oh, that makes sense,” said Kagome. “Your aura is light blue for the sky.”
“Our auras tell what type of Craft we have?” asked Serena.
The other girl nodded. “So your aura is purple because it's a healing Craft?”
“No, healers are normally green, but my dominant Craft is ghost-based.” She stopped for a minute and asked, “You can see auras?”
“Yes, I've always been able to. Why?”
“Only certain witches are able to see auras, and they're the more powerful ones,” was the answer she got.
At this time, Robin's voice rang out, “Hey, Kagome, where did you put their extra clothes? The ones they have right now really need to be washed.”
“I'll be there in a minute,” she called back. “Will you be okay? There's food in the fridge and the pantry if you need anything.” With that, Kagome rushed to where Robin was.
Serena, seeing the house on the inside for the first time, looked around. It looked like a normal-enough kitchen, but there were rumors that ancient things waited in seemingly innocent places, like in cupboards or drawers. Cautiously, she opened the fridge, but nothing popped out at her. Grabbing some random edible things, she shut the door and sat down. She hadn't really eaten anything since she started running, except for when she bothered to stop at a local gas station and get a drink or something small. Not wanting to be caught by the STN, she could only buy small things that could be eaten on the run.
Now, she made herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It wasn't much, but she didn't want to eat them out of house and home. As she was finishing up, a girl she had never seen before came in. She looked a little uncomfortable in what she was wearing, and sat down next to Serena.
“Hi. I'm Serena Tsukino,” said Serena. “Are you one of the guests that are staying here?”
“Yes, I am. My name is Sango. I don't know where the others are at the moment, but welcome. Are you helping with the shrine, too?”
“Um, sure, if that's what they want me to do,” Serena replied.
“Great!” exclaimed Sango. “I heard them talking, and it sounds like it's hard.”
“It's not that bad,” said Serena. “I did it before, and you only have to man the food or drink booth, or take the tourists around the place. It's not too hard. Just time consuming.”
At this point, a man she assumed was another guest wandered in, looking a little lost. Serena saw Sango tense ever so slightly at his entry, but relaxed when all he did was ask, “Have you seen where Kagome and Robin went? They told me to bring this soap to them.” He held up a box of Tide for them to see.
“Sorry, I don't. I'm sure they're here somewhere.”
“I could give it to them,” volunteered Serena. “I may not know where they are, but I think I have an idea.”
The man gave her a look of gratitude. “Thank you, my lady. You don't know how confusing this huge place is.”
She smiled at him. “On the contrary, I know perfectly well how confusing it is.” She took the soap and started hunting for the elusive laundry room. She passed many likely spots for one, but they were just storerooms for old antiques.
She was starting to give up hope of finding it when Robin appeared out of the door that she was about to open, and said in a frustrated voice, “I sent Miroku out for Tide, and he forgets. Just shows how much he pays attention.” Then she saw Serena right in front of her and said, “Oh, hi. Didn't expect to see you so soon. Did you see a guy with black hair and a small ponytail around here?”
“He wasn't sure where you were, so I offered to take the Tide to you,” she said shyly.
“Oh, thanks,” said Robin with a surprised look on her face. “I forgot that he wasn't used to things around here yet. They only got here last night,” she explained. “So, how long are you planning on staying with us?” she asked while she and Kagome started doing laundry.
“Well, I didn't plan on staying anywhere until Michael showed up. I'll stay as long as you'll have me, I guess.”
“In that case,” said Kagome as she hauled more strange clothes into the washer, “you'll be staying a long time. You're welcome to stay as long as you want. We won't throw you out. If someone didn't tell you already, most people staying here are witches like you, so we won't turn you in, or anything like that.”
Serena smiled at them, her heart feeling like it would burst. “You don't know how much that means to me,” she whispered.
“Maybe, maybe not, but if you stay here, then you have to work,” Kagome said with mock severity.
Serena snapped her a salute. “Yes, ma'am!”
“Okay. You can start by getting dinner ready,” came Robin's muffled voice. “I'm tired of doing the cooking every night.”