Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Changed Miko ❯ Inuyasha Faces Off ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~*~ Author's Note ~*~
I was `reminded' by a review that Kagome knows more youkai than the four I mentioned. I am well aware of this fact, but I worded it as, “. She only really knew four full blood youkai.” Which leaves room for the fact that she does know others but knows these specific four better than the rest. If I had really wanted to delve into all the youkai Kagome is associated with, the list would be rather extensive. There would be Ginta, Hakkaku, Myoga, Ah Un, Jaken and a score of others, including enemies. These four are the ones that she has the most contact with and could claim to `know'.
I would also like to give a warning for the chapter(s) ahead. I know that the chapters up until now have been character building and rather tame, however, I have decided to throw in a darker aspect to shake things up. I hadn't really though of taking my story in this direction until it came out this way.
You are warned.
Four days. It had been four fucking days since she had gone back to her time and two days since she had sent him back alone. Sango and Miroku had yet to return and he knew damn good and well that they wouldn't be back for at least another three days. He also knew that Kagome wouldn't be back for the same amount of time.
All that knowledge was the reason for the hanyou's current sour mood. He missed Kagome and felt worthless when she wasn't around. She was the one who could find the shards, the glue that held the group together and the only one who needed, and wanted, his protection. Even though, the need wasn't there much anymore. Not since she had trained until she had full control over her powers.
Inuyasha was perched on his favorite branch of the God Tree. He had made this tree his own personal respite some time ago and most thought it was simply because it was where he had been pinned for so long that it held onto a part of his life that he didn't want to relinquish. While that assumption was indeed part of it, it wasn't all of it. Inuyasha came here because it reminded him of her…of them. Inuyasha knew in his heart that Kikyou and Kagome were two different people but he always compared the miko from the future to his past love.
“Damnit all to hell.” Inuyasha grumbled as he jumped down from the tree. Thinking like that always made his head hurt and the times when his thinking involved the two mikos, he was always guaranteed a headache that would make him wish he could be beat into unconsciousness.
“Well, I will just go to Kagome's time and make her return early. We have a mission to complete and even if the others aren't back yet, we can still scout for shards.” The hanyou said aloud to no one but himself as he flew through his forest towards the Bone Eater's Well.
The red-clad half-demon jumped into the well that would bring him to the future mumbling something about “stupid wenches” and was enveloped in magic blue light.
As soon his feet touched down at the bottom of the well, he used the strength in his legs to spring up and out. Immediately upon opening the door of the well house, Inuyasha was met with the scent of demons. Demons that were in Kagome's house.
Now, Inuyasha was far beyond pissed off. Not only was Kagome sitting at home while he was alone in Feudal Japan but she was entertaining demons in her house! There were four beings other than Kagome inside, two of which were humans and the other two were demons. What really set his blood to boiling was that all four were….male!
`What is my Kagome doing with four guys in her house?! And two of them are demons!' The dog snarled in his mind. She was his and he would be damned if some lousy demon, or human, from her time was going to take her away. Sure, he had Kikyou, but he could, and would, have her too. With that thought in mind, the hanyou made his way to the front door.
Once there, he wasted no time in throwing open the door and storming inside.
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Kagome knew he was coming but that didn't stop her from nearly jumping out of her skin when Inuyasha burst through her front door. Hearing some commotion from her living room, Kagome looked towards the doorway that connected the two rooms and saw Kurama, Kuwabara and Yusuke all filing inside the kitchen, just as an irate hanyou came stomping in from the other side.
The tension that was mounting in the small area was thick to the point of suffocation and Kagome was finding it hard to breath. She stood there for a few moments and looked between Inuyasha and her new acquaintances, who were currently in the middle of staring each other down. It was then that Kagome heard a low growl erupt from the throat of the fire demon who was still standing as close to her as before. She turned her head to study him and instantly realized exactly how dangerous a demon he was. His eyes seemed to have bled into an even darker shade of crimson and had taken on a positively murderous glint.
The growl from Hiei seemed to be enough to break the stare down and all heads present turned to regard him. The faces of his friends looked almost questioning, but the hanyou was just angry.
“What in the hell are you doing with all these strange men Kagome?! You do know that two of them are demons, don't you? How stupid do you have to be to put yourself in a position like this!” Inuyasha ranted, unable to control his anger. “And you!” He spat as he pointed to Hiei, “What in the hell are you doing so close to my Kagome?!”
A sharp intake of breath from all other occupants sounded across the room. It was obvious then, that either the hanyou was brave or just plain stupid. The companions of the koorime knew that no one talked to him in such a manner and lived to tell the tale. Apparently Kagome had made the same deduction for she visibly paled.
“What's the matter shorty? Cat got yer tongue?” Inuyasha taunted. He could tell the demon was far beyond pissed and he was hoping to get him riled up enough to make the first move. That way, Kagome would be more upset with the fire demon than him. Of course, Inuyasha had never been accused of having good plans and this time was no different.
Hiei was about to burst at the seams with the rage he was barely holding on to. He didn't want to start a fight with the miko's companion and really didn't want to do it in her own house, but the hanyou didn't seem to know when to shut his mouth. The fire demon could take the insults the dog threw in his direction and had he abstained to doing so, Hiei would have ignored the mutt. However, the first thing the half-breed had done upon entering the house was insult Kagome.
That would never do.
Apparently, the other spirit detectives were thinking along the same lines for they had all assumed a defensive stance and had made their way closer to the young miko. This only served to make the already irritable hanyou even more upset.
“What the fuck is going on Kagome?! You don't have time to fuck around with two unknown demons, much less two more stupid humans! You are already weak enough as it is and hanging out with this group will just make it worse. You are mine and I intend to take you back right now!” The hanyou seethed and spat. Things were not looking good for him and he knew it. He looked into Kagome's eyes and realized just how bad things were.
She had stood there in her kitchen unmoving as she watched the events play out. The first words that Inuyasha had said had barely soaked in because she was too offset about everything that was going on. However, the insults to Hiei did not fall on deaf ears and neither did the half-breed's following rant. Upon hearing the last sentence fall from his lips, Kagome was pissed.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome ground out as she felt her anger rise. “What are you doing here, again?! I told you to go away two days ago and I meant it! What I do at any point in time is none of your business! You cannot just come here and start slinging insults at my friends!”
Kagome was flat out mad. It was bad enough that she took such abuse from him in front of their companions in the Sengoku Jidai, but she would not stand for it in her own house.
“And what do you mean saying that I am yours? I am not a possession, least of all yours! You have thrown me away more times than I care to keep track of and have run off to some undead pile of clay, while all I ever did was love you! She can't even survive without stealing souls from others and you have the nerve to compare me to her?”
“Shut up wench! You can't talk about my Kikyou like that! You are just a reincarnation! A weaker copy of the real deal! Why would I want you when I can have the original? I don't even need you to hunt the shards. Kikyou can do it too and probably be better at it than you!” Inuyasha spat out, his voice laced with venom. He knew what he was saying was hurting her, but damnit, she made him mad!
Kagome just laughed. The sound being cold and unnatural, and sending shivers down the spines of all present. “You stupid mutt. You really don't know do you? I am not Kikyou's reincarnation nor have I ever been! I am the reincarnation of Midoriko, Inuyasha. The only reason I even hold a resemblance to that undead bitch is because of how long she was in possession of the Tama.”
Inuyasha almost choked on his own tongue. `How is that possible? She is supposed to be Kikyou's copy, not Midoriko's! That means she is far more powerful than either one! Damn! I really screwed up this time.'
The hanyou growled low in his throat as he contemplated his options. Kagome was pissed beyond belief and he was sure he couldn't even talk to her with the others around. So, he made up his mind.
The entire room heard the dog growl and it made them all uneasy. They could tell by the look on his face that he was thinking up a plan and they were sure it wouldn't be good.
Before anyone could make a move to do anything, Inuyasha swept through the small group, grabbed Kagome with one arm around her waist and the other over her mouth and disappeared in a blur of red. He ran up the stairs and flew out Kagome's bedroom window. After landing safely on the grass, the hanyou made a beeline for the well house. As soon as he had flung the door open, he disappeared in a flash of blue light with Kagome in tow.
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The Reikai Tantei were confused. They had just been facing off against an enraged half demon in the kitchen of the only miko known to be in existence and now they were both gone.
“Damn! Where in the hell did they go?” Yusuke cursed. They hadn't even gotten to hear the girl's story yet, even though they knew enough about her from Koenma's files.
“The well.” Was the only response the detective got and it was from a very unhappy fire demon as he disappeared in a blur of black and white.
Yusuke looked to Kurama, confusion evident on his features. “The well? Why would they go to the well? Is that how Kagome travels to the past?” The detective asked as they all ran outside to join the wayward fire apparition.
“As far as we can tell, yes it is.” Kurama replied, already feeling the stress and worry coming from Hiei and the sheer anger and concern coming from Youko. Actually, they were all worried for the girl.
Hiei raced outside as fast as he could, determined to follow the miko and the hanyou. He flung the door to the well house aside and jumped over the landing, coming to a stop at the lip of the well. The smell of the mutt and Kagome's fear assaulted his nose and enraged his demon blood. Without hesitation, Hiei launched himself over the edge and landed unceremoniously on the hard bottom of the well. “Damn!” He cursed under his breath as he made his way back outside to the rest of the detectives.
The group had just reached the well house as Hiei stormed out. It was obvious by the look on his face that they needed to find another way to get to the miko and soon. “Fox, call Boton. We need to see Koenma.”
Kurama nodded and pulled out his communicator. Flipping it open, he was greeted by the ever-cheerful Boton, “Hi Kurama! How are things with Kago-“ She never even got to finish before she was cut off.
“Not good Boton. We need to see Koenma and we need to see him now!” Kurama all but growled. The sense of urgency was coursing through his veins and he could tell it was the same for the others. They had only known the priestess a short time, but every one of them already felt the need to protect her. And it had nothing to do with the fact that it was a mission to do so.
Within seconds, a portal to the office of the Prince of Reikai was opened and they all rushed through.
The junior ruler of Reikai looked up from his mountain of paperwork as his Spirit Detectives flooded the room. He studied each of their faces and found varying degrees of concern, worry and anger etched on every one. Kuwabara looked completely lost, Yusuke looked as though he was going to tear something apart, and Hiei had on his trademark scowl, though it was a little darker than normal and his eyes showed nothing but rage. When he looked at Kurama, he was almost shocked into silence. The calm and collected avatar was flickering. His crimson locks were being threaded with silver and his eyes were flashing from emerald to amber.
He turned his attention to Kurama, “What is going on? Where is Kagome?”
Hiei growled angrily and Kurama approached the desk. “We were at her house waiting to hear her tell her story when that hanyou `friend' of hers burst in. He exchanged words with Kagome mostly and then took off with her! They disappeared down the well. She is in danger, Koenma! We need to get to the Sengoku Jidai now!”
“Are you sure she is in danger? He has been known to appear just long enough to drag her back to his time period, but she has always returned. What is so different now?” Koenma asked. He knew that there had to be a reason for the group to be on the verge of falling apart and he wanted to know what it was.
“He is not a hanyou right now. His eyes flashed red seconds before he took Kagome and his scent reeks of full blooded inu. She is in danger and could be dead before we get there unless we make it fast!” Hiei snarled. He knew that the longer they stayed in Reikai, the more danger the priestess was in. Sure, she was powerful enough and had a subduing spell for the mongrel, but he was in full demon form and in which, his demon blood would easily override said spell.
Koenma's eyebrows disappeared into his hat at this. What the fire demon said was true; if they didn't reach Kagome soon, her life would be forfeit. “Boton! In here now!”
The prince had hardly finished his demand and Boton was in the office. They focused their energies and after a few seconds, a portal opened into a clearing right next to the Bone Eater's Well. “Hurry and find her. She will need your help and protection even more now than before. She can get you home. Good luck!” Koenma told the Tantei as they disappeared through the portal and stepped in to Feudal Japan.
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