Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A new life. ❯ Time ends ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Inu-Yasha fan 
Everbody got used to there god duties.Yuske married Kankyo had two children the girl's name is Olivia she posses the same powers as her dad but also has the power to heal.The boys name is Wade also posses the same power as his dad but also has the power to do magic.Kubrwa and Yukina got married had a girl name Megan who possed the same powers as her father and mother.Hiei found another forbidden child named Virgo who he married and had two children the girl's name is Zeo whith the same powers as her parents.The boy's name is Xavier who posses the same power as his parents and can find peoples deepest fears and desires.Then Kagome found out she loved Kurma they got married had two children the boy's name Layne who possed the same powers as his parents and can run super fast.There daughters name is Lacy poses the same power as her parents and diecdes who falls in love wiyh who and who gets what personality and who rebels against there parents.
Hope you enjoyed my story.If anyone wants to make up a story like my or make a story that gos along wiyh mine you have my permisson.BYE-BYE for now.
Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Thriller / Romance / Drama | Type: Crossover | Uploaded On: 04.26.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 491 | Status: Completed

Everbody got used to there god duties.Yuske married Kankyo had two children the girl's name is Olivia she posses the same powers as her dad but also has the power to heal.The boys name is Wade also posses the same power as his dad but also has the power to do magic.Kubrwa and Yukina got married had a girl name Megan who possed the same powers as her father and mother.Hiei found another forbidden child named Virgo who he married and had two children the girl's name is Zeo whith the same powers as her parents.The boy's name is Xavier who posses the same power as his parents and can find peoples deepest fears and desires.Then Kagome found out she loved Kurma they got married had two children the boy's name Layne who possed the same powers as his parents and can run super fast.There daughters name is Lacy poses the same power as her parents and diecdes who falls in love wiyh who and who gets what personality and who rebels against there parents.
Hope you enjoyed my story.If anyone wants to make up a story like my or make a story that gos along wiyh mine you have my permisson.BYE-BYE for now.
Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Thriller / Romance / Drama | Type: Crossover | Uploaded On: 04.26.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 1 | Visits: 491 | Status: Completed