Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 95 Prompts: Hiei X Kagome ❯ Prompt 35 ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

95 Prompts
Prompt 35: Coming Home
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own :S
A slight child came from behind the tree, dark purple eyes glaring out to the yard where his mother up. Small spiky raven hair jutted out from the backwards baseball cap he wore, as he ran to the woman.
“Kaa-san” the boy drawled out, gently tugging on a raven lock of his mother. She was crouched down doing some yard work.
“What can I do for you Kokoro?” his mother asked, gentle blue eyes looking up at her eight year old son.
“When's father coming home? He's been off training with Mukuro for over three months now,” the boy replied with a small frown.
“He'll be home as soon as he's done training, he needs to be prepared for the next tournament” Kagome said, sighing and standing up.
“Hn” the young boy replied before walking away.
“So much like his father” Kagome whispered, 'Hiei when will you be home?'
A/N: Ahhh gomen! I haven't done anything these last few weeks! Because of school work damn you semester two with all you “gotta have fing homework” classes -.- and my writers block. Plus I've been getting more random ideas in my head and beating them down cause it's not time to start a new one. But I should have a Hiei/Kagome one shot soon for this one. It will be a slight continuation of this chapter on the fourth Makai tournament including Hiei/Kagome and their son as well as other figures. So be on the lookout for “Maybe Never Coming Home Again.” Thanks for all that reviewed and hope you enjoy ;P