Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ a donut lovers worst fear ❯ the terrible idea ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n: HI! This is a story me maru and emri thought up so it is shared anyway on with the disclaimer *hears groans*

Disclaimer: niether I maru or emri own anything get that NOTHING!!We don't own yuyu hakusho or inuyasha all we do I 'borrow' them and stick them in our closets for 'safe' keeping' if you want them to bad *holding back evil glomping fangirls from touya* hes mine DAMN MINE well not really but I can dream oh and I don't own dunkin donuts

"Come on guys it'll be fun!" kagome said with enthusiasm. "I don't know lady kagome do you remember the last surprise you had for us? Shippo was hyper for weeks." Miroku trying to get kagome to give up. "Oh come on Miroku that was only once! And besides this is a better surprise." She smiled warmly then stops when miroku's hand gets to close to her butt. Miroku is now on the ground with swirly eyes. "Humph!" "We can't go we still have more shards to find!!" "Gosh Inuyasha you should get out more often and anyway there are only a couple more left lets have some fun come on" "but as soon as we are done with the jewel you can go back to your time and have all the fun you want!" this went on for hours and of course with a couple sits kagome won. "Feh" Inuyasha barley made out in his Inuyasha shaped hole. While Inuyasha was trying to get his back to work Shippo worked his secret weapon on kagome his cuteness. "Kagome what's the surprise?"

(Cute so cute *twitch* must *twitch* touch *pets shippos tail*) "Well Shippo I can't tell you, but I will tell you this when we get to the well you will have someone to play with" "YAY!!" Shippo skipped off happy with her answer. "He is so easy to please ok guys ready?" everyone said yes except Inuyasha who just got out of his hole. They left kilala with keade who was happy to take her. When they got to the well they met a visitor.

"Sesshoumaru" Inuyasha growled and grabs the hilt of his tetsuaiga (sp?) "Oh 'dear' brother do not flatter yourself I have not come to fight I have come upon the rin's request." "Inuyasha calm down I invited rin and Sesshoumaru has just come to watch her." "Of course I have do you think I would leave rin in the company of a stupid hanyou?" Inuyasha glared but relaxed his grip on the tetsaiga a bit. "Okay guys lets go" *everyone jumps in the well*


At yusuke's house…..

"that stupid mission if I ever have to go to that freezing cold play again I am going to strangle the toddler" "you know Yusuke you should be more respectful to koenma-sir." Said Kurama. "Well I say we all deserve a break before toddler assigns us another mission have you ever had a donut Kurama?" "No when I was five I at sugar puffs and well lets put it this way it was not pleasant when I calmed down." "What about the rest of you? Raise your hand if you have ever had a donut." *only kuwabara raises his hand* "okay kuwabara you stay here I'll bring you whatever is left-over. Hiei, Kurama in my car now!" Hiei and Kurama know full well that if they didn't go Yusuke would force them got in yusuke's new car a green mustang (Yusuke and the rest of them are old enough to drive in this fic) Yusuke drove to dunkin donuts and ordered one of everything and three cups of coffee (Yusuke 'borrowed' money from Kurama to pay for it) ökay guys just sit and wait til they finish our order" "hn"was all Hiei said.


At the shrine well thingy

"okay everyone out of the well and follow me" *kagome leads them to her new shiny blue beatle car* they drove to dunkin donuts and got there the same time the yuyu crew got there and also ordered one of everything and got their order the same time the yuyu crew got theirs. "what is this thing miko?" sess said sniffing a glazed donut. Ït's a donut try it its good." As one of those strange misteries hiei, kurama, sesshoumaru, and inuyasha tried their donuts at the same time and as we all know sweets do strange things to demons minds….

A/n okay mistress fluffy I hope you like this better I worked on it and I hope it sounds better for the rest of you ttfn

-kasia matsubishi