Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Birth To Tentai ❯ Birth To Tentai ( Prologue )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own anything!!! Not even Yu Yu Hakusho. Which is VERY mean.
Human. Is this what I've become? Just because of a selfish act and being shot by a simple hunter? This is NOT what I intended to do with my life. But even as we speak now, I am being reborn in a different life. Oooooo!!!!! Bubbles!!!!!
..... Okay. That was really off track. Dear Inari! I'm gaining the thoughts of a ningen baby still in its womb!
Stupid. A famous theif like me. Reduced to a phathetic human. Oooooo!!!! Lookie! Another bubble!... GARRRR!!!!! THAT'S IT! ONCE MY STRENGTH HAS RETURNED TO ME, I SHALL DESTROY ALL THE WORTHLESS BEINGS OF THE UNIVERSE!!
Crap. What the hell is that light?
...What was that saying again? Follow the light?
NO WAY! It could kill me! NO!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! IT LOOKS SO UGLY!!! EWWWWW!!!!!! IT'S A HAND!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT HAS MY HEAD!!!! INARI!!!!!! ANYBODY, HELP!!!!!!
Oh great. I'm crying again. And why the hell was I screaming?! Why am I still?! Stupid ningen senses. It's just a hand... now on my neck... Is it touching me?!... Nah.
#Do not worry Youko. This is simply the progress of birth.#
Who the hell is that?!
#I am your couscious.#
What?! I have no conscious... At least I think I don't.
#That's because you never listened to me before!!#
What do you mean?! I never even heard you speak before!
#ARRGGGGG!!!! YES I DID!! I was there when you got shot. I told you: 'No Youko! Don't do it! I have a VERY bad feeling about this!'. And you simply flipped me off!#
I don't care about that! JUST GET ME OUT OF THIS PERDICAMENT.
#Youko. Apparently you don't know. This is YOUR birth as a human. It is not a danger to you unless the doctor is drunk, a murderer is in the building, or your human mother has been doing drugs.#
"Congratulations Mrs and Mr Minamino. It is a boy."
AHHHHH!!!!!!! What was that?!
#That was the voice of your doctor. Hm... The more you are in this baby body, it seems that you act more like a baby. At least not the Youko I was the conscious of.#
"Look at him dear. He is such a cute baby. We shall call him Shuiichi."
Who was that?! And Shuiichi?! That is the most disgusting name I've ever heard before!
#That was your mother. And Shuiichi... I don't see anything wrong with it.#
Shut up.
O.O Okay... what did you think of that? Flame me if you wish...
Human. Is this what I've become? Just because of a selfish act and being shot by a simple hunter? This is NOT what I intended to do with my life. But even as we speak now, I am being reborn in a different life. Oooooo!!!!! Bubbles!!!!!
..... Okay. That was really off track. Dear Inari! I'm gaining the thoughts of a ningen baby still in its womb!
Stupid. A famous theif like me. Reduced to a phathetic human. Oooooo!!!! Lookie! Another bubble!... GARRRR!!!!! THAT'S IT! ONCE MY STRENGTH HAS RETURNED TO ME, I SHALL DESTROY ALL THE WORTHLESS BEINGS OF THE UNIVERSE!!
Crap. What the hell is that light?
...What was that saying again? Follow the light?
NO WAY! It could kill me! NO!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! IT LOOKS SO UGLY!!! EWWWWW!!!!!! IT'S A HAND!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT HAS MY HEAD!!!! INARI!!!!!! ANYBODY, HELP!!!!!!
Oh great. I'm crying again. And why the hell was I screaming?! Why am I still?! Stupid ningen senses. It's just a hand... now on my neck... Is it touching me?!... Nah.
#Do not worry Youko. This is simply the progress of birth.#
Who the hell is that?!
#I am your couscious.#
What?! I have no conscious... At least I think I don't.
#That's because you never listened to me before!!#
What do you mean?! I never even heard you speak before!
#ARRGGGGG!!!! YES I DID!! I was there when you got shot. I told you: 'No Youko! Don't do it! I have a VERY bad feeling about this!'. And you simply flipped me off!#
I don't care about that! JUST GET ME OUT OF THIS PERDICAMENT.
#Youko. Apparently you don't know. This is YOUR birth as a human. It is not a danger to you unless the doctor is drunk, a murderer is in the building, or your human mother has been doing drugs.#
"Congratulations Mrs and Mr Minamino. It is a boy."
AHHHHH!!!!!!! What was that?!
#That was the voice of your doctor. Hm... The more you are in this baby body, it seems that you act more like a baby. At least not the Youko I was the conscious of.#
"Look at him dear. He is such a cute baby. We shall call him Shuiichi."
Who was that?! And Shuiichi?! That is the most disgusting name I've ever heard before!
#That was your mother. And Shuiichi... I don't see anything wrong with it.#
Shut up.
O.O Okay... what did you think of that? Flame me if you wish...