Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Black Widow Miko ❯ Inevitable ( Chapter 12 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
* If I never have to write another chapter like this one again, it will be too soon!! I must have re-written the whole thing at least four times over, one piece at a time. Every time I read through it, I made major additions, deletions, and changes. It was a BEAR! And it kept growling at me in a really mean way. *sniff* I know this update took longer than any ever before, but in my own defense, I must say, I was out-of-town for a week, and this darn thing is fifty-six pages long!!! So, you might want to grab a snack and a drink before you sit down to read it. LOL!!
DISCLAIMER: “InuYasha” and “YuYu Hakusho” are the brainchildren of the legendary and ever-popular Takahashi-san and Togashi-san, who have earned lots of money, fame, and acclaim by marketing their characters’ extreme smexiness to an unsuspecting and extremely susceptible public of screaming fangirls and fanboys. I managed to sell some old baby clothes in a yard sale.
mental/telepathic conversations - “Hiei” “Kurama” “Youko”
(thoughts to self)
Last time:
As she stroked his tongue with hers, the taste of strawberries burst in his mouth, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. Taking control, he swept his tongue into her mouth to search, and explore, and claim. She had just given him far more than their original deal called for, and he was taking it. All of it, -- all of her. And he didn’t think he was going to give her back, either. No, he certainly wasn’t going to give her up to the fox, or the wolf, or even to the ghosts of her dead mates. He hadn’t looked for this. He hadn’t wanted it. But the kamis had finally given him something worth having, and he wasn’t fool enough to turn it down. And as the ocean’s waters rushed in along the sand towards them and receded, time and time again, the two lovers remained locked in each other’s embrace, … exchanging simple kisses in the moonlight, that promised so much more.
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“I’m not cold,” she argued, as she snuggled into his warmth, “and when I woke up, grabbing a robe was the last thing on my mind.”
“Hn.” It wasn’t going to do any good to yell at her. Hell, it was his fault she was out here, -- she had been worried, and looking for him. Well, he wouldn’t leave anymore without telling her. Of course, if he had had his way, she would have been with him, and he wouldn’t have felt the need to go for a run in the first place. He might be right around the corner across the hall from her, but if he couldn’t be with her when he wanted to, -- when she needed him to, -- then he was as good as a million miles away. And that was unacceptable, especially with the way things had changed between them. He understood her reasons for wanting to keep their relationship a secret, but that didn’t mean he liked it. And sooner or later, everyone was going to find out. It was inevitable. It hadn’t taken Genkai very long to figure it out, though he still wondered how the old onna had known, and then Kagome’s grandfather had stumbled onto the truth. Next it would be Kurama, or one of her sons, or … He opened the door to the house.
“What the hell happened to her, and what are you doing with her?” Eishumaru demanded.
Standing just inside the doorway, ready to go out, were all three of her sons.
“Quiet, you fools!“ he hissed at them. She had already fallen asleep. “The foolish onna went walking along the beach alone, even after we told her she wasn’t to go out without one of us. In her weakened condition, she would be an easy target for the dead miko. She is exhausted from healing your friend. I suggest you tell that old man to forget about her training this morning, -- she needs to sleep,” Hiei lectured them.
“Damn it! Why won’t she ever listen to reason? What in the world possessed her to go for a walk? If Sesshoumaru otou-san were still alive, he would make sure she stayed put,” Daitano grumbled, taking Kagome out of Hiei’s arms.
“Or Kouga otou-san. He would have just slung her over his shoulder and … hey! What was that for?” Eishumaru rubbed his shoulder.
“For whatever it was you were about to say,” his younger brother scowled at him. “Daitano? Shu is always saying things like that about my otou-san. Was he really like that?”
Daitano chuckled. “Well, actually, … hai.” All three of the boys headed for the stairs. “Kouga otou-san was crazy about okaa-san. Sesshoumaru otou-san was, too, but he didn’t go chasing her through the halls of the Western palace, howling at her.” He looked thoughtful for a moment, then continued, “Of course, that was exactly what she needed then. Kouga otou-san was very smart.”
Sassouta looked confused. “Why would she need him to chase her through the halls?”
“She was devastated after Sesshoumaru otou-san died. She had lost two mates in such a short time, -- she needed someone to show her that she was still young, and she could still enjoy life, and love. She loved us, and took care of us and played with us. She even laughed with us, and always seemed so cheerful and content. But he gave her more than that. It took him a long time to bring her out of her sadness, but he never gave up. He teased her, and made her blush a lot. He flirted outrageously with her, and guarded her jealously. He let her know how happy he was just to be with her, and how very much he wanted to make her happy. He went out of his way to make her giggle, -- playing tricks on old Mamoru, and getting her to help him. He brought out her fun, mischievous side. I know I talk about Sesshoumaru otou-san a lot, but Kouga otou-san was really great, too. That’s how I know my otou-san must have really been something, too, -- because it takes someone special to win okaa-san’s heart. And both Sesshoumaru otou-san and Kouga otou-san seemed to know just how to reach her, and how to let her know she was the most important person in their lives.”
“So, what did my otou-san do, since I know from what you’re always saying about him that he was too proper and dignified to be playful?” Eishumaru asked curiously.
“Well, at first, he lavished her with extravagant gifts of jewelry and clothing, but he soon realized that while she appreciated them, she preferred gestures to things, -- like him putting away his maps and scrolls and going for a walk with her in the garden maze, or taking her to visit the taijiya village. He used to brush her hair for her every night, and he let her brush his, …”
“No, no. I mean what did he do instead of chasing her through the halls?” he waggled his eyebrows exaggeratedly.
Daitano rolled his eyes at him, then said, “He would just catch her attention and slowly lift an eyebrow at her, like this,” Daitano demonstrated, “and she would get up and leave the room. After a minute, he would follow her. Then all the servants would start giggling until Jaken told them to shut up and get back to work.” His eyes took on a faraway look, and a smile lit his face. “I remember one time, we were having important guests for lunch, and she had just stepped into the dining room when Sesshoumaru otou-san gave her that look, and she bowed her apologies and turned right around and left. Then he did, too. They came in later, and sat down to eat. But when she poured him some sake, and handed it to him, their fingers touched, and the next thing I knew, she had left again, and he was getting up to go. The four dragon youkai just looked at each other for a few minutes, and then started laughing. They turned to Jaken to ask if they should come back another time. I’ve never seen poor Jaken look so uncomfortable,” he laughed. “He just kept apologizing and mumbling excuses about how ‘Sesshoumaru-sama had some very important matters to attend to at the moment, but that he would probably be able to talk with them in a few hours.’ That just made them laugh harder, and they all said he had been long overdue to take a mate, and that it probably wouldn’t do them any good to come back in the next several years. I thought Jaken would have a stroke to hear them joke about Sesshoumaru otou-san like that, but after they had gone, he turned to me with a smile, and whispered that okaa-san was the best thing that had ever happened to his lord.”
Hiei just stood there in the entranceway and watched them start up the stairs. Daitano had just taken her right out of his arms. No, this was definitely not acceptable. He clenched his fists and growled low in his throat. Sassouta turned and looked at him for a few seconds, then followed the others to help tuck his mother in. Oh, they were going to find out all right, and he, for one, would be glad when they did. Because when they did, then he could claim responsibility for her, and he would be able to put his foot down and make sure she stayed where she was supposed to, -- with him.
When he finally headed up the stairs himself, he couldn’t help but think about what her sons had said about her and two of her mates, -- that it took someone special to win her heart, and how they had each known how to reach her and let her know how important she was. Well, Hiei would never dare call himself special, and he knew he wasn’t all that good at communicating with people or letting them know how he felt about them. But, by some unbelievable stroke of luck, she had come to care about him, too, and now he wanted what they had had with her. He wondered what her relationship with her first mate had been like. He admired and approved of the way Daitano had described Sesshoumaru’s silent communication of his desires to her, -- a dignified, efficient approach. But he had to confess, chasing her through the halls sounded like fun, too …
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When Hiei and the others came in for lunch after their morning’s sparring, he was surprised to find Kagome in the large formal sitting room, talking with Kurama, Kuwabara, and … Jin? What was he doing here? And what was Kuwabara doing back? Did he just leave Yukina and the other females at the temple? He’d better have a damn good reason for it. And that damn fox was sitting right next to Kagome, with his arm draped along the back of the sofa behind her, like he belonged next to her. Hiei scowled darkly and walked over to the windows to stare out of them for a few minutes. What was it with all the damn males in this house that they were determined to get on his bad side today?
After her sons had left her room in the wee hours that morning, Hiei had slipped in and stayed with her until dawn, which had come much too soon. Then, when they had all gathered at breakfast, her sons had suggested that Kurama stay at the house with her while everyone else went on with their training. Shippou, Hiei, and Kurama had all three turned startled gazes to the boys, -- they had never willingly sent the fox after their mother before. Naturally, he had been quick to agree, much to Hiei’s annoyance. He had planned to be the one to stay to watch over her, and he had had every intention of crawling back into bed with her for a few more hours. What were those boys up to? Whatever it was, he made sure they got a real workout that morning.
“Hey! Jin! What are you doing here?” Yusuke greeted him.
“I’ve been invited t’meet some people, and I have some news I thought ya might be interested in,” the wind master said with a grin, as he stood up.
“What’s with the ears?” Yusuke pointed out the elongated pointed tips, which were twitching. “I thought that only happened when you were excited about something?”
With one fang glistening in the sunlight coming in through the windows, the red-headed demon laughed heartily. “Well now, I reckon it must be due to th’ charmin’ company here.” He winked at Kagome, whose cheeks pinkened just a bit as she smiled back at him.
Hiei caught the glance that passed between Eishumaru and Sassouta. What the hell was going on? He had a vaguely uneasy feeling about it.
Daitano stepped forward and introduced himself and his brothers, then asked Jin if he would join them in the library to talk. After taking one of Kagome’s hands and kissing it, and promising to stay for lunch, the wind master left with the three young youkai. Then Kagome excused herself to inform the cooks that there would be two more for lunch.
“Now, … what the hell are you doing here, Kuwabara? I thought we agreed not to leave the girls alone!” The leader of the Spirit Detectives yelled at him.
“Nice to see you, too, Urameshi. Koenma sent Botan to get me when he found out Jin was coming here. I told her there was no way I was leaving the girls there unprotected, so she took them into the Reikai. Man, you should have heard the things Shiz was calling Koenma, -- she says she gets bored having to hang out in that stuffy office of his. So, I think he was taking them to the palace. At least they’ll have plenty of guards there.”
“Okay, I guess that’s acceptable. But, why is Jin here? What business could he have with the boys?” Yusuke asked Kurama.
“I’m not entirely sure. Botan dropped him off here about an hour ago. He said he had received an invitation to meet with them. Then he asked to be introduced to Kagome, and he sat here and talked and flirted with her until you came in,” the avatar said, dryly. “She seemed unaware that her sons had invited him, but not surprised. If I had to guess, I’d say they might be looking at him as a possible ally. You do remember that he and Touya used to belong to a group of mercenaries.”
“Yeah. I guess that makes sense. I kind of forgot about that. And I guess I just never really thought about the fact that we may actually know a lot of the youkai who will end up fighting with them. Or against them. Crap! I guess I should go see where Raizen stands,” the toushin ran his hand through his hair. This whole thing was becoming a lot more personal than he had thought it would.
Kuwabara turned and looked out the window for a few minutes. “Hey, guys? Are we going to fight beside them?” he asked quietly.
There was silence for a moment as the other three looked at him, then at each other, until, “Hn. You don’t think we’re going to spend all this time keeping them alive, and training them, just to send them off to get killed, do you? Idiot.” Hiei rolled his eyes at him as he turned back around and stared at the little fire demon.
Kuwabara smiled. “I was hoping someone was going to say that, but I didn’t expect it to be you, shrimp.” He looked at Yusuke and Kurama.
“What are you looking at me for? Of course we’ll fight with them, if it comes to that,” Yusuke asserted.
“I would certainly rather have the three of them in charge of those areas of the Makai than the current rulers. We know how untrustworthy Lord Yemon is, and Lord Tobikuma hasn’t been able to keep the peace in the Eastern lands. And Jin was just telling us that the nekos have closed the borders to the Western lands, after several complaints of slavery and wrongful death had begun trickling into the Reikai. Lord Torao has always been secretive, and there have been rumors of his ill treatment of the tenants on his lands for decades. Our next assignment would probably have been to infiltrate the West, anyway, to see what the situation really is. As long as we can be sure these boys have reliable advisors, I will support their claims,” Kurama said.
“Was that the news Jin has for us?” Yusuke scratched his jaw.
“Again, while I can’t say for sure, I would guess he’s also here to tell us about Ayame’s little visit to Kikyou. He was supposed to be watching Ayame. And we really do need to know if she saw and recognized Ginta and Hakkaku when Kikyou fired her arrow at them. If Ayame knows that they saw the two of them together, there’s no telling what she and Yemon might do,” Kurama warned them.
“Crap! Why didn’t you mention that yesterday?”
“Hn. Why didn’t you think of it yourself, detective?” Hiei asked him disgustedly.
“I was worried about Hakkaku, okay?”
Just then, the boys walked back into the room. “If you would like to talk to your associate, you can use the library,” Daitano told them. So, the detectives went to the library to see what Jin had to say.
“Well now. This is quite a fancy set-up ya have here. How would ya like t’switch assignments?” the wind demon asked, with a grin.
“And spend my days sneaking around the Makai, watching some princess have tea with her lady friends? Forget it!” Yusuke laughed.
“I can’t say as I blame ya, but Ayame hardly sits around sippin’ tea. Tha’s one power-hungry female. There’s only two other colleens she’s spent any time with a’ tol, -- most o’ her time is spent with high-ranking males.”
“And those two females are …?”
Jin just smiled at Kurama. “Right, go on now! Ya know it’s th’ones ya’ve set us t’ watchin’.”
“Just making sure. I take it you were a witness to Princess Ayame’s meeting with Kikyou? And to Kikyou’s attack on the ookami?”
Jin nodded. “Nothin’ worse than two females screamin’ a’ each other. ’Course, t’other one didn’t really scream. She sends shivers down me spine. Uncanny resemblance to th’charmin’ widow here, but I don’ think anyone could ever mistake them.”
“What were they arguing about?” Kuwabara asked.
“Ayame was tellin’ th’ kuromiko t’ back off on her plans t’kill th’ lady, because she had her own plans first. Tha’ one just stared right through her, an’ said her plans were her own concern. Then Ayame reminded her they had a pact t’get their revenge, an’ tha’ she had given her some o’ her blood an’ youki when she became a kuromiko. When she let loose tha’ arrow out o’ th’blue and hit tha’ ookami, I thought Ayame would faint. When t’other wolf picked him up and took off, th’ kuromiko’s shinidamachu jes’ lifted her up and took her away, leavin’ Ayame there cussin’ up a blue streak about how ‘Kouga’s lapdogs’ were still lookin’ out for his widow, -- ’course, what she called her wasn’t tha’ polite. ”
“I knew it! I knew they were working together!” Kuwabara crowed. “They made a pact to kill Kagome’s mates.”
“Hmmm, maybe, but it sounds more like both Kikyou and Ayame are trying to get revenge on Kagome. At least we know for sure that all three of those women had been dealing together at some point. Both Ayame and Kagura have met with Kikyou. And Ayame definitely knows that Kagome is back. I wonder if she found out from Yemon? Maybe she told Kagura where to find her,” Yusuke was stroking his chin thoughtfully.
“Yusuke,” Kurama began quietly, “if they killed the Taiyoukai, then why are they plotting revenge on Kagome?”
(Damn it.) That had been bothering Hiei, too.
“Well, because they’re still mad at her for taking them from them,” Kuwabara explained.
“But if they killed the Taiyoukai, that indicates their anger was directed at the males who jilted them. If they took their revenge on them, why pursue Kagome for 500 years?”
“Aw, damn it, Kurama! Every time I think we’ve got this thing figured out, you throw doubt on it.” Yusuke got up and paced around the room.
“They could have wanted revenge on the Taiyoukai for choosing Kagome, and on Kagome for being the one they loved,” Kuwabara insisted.
“Hai, that’s possible,” Kurama agreed. But everyone knew the seed of doubt had already been planted. “But then why didn’t they kill her when she was found unconscious with Sesshoumaru’s body?”
“Maybe because she fought them off. Maybe they were injured, too!” Kuwabara yelled.
“Now jes’ hold on here.” Jin had been listening to their discussion intently. “Are ya still thinkin’ th’ widow might be guilty?”
“No,” Kuwabara said firmly.
“It’s still a possibility,” Kurama corrected.
“Em, …” The wind master pulled on an ear as he thought, “I hope you’ll let me know when ya find out f’sure.”
“Why?” Yusuke asked. “What did the boys want to talk to you about anyway?”
“The lads asked me ta fight on their side if it comes ta it.” He paused and grinned wickedly at them. “An’ they asked if I’d be interested in their mother as a possible mate. An’ mine wasn’t th’ only name on th’ list, -- but it was first,” he said with satisfaction.
There was dead silence in the room for a minute.
“Ho-ly shit. They’re trying to find her another mate? Don’t they have enough to do just trying to get their lands back? They’re getting close to ready to make their challenges, so why worry about whether their mother has a mate now?” Yusuke looked around the room.
“I think that may be exactly why they are looking for a powerful mate for her now. Once they make their challenges and everything is out in the open, her situation will have to be addressed. I believe they are wanting to find her a mate to help protect her from the Reikai,” Kurama surmised.
Hiei turned toward the windows. He was having a hard time keeping his frustration and irritation from showing. (They are wasting their time. I will see to it that the Reikai’s so-called justice doesn’t touch her. And she sure as hell doesn’t need any more males chasing after her.) Damn, but it would be so much easier if he could just tell them that she was not up for grabs. (If those boys thought this morning’s workout was rough, just wait until this afternoon.) His eyes narrowed as he made plans.
“Koenma is going to piss his pants when he hears what her sons are up to,” Yusuke shook his head. “So, what did you tell them, Jin?”
“Hell, I tole them ah’d be happy t’fight, an’ that I’d think about t’other. She’s a fine-lookin’ female,” he winked at the toushin.
“Yeah, well, you can be the one to tell Koenma that.”
“Have you received another list of names of the miko’s enemies from Shippou?” Hiei asked the toushin a bit impatiently.
Yusuke brightened at the change of subject, and Kuwabara perked up at the proof that they really were looking into the other theories. “Hai. It’s even longer than the first one. And from the first list, three of her enemies are unaccounted for: Chokyuukai, Moryomaru, and Byakuya.”
“Byakuya? I’ve never heard of th’other two, but tha’ one has quite a reputation in our circles. He keeps a low profile. I haven’t met him meself, but word has it he’s one of th’ best assassins in th’ Makai.”
Yusuke smacked his forehead and groaned. “Great. That’s just what I wanted to hear.”
They all stood there for a moment, then Kurama turned to Jin. “By the way, where is Ayame right now that you were able to get away to come here?”
“Well now, she’s in th’ Eastern lands, -- with Kagura at th’ Eastern palace. So, Touya’s watchin’ both lasses.”
Yusuke frowned at him for a minute. “Say, how come you aren’t watching Kagura instead of Ayame? I mean, you’re both wind-users and all. Wouldn’t that make more sense?”
Jin laughed. “It might, -- if it weren’t f’the fact that Kagura knows me a little too well, if ya know what I mean. I sure didn’t want ta chance her seein’ me. We didn’t part on th’ best o’ terms. Tha’s one fine-lookin’ female, too,” he waggled his ears. “She’s jes’ a little too greedy f’me taste, -- alla time wantin’ jewels an’ fine clothes, an’ demandin’ attention. But she was worth a few weeks of me time.”
Kuwabara blinked at him. “You slept with her?” He tried to process that for a minute, then, “So, do you think she got together with the other two women to kill Kagome’s mates?”
“Hmmm,” he scratched his jaw as he appeared to think about it. “Yeah, I’d say she might do somethin’ like that. She’s pretty obsessive, an’ she definitely holds grudges. It’s been prob’ly 130 years or so since we spent some time together, an’ th’ las’ time she saw me, -- about 50 or 60 years ago, she whipped up tha’ dragon wind of hers and sent it straight f’me bollocks,” he chuckled.
Yusuke rolled his eyes at him. “Only you, or possibly Youko, would find it funny that a woman you slept with wants to maim you.”
“Jin, why didn’t you just tell us about Kagura’s son, Ginjiro, earlier, when Lord Koenma first sent you and Touya to find out?” Kurama asked curiously.
“I didn’t know aboot him,” he shrugged.
“You were sleeping with her, and the subject of whether or not she had kids never came up?” Kuwabara’s eyes bugged out in disbelief.
“Em, … nope.”
A knock at the door ended their meeting, as Kagome came to let them know lunch would be ready whenever they were.
“Right! Well now, darlin’,” Jin took her hand and placed it on his arm, “I reckon we’re ready now.” And the detectives followed them into the dining room.
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That night, everyone retired early. Hiei had made good on his promise to himself to really push the boys when they trained and sparred with him, and they were all sporting cuts and bruises, -- even him. Kuwabara and Yusuke had moaned and groaned about the furious pace he had forced them all to, and Kuwabara had been glad for the excuse of getting back to the girls to leave right after dinner. Even Kurama had given him a few questioning glances for his fervor, but he merely lifted a brow at him. But the boys hadn’t complained. In fact, they seemed glad for the chance to really test themselves against the four who had become their mentors and senseis. They had definitely become stronger, and Hiei was convinced they could win in one-on-one challenges against 90% of the youkai in the Makai. For their ages, they were quite remarkable. But he grinned to himself as the whole upper floor went silent just shortly after 10:00 p.m.
Kagome hesitated just outside Hiei’s room. It felt a little strange going to him when she knew he didn’t expect anything of her due to her monthly courses. The new feeling of closeness between them was something she had craved without really knowing it, -- or maybe she had known, but had not wanted to admit it, -- so, it fulfilled some of the secret longings and desires of her heart. But this wasn’t the kind of relationship she had allowed herself to pursue, and she felt caught off-guard by her own feelings, and unsure of how to proceed from here. She almost laughed, because she felt every bit as nervous as she had been when she first approached him to ask him to be her lover.
In a strange way, it reminded her of the very first time she had fallen in love, -- with Inuyasha. Oh, she had been surprised when she had realized her feelings for both Sesshoumaru and Kouga, too, but they had developed within the already-defined boundaries of a secure relationship, -- they had both already pledged themselves to her as her mate. The realization of her love for them had been welcome, as it had allowed her to feel free to truly give them something back in return for all they had given her. She had offered to be a true mate to each of them soon after they had each taken her in, but Sesshoumaru had not been interested, and Kouga had told her he wanted her to take the time to grieve as she needed, and that he wanted her to be able to love him the way he loved her. He told her he would have waited forever, and she believed he really would have. She smiled at the memory. Her love for them had developed without outside interference from enemies, responsibilities to complete a quest, old loves, guilt, or fears.
With Inuyasha, everything had been so uncertain. Part of it was due to their age and inexperience in dealing with their feelings, -- almost like a normal teenage couple. Part of it was the danger that had brought them together in the first place. Even when they had gotten past all of their misunderstandings, and his guilt and feelings of obligation to Kikyou, they had still had no guarantee of a future together. He had asked her if she would be his mate if they survived their battle with Naraku. She smiled to herself again. Technically, neither one of them had survived it, but they were given a second chance and had been able to finally be together. The uncertainties and insecurity were behind them, and they had forever to enjoy just being with each other, discovering each other, loving each other, … Forever hadn’t lasted nearly long enough.
She sighed, and silently slipped into Hiei’s room. She paused when she saw him standing by the window. Maybe she was wrong. This really wasn’t like when she had fallen in love with Inuyasha, -- then, she had at least had hopes and dreams of what their future might be. Now, she couldn’t let herself even dream of a future with Hiei. What she had with him had already turned into so much more than she had allowed herself to hope for, and she would make the most of it, but there couldn’t be anything more for them than this. There would be no vows between them, no facing the world together, no children, … All they could have were the feelings that had developed between them, and the stolen moments. She would give him everything she had to give, but what she had to give was limited. As it was, she was afraid it had already become too dangerous for him.
Hiei watched her as she came into the room. He had been waiting impatiently for the time when he could actually be with her, and now that she was here, he could see the hesitation and uncertainty in her movements and in the way she looked at him. In a flash, he was standing in front of her. He knew how much her dreams and fears had affected her last night, but there was no way he was going to let them stand in his way, -- not when he had finally realized what he wanted. What he could have.
He tipped her chin up and covered her mouth with his, roughly demanding entrance. His relief was immediate when she melted into his embrace and met his demand with equal fervor. He had planned to greet her more gently, to pave the way for what he wanted to do that night, but the merest thought that she might back away from him had propelled him to action. He let his grip on her relax as he savored the incredibly fresh, sweet, strawberry taste that was uniquely hers. He was still completely fascinated by it, and slightly bemused by the fact that something he had thought meant nothing had become so important to him. Brushing his tongue lightly along the side of hers, he slowly began to release her. He was gratified to feel her reluctance to part from him, and he couldn’t help but smile rather smugly at her when she opened her eyes. Remembering her hesitation, he wanted to set her fears to rest, so he chided her gently, “You don’t have to worry so much for my safety, -- even if my youkai senses were to fail to detect a threat, the Jagan would warn me.”
She looked startled that he had detected the line of her thoughts so accurately. Then she searched his eyes anxiously. “Would it really?”
He nodded. Then he studied her closely. “Are you tired? You should not have pushed yourself to resume your training this afternoon and evening.”
She smiled wryly at him. “Hmph. I need to push a little harder,” she touched her side gingerly. “But he only got me once.”
Hiei frowned at the reminder of the 8-inch-long cut currently gracing her left side that had resulted in a minor uproar from her sons at dinner, causing her to take them into the library, where she had apparently told them in no uncertain terms to stop making such a fuss over the injuries she sustained during training. When they returned, they apologized to Master Zhang for overreacting and promised not to do it again, which sent the old priest into gales of laughter. Hiei assumed he had heard that song and dance before. But even though he knew she would be all right, he had to confess, he had been every bit as upset as they had. Even if he had given them much worse himself.
Why the hell was she training so hard, anyway? With her powers, she could stand at the back of any battle that might come and just fire off some of her hama no ya. That would be help enough. She didn’t need to be thinking about getting into the thick of things and fighting hand-to-hand, or using a jian. It was obvious her sons didn’t want her in it to begin with, and quite frankly, neither did he. And he might not have any say about it at the moment, but he intended to. For now, though, he asked, “So, does that mean you are not tired?”
She tilted her head to the side and looked at him curiously. “No, I’m not. I rested half the day today.”
He arched a brow at her and snorted. “No, you didn’t. You spent half the day worrying and fussing in that ookami’s room, both before and after Jin’s visit, then you insisted on training with the old priest, both before and after dinner.”
“But I was just sitting in there with Hakkaku, so I was resting,” she insisted.
“You were sitting there watching him sleep like you should have been doing,” he scolded her, with a fierce frown on his face.
She stepped closer and leaned in and whispered, “But I sleep better with you.” And she touched his cheek, before pressing her lips to his in a brief, warm caress.
Hiei closed his eyes for a second. (What the hell do I say to that?) And the thought suddenly hit him that although all three of her mates had had very different relationships with her, and had “reached her” in very different ways, he bet none of them had ever won an argument with her. Because all it took was a simple touch from her with a few soft words to completely disarm him. It might not be true sorcery, but she definitely had him under her spell. He was going to have to develop some immunity to that if he was going to make her do what he wanted. Damn onna. But that could wait. A little while, anyway. But, just to make sure she knew he still disapproved of her not really resting today, he grumbled, “Well, if you’re sure you’re not tired, even though you should be, then come with me.” And he took her hand and led her out into the hallway and down the stairs.
Kagome didn’t make a sound until they were on the ground floor and well away from the stairs. “Where are we going?”
“For a walk.” He glanced at the robe she wearing. It had long sleeves, and it matched the charcoal gray gown she had on underneath it. Both were rather thin, but the temperature was still quite warm. It would be cooler if they walked near the ocean like he suspected she would want to, but he would make sure she stayed warm enough.
They walked along in companionable silence for a bit, before Kagome asked, “Was there a reason you wanted to go for a walk?” She thought he must have a purpose for wanting to be out like this, but she couldn’t figure out what it could be. She looked at him curiously. He looked uncomfortable at her question, and for a minute, she thought he wasn’t going to answer.
“I … want to spend some time with you.” He glanced at her briefly, then looked ahead as he kept walking. “The only time we are together is in my room. I find I do not like the restrictions of the ‘arrangement’ you made with me. There is more than that between us, and I want to … know you better.”
Kagome stopped in her tracks. She knew from the way he had responded to her kissing him last night that he had craved more intimacy in their relationship, just like she did, but she hadn’t thought he would truly want a ‘real’ relationship, -- one that continued outside of the bedroom.
Hiei had stopped just a couple of steps after she did, and was watching her reaction to his words. He saw the surprised expression on her face, followed by the hesitation, which made him clench his fists. But the longing in her eyes relieved his tension and moved him to gather her in his arms. He kissed her brow and temple, and tried to reassure her that he wasn’t going to make things difficult for her. “I know you want to keep this a secret until your sons are ready to make their challenges, and as difficult as that is when I want to be with you more than just at night, I will respect your wishes. But I want our time together to be full of more than just sex.” He pulled back and grinned at her. “No matter how good it is.”
She couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Good?”
“You don’t think it’s good?” he teased her.
“No, I don’t.” He blinked. “I would have said fantastic or amazing,” she explained, bringing a full-blown smirk to his lips. Then, thinking about what he had said, she looked at him a bit sadly. “Hiei, after my sons regain their lands, I … I may not, … I will probably …”
He cupped her cheek “You don’t need to worry about that. I will not let anyone hurt you or confine you in the Reikai.” He brushed his thumb across her lips.
She closed her eyes and covered his hand with hers. “Don’t. Don’t make reckless promises. I won’t let you put yourself on the wrong side of the Reikai for me, and … you may feel differently when the time comes.”
“Onna, if I decide to go into the Reikai and steal Koenma’s pacifier and shove it up Enma’s ass, you have no say in it, -- it’s not up to you to let me. I will do whatever I deem necessary to get the results I want. And right now, what I want is for you to stop letting your fears cloud our time together.”
Her jaw dropped and she just stared at him, until finally, she managed to sputter, “Shove … Koenma’s pacifier …?” She giggled. And then she burst out laughing until she had to wipe her eyes. Throwing her arms around Hiei’s neck, she planted several kisses along his jaw before lingering at his mouth. “All right.” She looked him straight in the eye and told him solemnly, “I won’t let those kind of thoughts intrude on our time together.” (I can do that much, -- for you, who has given me so much, that’s the least I can do.)
“Good.” He took her hand again, and resumed walking. She couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. It had been a really long time since she had walked along holding hands with someone. It would have been with … Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru was so much taller than her that he had always put his hand on her shoulder when they walked together, or she had reached up to hold his arm, and Kouga had always wrapped an arm around her waist. Her smile widened as she realized this was not a common gesture for Hiei, -- he was squeezing her hand rather tightly. He really was adorable.
“What are you smiling at?” Hiei asked her suspiciously.
“I’m just happy to be here with you, like this,” she raised their clasped hands slightly.
(She’s happy to be with me?) No one had ever told him they were happy to be with him before. (Well, damn. I thought I finally had this all figured out, but there’s still more to it. How does she do it? How does she say these things that pierce my chest and spread warmth throughout my body?) The sensation was so unfamiliar, that he hesitated to put a name to it. Oh, he knew what it was, -- he had known ever since he had admitted to himself that he was jealous over the way she acted towards Kurama since Youko had “saved” her. He just hadn’t wanted to think about it until he knew for sure that she was his. And she was definitely his now. He knew he really did have all of her, and not just her body. But knowing that did not mean he was prepared for the way it made him feel.
The plain, ugly truth of the matter was, he felt out of his element. And considering the fact that he actually had the youki of two elements flowing through his veins and throughout his body, it was quite ironic that a youkai of fire and ice was “drowning” in an onna who represented the earth. Those damn kami were still having a good laugh at his expense. But he would show them. He accepted their challenge. He would learn everything there was to know about her, and about these feelings she gave him, and he would swim with the tide instead of fighting it. And he would have what no one had ever expected the “Forbidden Child” to have, -- he would have love. Not just the passion, but the caring, the sharing, and the complete and total acceptance. He might not have a clue how to handle it all yet, and he suspected the kami had thought he would run, or they never would have dangled such a treasure in front of him. But he would hold on to it. With both hands. And with that thought, he reached out and took her other hand and pulled her down to sit with him.
After turning her so her back was resting against his chest, they both gazed out over the gently lapping waves as they made their way to the beach. Hiei wrapped his arms around her to make sure she didn’t get chilled. “Are you comfortable?”
“Hai,” she turned her head and smiled at him. “Arigatou.”
After another few moments of peaceful quiet, he broached the subject that had been on his mind since he had heard her sons talking. “Tell me about your first mate.”
He felt her jerk slightly in surprise, and he wondered if she would refuse, but she relaxed and began to speak, “Inuyasha was my first love. I was 15 when we met. He was … larger than life to me. A hero. A protector. He was a handsome boy with puppy dog ears, and I was utterly fascinated from the first time I saw him. I didn’t know if he was alive, or even if he was real, hanging there on the Goshinboku with an arrow in his chest. The very first thing he did when I released him was save my life.” She giggled. “The second thing he did was try to kill me.” Hiei did not see the humor in that, but he listened patiently.
“We formed a partnership of sorts, to gather the shards of the Shikon no Tama after I shattered the jewel. And as we traveled together, it didn’t take long for me to see the real heart behind his gruff exterior. He had lived a hard, lonely life, looked down on by both youkai and ningen. He fought to survive and his only goal was to become stronger. He thought he could use the jewel to become a full demon, and that that would make him happy. It was difficult to make him see that he that he was perfect just the way he was, and that he didn’t need to change to find acceptance. Of course, it wasn’t easy for a hanyou to find true ‘friends’ in those days, but there are always people who are willing to look beyond your race or gender to see what’s inside. The fact that he was befriended by a Buddhist monk, a demon slayer, and a kitsune are certainly proof of that.”
“But he was befriended by you first, wasn’t he?”
“Hai, I suppose, but it would have come about anyway, once he met them, I’m sure.”
Hiei shook his head. The onna didn’t get it. 500 years later, and she still didn’t get it. It was her friendship, her trust in him, her belief in his character that had led others to see it. He had heard everything Shippou had told them about her and her mates, and he had heard the things that weren’t said when she had told the story of The Quest. This wonderful, amazing onna still didn’t see how central a part she had played in everything that had happened, -- she didn’t realize she had brought them all together and kept them going. Rubbing his cheek in her hair, he said, “Shippou told us that the hanyou wasn’t very nice to you, -- that he said cruel things and ran off to meet with the dead miko. Why did you forgive him?”
“Shippou told you that?” She sighed and softly stroked the arms that were around her. “I forgave him because I knew he didn’t mean to make me feel bad. Insults and rudeness were the only way he knew how to deal with anyone, and I eventually realized, it was also his way of protecting his heart. I cared about him, and I knew he cared about me. Even though we were both too nervous, or scared, to tell each other how we felt, he always showed it in the things he did. Half of the time he yelled at me was because he was afraid I would get hurt.” She glanced back at him with a self-deprecating smile and gave a little shrug, “I was rather awkward and a bit clumsy, -- always tripping over things, -- and I had a frightening tendency to get kidnapped because of the shards I carried. But Inuyasha always came for me. He risked his life for me countless times. Heck, he carried me on his back the length and breadth of Japan as we searched for the jewel shards. And sometimes, even though he was uncomfortable being around people after spending so much of his life alone, he would walk beside me, or we would sit and look at the stars. Once, when I was sick, he went to the trouble of fixing up a remedy he remembered from his childhood. And he often covered me with his fire-rat hitoe as protection, even though it left him more vulnerable to attack.”
“And the dead miko? What about his relationship with her?”
“Kikyou was important to Inuyasha. While he was my first love, she was his. Even though she couldn’t completely accept him as he was, she did love him in the only way she knew how. She let him hang around, when everyone else either ran him off or tried to kill him. She was a caring person, and I think she would have been happy if she could have just been a healer, and not had to be a protector, as well. But when she was given guardianship of the Shikon no Tama, she distanced herself from others. They were … lonely together. And it made both of them feel better. She was the first person to care for him at all since his mother died, and he would have done anything for her. If Naraku hadn’t interfered, he would have become human for her, and they would have had a normal life together. I like to think they would have been happy, but that wasn’t their fate. They didn’t trust each other enough, though, or Naraku wouldn’t have been able to trick them the way he did. If they had, Kikyou would have still died from her injuries, I suppose, but without the bitterness and hatred that tainted her when she was resurrected. Perhaps they would have been able to say their goodbyes, and she wouldn’t have sealed him to that tree. He probably would have been able to kill Naraku before he grew stronger. Maybe, if they’d only had more time, that trust would have grown …”
Hiei “hmphed” at that. From what he knew of the story now, they had spent a year together before Naraku had come along. The miko had had a martyr complex when she was alive, and she had been hiding the fact that she was caring for the thief, Onigumo, from Inuyasha. No, they wouldn’t have grown to trust each other more, because she hadn’t trusted him at all. And how could the hanyou have been happy as a ningen? After having lived with the strength and power of a hanyou, -- not to mention the senses of one, -- he would have felt weak and vulnerable and useless. He would have been miserable. He had been better off without her kind of love.
Kagome continued, “I won’t lie and say I wasn’t jealous of her, or not threatened by her past with him. Even though she wasn’t truly alive after her body was resurrected, I was afraid he would choose to be with her, -- either in hell, or in some sad excuse for an existence together on earth. And my own relationship with her, -- as her reincarnation, -- has always been … very difficult. Back then, I had a hard time relating to her. I was like some poor, weaker, less attractive, less valuable version of her. And I was afraid that was all Inuyasha saw when he looked at me.”
Feeling him shift as if to protest, she turned slightly in his arms and cupped his cheek. “I was just a young girl. I was insecure, and sometimes downright scared, both of the things I saw happening all around me, and of the things I felt inside. I was afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. I was afraid of not measuring up to the beautiful, powerful priestess he had loved. I was afraid of being rejected. But, when it came right down to it, I always knew that no matter what, I couldn’t be Kikyou for him, -- and I really didn’t want to. I wanted to be loved for who I am. And I wanted Inuyasha to know that he could be loved for he was.
Hai, her soul was reincarnated and eventually came to rest inside me, but we aren’t the same person. When he first saw me, Inuyasha mistook me for her. I think he saw the differences right away, though, -- I didn’t have the calm composure that Kikyou did,” she blushed slightly. “I had a rather quick temper. And, of course, I didn’t have Kikyou’s power or control, nor her skill with the bow. I really was useless, except for my ability to see the shards. So, the differences were not in my favor. But, somehow, in spite of that, he came to love me for who I am. It was still confusing, and disturbing, for him, and for me, because the soul of the woman he had first loved was in me. And Kikyou thinks my soul is hers, but it isn’t. It isn’t the same soul she had when she was alive. It has changed, -- matured. It took me a long time to realize that. Sometimes, though, … I still feel guilty for being alive, and for having had the time with Inuyasha I did, when she never got to.”
Hiei leaned forward and kissed her, letting his lips slide over hers in a gentle caress. “She didn’t take advantage of the life she had, or of her chance to be with him. She was too busy trying to change things to suit some idealized vision she had of what her life could be. You shouldn’t feel guilty about the choices she made.” She had been a fool, but the hanyou had lucked out. And so had he.
“Arigatou.” She turned completely sideways so she was sitting across his lap, and rested her head against his shoulder and neck. “Hiei, … I would like to know more about you, too. Will you tell me about the Jagan?”
“Hn. What do you want to know?”
“Well, I guess I was wondering why you had it implanted. I mean, you are very powerful in your own right. Your hiyoukai blood and youki are very strong, though I’ve only seen you use your fire powers to burn one of my shirts and a pair of your pants,” she grinned at him. “I’ve seen your speed, though, and you’re one of the fastest hiyoukai I’ve ever met, -- I believe you could outrun Eishumaru, …”
“I can.”
She smiled at his matter-of-factly tone. “Do you also have ice powers?”
“Hai, but they are not as strong, and take a lot of concentration to control. I haven’t been able to utilize them for healing purposes, but Yukina is a strong healer,” he said, -- his pride in his sister evident in his voice.
“You should tell her,” she said gently.
“I am not going to …”
“You should reconsider the matter. I am sure she would love to have you stand behind her when she marries,” Kagome cajoled him.
“Onna, …”
Recognizing the futility of badgering him, she changed the subject back. “You are an expert swordsman. So, why did you need it?”
She had completely succeeded in throwing him off-balance. “What?”
“The Jagan. You know, even though I knew you had it artificially implanted, I didn’t realize it has a separate consciousness until Jin referred to you as the Jaganshi. You have … subdued it to use its powers?” she asked.
“And what can it do?”
“Many things. I can use it to locate people, and objects that emit auras. I can read the thoughts of weak-minded individuals easily, and some stronger-minded ones with effort. I can even use it to hypnotize and control people. I can communicate telepathically with others, who are either weaker or willing to let me enter that part of their mind. Kurama and I communicate that way often.”
Kagome looked up at him with her brow furrowed as she thought over what he said. “So, the Jagan can enter different parts of the mind to manipulate it, communicate with it, or simply pry around in it and spy on the thoughts within. And you said it would detect any threats to you, right?”
“Hai. Of course, it is mainly concerned with its own safety and protection, so it is extremely vigilant, and even though I keep it warded, it would lash out against any danger it saw to itself, or me, by extension,” he told her wryly.
She seemed to think about that for a minute. “So, it would still be cautious even if you felt you were in a safe place?” He nodded, and noticed she seemed somewhat relieved by that. Then she asked, “Could you use it to see someone’s memories?”
“Hai.” He tried to look into her eyes, but she was looking down into her lap now, and her hair shadowed them. “Is there a particular reason you ask?”
“I am … curious. Why did you have it implanted?”
He wanted to pursue her reasons for asking those last couple of questions, but he knew this issue needed to be dealt with. After just a small hesitation, he told her, “I needed it to track down my mother. Since the Makai was formed, the Koorime have isolated themselves, and it is very difficult to find them. I planned to kill her. Actually, I planned to kill them all.” He waited for her to gasp in horror, but she just leaned into him and nuzzled his neck while stroking his back.
When he didn’t say anything else, she finally asked, “And what happened when you found her?”
“She was already dead.”
“That must have been very difficult. You didn’t get to say the things you needed to say to her.”
“Aren’t you listening, onna? I didn’t go to talk to her, I went to kill her.”
“Well, hai, but you would have talked to her.”
He pushed her a little away from him to make sure she was looking at him when he spoke. “Kagome, I am a killer, and a thief. I have been serving out a sentence to the Reikai for stealing a valuable artifact, with plans to enslave the Ningenkai. Just because you have the ability to make me act like a pussycat, do not mistake me for one.”
She tilted her head as if contemplating what he had said. “No. No, I would never mistake you for a pussycat.” She took his hand and pressed it to her cheek. “I am honored that my opinion of you matters to you, because I know you would not even bother to tell me that about yourself otherwise. But, I also think you already know that your past makes no difference to me, or you would not be interested in making this into something more. You need to hear me say it, though, don’t you?”
She put her hands on the sides of his face and gazed into his eyes. “Hiei, there are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people, -- there are simply people, who do both good and bad things, and who make both right and wrong decisions. You may have done a lot of evil in your life, but you have also done a lot of good. You grew up thinking of yourself as a ‘Forbidden Child,’ -- created from an illicit, wrongful love, and I am sorry that you were shunned and looked down on by those with small minds and not enough gumption to look and see the truth for themselves. There are no boundaries to real love, except the artificial ones created by fearful people. Unlike Inuyasha, you didn’t seek to change yourself to gain acceptance, but I think you still feel there is something about you that makes you too different from everyone else to be able to expect the things most people take for granted. And I get the feeling that you think my ‘acceptance’ of you is something remarkable. It isn’t, you know. You have lots of friends, -- people who trust you, and like you, and care about you just the way you are. Hiei, there is nothing wrong with you, -- there is nothing to ‘accept.’ And I don’t feel the way I do about you ‘in spite of’ who you are,” she leaned forward and rested her forehead on his, her voice lowering to a whisper, “ … it’s because of who you are.”
(And that is what makes you the most remarkable onna in all three realms, whether you think so or not, baka onna.) She was right. He had needed to hear her say it. He closed his eyes and let her words wash over him, and just let himself feel the soft warmth of her lips as she pressed them to his, moving them slowly, reverently, from one edge of his mouth to the other. And he continued to sit there, greedily letting her lavish him with her soothing touch, which warmed him from the inside out, until he was pulled from the exquisite comfort by a cold rain. “Damn.”
Kagome giggled as he jumped up with her in his arms and took off for the house. It was a regular downpour, and her hair and clothing were plastered to her in just a few seconds. When he deposited her in front of the door to her room, he debated on just waiting there until she came back out, but reluctantly went on to his room to dry off and put on some dry pants. She joined him 20 minutes later, now wearing a black gown and robe, and with her hair freshly brushed, but still slightly damp. She touched the inside of the door, sending a barrier all along the walls of the room, and then walked over to the bed, where Hiei was sitting.
Although it was still hours earlier than they usually went to sleep, he thought she probably needed the rest, so he stood up and pulled back the covers and motioned her in, before turning out the light and crawling in after her. As soon as he lay down, she began to lightly run her hand back and forth across his chest, and up and down his arm. He breathed in her scent deeply in contentment, and then pulled her closer to him. He hoped her sons all slept good tonight, because he was going to push them until they dropped tomorrow. And the next day, and the next. They needed to issue their challenges soon, because there was no way he was going to wait a minute longer than he had to before he claimed her as his.
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
He was in hell. Obviously this was his punishment for being impatient. It had rained nonstop the last two days, but that hadn’t stopped Kagome or her sons. They had gone on with their regular routine. And everyone in the house had been on the receiving end of Kagome’s healing more than once. The only ones who weren’t sporting injuries were Ginta, who had stayed in with Hakkaku, Master Zhang, and surprisingly enough, Kagome. But, everyone seemed to be more tense and determined now, and the sparring was brutal. Kuwabara was bemoaning his lot, having switched places with Yusuke last night. He was complaining loudly, both about being tired and in pain, and about having to leave his ‘darling fiancée.’
But that wasn’t why Hiei was in hell right now. No, that would be because he had spent the last three days fighting with his own body’s desire for, and reaction to, his female. Wasn’t it enough that he had admitted to himself that he actually seemed to be in love with the blasted onna? Or that he had every intention of making her his permanently as soon as he could? So, why couldn’t his cock be reasonable and wait patiently, instead of making itself an irritating, aching nuisance? Hell, he’d been hard so often and for so long now that he was afraid if he accidentally bumped into something, it would snap off.
He had really thought that when he came to terms with his feelings, he would be able to control his physical reaction to her, but instead, he was having twice as hard a time keeping his hands off of her. He couldn’t even stand within a few feet of her, because he was afraid he would reach out to touch her. And if Kurama didn’t keep his hands to himself, he was going to lose them. Of course, that hadn’t seemed to be much of a problem lately. What the hell kind of game was Kurama playing now? He had stopped touching her inappropriately, and he wasn’t trying to overwhelm her with blatant sensuality, but somehow, this new, softer approach he was taking seemed more intense and insidious to Hiei. And the blasted onna was becoming comfortable with him. He should have known that damn fox would keep looking for a way to get to her. That’s what made him such an excellent thief.
They were all sitting in the room that had been set up as an amateur movie theatre. Wanting everyone to relax, Kagome had suggested they spend the evening watching a good movie. While they all got comfortable and picked out what to watch, she had brewed some tea, popped some popcorn, and gathered some snacks and cold drinks for everyone, with Sassouta’s help. After passing out bowls of popcorn, she walked around the room with a basket filled with boxes of assorted flavors of Pocky and a new Matcha Pretz with Black Honey Syrup flavor. She handed Daitano a box of the Men’s Pocky, and patted his hand. She thought he would like the more bittersweet chocolate. She especially hoped he would relax tonight. He was growing more and more serious and single-minded these days, spending all of his waking time either training or drawing up battle plans, and he had a tendency to brood, like his father had. Obviously, he was worried about something, and she was going to have to try to talk to him about it soon.
As she went around the room, most of the others picked out a box of either chocolate, strawberry, or almond Pocky, though Kuwabara was happy to see she had some boxes of Kyoto Powdered Tea Azuki Bean, and Kurama decided to sample the Kobe Wine flavor. Kagome felt her cheeks heating up when Hiei’s eyes blazed as he picked out two boxes of strawberry and two boxes of the honey flavor that was only available in the spring, deliberately brushing against the inside of her wrist with the back of his hand as he reached into the basket.
When were all these idiots going to go to bed? He still had to wait until tomorrow to be able to sate himself with her, so was it asking too much for everyone else to simply go away so he could at least sit next to her?!!? Where was an unstable portal into the wilds of the Makai when you needed one to appear? Finding their way back would be a good exercise for the boys, and maybe Kurama and Kuwabara would get lost somewhere, like the Koorime village, for a few years. It would serve them both right. That way Kuwabara wouldn’t be around to drool over his sister, and just the thought of the fox being stuck in a village full of man-hating females made Hiei smile.
Kagome set the rest of the snacks on a table in one of the back corners of the room, and opened herself a drink with a small sigh. Kurama and Shippou had already indicated the space in between them on one of the couches was hers. She would much rather sit over at the side with Hiei.
After putting a cooler full of ice and drinks on the floor in the middle of the room, Sassouta grabbed the seat next to Hiei. He arched a brow at the fire youkai’s obvious irritation. When his mother gave a quick, almost wistful-looking glance in their direction, his eyes widened momentarily, then a slow smile crept over his face. He had thought the little hiyoukai was interested in her, and perhaps it wasn’t one-sided. His brothers had laughed at him when he suggested putting Hiei’s name on the list. Well, he just might have the last laugh. Now if they could just get rid of the avatar, …
He watched her go sit down, and he frowned and mumbled to himself, “Gray again.” He saw Hiei looking at him questioningly, so he leaned back and said quietly, “I told you all when we first met that all I’d ever seen her wear my whole life was white, because she was in mourning. Then we go to Tokyo, and she wears black, which Shippou said was the more modern color for mourning. When he told her she would have to get other clothes because she had accepted Yemon’s suit for courtship, I thought, ‘Finally! I’ll get to see her wear bright colors, -- happy colors, -- colors that show off her eyes and her skin tones, and her beautiful hair, like all the other women.’ So, what does she get? Gray. White, black, and gray. Every now and then, a dark, almost-black blue. You didn’t see her in the pink iromuji she wore for the first cha-no-yu she served. She was … more beautiful than I’d ever seen her before, -- like a fairy-tale hime come to life. Damn it, I want to see her wear the colors she wore for our otou-sans: purples, blues, greens, yellows, pinks …” He leaned forward and looked at the floor, clasping his hands together, with his elbows resting on his knees. “I want to see her celebrate her life and her own happiness. I want to see her in red.”
Hiei stared at the boy for a minute, then he looked over at Kagome and frowned. He wanted to see her in red, too.
“Hey, Daitano, toss me one of those orange Ramunes,” Kuwabara called out.
“Someone tell me what the purpose of these stupid marbles in them is,” Eishumaru grumbled, eyeing his bottle in distaste.
“Yusuke says that sucking the soda around the marble without splashing it or blocking the flow is why the girls in our country are so good at …” Kuwabara turned a violent shade of red as he looked over and saw Kagome sitting there, having just taken a drink of her lemon-lime Ramune. Everyone else turned to look at her, too. “Oh, gosh! I didn’t mean … Gomen, Kagome!”
Eishumaru’s eyes twinkled as he asked, “Well, kaa-chan? Is it true?”
She started choking.
“I guess you might have forgotten how to do it after 500 years without any, -- of these sodas, I mean,” he said pleasantly. “Of course,” a puzzled look came over his face, “didn’t you have one just the other night? I could have sworn I heard …” He went flying across the room, and smacked into the wall next to the door. “Damn, Daitano! I didn’t even see that one coming!” He rubbed his jaw.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!!? You can’t joke like that about okaa-san! When are you going to grow up and start showing some sense and dignity?”
“Oh, lighten up, you stuffy old windbag,” he stood up and dusted himself off. “You act like some 999-year-old hermit who’s never had sex before. Hell, you act like she’s never had sex before,” he waved his arm around, indicating their mother. “And just the other day, you said she needed to … ooooommmppphhhhh!!!”
In a flash, Daitano had leaped over one of the couches and tackled Eishumaru to the ground, rolling them both out the door. The next thing everyone heard was two sets of footsteps racing up the stairs. Then Sassouta jumped up and laughed. “Well, shall we take bets or shall we join them? Free for all?”
Ginta looked at Kagome, and at her nod, grinned, and threw his fist in air with a shout, “Free for all!” Then he took off. Shippou rolled his eyes and shook his head, but he was right on his heels.
“Come on, Kuwabara! Let’s go bust some heads!” Sassouta grabbed his arm and pulled him out of his chair. The big man looked around at the others, shrugged his shoulders and ran out after him.
Since Zhang was upstairs sitting with Hakkaku, and Jaken and Myouga were still in the Makai, that left Kagome sitting there with her hands over her face, while Kurama and Hiei took turns staring at her and each other.
“Excuse me, Kagome, but what just happened here?” Kurama asked curiously.
Bringing her hands down to her sides, she said, “Eishumaru was worried about the way Daitano has been brooding these last couple of days. He is focusing too much on the fight ahead, and he tends to forget to let himself relax and do other things. So, when the opening presented itself, Eishu baited him to let him blow off some steam.” She got up and headed for the door. “I just wish he’d find some other way to do it for once, instead of talking about my …” she sighed. (Souta and I never talked about kaa-chan’s sex life, -- we didn’t even want to think about it.) “You can join them if you want. I’m going to go gather some towels and bandages so everyone can dry off and get patched up when they come in.”
“Well, shall we join them?” Kurama asked with a grin.
“Hn. I can’t believe they haven’t had enough yet. It’s a shame Yusuke isn’t here to enjoy it.”
And the two Spirit Detectives joined the others outside in the cold rain.
After everyone had come back in and gratefully partaken of Kagome’s healing abilities one more time, they trudged upstairs to submerge their tired, aching bodies in hot baths. They agreed to try the movie again tomorrow night. Kagome chuckled to herself as she picked up all the boxes of Pocky and put them back in the basket.
“What’s so funny, onna?” Strong arms encircled her waist and pulled her back against a warm chest, and she closed her eyes contentedly when she felt his lips trail along the side of her neck.
“I was just thinking about what Kuwabara said. When I was growing up, some of the boys in my school used to say the same thing. My girlfriends and I were too self-conscious to drink Ramune when we went to parties or get-togethers where there were any boys, -- at least, until Eri decided that was the best way to get a date with the captain of the tennis team. She drank so many bottles of it while trying to get his attention after practice one day, that she threw up right on his shoes when he actually approached her,” she laughed at the memory.
“You would like to go spend some time with these friends of yours, wouldn’t you?” he asked.
“I would like to see them again, hai.”
“Then we will set aside a day for you to visit them.”
She turned in his arms and kissed his cheek. “Arigatou. That would be nice, but we really don’t have time for that.”
He arched a brow at her. “Didn’t you say your son needed to take the time to do other things besides simply focusing on the fight ahead? So do you. Now, put up one of your barriers.”
“You want me to put up a barrier here? Why?”
“Because you wanted to watch a movie, and that is the only way we will be able to do it properly. The two of us are going to sit here together, and I don’t want to be interrupted by any idiots or kitsunes,” he said fiercely.
Kagome giggled at that. “Wait, I’ll be right back.”
When she returned, she closed off the room with a barrier, and walked over to where he was sitting on one of the couches. He stared at her in surprise when she handed him a big bowl of ice cream, but she just smiled and picked up a handful of movies. “Any preferences?”
“Hai, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.” He liked the way the color rose in her cheeks. She was such an interesting combination of natural, complete, confident sensuality and blushing, flustered chastity. And she made him feel so many different things. On the one hand, the mere sight, smell, or even thought of her was currently causing his cock to attempt a jailbreak from his pants, but in spite of his extreme discomfort, he wanted nothing more than to have her beside him where he could just touch her or wrap an arm around her. He was still completely stymied by how satisfying something so simple could be. He looked down at the bowl in his hand. She had brought him a bowl of ice cream. Such a simple gesture. But it made him feel … cared for.
After starting the movie, she turned off the lights and sat down next to him with a bowl of popcorn, and sat two bottles of water on the floor in front of them. “What? No Ramune?”
Her face grew hot, and she glared at him for a second, then chuckled. “You know, I never would have taken you for the type to tease people. That’s a part of you that constantly takes me by surprise.”
“I don’t tease people. I tease you.” (And it surprises me, too.) It was just another example of how she affected him.
As they settled in to watch the movie, Hiei quickly finished off the ice cream so he could set the bowl down and rest his hand on her leg. Again, he was amazed that just the small contact could be so soothing. And even though he had every intention of pouncing on her the second she stepped into his room tomorrow night, he had to admit that he had really enjoyed the time they had spent these past couple of nights just talking and getting to know each other better.
Because of the rain, they had stayed in his room last night and played Shogi, at her suggestion, which she was surprisingly good at, even though he had won all three games. He had been interested in her strategies, but she had a tendency to show her hand too soon. It was another intriguing aspect of her personality, -- that she could so successfully keep parts of herself completely sealed off, and yet was so open and easily readable in some areas. When he had mentioned that, she had grimaced and confessed how much Sesshoumaru had always worried about that.
He had asked her about the hundred years after Kouga had been killed. She had shared several stories about her friends, Miroku and Sango, and how she had enjoyed watching their children and grandchildren grow. She also told him about Rin and Kohaku, and their family. She had beamed with pride as she talked about her own sons growing up, and expressed her love and gratitude for Shippou and Ikiji, along with Ginta, Hakkaku, Myouga, and Jaken, and several other members of the three houses who had stood by them. She had barely said anything about the fighting to defend the Eastern and Western palaces, but he could tell she blamed herself for their loss. And she didn’t mention a word about those who had turned against her, or the times spent hiding from assassins and other enemies.
When it was her turn to ask some questions, he was pretty sure she had wanted to ask him more about Yukina, but instead she had asked how he had become a member of the Reikai Tantei. He had explained how his plan to enslave the Ningenkai had brought him up against Yusuke, and his previous meeting and subsequent partnership with Kurama. She had smiled and pointed out that he meant to say “friendship,” and he had rolled his eyes at her, causing her to giggle and pat his hand. He had gone on to tell her about the Reikai’s punishment, and some of their early cases as Spirit Detectives. After they had put away the Shoji board, they had just lain in bed and talked long into the night. They had told each other a lot, but there was so much more still to discover and share. A lifetime might just be enough to do that.
He looked down at her. She had tucked her legs up beside her on the couch and was resting her head on his shoulder while clasping his hand between both of hers in her lap. Sensing his gaze on her, she looked up at him and smiled. “Are you enjoying the movie?” she asked quietly.
He nodded. He actually was, and he was sure she had picked it knowing he would like it. And there were some rather interesting similarities that could be drawn between it and her real-life adventures. It was about an unlikely group of adventurers, who had been brought together to journey on a dangerous quest because of an artifact, -- a ring -- that was sought by many creatures for its power. “You’ve seen this before?”
“Hai, but it’s been so long, I had forgotten just how good it was. I must have been about 12, maybe 13 when it came out here. So, it’s been at least 120 years for me since I saw it,” she grinned. Then she squeezed his hand. “And it’s really nice to be able to watch it with you like this, …” she paused for a moment, then said, “I know this sounds silly, but I kind of feel like a schoolgirl out on a date with her boyfriend. At least, I think this is what it would feel like. I never really got to go on one when I was younger, except for a couple of outings with Hojo, which I ended up skipping out on because of the quest and Inuyasha. And I’m definitely not counting Yemon and Kurama’s ideas of ‘dates’ as a measure of the real practice, so you’re setting the standard here,” she grinned at him, then turned back to the movie.
Hiei couldn’t decide if he wanted to be flattered by the thought of him ‘setting the standard,’ amused by her likening his relationship to her to that of a boyfriend, or completely irritated by the reminder of what Yemon and Kurama had been up to when they had spent time alone with her. When she shifted her position slightly and wrapped an arm across his middle, he decided to settle on content.
But once again, he had been reminded of the strange life Kagome had led: a ningen onna, -- a very beautiful one, at that, -- who grew up knowing about, but was actually completely inexperienced in, the ways of ningen courtship or commitment, yet who believed fully in their ideals of love and family; a powerful priestess, -- and yet she had mated with a hanyou and two full-blooded youkai, -- Taiyoukai, no less, who had ruled over the West, East, and North, forcing her into a role she had no preparation for, yet had apparently succeeded at brilliantly; a celestial being of sorts, -- and she had lived by and raised her sons according to youkai law and customs, while being hunted by them, even as she lived among ningen taijiya, and contributed her abilities to the welfare and survival of their village. And now, she was basically flouting an unspoken youkai taboo by taking the Forbidden Child as her lover, -- even though he was investigating her for her mates’ murders, -- and was happy to simply be sitting with him, watching a movie like any ningen couple might do. Just who the hell was this onna, and what the hell had the kami been thinking when she was born? And who did he thank?
Hiei shifted a bit restlessly. He had been able to curb and control his need, -- satisfying himself with her presence and her scent for the last couple of hours. And her absentminded caresses had helped soothe his desires, even though her touch was enough to heat his skin. But now, her touch had become more deliberate and searching, and she was kissing his neck in a way he could not ignore: warm, feather-soft touches, interspersed with gentle sucking, and long, slow, moist, mind-numbing licks. He could not hold out against this for long. (Damn! Out in the rain again.) “Kagome, …”
“Hmmmm?” She continued her torture, now moving his shirt up and out of the way so she could knead the muscles in his chest and abs more firmly.
“I don’t think you realize …”
“Oh, but I do,” she assured him.
He jumped as her hand slid down into his lap and cupped him. For a minute, he couldn’t speak as she stroked him through the soft material of his pants. Then, when she slipped from the couch to the floor, and moved between his legs, he realized she did know exactly what she was doing to him. And as she unbuckled his belts, he really wanted to protest and tell her she didn’t need to, -- really, -- because he should be strong enough to wait until they could take their pleasure together. But when it came right down to it, he just lifted his hips so she could pull his pants down and out of the way. He’d tell her later that she didn’t have to.
He closed his eyes as he felt one of her hands close around him, while the other rested on his thigh. She squeezed him lightly, then, using the pad of her thumb, she began rubbing small circles up and down the underside of his shaft. Her other hand moved from his thigh and the next thing he knew, she was, well, there was no other word for it, petting the top side of his length. He opened his eyes and watched her heatedly. She was studying him and his reactions to her touch. When her thumb brushed repeatedly right along the edge of the head and he jerked involuntarily, she stopped the rubbing and the petting and leaned forward and slowly licked the extremely sensitive area she had found. He knew right then that what she had in mind was going to be different from the other times she had satisfied him this way.
She looked up at him and licked her lips before slowly taking just the head of his cock into her mouth. His eyes nearly rolled back into his head when she started tapping on that spot with the tip of her tongue. It was going to be all over in a matter of seconds. Then, she stopped, and loosening the hold her lips had on him, she began circling his cock in a slow, small, clockwise motion that had him seeing spots. He could feel the different parts of her mouth touching and gliding along the different parts of his cock, and she slowly took in more of his length. When she had reached her limit, she began moving back up, this time circling in a counter-clockwise motion. When she reached the top, she tapped him again with the tip of her tongue. It had been fun while it lasted. But when he was able to open his eyes again, he realized that she was not done, and thanks to what she was doing now, neither was he.
Again, with just the head of his cock in her mouth, she was gently swirling her tongue and lips right around the ridge of the head, while applying just the right amount of suction to keep him hard and drive him crazy. Then, with her lips firmly wrapped around the shaft, she took him in as far as she could. He was vaguely aware of the way she had a hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock, and that she was kneading the muscles of his inner thigh with the other one. He was not prepared for the sensations that shot through him when she loosened her grip around him and traveled back up, sucking in air all around his shaft as she went. The air on his moistened length immediately cooled the flesh, and made him jump, causing her to laugh around him. He’d never felt anything like it. She met his eyes and her own sparkled with amusement. Then, she started down again, only this time, instead of tightening her lips around him, she slowly let out the air she had sucked in on the way up. For the first time ever, the label “blow job” made sense, -- and there were some Makai whores who owed him his money back. Where she had cooled his hardened flesh before, now she was rapidly heating it up, and the little sparks that had jolted him turned into an all-encompassing, all-consuming fire. His claws ripped into the cushion beneath him as he tried to hold himself down. “Kagome!”
Hearing him shout her name caused her to stop momentarily, as a deep shudder ran through her body. She resumed with the cooling and heating motions a few more times, then swiped her tongue vigorously up the underside of his cock twice before thoroughly bathing the head with gentle licks. When she slowly sucked him back into her mouth and ran her tongue along the ridge, he buried his hands in her hair and bucked his hips. To his shock, he realized she was keeping him from going off with a well-placed thumb at the base of his shaft. He had all the sensations of release, -- without the release. And the pleasure continued to roll through him as she increased her suction on the head. His ears were ringing when she finally moved her thumb to use both hands to hold his hips down. He called out her name again, but it came out more of a groan. He came in unbelievably long, powerful bursts that seemed to go on and on, and he would have worried that she would choke if he could have formed a coherent thought.
And as he came down from his high, he felt her tongue slowly twirl around his length until, placing a kiss at the top, she rested her head in his lap, and with her arms around his hips, hugged him. There it was. Even though her mood had been more playful, she had still treated him reverently, -- as if he was worthwhile and something she truly wanted. And he could feel the care she had taken to make sure he was thoroughly pleasured and completely soothed. Stroking the back of her head, neck, and shoulders, he said, “You did not learn that from drinking a soda.”
He smiled when she giggled. “And if you had gone on a date with a boyfriend and did that, you would have been the most popular onna in Tokyo.” He could feel the slight heat rise in her face, and he wanted to see the color in her cheeks, even if it was just in the flickering light from the screen, so he lifted her up and settled her into his lap. (Beautiful.) He lightly touched his lips to hers before parting them so he could indulge himself further with her sweet taste. He was surprised when her normal strawberry flavor was tempered with the tang of salt. He stopped and pulled away from her, his brow furrowed, as he felt his blood heat and his fangs and claws start to elongate. He struggled to contain the urge to transform, and puzzled over what had triggered it until he looked into her questioning eyes and it hit him. The salt mingled with her strawberries was him.
Forgetting the problematic signs of his imminent transformation, he grasped the back of her neck firmly in one hand and captured her mouth once more. This time, he plundered her depths, searching out the interesting mix of flavors. He was completely captivated by the combination, even though it wasn’t a mixture you would think would work. There was something very right about. So right, in fact, that he had to pull away from her again. Now he knew what was happening, and now was not the time, damn it! Tasting himself on her lips, and mingled so thoroughly with her own taste, had drawn his instincts to the fore. To the more primitive part of himself, it was proof of her absolute acceptance of him, -- proof that she belonged to him. And his reaction was proof that he wasn’t going to be able to wait very long to take her as his mate.
When the movie was over, and they got up to head upstairs, he mumbled, “You know you didn’t have to …”
“Says who?” she grinned as she picked up the cushion they had been sitting on and flipped it over so his claw marks didn’t show.
He growled, “I’ve told you before I am not a weak, pathetic sex-obsessed …”
“I know,” she said, taking his arm and heading for the door. “But I don’t have your strength of will, and as much as I am ashamed to admit it, three days seems like a long time to me.”
”It’s been four days. You had to sleep after healing the ookami,” he reminded her.
Her smile got bigger and her eyes sparkled. He was completely adorable. “Well then, I hope you can understand, even though I’m sure it seems rather obsessive to you,” she stopped and looked him in the eye, “but I just needed to be close to you that way. I appreciate your indulgence of my runaway desires. Arigatou.” And she kissed him lightly, removed the barrier and headed for the stairs.
She might have been teasing him, but he detected her sincerity as well. And his male ego was more than willing to take her words at face value.
---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
“Damn it, you stupid bitch! You’re ruining everything!” Yemon paced back and forth in his bedchamber, growling at the female slumped in a heap on the floor. “How could you let those two see you meeting with that shell of a woman?!!?”
After a minute, she leaped up and bared her fangs and claws at him. “Who the hell do you think you are to hit me?!!?”
He gnashed his teeth at her challenge to his authority. “I am the lord of these lands, -- my word is law for all the wolf clans in the North. I will deal with you as I see fit.”
“But I am the alpha female. Your father decreed it so. You can’t just treat me like one of your filthy whores,” she confronted him.
“Then maybe you should stop acting like one. But then, you’d be of no use at all.”
She slapped him, raking her claws across his face. “You would be nothing without me. What does it matter if those lapdogs saw me? They’re so pathetic, they couldn’t scratch their own fleas unless Kouga told them to.”
“You really are stupid if you think that. Haven’t you been paying attention the last 400 years? Those two have formed alliances in every single clan in the North. They have been slowly and carefully preparing the way for that puny pup to sweep back in and take over these lands. They may look like fools, but they have cleverly and strategically backed Kouga’s followers through the years, so now they hold important positions and will throw their support to his son.”
“You are the fool if you believe Kouga’s son is nothing but a ‘puny pup.’ If I hadn’t come up with this plan, you would have granted Kouga’s son his challenge and perished with barely a whimper, because you haven’t the brains to realize that as Kouga’s son, he was born more powerful than you’ll ever be,” she spat at him.
Wrapping his hand around her neck, he slammed her up against the wall, and tightened his grasp until she was clawing at his hand. “That whelp is no match for me. Hell, Kouga’s bitch hid them beneath a spell that prevented them from aging for 400 years! He’s just a boy! And you know that isn’t the issue. You were seen by their retainers, talking to that walking corpse. Now they will know that you are plotting against her.” He released her and let her fall to the floor once more. “You have become a liability.” He raised his hand and plunged his fist into her chest.
She stared up at him incredulously. “Why … why would you …? I thought … we were going to be mated …”
“You are simply in the way, Ayame, -- you and your plans for revenge. I had no intention of mating with you. Hell, we’ve been lovers for 200 years now. Where are my sons, bitch? You are barren, and I will have my sons. I will take Kouga’s bitch as my own. And when I have my sons, I will kill her and those so-called ‘heirs of the Makai.’ I will rule the Makai with my sons by my side.”
With blood trickling out of the corners of her mouth, Ayame choked and her eyes watered, but she glared up at him. “You pathetic fool. You would actually mate with her? Kouga’s son won’t get a chance to kill you then, because she will. And you will never have any sons. How many mistresses have you had in the last 400 years? Forty? Fifty? And how many bastard sons have you sired? None! I am not barren, -- it is you who isn’t man enough to …”
Her words died in her throat with a gurgle, as Yemon twisted his hand inside her chest before ripping it back out, -- her heart clenched tightly in his fist. “Goodbye, Ayame. I’m afraid you just had a very bad accident.”
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The next morning at breakfast, Hiei told the others he would be back later, and took off, just missing Botan’s arrival with Touya. After he had been introduced to Kagome, her sons, Master Zhang, and Shippou, he asked for a moment with Kurama and Kuwabara.
Stepping into the library again, Kurama turned to Touya with a smile. “First Jin, and now you. Am I correct in assuming you received an invitation to come here?” he asked the ice master.
With a small smile, the ninja youkai looked down and nodded. “Hai. And having spoken with Jin, I believe I know the reasons.”
“And what will your answer be?”
“I would like to know a little more about them before I agree to any alliances, but with Jin’s decision to join them, I probably will, as well.”
“You may stay for their morning training session, if you wish,” the avatar told him.
“Arigatou, I believe I will. As for the lady, … while I will not deny her appeal, I do not want to be making any long-range decisions when her situation is so … uncertain. But I also bring some news from Lord Koenma. Shishi Wakamaru found and met with Chokyuukai. He is keeping watch on Kagura for me right now. Apparently, the boar demon is a rather weak individual. Shishi said he seemed quite content to stay at home with his 40 wives, and has no interest in revenge on the miko, though he did ask if she had changed her mind and was looking for a husband.”
“Forty wives?!!? That’s just … just … wrong!” Kuwabara sputtered.
“And is Princess Ayame still at the Eastern palace?”
“No. She left to return to the Northern lands two days ago.”
“Any word from Chuu or Rinku about Kikyou?”
“No, but, …” Touya paused and fixed him with a hard look, “there have been three more females’ bodies found, -- this time in the Eastern lands. They were all killed by hama no ya. And they were all a bit older than the earlier ones, and significantly more powerful.”
“What?!!?” Kuwabara yelled. “Where’s Botan? I’m going to get Yukina right now!”
“Calm down, Kuwabara. You know Yusuke will not let anything happen to her. Please continue, Touya.”
“Lord Koenma has sent in more searchers, and has questioned Kagura about her possible whereabouts. She claims that she and Kikyou were merely acquaintances, and that she hopes their paths never cross again. She directed him to the last place she saw her, which we already knew about, but there was no sign of her.”
After a minute, Kurama said, “Well, I suppose you should meet with your hosts. I’m sure they will bring you out, if you tell them you wish to see them train.”
When Touya had gone, Kurama turned to Kuwabara. “You realize that this may change our priorities. If Kikyou isn’t found soon, we may have to leave Kagome and her sons to the care of others, along with the girls, while we search the Makai for her.” He frowned deeply as he continued, “It concerns me that she is still killing youkai females. I would have thought she had already rebuilt her strength with the earlier souls she took. And the fact that she is now targeting slightly older, more powerful females leads me to believe she is ‘powering up’ for some purpose.”
“She’s doing it so she can kill Kagome. We have to warn her,” Kuwabara said fiercely.
“I think you are correct, but I don’t know if we should tell her that. If her sons find out, they may very well take it upon themselves to hunt down Kikyou, and they can’t be seen in the Makai yet.” Kurama’s green eyes lightened to Youko’s gold, and his features turned hard. “The widow’s enemies are interfering with her sons’ abilities to concentrate on their goals. Instead of merely seeking out formidable allies, they are wasting time screening them for potential mates in the hopes that they will be able to keep her out of the Reikai’s grasp. They are concerned about Kikyou showing up again, and Kagura has managed to turn her personal vendetta against her into a difficult situation for Eishumaru, which may result in him having to give up control over part of his lands, if and when he is successful in regaining them. And they are upset about Lord Yemon and Princess Ayame’s possible plans to simply humiliate her. She is a tremendous liability to them.”
“None of that is her fault!”
“Actually, Kuwabara, it is. Those three women and the Reikai are after her because of her mates’ deaths.”
The tall, husky Spirit Detective pointed his finger in Kurama’s face and sputtered for a minute, before lowering his hand and turning his back on him. “I hope you will be ready to apologize to her when this is all over.” Then he walked out of the room.
“I hope there will be a reason to,” the avatar said quietly, “for her sons’ sakes.”
--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
That night, Hiei waited a bit anxiously for Kagome to come to his room. He had returned later that morning to find Touya sparring with Daitano, and Kurama had lost no time telling him the news Touya had brought with him. He had noted the way Kuwabara was giving the fox the cold shoulder. Obviously, they had clashed over the subject of her probable guilt or innocence again. At least Wakamaru had managed to eliminate one of the names from their list for them. The dead miko’s killing spree was troublesome, though, and he agreed with Kurama that they would probably have to go find her themselves. He also agreed that they shouldn’t tell Kagome or her sons. One thing they didn’t need was for those boys to go off half-cocked into the Makai.
He paced back and forth in front of the window, and then stopped himself when he realized what he was doing. (This is ridiculous. I am not nervous about whether or not she likes the gift I got her.) He had never bought something for someone else, though, -- not like this. It was more than just the actual gift, -- it was what it stood for that made him wonder if she would accept it or not. (What the hell is taking her so long? She went to her room over an hour ago.)
In her room, Kagome was sitting on her bed, naked, fingering the material of the gown and robe laying out across it. When she had come up to bathe and change for the night, after the movie they had all watched, she had found a package on her bed. The second she opened it, she knew it was from Hiei. What she didn’t know, was whether or not he knew about the symbolism of it. It was a beautiful, elegant gown and robe set. The gown was a simple, ankle-length, gauzy sheathe with spaghetti straps. But the robe, -- the robe was straight out of fairy-tale books. The only decoration on it were the tiny pearl-like buttons which ran down the front from the neck to abdomen. The bodice and waist were form-fitting, while the skirt of it flared slightly at the hips, allowing for ease of movement. The sleeves were straight almost all the way to the wrists, before they, too, flared out, -- ending in the front so they were practical enough, but flowing downward in the back, almost to the floor, to draw the eye and emphasize the graceful movements of the wearer. It was something an old-fashioned hime might wear. But the style and elegance didn’t bother her. She had, in fact, worn similar articles of clothing in the past. No, the reason she was sitting on her bed, naked, just staring at it, was because of the color Hiei had chosen. They were red.
She sighed and closed her eyes. She knew that many women chose to wear red lingerie because it was supposed to be sexy and passionate. But she hadn’t worn a red outfit since … Kouga died. Traditionally, red was the color of celebration, and happiness. She had worn red the day after she and Inuyasha became mates, and the day after she had become a true mate to Sesshoumaru, and Kouga. She had worn red the day after each of her sons was born, -- even Sassouta. She had still been in deep mourning then, but had worn a red obi with her white tomesode kimono. She had worn red when her dear friend Sango had given birth to her first child. She had worn red for Sesshoumaru’s birthday, and the banquet Kouga had thrown in honor of his two dear friends, Ginta and Hakkaku, and a number of other festive occasions. To wear red now, whether Hiei knew or not, would be like declaring she had truly found happiness and was putting the past behind her. It would signify her decision to move on, to live again, … to love again.
Could she do that? So much of the past was still so unsettled. And so much of the future was closed off to her because of it. But, … she had promised him that she wouldn’t let that cloud their time together. And she was happy, -- in a way she hadn’t been for over 100 years. He deserved to have her acknowledge that. Again she thought, -- for him, it was the least she could do. She stood up and picked up the gown.
When he heard the door open quietly, he stood up from where he had been leaning against the wall. She stepped into the room and closed the door, putting up a barrier as she did. Then she just stood there for a minute, staring at him, before she undid the top button of the robe and started over towards the bed.
“Wait.” He slowly walked up to her, and when he reached her, he lightly ran his fingers along her cheek and jaw.
“Arigatou gozaimasu, for the gift,” she said, fingering the buttons.
“No, I should be thanking you for wearing it,” he told her.
And as she stared into his eyes, she felt like she was drowning in the smoldering depths. So much had happened, -- so much had changed between them. He didn’t break eye contact with her as he slowly began to undo the buttons. She thought about how in the beginning, when she would come to him, he would stand across the room while she undressed and got into the bed. Now he met her halfway, or even at the door. And while he might have ripped a few of her yukatas and gowns right off of her back, he had never undressed her before.
As the flames in his eyes seemed to burn brighter, while he peeled the robe off of one of her shoulders, she had to close her eyes and turn her head. It was … too much. The feelings were too intense, her heart was pounding too loud, her blood was heating too high. She had been such a fool. Right from the start, she had been playing with fire, -- thinking she could use it to warm herself without getting burned. But now, -- now it threatened to consume her completely. And as she drew in a shuddering breath and opened her eyes to gaze at the one who had rekindled the fires of her heart, she gave herself up to it to dance in the flames.
Without a word, he brushed her hair back over her shoulder and sought out that one particular spot on her neck he had already claimed, -- the place where she would wear his mark, -- the place where everyone would see that she was his. He couldn’t put it there yet, but soon. For now, he would have to be content with letting his lips and tongue relish in the feel and the taste.
She moaned softly at his touch, and he picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He unfastened the rest of the buttons, and opened the robe, spreading it out on the bed beneath her. That was what he wanted, -- to see her lying there, with her pale skin glowing in that otherworldly way, and her long, coal-black hair streaming across the red all around her. Her eyes were already a dark, midnight blue, but like her skin, they seemed to glow. The red of the robe enhanced and emphasized her beauty, but more than that, it showed him that she really, truly was happy with him. And he was going to love her right there, on the red robe, and then he was going to wrap them both up in the contentment.
When he started to remove his shirt, she stopped him and sat up. Replacing his hands with hers, she slowly pulled it up, exposing his skin to her hungry eyes. When she had tossed the garment aside, she pressed her hands against his chest and kissed him tenderly. Then she reached down and unbuckled his belts. As she carefully pulled the pants down past his hips, she brushed up against him. He was impatient in his desire and his need to take her, but he forced it down, determined to savor every touch, every look, every feeling.
Dropping his pants over the side of the bed, he lay down beside her and traced her lips with his fingertips, before leaning over her to taste them. She stroked his back with long, sweeping, light touches with one hand, while she cupped the back of his neck with the other one, sinking her fingers into his hair. He slanted his mouth over hers and she opened to him, gladly giving what he sought. Their hands became restless, roaming over each other’s skin, re-learning each curve and angle, feeling out the hollows and plains, -- caressing, soothing, relishing the freedom, and the possession.
As their languid exploration turned to barely-suppressed passion, he covered her with his body, needing more now, but still trying to draw out the anticipation and the pleasure for both of them. But when she shifted beneath him, and drew her knee up along his side, he lifted himself up on his arms to look down at her. She was … heaven and earth, unconditional love and undying passion. His goddess. His onna. His. And as he slowly, carefully, reverently joined their bodies together, he knew that there was no turning back. He could never go back to the self-consumed, self-contained life he had led. He wasn’t alone anymore, and he didn’t want to be. He had a new goal, -- a new purpose, … and it was her.
His movements were slow and unhurried, and it was as if time stood still, allowing them to show each other what was in their hearts. Kagome was mesmerized by the crimson glow of his eyes. His gaze alone felt like a soft caress. They had been together many, many times, and in many, many ways, but not like this. There was no give-and-take, -- just a complete outpouring of giving from both of them. She had marveled many times over how perfectly, -- how wonderfully they seemed to fit together, -- how his hard, thick length seemed to merge and meld into her soft, accommodating depths, -- not just filling her, but completing her.
And as that smooth, hot flesh slowly glided in and out in long, dragging strokes, she couldn’t help but think that she had never experienced this with him before. She had no complaints about his skills as a lover or the way they had each sought their pleasure up until now, but she had never expected this from him. This wasn’t a good, hard fuck, or hot, passionate sex, or even a warm, comforting coupling. Her fiery, neck-or-nothing lover was making love to her as if the world didn’t exist. As if there was nothing or no one but the two of them. And if this was all she could have for whatever time she had left, it was more than enough. He was more than enough. If she could make one more wish on the Shikon no Tama, she would be selfish, and wish for this to never end.
Kagome reached up and wiped away the tiny line of sweat trickling down the side of his face, before lifting herself just enough to meet his lips. With a groan, he pressed her back down against the mattress, and increased the pace of his thrusts as he took what she offered. Dipping into the sweet recesses of her mouth, and mimicking the movements of their bodies, his tongue danced with hers, -- teasing, touching, tasting, until they were both short of breath and panting for air.
Even though his body was straining for release, Hiei was still reluctant to let it end. But when Kagome clenched her inner muscles around him at the same time that she pulled him as tightly against her as she could, and rubbed her cheek into the side of his neck, he was lost. His wild, rapid thrusts kept time with the tempo of his heart, and when she cried out his name, he let it carry him away until he poured out his seed, and his love, and claimed her love in return.
No words were spoken, and none were needed, as they came together again and again, all through the night, -- building on the foundation they had already laid, with the red robe beneath them.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
The next day, Jaken and Myouga returned. They both looked very tired, so after making sure they had a hot meal, Kagome told them to get some rest. She and the boys would meet with them later that night to find out all of their news. As they started up the stairs, Myouga turned back “Oh, Lady Kagome, I brought back a large wooden box that I found in one of the places where we had hidden some of the belongings from each of the three Houses. Gomen nasai, but it was too heavy for me to bring in, so I left it outside where the portal opened. Funny, but I thought you used to keep that one in the big chest in your room. I recognized the carvings and that large diamond on it right away. My apologies that it wasn’t with your other things.”
“That … that’s quite all right, Myouga. Arigatou gozaimasu.” She bowed her thanks.
Kurama and Hiei both looked at her curiously. The color had drained out of her face. It was all Hiei could do not to go over to her and ask what was wrong.
She blinked a few times, then turned to her sons. “Um, Daitano, would you …?”
“It’s all right, Kagome. I’d be happy to retrieve it for you. Shall I just set it in your room?” Kurama asked politely, a pleasantly bland expression on his face.
“All … all right. That would be fine. Arigatou, Kurama. I … I suppose we should return to our training.” And she quickly left, with Master Zhang following her at a leisurely pace.
“Now this is an interesting development. Obviously something in that box has our widow feeling a bit anxious,” Kurama observed.
“Hai. I suppose you plan to try to get into it when you take it up for her?” It was a rhetorical question, and they both knew it.
“Maybe we will finally get some solid evidence. Even though it has been 500 years, I was sure there would still be something to point firmly to her innocence or guilt,” Youko chimed in.
“My thoughts exactly. I will let you know what I find, Hiei. You should catch up with the others.”
He was more than a little concerned by how pale Kagome had gone at the mention of the box. He still didn’t care one way or another if she had killed her mates, but now he was positive that if she did, there must have been a reason for it. And truthfully, he just didn’t think she did. Maybe he was just as big a fool as Kuwabara, but, knowing her, and loving her the way he did, and knowing the way she loved him, he didn’t think she had it in her to kill the males she had loved. So, he had a vague idea of what was in the box,: bad memories. Unfortunately, they were going to have to expose them to the light. But he wasn’t going to ask her about it. He had asked her to leave her fears out of their time together, and he certainly wasn’t going to waste it on their investigation of her. Because it just didn’t matter.
The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Kurama was not able to get into the box. It was warded and sealed, and it would take some time for him to find a way in, -- just like it had with the big wooden chest. He would bow out of the training tomorrow and work on it. He had to go into Toba anyway, so he would just say he would be gone all day. Perhaps he would even take the box with him into the Reikai while they were outside.
That night, Kagome and her sons met with Jaken and Myouga in the library for several hours. There were lists and maps strewn all over the desks and some on the floor. The two retainers had been busy making discreet inquiries into the loyalties of some of the most powerful youkai in the Makai. They believed the boys had some solid supporters in the East, and in the Southwest, where Mukuro ruled. And they knew from Ginta and Hakkaku that Sassouta could count on several of Kouga’s followers. But in Yomi’s territory, the Southeast, and in Raizen’s Central lands, they had come across several pockets of youkai who claimed they would fight vigorously against any “true heirs” who dared to stake claims on any area of the Makai after all these years. And they had been unable to cross into the Western lands at all.
When she finally made it upstairs, and was lying in bed, spooned up against Hiei, he asked her about the news the two retainers had brought. She sighed. “Well, it wasn’t as good as we had hoped, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I don’t think Daitano will have much trouble in the East, even if Lord Tobikuma ends up turning down his petition for a personal challenge. I think we could just about take it with the four of us, Shippou, Ginta, Hakkaku, and the youkai who are living there who have said they will support him. It would be good if we could handle it on our own, without having to call upon our other allies.”
He frowned and leaned over her shoulder so she looked back at him. “You know we will stand with you, too.” When she blinked at him in surprise, he ground his teeth together. How could she not know that?
“Hiei, your obligation to protect us will end when the challenges are issued. We do not expect you to put your own positions in the Makai and Reikai at risk by taking up our cause. Working for the Reikai as you do, could make things a bit awkward. I have already cautioned the boys about that with the two youkai who have come to meet with them here. We did not realize they were also working for the Reikai. Our last report on them was that they were mercenaries.”
“Onna, you don’t seriously think we are just going to dump you at the edge of the Makai and wish you luck after all this?” he asked, his exasperation plain in his voice.
“You have all done so much for us already. We could not ask you to do more,” she insisted.
He leaned down and spoke quietly into her ear, “You don’t have to ask.” Then he lay back down and wrapped his arm firmly about her. “Now go to sleep. It will be time to get up soon.”
Kagome started to protest, but decided it wouldn’t do any good. They would have to discuss this again later, but right now, thanks to her late night and her vigorous lover, she was really very tired. So, she closed her eyes and smiled.
The next day, Kurama didn’t return until after dinner. He still hadn’t been able to break the seal to get into the box, but he had figured out how to get past the wards. He was sure that given another opportunity, he would have it opened. But, he knew he had to return the box to her room before she retired for the night, and he would probably have to wait a few days before he got another chance at it. He had been surprised to find it exactly where he had placed it in her room. He would almost swear Kagome hadn’t even touched it, and he had expected to have to search for it. There was something important in it, and he was sure she would have hidden it. Or removed the contents. Strange.
Hiei walked along with him as he headed to the area where Kagome and Master Zhang were training. The avatar planned to walk back with her when she was done, as had been his usual practice. His hand closed over the small box in his pocket. His eyes flashed gold, and a slow grin spread over his face. He had a gift for her.
“No luck with the box?”
“It will take a few more hours, but I believe I will be able to open it soon.”
“Hn. Are you so sure you made the best use of the time you had? You reek of sex. I did not think Botan was your type.”
Kurama arched a brow at him. “I didn’t know you were so interested in my sex life, Hiei. But you are correct, -- Botan is definitely not my type. I merely indulged in the fruits of a little experiment of mine in Toba. I am happy to say, it was quite successful. I look forward to putting it into practice with our widow.”
Hiei’s jaw tightened. “Still haven’t given up? You seem to be fixated on her.”
He turned towards his friend and smiled a bit predatorily, “No, fortunately for her. If that were the case, I would have had what I wanted long before now -- all that I wanted. I would not be bothering with this polite pretense, Reikai be damned. Trust me, not even our stalwart widow could hold out against a truly obsessed kitsune. And she won’t be holding out much longer against a determined one. I will uncover all of her secrets, -- and enjoy myself in the process.”
“Hn. Your success with an ordinary ningen onna has certainly boosted your confidence.”
“Oh, my confidence has never wavered, -- merely my patience. But now, I know my wait will soon be at an end.”
Hiei’s eyes narrowed. The fox had something up his sleeve. But, what? “Do not forget our objectives in favor of your methods,” he warned him, before disappearing in a black blur.
“It appears he has not gotten over his own attraction to our prey. Perhaps you should have taken him into Toba with you. Getting laid might improve his disposition, and goodness knows he could certainly use that,” Youko chuckled.
“Don’t fool yourself. For Hiei, that is his disposition at its best. He has actually been relatively calm lately, -- almost ‘content,’ even. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he is becoming fond of these boys, too, and almost comfortable with this life we have been leading since this mission began. It’s probably the closest he has ever come to having a ‘home life,’ of sorts.”
“Hmmm. You could be right. Still, I think a good fuck would do him a world of good. It certainly made me feel better, -- even though it wasn’t particularly all that good. She was eager, though, I’ll give her that. She practically jumped you the second you walked into the shop.”
“Well, she had been working with the bracelet for several days.” He fingered the box in his pocket again. “The effects of the aphrodisiac in the thin hemp-like vine I grew and invested with a touch of my ki, that I took to the jeweler to string the bracelet on, had already manifested themselves in her from her repeated touching of it. Not to mention, I think she had been wearing it. I would have been surprised if she hadn’t stripped down right there in the showroom and thrown herself all over me. I am just curious to see how long it will take to affect our widow similarly. We know she won’t be wearing it often, since she spends most of her day in training.”
“I have to hand it to you, Red, it really was a stroke of genius to develop that vine. You’re a credit to our kind. An aphrodisiac that is tuned in to a particular ki, injected into a vine thin enough to be used to string jewelry, … well, it’s just brilliant. I’m proud of you.”
“Hmph. Truthfully, I consider it a personal failure to have to resort to such tactics, but our time runs short.”
“Don’t sweat it. Some nuts are just impossible to crack without a hammer. Hell, where would the challenge be if every female fell at our feet? Life would be way too boring. It does us good to have to work for it sometimes.”
“I should have known that would be your attitude. You get a kick out of teasing your potential lovers and leaving them, -- even when it leaves us uncomfortable. I think you actually relish that sensation of being on the verge of fulfillment,” Kurama accused him.
“Heh heh! You could be right! When you’ve lived as long as I have and experienced as much as I have, you learn to take pleasure in each stage of the game,” Youko agreed.
When the barrier came down, Kurama asked Kagome to walk with him a bit before going back to the house. She agreed to a short walk and nodded Zhang on. He raised a brow at her and nodded back. Kurama wasn’t surprised she came with him, -- he knew she had been feeling more relaxed and comfortable around him. It was just as he’d planned. But, he had also noticed that she seemed a bit more cheerful, and a bit more ‘open’ these days. She had always been friendly and polite, but he thought he could detect more of her genuine feelings coming through. He supposed it was due to her increased familiarity with all of them, or else he was finally learning to read her better.
“How is the training going? I’ve noticed you have few wounds or scratches these days,” he began politely.
She smiled at that and pointed out the small scratches running across the front of her neck. “These are the only ones tonight, and they’re not deep at all. I almost dodged them.”
He smiled back at her. “You seem to be making excellent progress.”
“I hope so, -- I’m trying, anyway.”
He stopped walking and took her hand. “Kagome, I know that you have never really taken my courtship seriously, and that you are well aware that I am not really looking for a mate. It’s true that when we were assigned to protect you and your sons, Yusuke and I were also assigned to interfere in your personal life to ensure you don’t take another powerful mate.”
“That really was a bit extreme, but I can assure you I have no intention of taking another mate,” she interrupted.
“Hai, I believe you. But I want you to know that even though I am not searching for a mate, either, I am not averse to entering into a monogamous relationship. Youko and I both find you very attractive, as I’m sure you also already know.”
“Kurama, I don’t think …”
“Hear me out. I’m not going to push you about it, or revert to my earlier, less-than-scrupulous methods to try to convince you. I just want you to know that the offer is open. And,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out the box to hand to her, “I would like for you to accept this as a token of my friendship and admiration. You may tell Yemon it is a courtship gift, if you like, because I will still play that part for you.” And with a wink, he urged her to open the box.
Inside was a delicate bracelet made up of three triangular-shaped onyx stones, with three gleaming white pearls in between each of them. “It’s lovely. Arigatou gozaimasu, Kurama, but I can’t accept this,” she protested.
He took it out of the box and fastened it around her wrist. “Ah, but you must. I had it made for you. I could not resist when I saw those onyx stones produced from the sand’s contact with your blood, -- especially when I found three shaped like triangles. As you know, the onyx is a grounding stone, which can be used to help release and banish grief. I know that in spite of the time that has passed, you still mourn your three mates. And since we are so close to Toba City, I could not resist combining the onyx stones with Mikimoto pearls. It is my wish that you will wear this to contribute to your peace. And so Yemon and Shippou cannot accuse me of being a piker for failing to produce a suitable courtship gift,’ he chuckled good-naturedly.
“Well, … arigatou. It really is a lovely bracelet and a lovely thought.” And he leaned forward as she tiptoed to place a chaste kiss on his cheek.
Taking her hand and placing it on his arm, he said, ‘We should head back to the house. It looks like another storm may blow in.”
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
It rained and stormed for the next two days, but that did not keep them from receiving a visitor. Yemon’s greeting from everyone but Kagome was decidedly cool. She did her best to be charming, and to entertain him, so the others could continue to pursue their training without him looking in on them. It was difficult giving up her own training time, but she definitely did not want him to see what he would be up against if by some miracle he granted Sassouta’s challenge. She could tell by the way he talked to, and about Sassouta that he considered him no threat.
It was irksome to have to sit by him and listen to his ideas and plans for the Northern palace when he brought her there as his mate, if she accepted him. He told her about the nursery they would set up, and mentioned a few midwives he would assign to her. There was something different about the way he talked about their possible future now, though. He seemed to truly believe it would happen just like he said. Kagome began to wonder if perhaps she and her sons had jumped to the wrong conclusions about him and Ayame. Granted, he could have just rehearsed all this well, but he sounded so sincere about his desire for her to bear him sons. Maybe he wasn’t planning to jilt her for the ookami princess as some form of revenge. Could it really just be a coincidence that Ayame was his lover? And was it possible that he hadn’t told her about his plans or even that she and her sons had returned? Whatever the case, she wished he would return to the Makai.
She had placed him in a room on the 2nd floor, in the south wing by himself. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him too close to Hakkaku, who had finally regained consciousness, but was still bedridden in the north wing. Actually, she had decided she didn’t even want Hakkaku’s injury mentioned to Yemon, just in case he was in league with Ayame. At least Kurama’s room and the whole middle wing would be between them. But keeping Hakkaku’s condition a secret made it difficult for her to tend to him as she would have liked. She was very grateful that Master Zhang took over for her.
The first day and night didn’t go too badly, but the second day, … Hiei was extremely agitated by the wolf’s presence, and Kurama’s calm, satisfied manner wasn’t helping things. Kagome had told him about the bracelet Kurama had given her, and how upfront he had been about his intentions. She seemed almost grateful to the damn fox for being willing to continue to act as her suitor. And he had spent time, along with Shippou, acting as a buffer between her and Yemon by not leaving them alone for long periods of time. This nice, helpful act of his always seemed to yield results, -- especially from females, -- and it seemed to be working on her, too. Damn kitsunes.
But when Yemon was making ready to leave, after dinner on the second day of his visit, Hiei overheard him telling Kagome that if she accepted him, he would send his wolves and youkai to help Eishumaru fight in the Western lands. But if she didn’t, he couldn’t promise what side they might ally themselves with. Then he had insisted she walk him to the library to wait for the portal. When she had returned, her hair was mussed and her lips were swollen. Hiei had left without a word, and hadn’t come back until late.
Kagome was relieved when she felt him return. If he hadn’t, she would have been up all night. The last two days had been difficult, and she was really upset about Yemon’s veiled threat. He had spent almost all of his visit being charming and pleasant, and then right at the end, he had oh-so-nonchalantly dropped his bomb. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when they went into the library, he had also told her that when he took her for his mate, she had better not try to present him with a kitsune as his son. And he had grabbed her and kissed her with barely-suppressed violence. Now her thoughts were all awhirl. Could she be ready to petition for her challenges in a month? Less? Could they possibly have enough support by then in case her petitions were denied? Because she didn’t think she could continue this charade much longer, and she was almost certain Yemon was going to demand her answer soon.
She was just getting up to go to Hiei’s room when he stepped into hers. She smiled and walked over to him, but he kept her at arm’s length. He looked very serious, and she could tell he had something important on his mind. “What is it, Hiei?”
“Kagome,” he ushered her over to the bed and made her sit down. “I’ve told you before that I know how important it is to you for no one to find out about us, but, …” He turned away and looked out one of her windows. “I do not like having to watch you spend time with other males.”
The wolf’s actions tonight had brought him to the brink of violence. Seeing the evidence that he had touched her, -- had kissed her, -- had made Hiei want to follow him into the Makai and slice him up like cabbage for kimchee. He had done some hard thinking, but had come to a decision. No more waiting. He knew she was going to object to him asking her to go ahead and drop the pretense now so he could go ahead and mark her as his, but it was going to happen soon anyway. It was inevitable. And it would make a lot of things easier for both of them.
Just because they were preparing for battle, it didn’t mean they couldn’t spend more time with each other. As a matter of fact, that was all the more reason to spend as much time as possible together. Not that anything was going to happen to him. He was confident he would come through it all right. And he would keep her out of it, so she would be safe.
Hai, it would be difficult if the ookami joined with the nekos, but when it became known that she was his mate, and that the Reikai Tantei were standing with her sons, he thought that might sway a lot of youkai to their side. Oh, sure, it would also send several straight over to the other side, too, but Hiei knew that their individual enemies, and even those who hated all of them as a team, feared them. There was a good chance many would simply stay out of it because they were in it.
He turned back around to her and stared at her intently. “I want to go ahead and mark you. We can deal with the ookami.”
Her mouth went dry. (He couldn’t possibly have said what I think he said.)
He reached out and touched her face, frowning at the horrified look he saw there. “I don’t think it would be too reckless a move to go ahead and become mates now, instead of after your sons have reclaimed their lands. It could actually work to the benefit of all of us.”
“Hiei, … I … I thought you understood.” She stared up at him with haunted eyes. “We can’t be mates. Not now. Not ever.”
He blinked for just a second and swallowed thickly. His gut started churning. “I told you not to worry about the Reikai. I will make sure they don’t …”
She reached out and touched his chest. “It doesn’t matter if the Reikai lets me go or not,” she said softly.
He took a deep breath and tried to think. He had expected an argument about the timing, but not this, -- not this complete denial that they could ever be mates. What the hell was going on?!!? He loved her, and she loved him. They had never said the words, but, … She cared for him, and accepted him without reservation. So, why couldn’t they be mates? They had already secretly been lovers for …
He looked around her room. It suddenly struck him that the only times he had been in here were when he had sneaked in to check on her and be with her. She had never invited him in here. She always came to his room. Did she not want him in here? Even when no one else knew about them? Was he not good enough for her to have in her room? He stared back into her eyes and his gaze seemed to burn right through her. Was that it? He wasn’t a Taiyoukai. He wasn’t even an accepted hybrid. He was good enough to meet with in secret, -- somewhere else, --but not good enough to belong in here. Not good enough to show in the light of day. What a FOOL he’d been!! Of course she accepted him, -- as long as she didn’t have to let anyone else know. Everything was fine as long as they kept their relationship a secret.
“Hiei? It’s not … I mean, I thought …” She stood up and threw her arms around him. He looked so lost there for a minute, and now she could feel his anger rolling off of him in waves. (Damn it! I thought he understood! I never thought he would want to …) She blinked rapidly to stave off the tears that were threatening to well up and blur her vision. (I never wanted to hurt him.)
He grabbed her upper arms and held her away from him, his fury pouring out of him so thickly he was shaking. “So that’s it? I’m good enough to fuck, but not good enough to take as a mate?!!?”
Her eyes grew wide and her mouth gaped open. She shook her head vehemently. “No! That’s not it!”
“No? Then maybe I didn’t hear you right. Because I thought you said we could never be mates. Not that the timing is wrong because of Yemon’s threats, or because of your sons’ situations, or even because the fucking Reikai wants to lock you up for killing your previous three mates. I suppose I should consider myself lucky. At least I wasn’t good enough to be victim #4,” he hissed at her and pushed her away from him.
“Hiei, no! You know that I … that I love you! I just can’t … I can’t …”
“I don’t need your love,” he sneered. “Save it for your next lover. I believe our original agreement was that I could end our arrangement at any time. Stay away from my room.” And he stormed out and left the house in a flash, heading straight for the Makai.
“I … love you.” And she slumped to the floor and collapsed in tears.
---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
He was a fucking IDIOT! What the hell had gotten into him? He knew better. How many times had she warned him? How many times had he seen the fear in her eyes? Fear for him. Before he had ever become involved with her, he had heard her declare that she would not take another mate. She had told him the same thing the night she had asked him to be her lover. How could he not have connected that with her fears? He had let his own fears and insecurities, -- ones he hadn’t even realized he had, -- overwhelm him. He had felt rejected. Well, now he just felt like a damn fool.
She hadn’t rejected him. She had been trying to protect him. She didn’t want anyone to know they were together, because she thought that would make him a target. How many ways did he need to have that spelled out? Apparently a LOT, because he had been in the Makai for three days now, killing everything that crossed his path, before it hit him. She had even told him she loved him, -- said the words out loud, -- and he had thrown it back at her, and cut himself off from her.
He leaned back against the tree he was currently sitting in and closed his eyes. Those damn kami had to be laughing their asses off right about now. They had known he would blow it, but, even they couldn’t have guessed he would do it in such spectacular fashion. He had turned into a paranoid, insecure ass right in front of her eyes. That damn ookami had had him so agitated that he had decided time wouldn’t be an issue. He had already been impatient to claim her. How could he have been so stupid not to realize that time had never been the issue. It had always been about her fears that someone would try to kill anyone she took as a mate. But the only thing that had come to his mind when she had said they could never be mates, was that he had always known no one would ever really want him, because he wasn’t good enough to keep.
And now he was going to have to go back and face her, and hope that somehow she could overlook the fact that he was an idiot. Because she did want him. He knew she did. And he was going to be with her, and he wasn’t going to stop trying until he convinced her to take the risk and let him mark her. He wasn’t going to let some bastard keep her from him with her fears. And he wasn’t going to rest until they had found, and captured, or killed, whoever it was that had targeted her mates. Then she wouldn’t have any excuse to be afraid, and she could relax and enjoy their life together. And in spite of his stupidity, he had every reason to believe she would accept his apology easily. She loved him, after all, and she had already known what an idiot he was, -- he was adorable, right? And he would keep telling himself that until he mustered up the courage to go back.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
She was such a FOOL. What had she been thinking? She knew better than to get involved with someone. She had known from the beginning that nothing could come of it. But she had selfishly ignored that, -- fooling herself into believing she could be with someone without any real feelings being invoked. And now she had hurt Hiei. True, she had thought she had chosen the one person that she could have that kind of relationship with, without any worries that he, or she, would come to care for each other. How stupid was she? She knew better than most that even the most hardened character had some endearing qualities. And Hiei was loaded with them. He just took care to keep them hidden. But with the kind of relationship she had sought, -- the kind of contact they had, -- it was inevitable that she would discover them. And then, even when she knew how dangerous it was for her to care for someone, she had fallen in love with him. And she had allowed things to change and develop into more.
She sighed and hung the red gown and robe in her wardrobe, placing it in the back, behind everything else. Even as she told herself that maybe, just maybe, she could have that much, she had known that it couldn’t last. That, too, had been inevitable, given her situation. But she had thought it would end differently. She had thought either the Reikai would mete out its justice, or that he would turn from her in disgust at her weakness. She had expected it to end with his anger or indifference, -- she had not thought he might feel rejected, or that he might assume she didn’t think he was good enough because of his blood or lack of social status. As if those things mattered to her. But she supposed she should have known he would feel that way. She was so stupid.
Kagome walked over to her window and stared out into the night, running her fingers over the smooth, polished stones in the bracelet Kurama had given her. Maybe she should just go lie down on the clusters of onyx stones that had amassed on that one section of beach. But it would take a lot more than that to banish her grief. And regret. She really didn’t want Hiei to believe she hadn’t thought him good enough to be her mate. She wanted him to know, and believe, that she truly loved him. He deserved to know he was valued, and treasured. But, … at least this way, … he was safe.
And so, she had written him a letter, explaining everything, and assuring him of her feelings and of his worth. She had sealed it, and given it to Myouga with instructions to deliver it to Hiei when everything was all over. The flea had looked at her carefully, but had accepted the envelope without question. Now, she would just have to keep her distance, which shouldn’t be too difficult, considering he had told her to stay away. She would sharpen her focus on the fight ahead. The dreams had returned, but upon waking she was able to shake them off, knowing Hiei should be safe now. It still made for restless, mostly sleepless nights, but she could live with that. For a while, at least. Until this whole thing was over.
She opened her door and started down the stairs. Kurama would be waiting. She knew it would be hours before she could seek a small respite in sleep, and she had mentioned at dinner that she would like to go for a walk later. The avatar had offered to accompany her, since she wasn’t supposed to leave the house by herself. He really had been very kind lately.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
“Where the hell have you been?!!?”
Hiei ignored the red-faced detective and walked further into the house, searching for Kagome’s aura. She wasn’t there. It was dinnertime, so where was she?
“I came back here to switch places with you, and Kurama and Kuwabara told me you just disappeared! So, where the hell have you been for the last 4 days?!!?” Yusuke yelled.
“My business is my own,” the apparition told him.
“You little …! Shit, Hiei! We’re trying to protect them, and the girls, from dead mikos and assassins, and they’re preparing for a fucking war, and you think you can just wander off to do whatever the hell it is you do, when you’re not being a pain in my ass, whenever the hell you feel like it?!!? Fuck THAT!! You owe me an explanation!” Yusuke flung his arms around wildly, then got right up in his face.
Hiei narrowed his eyes at him. “The Reikai may have been able to force me to act on their behalf, but they do not own me or my time. I do not answer to them about my personal business, and I do not answer to you.” He tilted his head and regarded him with interest. “What has happened to get you so agitated? -- Because I know it hasn’t been your desire for my company.”
“You sure as hell got that right!” He turned his back and ran his hand through his hair. “Shit, Hiei. Princess Ayame has disappeared. Jin lost her. Over a week ago! And Ginta went into the Makai to check with the spy they have keeping an eye on Yemon, and she’s disappeared, too. It’s possible Ayame discovered her and killed her. And there’s no telling what she’s up to now.” He turned back around to face him. “And if that isn’t bad enough, they’ve found three more dead female youkai. In the Northern lands this time. Kikyou is really moving around.”
(That explains why I found no trace of her in the East.) Having decided he may as well accomplish something useful while he was hiding out, -- er, … doing some thinking, in the Makai, Hiei had gone to the Southern lands where the first bodies were found and tried to trace Kikyou from there into the East. When he hadn’t located her, he had been half-afraid she might have already come into the Ningenkai after Kagome. So, he had abandoned his search and hurried back. And where was she? “Where is Kagome?”
“What? Oh, she’s still working with Zhang. They’ve been hitting it hard. Kurama’s out waiting for them to finish. With the threat of Kikyou popping up, we’ve been keeping a close eye on her, though it would have been a lot easier if we had had someone else to take a turn every now and then.” He glared at the little fire demon. Getting no response, he threw his hands up in the air and gave up. “All right. At least now that you’re back, we can call Botan and you can switch places with Kuwabara at Genkai’s.”
Yusuke blinked. “What?”
“No, Kuwabara can stay at Genkai’s to watch over Yukina.”
The toushin stared at him in disbelief. He stuck his finger in his ear and squinted his eyes as he moved it around vigorously to clean out any wax. “I must not have heard you right. I could have sworn you said Kuwabara could stay at Genkai’s. With Yukina.”
Hiei walked over to a window and looked out. “He has stepped up and claimed responsibility for her. As her mate, it will be up to him to keep her safe. He may as well go ahead and do so. Since he is willing to put her life before his own, I will have to trust him. And, … she will be happier with him there.”
Yusuke came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Damn, Hiei. I never thought I’d hear you say something like that. Did you go off to do some thinking or something? Or has some spirit possessed your scrawny little body? If that’s the case, I have to warn you, whoever you are, that Hiei’s going to be pissed when he gets back.”
The apparition turned his head and scowled at his teammate, causing Yusuke to bust out into laughter. “Whew! Arigatou, man! I needed that! Now, come on. Let’s get something to eat.”
When Kagome, Kurama, and Zhang got back to the house, all three of her sons shot up from the table. They smelled blood.
Daitano took a breath, and slowly let it out as they walked into the dining room. They were all three laughing. “How badly hurt are you this time, okaa-san?” His eyes widened when he took in the condition of her uniform. There were cuts and tears everywhere, and lots of blood. Then his eyes widened even more. Master Zhang had three long gashes across his chest. “You hit him!”
“Damn, kaa-chan! You got him three times!” Eishumaru ran over to have a look.
Zhang laughed heartily. “She did indeed, even if they are rather shallow.” He sniffed the air. “Ah, that smells good. Excuse me while I quickly wash up. Your mother helped me work up quite an appetite tonight.”
“I’ll go tell the cooks to keep the stoves fired up,” Sassouta said, with a smile.
Kagome, seeing Hiei standing there at the table, stood completely still for a moment, then, with a polite smile bowed slightly and said, “Welcome back, Hiei.” She looked beside her to where Kurama was standing. “I should go clean up as well.” She held up a hand to forestall her sons’ worries about her injuries. “These are all shallow, too, -- there’s just a lot of them,” she grinned wryly. “So, if you will excuse me, … Kurama, if you don’t mind, I would appreciate some of that salve you loaned me the other day.”
“My pleasure,” he smiled, and walked with her to the stairs. “Do you have some bandages in your room?”
Hiei thought his head was going to explode. It was all he could do not to rush up the stairs after her. There was blood all over her! Why weren’t these idiot sons of hers more concerned? And Kurama was going to put salve on her wounds and bandage them? Oh, HELL no! “Don’t you think one of you should go check her injuries? Or at least help her bandage them?”
“Well, actually, she doesn’t seem to be hurt nearly as bad as she was a couple of days ago,” Daitano said calmly.
“Yeah! You should have seen her, -- I thought these guys were going to string that old man up,” Yusuke laughed.
“Anyway, I’m sure Kurama will help her with any bandaging she might need,” Eishumaru waggled his eyebrows.
Shippou rolled his eyes at him, and stood up. “Nevertheless, I think I will go check on her.”
“I still can’t believe she actually hit ’ole Sloppy Zhang, -- maybe he’s getting sloppy in his evasive maneuvers, too,” Sassouta commented.
“No, I think okaa-san has just become very determined. She is pushing herself. I think she sees that the end is finally in sight,” Daitano said, cracking the knuckles on one hand as he slowly drew his fingers into a fist. “And when this is done, she can finally rest. I don’t think she has rested a day since the Eastern palace was lost. Not truly.”
“Daitano, remind me not to invite you to any festivities at the Western palace, -- you’d have everyone crying in their sake,” Eishumaru joked with him. But his eyes had taken on a determined gleam, too.
“Speaking of festivities, I claim the right to throw the first of the celebration banquets at the Northern palace,” Sassouta spoke up, trying to lighten the mood again and cheer both of his brothers up.
Ginta and Hakkaku agreed that was a fine idea, and that it would be an excellent way to begin relations all of the ookami clans. Yusuke was quick to add his own suggestions for making it a big party, and Jaken and Myouga began to discuss plans for celebrations at the other two palaces. But Hiei’s thoughts were on the onna upstairs, and what he would say to her when he got the chance.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Kagome slowly untangled herself from her covers. Zhang was going to throw a bucket of cold water on her again in the morning, like he had for the past 5 mornings. Now was when she needed it. She climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom. Nothing like a cold shower every night around 2:00 a.m. She had searched out Hiei’s aura the instant she had woken, and was reassured that he was all right. The damn dreams had been getting worse since he came back three nights ago. Oh, the fear was the same, but the erotic parts before that were lasting longer and longer, and becoming more intense. And it was becoming next to impossible to mask her arousal whenever he was around, or even when she just thought about him. And it was happening all the damn time now. Hell, she was starting to respond to Kurama’s light touches. He had been teasing her and flirting with her as he walked her up the stairs that night, and when he draped his arm across her shoulders, she had found herself leaning in to him.
She put her hand to her forehead and just stood there a minute as the water rushed down the drain of the shower. Then she turned it off and stepped out to dry off. She looked down at the mostly-healed wounds decorating her body. There were a lot fewer of them than just a few days ago, but it wasn’t because she was improving. For a while there, she had, but now she was losing ground, and Master Zhang was backing off. He hadn’t said a word, but she could see in his eyes what he was thinking. She was so frustrated, she felt like crying. Instead, she slipped into some clean clothes, kicking the gown she had been wearing, that was now damp with the sweat from her fevered dreams. Then she picked up the bracelet Kurama had given her and put it on. She lightly stroked the three black stones.
Releasing the barrier from her door, she quietly stepped out into the hall. She took a step towards Hiei’s room, then stopped. She knew he wanted to talk to her. She had known it that first moment she saw him after he returned. His regret had had been clear in his eyes. But, she just couldn’t. She had avoided being alone with him, and always put up a barrier as soon as she entered her room at night. She had thought long and hard after he had left, and she had decided it really was for the best. She could not take another mate. She would not. And if they were together, she wouldn’t be able to keep from yearning for that. And the more she wanted with him, -- the more they had together, -- the more danger he would be in. No, it was better that they just stay away from each other. At least this way, he was safe. She turned away from his room and started down the stairs.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
This was fucking ridiculous! He had been back for three days now, and he hadn’t been able to get near her. When he finally got his hands on that onna, he was going to … (Well, … fuck me!) Thinking about getting his hands on her was not helping! He was going to have to work on developing those damn ice powers so he could freeze certain parts of his anatomy, -- or at least slow down the blood flow to them. It was a wonder he didn’t pass out, because obviously, none of it was flowing to his brain. Up until now, he had thought getting hit by Yusuke’s Rei Gun on a one-in-a-million shot was the stupidest thing he had ever done in his life. Now he knew better. So help him, if he ever got mad enough to walk out on her in a fit of anger again, he was damn well taking her with him. Or tying her up and hiding her body somewhere where he could find her, and get to her, when he got back. And hai, he knew he wasn’t making any sense, but it didn’t fucking matter. He couldn’t take it anymore. He was going to stand outside her door until she opened it, and then he was going to grab her and take off.
He marched out into the hallway and over to her door. Even though he knew she had a barrier up, -- he had checked just a couple of hours ago, -- he couldn’t resist trying the doorknob. It opened. He quickly slipped into the room. “Kagome?” He looked around. She wasn’t in the bed. He checked the bathroom and the sitting area. “Kagome?” He was going to have to kill that onna. Where the fuck was she?
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Kurama opened the door to his room. “Well, this is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect to see you here, -- at least, not tonight. Of course,” he reached out and pulled her into the room, slowly closing the door behind her, “I knew from the moment we met, that this was inevitable.” And tangling his fingers in her long, pitch-black hair, he bent his head and kissed her.
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
I know a lot of writers listen to particular kinds of music when they are writing particular kinds of scenes. Just for the heck of it, I just thought I’d share a couple of things I was playing over and over and over. When Kagome and Hiei were walking along the beach, and had one of their long talks, I just had the urge to go all the way back to the ‘70s and listen to some BeeGees “How Deep Is Your Love?” It fit the mood perfectly. Hiei was brooding in the Makai to Three Days Grace’s “Never Too Late.” And I have a new theme song for Hiei and Kag in my head now: When she walked in the room in the red robe, (and everything that happened afterwards, heh heh!), I HAD to listen to the Scorpions’ “Send Me An Angel.” Are any of you uberly-talented enough to make those vids on YouTube? I would LOVE to see a spliced anime vid of them to that song!!
Did you recognize the scene with the red robe? It’s the one from Sardave’s awesomely fabulous picture, “To Play With Fire.” You should check it out on her profile page here, because it comes up larger than on mine. OR, I think she has a color version posted on her account at Deviant Art.
Speaking of DA, so many people have asked me if I have any pics of Daitano, Eishumaru, and Sassouta, that I just HAD to ask Sardave to put her talented fingers to the task. BUT, if any of you would like to take a shot at drawing them, or a Hiei/Kag picture, or any scene from this story, I am going to set up a contest at DA. I’ll try to have the details up in a couple of days. My account is under madmiko there, just like everywhere else. There will be small monetary prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. If you think you might be interested, please email me at themadmiko@yahoo.com .
Finally, I just wanted to mention a few stories/writers you might want to check out: Sardave’s “The Intertwined,” (It’s got Youko!); TAJE’s “Maturity and Sacrifice,” (it’s a straight IY fic); KibaSin’s “Such a Small World” (It’s an AU Hiei/Kag, or try anything else she’s written!); halfblackwolfdemon’s “Iyashii Yuuwaku Da” (IY/Naruto) or “Zetti Yaburera Nai” (Hiei/Kag!); Anything by BrokenSouledPoetess and Ryukotsusei; Kawaii-KeKe-Chan’s “Not the Only One,” (Kag’s being courted by Inu, Youko, AND Kurama), and on Fichaven, look up Hieisexymiko -- she’s got tons of stories and one-shots. I’ll list some more good stuff next time. And if you know of something really good, let ME know, please!
Hitoe - a shorter, kimono-style overshirt or jacket, -- like Inuyasha’s
Jaganshi - Kagome didn’t realize the Jagan had a separate consciousness, until Jin called Hiei the Jaganshi, or the Master of the Evil Eye
Shogi - it’s a board game that is basically a Japanese version of Chess, (but I think it’s more complicated)
Hime - princess
Ikiji - the inu from the Western lands who helped train the boys when they were younger
Kimchee - it’s an Asian version of cole slaw (Hiei wanted to slice Yemon up like this -- LOL!)
Mikimoto pearls - one of the main reasons Toba has become such a popular tourist attraction. Mikimoto Kokichi was the first person to successfully cultivate pearls. Mikimoto Pearl Island is a museum about pearl cultivation, and you can watch performances by female divers. (And buy pearls!) My father brought my mother back a strand of Mikimoto pearls when he stopped over in Japan when returning from Viet Nam.
PureMiko Kagome69ner - Well, at least Kagome doesn’t have to put up with one of those sneaky, mean women any more. Heh heh!
Seiai - I’m so glad you enjoyed the ending to the last chapter! I was really in the mood for some fluff. ^_^ Kagome and Hiei have had some good talks, but they still have an obstacle or two in their path. Heh heh!
Sango Tajiya - The last chapter really was a lot of fun. This one gave me fits, but events had to happen … I have to say, I’m loving the way Kurama has everyone up in arms. Heh heh! And I think we’ll be meeting Ginjiro in the next chapter.
Angelwings21 - Hey! You got your wish! At least, one of them -- Ayame is kaput! I’m always happy to make the readers happy! Heh heh! I like your theory about it possibly being Master Zhang, but he was in China when Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were killed. I’m really glad you’re wondering “whodunit.”
Ness - Yay for Hiei/Kag fluff! Kikyou and Ayame definitely had a falling out. But then, so did Ayame and Yemon. All things considered, Ayame really didn’t get along with anyone, did she?
Darkjewel - I really appreciate you taking the time to review! It definitely has a different feel than “Hentai Bets,” -- at least I was certainly hoping so, since that’s what I was going for. I will freely admit, I looked at “HB” as some hentai humor with a story running through it. “BWM” was meant to be fairly equal parts relationship/mystery. (Though I have discovered that relationship-building takes a lot more time than doling out clues/reveals. ^_^ Trying to weave them together and balance them is a challenge.) I’m so glad you enjoyed the long-awaited kiss, and watching poor little Hiei fall in love, (and eventually have to face that fact), even though it was the last thing he would have ever anted to do. LOL!! But, now that he’s admitted it to himself, it’s a whole new ballgame for him, and he has his strategy all lined up. Now he just has to corner his prey, but she won’t stay put. LOL!! I hope your co-workers enjoy your happy dance!!
BrokenSouledPoetess - Kisses for everyone! You know, I had NOT planned to end that chapter of that sweet, warm & fuzzy note, but I was in a fluffy mood. And now it’s one of my favorites. I completely agree -- she was fooling herself by thinking she could take a lover and not come to care about him. She was just made to love and accept people, -- it’s her greatest quality. Hiei would agree. ^_^
HeartStar - So, is your other theory panning out? There was some more stuff in this one, but there’s still more to come next time!
Babygirl20008 - Hmmm. Good question about whether or not the inus could tell if Kagura’s son is Sess’ by his scent! I would have to say that scent is individual. Maybe a newborn could be recognized as belonging to its parents since it would be held and cuddled all the time, but by the time they’re grown, … That’s my take on it, anyway. I’m glad you liked the last chapter’s ending. This one isn’t quite so sweet. Heh heh! But, I hope you liked this chapter anyway!
Silvermisttaleweaver - I’m glad this is keeping your attention! Poor Kurama has become the object of everyone’s ire with his tactics. Heh heh! Kagome, and Sesshoumaru are both gratified by your belief in his faithfulness. Hmmm. Kuwabara hasn’t noticed any “red string crap” yet. Then again, he is rather distracted by his worry for Yukina, and he hasn’t been around much. But, Sassouta has noticed … something between them, -- he just doesn’t quite know how significant that little glance was. Heh heh!
Raeko - Thank you so very much for the kind words! I am truly flattered that you are enjoying this so much. Heroin might not be a bad comparison -- writing this story keeps me up countless nights, just staring at the screen and reaching out for my soda with a shaky hand … You’re right! The old folks are in the lead when it comes to finding out about Hiei and Kagome. Her sons have been narrowing the field, but they’re kind of stuck on Kurama. Funny that the “detectives” seem to be the most clueless. LOL!!! Hmmm. I was intrigued by your thoughts that Kagome is only on the fringes of the many groups, but not quite belonging to any of them. I guess I was kind of looking at it as her being central to most of the groups -- bringing them all together and being the glue that hold them together in many cases. But, I kind of like your idea of her and Hiei starting their OWN little group. Heh heh! I’m glad you like the way I try to sprinkle the H/K scenes throughout the chapters. I do my best!
Jen9 - Thank you so much for both your love and your hate. LOL!! It’s a great compliment!
Michiru AOZ - I am really grateful that you wrote a review for this! It really boosts my confidence and enthusiasm to know that what I’m writing is coming across the way I wanted it to. And it’s so good to hear that you appreciate the different elements I try to incorporate into it -- the pacing of the relationship, some touches of humor, the revelations and realizations, etc. I certainly hope you enjoy where the story goes, because it’s getting ready to really take off. Thanks so much for all the encouragement!! I’ll try not to disappoint you!
AnonymousO - Whew! I’m glad you’re going to leave my head on my shoulders until this story is done. Did I mention it’s going to be at least 300 chapters long? LOL!! I threw out a little more info in this chapter, but there’s still more to come! Too bad about Ayame, ne? Heh heh!
Venusrox - Yay! I’m glad you’re loving this! I hope you continue to do so!
Beckyducky - I still have a few twists and turns up my sleeve. Heh heh! You summed up the sons’ personalities just the way I was hoping they were coming across, -- so, yay! I’m glad the fluff didn’t make you ill! LOL!
Brightshadow4494 - thanks for the kind words! Glad you’re enjoying this!
LordoftheWest - So nice to see you over here on MM!! I’ve almost got the story caught up on AFF. It should be by next weekend. Kanna would have been one way the souls didn’t end up in the Reikai, but I was following the canon version of her death during the quest. (Of course, I was just doing that in my head, so no one could have possibly known I was thinking that. *sigh* Sorry! But I have to admit, I like that idea.)
Catriona695 - I’m so glad you decided to give this a try, and I am very honored and extremely flattered that Ryukotsusei nominated this story for consideration for Best Crossover in the InuYasha FanGuild! I know that crossovers can be difficult to follow and get interested in if you are unfamiliar with the characters of one of the shows. I’m glad you hung in there past the deaths of Inu, Sess, and Kouga, too. They may be gone, but they are definitely not forgotten in this story! And the sons have been a challenge to write, but a fun one. As for the markings, I thank you for the great compliment! -- I just tried to come up with a logical explanation for Sesshoumaru’s, and for the jagged ones Inu exhibits when he loses control, and that seemed to fit. I’m glad Hiei and Kag’s relationship has stood out as more than just the lemons, -- I’ve tried to let it evolve in as believable a manner as I could. And if you’re skimming through the lemons to get back to the rest of the story, then I must be doing something right with the plot, -- so Yay! When it comes to the evidence, it’s a little difficult to come up with much hard evidence for murders that took place 500 years ago, involving supernatural means. And since you aren’t a YYH fan, the detectives may seem a bit “off” in their detective abilities because I’m monkeying around with their title as “Spirit Detectives.” I can’t remember them actually “solving” any murder mysteries in the series. (Though my memory may be faulty.) They’re more like regular “policemen” --their task is mainly to keep the Ningenkai safe from demons who slip through the barrier. They usually have some case files, which tell them about the particular demon they’re after, or some kind of artifact they’re supposed to retrieve or person they’re supposed to protect. And they may have to hunt for them, and may have to try to figure out what exactly they’re up to. That’s why I thought it would be fun to have them actually have a case where they need to be more like real detectives. Does that make sense? As for the story’s length, I have all of the major events plotted out, but I just can’t say how long it will take me to get from here to there, --especially since my chapters tend to be mega-long. I would guess-timate 4 - 5 more chapters. And, of course, the killer or killers will be revealed , along with the motive. I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story, and I really appreciate you checking it out! (I’ve been reading some of the IYFG nominated stories, too. I had been following a few of them already, since IY is my first manga love!!)
Drachegirl14 - Glad you liked that last chapter! I’m trying to keep the answers (and a few questions) coming. Hope you liked the reveals in this one!
TAJE - Last chapter, Kagura got smacked, this chapter, Ayame got offed. Heh heh! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the boys, and that you agree that Kagome purifying her mates’ remains made sense. I thought it would be something she would have worried about. Once Hiei admitted to himself what his feelings were, he decided to make the most of it and to go for it. Now if he could just get past a couple of obstacles and get his onna to agree, … Heh heh! Glad you liked the onyx stones, -- I couldn’t resist having Kurama do something sneaky with them. Heh heh!
Ebi-chan - Yay for the kissy scene! I think the build-up to that is going to be one of my favs for a long time, so I’m really happy that so many people enjoyed it. I think we’ll be addressing Kagura’s claims in the next chapter, and Eishumaru will come fact-to-face with Ginjiro. (That’s the plan, anyway!) I imagine several people will be wanting to smack Kurama. Heh heh! Well, Pookie, I hope your internet woes are at an end! It’s hard to enjoy your “fix” when you’re sneaking it at work, LOL!!
Halfblackwolfdemon - Hiei is definitely ready to make it permanent, -- convincing Kagome, though, may not be easy. Kurama may need another swatting with the newspaper. LOL! Yeah, I have to walk everyone through the houses so I can keep everything straight. It took me a LONG time to draw myself a diagram and assign everyone a room. LOL! You won’t see any serious Kuwabara-bashing from me, -- I happen to love the big lug! Well, I know there are both things to love and hate in this chapter, but I hope you liked it overall!
Jade san - I’m so glad you’re loving this! I will send you another email now that this chapter is finally done.
Inufan001 - Wow! I love your enthusiasm!! It gets me really stoked about what’s going on, and what’s coming up! Thanks!!
Sardave - Some fluff and sweet moments in this, I think. I hope they came off all right and weren’t too much. I’m so glad you mentioned the “adorable” scene, -- as you can see, that is going to pop up again. LOL!! (Yeah, I like catch-phrases and running gags. The continuity appeals to me. ^_^ ) Kagome’s fears for him are playing a big role now that things have become so much more serious. I’m so glad the onyx stones appealed to so many people. It was one of those little nothing details that when the inspiration hit me, I fell in love with the idea. So, I couldn’t resist making more of it by having Kurama incorporate them into his little scheme. Heh heh!
DYquem - Yay for the kiss! I’m so glad you enjoyed the progression of Hiei’s thoughts at the end. Well, they didn’t get outted yet, but Sassouta noticed their interest in each other. ^_^ And Hiei is definitely having problems with Kurama and Yemon being around her, -- that’s what prompted him to initiate the subject that led to their break-up. And yeah, I can’t believe I broke them up after bringing them so close, either, but I wanted to play up Hiei’s vulnerability that he didn’t even know about until those kinds of feelings were brought to the surface. But, he’s a demon with a goal now. ^_^ What? You want to see Kurama’s blood? But he hadn’t even put his sneaky plan into action yet. LOL!! And yes, you are quite correct -- his tying Kag to a tree was NOT a case of “kinkiness between consenting adults.” She plainly told him to stop. And he was deliberately assaulting her in a sexual way to get her to talk, -- it wasn’t a case of him trying to seduce her. But, he wouldn’t have gone so far as to rape her, and I wanted to show that Kagome wasn’t really afraid he would do that. That didn’t mean she wasn’t upset by it, though, either. I wasn’t trying to be blasé about what he was doing, but I deliberately tried to lighten what was going on with her thoughts that ‘only a kitsune would think to interrogate someone by tying them up and taking their clothes off,’ so the fact that she wasn’t afraid of him would come through. She knows what kind of a youkai he is, and how ruthless he can be, but she believes that even though his methods are unsavory and his thinking is rather warped, he was doing what he did for a reason -- a cause he believed in, and that “in his own way,” he is rather … honorable. So, I didn’t want that whole thing to come off as so offensive, though I did want some healthy and hearty indignation. (And just so you know, Hiei hasn’t forgotten anything Kurama has done during this mission. ^_~ )
Kitsune youkai jade - I’m glad you like the story! I know it took a while for this chapter to get up, but it was a real bear. And I’m starting on the next chapter tonight! ^_^
Yue no Rei - Thanks! I’m really glad you think the plotline is freakishly amazing, and not just freakish. LOL!! Fresh flowers? Really? ^_^ !!!
RaiTerra - You know, that last chapter turned out to be one of my favorite chapters, too, and I wasn’t so sure I even liked it until I got to the end. I hope you found some things to like in this one, too!
DISCLAIMER: “InuYasha” and “YuYu Hakusho” are the brainchildren of the legendary and ever-popular Takahashi-san and Togashi-san, who have earned lots of money, fame, and acclaim by marketing their characters’ extreme smexiness to an unsuspecting and extremely susceptible public of screaming fangirls and fanboys. I managed to sell some old baby clothes in a yard sale.
mental/telepathic conversations - “Hiei” “Kurama” “Youko”
(thoughts to self)
Black Widow Miko
---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------Last time:
As she stroked his tongue with hers, the taste of strawberries burst in his mouth, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. Taking control, he swept his tongue into her mouth to search, and explore, and claim. She had just given him far more than their original deal called for, and he was taking it. All of it, -- all of her. And he didn’t think he was going to give her back, either. No, he certainly wasn’t going to give her up to the fox, or the wolf, or even to the ghosts of her dead mates. He hadn’t looked for this. He hadn’t wanted it. But the kamis had finally given him something worth having, and he wasn’t fool enough to turn it down. And as the ocean’s waters rushed in along the sand towards them and receded, time and time again, the two lovers remained locked in each other’s embrace, … exchanging simple kisses in the moonlight, that promised so much more.
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Chapter Twelve: Inevitable
Feeling perfectly content with himself and the world, Hiei rubbed his cheek against the soft mass of her silky-smooth hair. Looking around, he noticed how the moon’s position had changed. They needed to get back to the house soon, or someone would be looking for her. And she was still tired and needed to get some more rest, -- he didn’t know if she was even aware of it or not, but she was leaning heavily against him, and he could see her exhaustion in the way her shoulders drooped. She didn’t protest when he scooped her up to carry her back. As he settled her comfortably in his arms, he noticed how thin her gown was and how chilled her skin felt compared to his. He looked down and glared at her. “You’re cold. Why didn’t you say something?” He quickly raised the temperature of the air surrounding him to warm her up. “And where’s your robe?”“I’m not cold,” she argued, as she snuggled into his warmth, “and when I woke up, grabbing a robe was the last thing on my mind.”
“Hn.” It wasn’t going to do any good to yell at her. Hell, it was his fault she was out here, -- she had been worried, and looking for him. Well, he wouldn’t leave anymore without telling her. Of course, if he had had his way, she would have been with him, and he wouldn’t have felt the need to go for a run in the first place. He might be right around the corner across the hall from her, but if he couldn’t be with her when he wanted to, -- when she needed him to, -- then he was as good as a million miles away. And that was unacceptable, especially with the way things had changed between them. He understood her reasons for wanting to keep their relationship a secret, but that didn’t mean he liked it. And sooner or later, everyone was going to find out. It was inevitable. It hadn’t taken Genkai very long to figure it out, though he still wondered how the old onna had known, and then Kagome’s grandfather had stumbled onto the truth. Next it would be Kurama, or one of her sons, or … He opened the door to the house.
“What the hell happened to her, and what are you doing with her?” Eishumaru demanded.
Standing just inside the doorway, ready to go out, were all three of her sons.
“Quiet, you fools!“ he hissed at them. She had already fallen asleep. “The foolish onna went walking along the beach alone, even after we told her she wasn’t to go out without one of us. In her weakened condition, she would be an easy target for the dead miko. She is exhausted from healing your friend. I suggest you tell that old man to forget about her training this morning, -- she needs to sleep,” Hiei lectured them.
“Damn it! Why won’t she ever listen to reason? What in the world possessed her to go for a walk? If Sesshoumaru otou-san were still alive, he would make sure she stayed put,” Daitano grumbled, taking Kagome out of Hiei’s arms.
“Or Kouga otou-san. He would have just slung her over his shoulder and … hey! What was that for?” Eishumaru rubbed his shoulder.
“For whatever it was you were about to say,” his younger brother scowled at him. “Daitano? Shu is always saying things like that about my otou-san. Was he really like that?”
Daitano chuckled. “Well, actually, … hai.” All three of the boys headed for the stairs. “Kouga otou-san was crazy about okaa-san. Sesshoumaru otou-san was, too, but he didn’t go chasing her through the halls of the Western palace, howling at her.” He looked thoughtful for a moment, then continued, “Of course, that was exactly what she needed then. Kouga otou-san was very smart.”
Sassouta looked confused. “Why would she need him to chase her through the halls?”
“She was devastated after Sesshoumaru otou-san died. She had lost two mates in such a short time, -- she needed someone to show her that she was still young, and she could still enjoy life, and love. She loved us, and took care of us and played with us. She even laughed with us, and always seemed so cheerful and content. But he gave her more than that. It took him a long time to bring her out of her sadness, but he never gave up. He teased her, and made her blush a lot. He flirted outrageously with her, and guarded her jealously. He let her know how happy he was just to be with her, and how very much he wanted to make her happy. He went out of his way to make her giggle, -- playing tricks on old Mamoru, and getting her to help him. He brought out her fun, mischievous side. I know I talk about Sesshoumaru otou-san a lot, but Kouga otou-san was really great, too. That’s how I know my otou-san must have really been something, too, -- because it takes someone special to win okaa-san’s heart. And both Sesshoumaru otou-san and Kouga otou-san seemed to know just how to reach her, and how to let her know she was the most important person in their lives.”
“So, what did my otou-san do, since I know from what you’re always saying about him that he was too proper and dignified to be playful?” Eishumaru asked curiously.
“Well, at first, he lavished her with extravagant gifts of jewelry and clothing, but he soon realized that while she appreciated them, she preferred gestures to things, -- like him putting away his maps and scrolls and going for a walk with her in the garden maze, or taking her to visit the taijiya village. He used to brush her hair for her every night, and he let her brush his, …”
“No, no. I mean what did he do instead of chasing her through the halls?” he waggled his eyebrows exaggeratedly.
Daitano rolled his eyes at him, then said, “He would just catch her attention and slowly lift an eyebrow at her, like this,” Daitano demonstrated, “and she would get up and leave the room. After a minute, he would follow her. Then all the servants would start giggling until Jaken told them to shut up and get back to work.” His eyes took on a faraway look, and a smile lit his face. “I remember one time, we were having important guests for lunch, and she had just stepped into the dining room when Sesshoumaru otou-san gave her that look, and she bowed her apologies and turned right around and left. Then he did, too. They came in later, and sat down to eat. But when she poured him some sake, and handed it to him, their fingers touched, and the next thing I knew, she had left again, and he was getting up to go. The four dragon youkai just looked at each other for a few minutes, and then started laughing. They turned to Jaken to ask if they should come back another time. I’ve never seen poor Jaken look so uncomfortable,” he laughed. “He just kept apologizing and mumbling excuses about how ‘Sesshoumaru-sama had some very important matters to attend to at the moment, but that he would probably be able to talk with them in a few hours.’ That just made them laugh harder, and they all said he had been long overdue to take a mate, and that it probably wouldn’t do them any good to come back in the next several years. I thought Jaken would have a stroke to hear them joke about Sesshoumaru otou-san like that, but after they had gone, he turned to me with a smile, and whispered that okaa-san was the best thing that had ever happened to his lord.”
Hiei just stood there in the entranceway and watched them start up the stairs. Daitano had just taken her right out of his arms. No, this was definitely not acceptable. He clenched his fists and growled low in his throat. Sassouta turned and looked at him for a few seconds, then followed the others to help tuck his mother in. Oh, they were going to find out all right, and he, for one, would be glad when they did. Because when they did, then he could claim responsibility for her, and he would be able to put his foot down and make sure she stayed where she was supposed to, -- with him.
When he finally headed up the stairs himself, he couldn’t help but think about what her sons had said about her and two of her mates, -- that it took someone special to win her heart, and how they had each known how to reach her and let her know how important she was. Well, Hiei would never dare call himself special, and he knew he wasn’t all that good at communicating with people or letting them know how he felt about them. But, by some unbelievable stroke of luck, she had come to care about him, too, and now he wanted what they had had with her. He wondered what her relationship with her first mate had been like. He admired and approved of the way Daitano had described Sesshoumaru’s silent communication of his desires to her, -- a dignified, efficient approach. But he had to confess, chasing her through the halls sounded like fun, too …
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
When Hiei and the others came in for lunch after their morning’s sparring, he was surprised to find Kagome in the large formal sitting room, talking with Kurama, Kuwabara, and … Jin? What was he doing here? And what was Kuwabara doing back? Did he just leave Yukina and the other females at the temple? He’d better have a damn good reason for it. And that damn fox was sitting right next to Kagome, with his arm draped along the back of the sofa behind her, like he belonged next to her. Hiei scowled darkly and walked over to the windows to stare out of them for a few minutes. What was it with all the damn males in this house that they were determined to get on his bad side today?
After her sons had left her room in the wee hours that morning, Hiei had slipped in and stayed with her until dawn, which had come much too soon. Then, when they had all gathered at breakfast, her sons had suggested that Kurama stay at the house with her while everyone else went on with their training. Shippou, Hiei, and Kurama had all three turned startled gazes to the boys, -- they had never willingly sent the fox after their mother before. Naturally, he had been quick to agree, much to Hiei’s annoyance. He had planned to be the one to stay to watch over her, and he had had every intention of crawling back into bed with her for a few more hours. What were those boys up to? Whatever it was, he made sure they got a real workout that morning.
“Hey! Jin! What are you doing here?” Yusuke greeted him.
“I’ve been invited t’meet some people, and I have some news I thought ya might be interested in,” the wind master said with a grin, as he stood up.
“What’s with the ears?” Yusuke pointed out the elongated pointed tips, which were twitching. “I thought that only happened when you were excited about something?”
With one fang glistening in the sunlight coming in through the windows, the red-headed demon laughed heartily. “Well now, I reckon it must be due to th’ charmin’ company here.” He winked at Kagome, whose cheeks pinkened just a bit as she smiled back at him.
Hiei caught the glance that passed between Eishumaru and Sassouta. What the hell was going on? He had a vaguely uneasy feeling about it.
Daitano stepped forward and introduced himself and his brothers, then asked Jin if he would join them in the library to talk. After taking one of Kagome’s hands and kissing it, and promising to stay for lunch, the wind master left with the three young youkai. Then Kagome excused herself to inform the cooks that there would be two more for lunch.
“Now, … what the hell are you doing here, Kuwabara? I thought we agreed not to leave the girls alone!” The leader of the Spirit Detectives yelled at him.
“Nice to see you, too, Urameshi. Koenma sent Botan to get me when he found out Jin was coming here. I told her there was no way I was leaving the girls there unprotected, so she took them into the Reikai. Man, you should have heard the things Shiz was calling Koenma, -- she says she gets bored having to hang out in that stuffy office of his. So, I think he was taking them to the palace. At least they’ll have plenty of guards there.”
“Okay, I guess that’s acceptable. But, why is Jin here? What business could he have with the boys?” Yusuke asked Kurama.
“I’m not entirely sure. Botan dropped him off here about an hour ago. He said he had received an invitation to meet with them. Then he asked to be introduced to Kagome, and he sat here and talked and flirted with her until you came in,” the avatar said, dryly. “She seemed unaware that her sons had invited him, but not surprised. If I had to guess, I’d say they might be looking at him as a possible ally. You do remember that he and Touya used to belong to a group of mercenaries.”
“Yeah. I guess that makes sense. I kind of forgot about that. And I guess I just never really thought about the fact that we may actually know a lot of the youkai who will end up fighting with them. Or against them. Crap! I guess I should go see where Raizen stands,” the toushin ran his hand through his hair. This whole thing was becoming a lot more personal than he had thought it would.
Kuwabara turned and looked out the window for a few minutes. “Hey, guys? Are we going to fight beside them?” he asked quietly.
There was silence for a moment as the other three looked at him, then at each other, until, “Hn. You don’t think we’re going to spend all this time keeping them alive, and training them, just to send them off to get killed, do you? Idiot.” Hiei rolled his eyes at him as he turned back around and stared at the little fire demon.
Kuwabara smiled. “I was hoping someone was going to say that, but I didn’t expect it to be you, shrimp.” He looked at Yusuke and Kurama.
“What are you looking at me for? Of course we’ll fight with them, if it comes to that,” Yusuke asserted.
“I would certainly rather have the three of them in charge of those areas of the Makai than the current rulers. We know how untrustworthy Lord Yemon is, and Lord Tobikuma hasn’t been able to keep the peace in the Eastern lands. And Jin was just telling us that the nekos have closed the borders to the Western lands, after several complaints of slavery and wrongful death had begun trickling into the Reikai. Lord Torao has always been secretive, and there have been rumors of his ill treatment of the tenants on his lands for decades. Our next assignment would probably have been to infiltrate the West, anyway, to see what the situation really is. As long as we can be sure these boys have reliable advisors, I will support their claims,” Kurama said.
“Was that the news Jin has for us?” Yusuke scratched his jaw.
“Again, while I can’t say for sure, I would guess he’s also here to tell us about Ayame’s little visit to Kikyou. He was supposed to be watching Ayame. And we really do need to know if she saw and recognized Ginta and Hakkaku when Kikyou fired her arrow at them. If Ayame knows that they saw the two of them together, there’s no telling what she and Yemon might do,” Kurama warned them.
“Crap! Why didn’t you mention that yesterday?”
“Hn. Why didn’t you think of it yourself, detective?” Hiei asked him disgustedly.
“I was worried about Hakkaku, okay?”
Just then, the boys walked back into the room. “If you would like to talk to your associate, you can use the library,” Daitano told them. So, the detectives went to the library to see what Jin had to say.
“Well now. This is quite a fancy set-up ya have here. How would ya like t’switch assignments?” the wind demon asked, with a grin.
“And spend my days sneaking around the Makai, watching some princess have tea with her lady friends? Forget it!” Yusuke laughed.
“I can’t say as I blame ya, but Ayame hardly sits around sippin’ tea. Tha’s one power-hungry female. There’s only two other colleens she’s spent any time with a’ tol, -- most o’ her time is spent with high-ranking males.”
“And those two females are …?”
Jin just smiled at Kurama. “Right, go on now! Ya know it’s th’ones ya’ve set us t’ watchin’.”
“Just making sure. I take it you were a witness to Princess Ayame’s meeting with Kikyou? And to Kikyou’s attack on the ookami?”
Jin nodded. “Nothin’ worse than two females screamin’ a’ each other. ’Course, t’other one didn’t really scream. She sends shivers down me spine. Uncanny resemblance to th’charmin’ widow here, but I don’ think anyone could ever mistake them.”
“What were they arguing about?” Kuwabara asked.
“Ayame was tellin’ th’ kuromiko t’ back off on her plans t’kill th’ lady, because she had her own plans first. Tha’ one just stared right through her, an’ said her plans were her own concern. Then Ayame reminded her they had a pact t’get their revenge, an’ tha’ she had given her some o’ her blood an’ youki when she became a kuromiko. When she let loose tha’ arrow out o’ th’blue and hit tha’ ookami, I thought Ayame would faint. When t’other wolf picked him up and took off, th’ kuromiko’s shinidamachu jes’ lifted her up and took her away, leavin’ Ayame there cussin’ up a blue streak about how ‘Kouga’s lapdogs’ were still lookin’ out for his widow, -- ’course, what she called her wasn’t tha’ polite. ”
“I knew it! I knew they were working together!” Kuwabara crowed. “They made a pact to kill Kagome’s mates.”
“Hmmm, maybe, but it sounds more like both Kikyou and Ayame are trying to get revenge on Kagome. At least we know for sure that all three of those women had been dealing together at some point. Both Ayame and Kagura have met with Kikyou. And Ayame definitely knows that Kagome is back. I wonder if she found out from Yemon? Maybe she told Kagura where to find her,” Yusuke was stroking his chin thoughtfully.
“Yusuke,” Kurama began quietly, “if they killed the Taiyoukai, then why are they plotting revenge on Kagome?”
(Damn it.) That had been bothering Hiei, too.
“Well, because they’re still mad at her for taking them from them,” Kuwabara explained.
“But if they killed the Taiyoukai, that indicates their anger was directed at the males who jilted them. If they took their revenge on them, why pursue Kagome for 500 years?”
“Aw, damn it, Kurama! Every time I think we’ve got this thing figured out, you throw doubt on it.” Yusuke got up and paced around the room.
“They could have wanted revenge on the Taiyoukai for choosing Kagome, and on Kagome for being the one they loved,” Kuwabara insisted.
“Hai, that’s possible,” Kurama agreed. But everyone knew the seed of doubt had already been planted. “But then why didn’t they kill her when she was found unconscious with Sesshoumaru’s body?”
“Maybe because she fought them off. Maybe they were injured, too!” Kuwabara yelled.
“Now jes’ hold on here.” Jin had been listening to their discussion intently. “Are ya still thinkin’ th’ widow might be guilty?”
“No,” Kuwabara said firmly.
“It’s still a possibility,” Kurama corrected.
“Em, …” The wind master pulled on an ear as he thought, “I hope you’ll let me know when ya find out f’sure.”
“Why?” Yusuke asked. “What did the boys want to talk to you about anyway?”
“The lads asked me ta fight on their side if it comes ta it.” He paused and grinned wickedly at them. “An’ they asked if I’d be interested in their mother as a possible mate. An’ mine wasn’t th’ only name on th’ list, -- but it was first,” he said with satisfaction.
There was dead silence in the room for a minute.
“Ho-ly shit. They’re trying to find her another mate? Don’t they have enough to do just trying to get their lands back? They’re getting close to ready to make their challenges, so why worry about whether their mother has a mate now?” Yusuke looked around the room.
“I think that may be exactly why they are looking for a powerful mate for her now. Once they make their challenges and everything is out in the open, her situation will have to be addressed. I believe they are wanting to find her a mate to help protect her from the Reikai,” Kurama surmised.
Hiei turned toward the windows. He was having a hard time keeping his frustration and irritation from showing. (They are wasting their time. I will see to it that the Reikai’s so-called justice doesn’t touch her. And she sure as hell doesn’t need any more males chasing after her.) Damn, but it would be so much easier if he could just tell them that she was not up for grabs. (If those boys thought this morning’s workout was rough, just wait until this afternoon.) His eyes narrowed as he made plans.
“Koenma is going to piss his pants when he hears what her sons are up to,” Yusuke shook his head. “So, what did you tell them, Jin?”
“Hell, I tole them ah’d be happy t’fight, an’ that I’d think about t’other. She’s a fine-lookin’ female,” he winked at the toushin.
“Yeah, well, you can be the one to tell Koenma that.”
“Have you received another list of names of the miko’s enemies from Shippou?” Hiei asked the toushin a bit impatiently.
Yusuke brightened at the change of subject, and Kuwabara perked up at the proof that they really were looking into the other theories. “Hai. It’s even longer than the first one. And from the first list, three of her enemies are unaccounted for: Chokyuukai, Moryomaru, and Byakuya.”
“Byakuya? I’ve never heard of th’other two, but tha’ one has quite a reputation in our circles. He keeps a low profile. I haven’t met him meself, but word has it he’s one of th’ best assassins in th’ Makai.”
Yusuke smacked his forehead and groaned. “Great. That’s just what I wanted to hear.”
They all stood there for a moment, then Kurama turned to Jin. “By the way, where is Ayame right now that you were able to get away to come here?”
“Well now, she’s in th’ Eastern lands, -- with Kagura at th’ Eastern palace. So, Touya’s watchin’ both lasses.”
Yusuke frowned at him for a minute. “Say, how come you aren’t watching Kagura instead of Ayame? I mean, you’re both wind-users and all. Wouldn’t that make more sense?”
Jin laughed. “It might, -- if it weren’t f’the fact that Kagura knows me a little too well, if ya know what I mean. I sure didn’t want ta chance her seein’ me. We didn’t part on th’ best o’ terms. Tha’s one fine-lookin’ female, too,” he waggled his ears. “She’s jes’ a little too greedy f’me taste, -- alla time wantin’ jewels an’ fine clothes, an’ demandin’ attention. But she was worth a few weeks of me time.”
Kuwabara blinked at him. “You slept with her?” He tried to process that for a minute, then, “So, do you think she got together with the other two women to kill Kagome’s mates?”
“Hmmm,” he scratched his jaw as he appeared to think about it. “Yeah, I’d say she might do somethin’ like that. She’s pretty obsessive, an’ she definitely holds grudges. It’s been prob’ly 130 years or so since we spent some time together, an’ th’ las’ time she saw me, -- about 50 or 60 years ago, she whipped up tha’ dragon wind of hers and sent it straight f’me bollocks,” he chuckled.
Yusuke rolled his eyes at him. “Only you, or possibly Youko, would find it funny that a woman you slept with wants to maim you.”
“Jin, why didn’t you just tell us about Kagura’s son, Ginjiro, earlier, when Lord Koenma first sent you and Touya to find out?” Kurama asked curiously.
“I didn’t know aboot him,” he shrugged.
“You were sleeping with her, and the subject of whether or not she had kids never came up?” Kuwabara’s eyes bugged out in disbelief.
“Em, … nope.”
A knock at the door ended their meeting, as Kagome came to let them know lunch would be ready whenever they were.
“Right! Well now, darlin’,” Jin took her hand and placed it on his arm, “I reckon we’re ready now.” And the detectives followed them into the dining room.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
That night, everyone retired early. Hiei had made good on his promise to himself to really push the boys when they trained and sparred with him, and they were all sporting cuts and bruises, -- even him. Kuwabara and Yusuke had moaned and groaned about the furious pace he had forced them all to, and Kuwabara had been glad for the excuse of getting back to the girls to leave right after dinner. Even Kurama had given him a few questioning glances for his fervor, but he merely lifted a brow at him. But the boys hadn’t complained. In fact, they seemed glad for the chance to really test themselves against the four who had become their mentors and senseis. They had definitely become stronger, and Hiei was convinced they could win in one-on-one challenges against 90% of the youkai in the Makai. For their ages, they were quite remarkable. But he grinned to himself as the whole upper floor went silent just shortly after 10:00 p.m.
Kagome hesitated just outside Hiei’s room. It felt a little strange going to him when she knew he didn’t expect anything of her due to her monthly courses. The new feeling of closeness between them was something she had craved without really knowing it, -- or maybe she had known, but had not wanted to admit it, -- so, it fulfilled some of the secret longings and desires of her heart. But this wasn’t the kind of relationship she had allowed herself to pursue, and she felt caught off-guard by her own feelings, and unsure of how to proceed from here. She almost laughed, because she felt every bit as nervous as she had been when she first approached him to ask him to be her lover.
In a strange way, it reminded her of the very first time she had fallen in love, -- with Inuyasha. Oh, she had been surprised when she had realized her feelings for both Sesshoumaru and Kouga, too, but they had developed within the already-defined boundaries of a secure relationship, -- they had both already pledged themselves to her as her mate. The realization of her love for them had been welcome, as it had allowed her to feel free to truly give them something back in return for all they had given her. She had offered to be a true mate to each of them soon after they had each taken her in, but Sesshoumaru had not been interested, and Kouga had told her he wanted her to take the time to grieve as she needed, and that he wanted her to be able to love him the way he loved her. He told her he would have waited forever, and she believed he really would have. She smiled at the memory. Her love for them had developed without outside interference from enemies, responsibilities to complete a quest, old loves, guilt, or fears.
With Inuyasha, everything had been so uncertain. Part of it was due to their age and inexperience in dealing with their feelings, -- almost like a normal teenage couple. Part of it was the danger that had brought them together in the first place. Even when they had gotten past all of their misunderstandings, and his guilt and feelings of obligation to Kikyou, they had still had no guarantee of a future together. He had asked her if she would be his mate if they survived their battle with Naraku. She smiled to herself again. Technically, neither one of them had survived it, but they were given a second chance and had been able to finally be together. The uncertainties and insecurity were behind them, and they had forever to enjoy just being with each other, discovering each other, loving each other, … Forever hadn’t lasted nearly long enough.
She sighed, and silently slipped into Hiei’s room. She paused when she saw him standing by the window. Maybe she was wrong. This really wasn’t like when she had fallen in love with Inuyasha, -- then, she had at least had hopes and dreams of what their future might be. Now, she couldn’t let herself even dream of a future with Hiei. What she had with him had already turned into so much more than she had allowed herself to hope for, and she would make the most of it, but there couldn’t be anything more for them than this. There would be no vows between them, no facing the world together, no children, … All they could have were the feelings that had developed between them, and the stolen moments. She would give him everything she had to give, but what she had to give was limited. As it was, she was afraid it had already become too dangerous for him.
Hiei watched her as she came into the room. He had been waiting impatiently for the time when he could actually be with her, and now that she was here, he could see the hesitation and uncertainty in her movements and in the way she looked at him. In a flash, he was standing in front of her. He knew how much her dreams and fears had affected her last night, but there was no way he was going to let them stand in his way, -- not when he had finally realized what he wanted. What he could have.
He tipped her chin up and covered her mouth with his, roughly demanding entrance. His relief was immediate when she melted into his embrace and met his demand with equal fervor. He had planned to greet her more gently, to pave the way for what he wanted to do that night, but the merest thought that she might back away from him had propelled him to action. He let his grip on her relax as he savored the incredibly fresh, sweet, strawberry taste that was uniquely hers. He was still completely fascinated by it, and slightly bemused by the fact that something he had thought meant nothing had become so important to him. Brushing his tongue lightly along the side of hers, he slowly began to release her. He was gratified to feel her reluctance to part from him, and he couldn’t help but smile rather smugly at her when she opened her eyes. Remembering her hesitation, he wanted to set her fears to rest, so he chided her gently, “You don’t have to worry so much for my safety, -- even if my youkai senses were to fail to detect a threat, the Jagan would warn me.”
She looked startled that he had detected the line of her thoughts so accurately. Then she searched his eyes anxiously. “Would it really?”
He nodded. Then he studied her closely. “Are you tired? You should not have pushed yourself to resume your training this afternoon and evening.”
She smiled wryly at him. “Hmph. I need to push a little harder,” she touched her side gingerly. “But he only got me once.”
Hiei frowned at the reminder of the 8-inch-long cut currently gracing her left side that had resulted in a minor uproar from her sons at dinner, causing her to take them into the library, where she had apparently told them in no uncertain terms to stop making such a fuss over the injuries she sustained during training. When they returned, they apologized to Master Zhang for overreacting and promised not to do it again, which sent the old priest into gales of laughter. Hiei assumed he had heard that song and dance before. But even though he knew she would be all right, he had to confess, he had been every bit as upset as they had. Even if he had given them much worse himself.
Why the hell was she training so hard, anyway? With her powers, she could stand at the back of any battle that might come and just fire off some of her hama no ya. That would be help enough. She didn’t need to be thinking about getting into the thick of things and fighting hand-to-hand, or using a jian. It was obvious her sons didn’t want her in it to begin with, and quite frankly, neither did he. And he might not have any say about it at the moment, but he intended to. For now, though, he asked, “So, does that mean you are not tired?”
She tilted her head to the side and looked at him curiously. “No, I’m not. I rested half the day today.”
He arched a brow at her and snorted. “No, you didn’t. You spent half the day worrying and fussing in that ookami’s room, both before and after Jin’s visit, then you insisted on training with the old priest, both before and after dinner.”
“But I was just sitting in there with Hakkaku, so I was resting,” she insisted.
“You were sitting there watching him sleep like you should have been doing,” he scolded her, with a fierce frown on his face.
She stepped closer and leaned in and whispered, “But I sleep better with you.” And she touched his cheek, before pressing her lips to his in a brief, warm caress.
Hiei closed his eyes for a second. (What the hell do I say to that?) And the thought suddenly hit him that although all three of her mates had had very different relationships with her, and had “reached her” in very different ways, he bet none of them had ever won an argument with her. Because all it took was a simple touch from her with a few soft words to completely disarm him. It might not be true sorcery, but she definitely had him under her spell. He was going to have to develop some immunity to that if he was going to make her do what he wanted. Damn onna. But that could wait. A little while, anyway. But, just to make sure she knew he still disapproved of her not really resting today, he grumbled, “Well, if you’re sure you’re not tired, even though you should be, then come with me.” And he took her hand and led her out into the hallway and down the stairs.
Kagome didn’t make a sound until they were on the ground floor and well away from the stairs. “Where are we going?”
“For a walk.” He glanced at the robe she wearing. It had long sleeves, and it matched the charcoal gray gown she had on underneath it. Both were rather thin, but the temperature was still quite warm. It would be cooler if they walked near the ocean like he suspected she would want to, but he would make sure she stayed warm enough.
They walked along in companionable silence for a bit, before Kagome asked, “Was there a reason you wanted to go for a walk?” She thought he must have a purpose for wanting to be out like this, but she couldn’t figure out what it could be. She looked at him curiously. He looked uncomfortable at her question, and for a minute, she thought he wasn’t going to answer.
“I … want to spend some time with you.” He glanced at her briefly, then looked ahead as he kept walking. “The only time we are together is in my room. I find I do not like the restrictions of the ‘arrangement’ you made with me. There is more than that between us, and I want to … know you better.”
Kagome stopped in her tracks. She knew from the way he had responded to her kissing him last night that he had craved more intimacy in their relationship, just like she did, but she hadn’t thought he would truly want a ‘real’ relationship, -- one that continued outside of the bedroom.
Hiei had stopped just a couple of steps after she did, and was watching her reaction to his words. He saw the surprised expression on her face, followed by the hesitation, which made him clench his fists. But the longing in her eyes relieved his tension and moved him to gather her in his arms. He kissed her brow and temple, and tried to reassure her that he wasn’t going to make things difficult for her. “I know you want to keep this a secret until your sons are ready to make their challenges, and as difficult as that is when I want to be with you more than just at night, I will respect your wishes. But I want our time together to be full of more than just sex.” He pulled back and grinned at her. “No matter how good it is.”
She couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Good?”
“You don’t think it’s good?” he teased her.
“No, I don’t.” He blinked. “I would have said fantastic or amazing,” she explained, bringing a full-blown smirk to his lips. Then, thinking about what he had said, she looked at him a bit sadly. “Hiei, after my sons regain their lands, I … I may not, … I will probably …”
He cupped her cheek “You don’t need to worry about that. I will not let anyone hurt you or confine you in the Reikai.” He brushed his thumb across her lips.
She closed her eyes and covered his hand with hers. “Don’t. Don’t make reckless promises. I won’t let you put yourself on the wrong side of the Reikai for me, and … you may feel differently when the time comes.”
“Onna, if I decide to go into the Reikai and steal Koenma’s pacifier and shove it up Enma’s ass, you have no say in it, -- it’s not up to you to let me. I will do whatever I deem necessary to get the results I want. And right now, what I want is for you to stop letting your fears cloud our time together.”
Her jaw dropped and she just stared at him, until finally, she managed to sputter, “Shove … Koenma’s pacifier …?” She giggled. And then she burst out laughing until she had to wipe her eyes. Throwing her arms around Hiei’s neck, she planted several kisses along his jaw before lingering at his mouth. “All right.” She looked him straight in the eye and told him solemnly, “I won’t let those kind of thoughts intrude on our time together.” (I can do that much, -- for you, who has given me so much, that’s the least I can do.)
“Good.” He took her hand again, and resumed walking. She couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. It had been a really long time since she had walked along holding hands with someone. It would have been with … Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru was so much taller than her that he had always put his hand on her shoulder when they walked together, or she had reached up to hold his arm, and Kouga had always wrapped an arm around her waist. Her smile widened as she realized this was not a common gesture for Hiei, -- he was squeezing her hand rather tightly. He really was adorable.
“What are you smiling at?” Hiei asked her suspiciously.
“I’m just happy to be here with you, like this,” she raised their clasped hands slightly.
(She’s happy to be with me?) No one had ever told him they were happy to be with him before. (Well, damn. I thought I finally had this all figured out, but there’s still more to it. How does she do it? How does she say these things that pierce my chest and spread warmth throughout my body?) The sensation was so unfamiliar, that he hesitated to put a name to it. Oh, he knew what it was, -- he had known ever since he had admitted to himself that he was jealous over the way she acted towards Kurama since Youko had “saved” her. He just hadn’t wanted to think about it until he knew for sure that she was his. And she was definitely his now. He knew he really did have all of her, and not just her body. But knowing that did not mean he was prepared for the way it made him feel.
The plain, ugly truth of the matter was, he felt out of his element. And considering the fact that he actually had the youki of two elements flowing through his veins and throughout his body, it was quite ironic that a youkai of fire and ice was “drowning” in an onna who represented the earth. Those damn kami were still having a good laugh at his expense. But he would show them. He accepted their challenge. He would learn everything there was to know about her, and about these feelings she gave him, and he would swim with the tide instead of fighting it. And he would have what no one had ever expected the “Forbidden Child” to have, -- he would have love. Not just the passion, but the caring, the sharing, and the complete and total acceptance. He might not have a clue how to handle it all yet, and he suspected the kami had thought he would run, or they never would have dangled such a treasure in front of him. But he would hold on to it. With both hands. And with that thought, he reached out and took her other hand and pulled her down to sit with him.
After turning her so her back was resting against his chest, they both gazed out over the gently lapping waves as they made their way to the beach. Hiei wrapped his arms around her to make sure she didn’t get chilled. “Are you comfortable?”
“Hai,” she turned her head and smiled at him. “Arigatou.”
After another few moments of peaceful quiet, he broached the subject that had been on his mind since he had heard her sons talking. “Tell me about your first mate.”
He felt her jerk slightly in surprise, and he wondered if she would refuse, but she relaxed and began to speak, “Inuyasha was my first love. I was 15 when we met. He was … larger than life to me. A hero. A protector. He was a handsome boy with puppy dog ears, and I was utterly fascinated from the first time I saw him. I didn’t know if he was alive, or even if he was real, hanging there on the Goshinboku with an arrow in his chest. The very first thing he did when I released him was save my life.” She giggled. “The second thing he did was try to kill me.” Hiei did not see the humor in that, but he listened patiently.
“We formed a partnership of sorts, to gather the shards of the Shikon no Tama after I shattered the jewel. And as we traveled together, it didn’t take long for me to see the real heart behind his gruff exterior. He had lived a hard, lonely life, looked down on by both youkai and ningen. He fought to survive and his only goal was to become stronger. He thought he could use the jewel to become a full demon, and that that would make him happy. It was difficult to make him see that he that he was perfect just the way he was, and that he didn’t need to change to find acceptance. Of course, it wasn’t easy for a hanyou to find true ‘friends’ in those days, but there are always people who are willing to look beyond your race or gender to see what’s inside. The fact that he was befriended by a Buddhist monk, a demon slayer, and a kitsune are certainly proof of that.”
“But he was befriended by you first, wasn’t he?”
“Hai, I suppose, but it would have come about anyway, once he met them, I’m sure.”
Hiei shook his head. The onna didn’t get it. 500 years later, and she still didn’t get it. It was her friendship, her trust in him, her belief in his character that had led others to see it. He had heard everything Shippou had told them about her and her mates, and he had heard the things that weren’t said when she had told the story of The Quest. This wonderful, amazing onna still didn’t see how central a part she had played in everything that had happened, -- she didn’t realize she had brought them all together and kept them going. Rubbing his cheek in her hair, he said, “Shippou told us that the hanyou wasn’t very nice to you, -- that he said cruel things and ran off to meet with the dead miko. Why did you forgive him?”
“Shippou told you that?” She sighed and softly stroked the arms that were around her. “I forgave him because I knew he didn’t mean to make me feel bad. Insults and rudeness were the only way he knew how to deal with anyone, and I eventually realized, it was also his way of protecting his heart. I cared about him, and I knew he cared about me. Even though we were both too nervous, or scared, to tell each other how we felt, he always showed it in the things he did. Half of the time he yelled at me was because he was afraid I would get hurt.” She glanced back at him with a self-deprecating smile and gave a little shrug, “I was rather awkward and a bit clumsy, -- always tripping over things, -- and I had a frightening tendency to get kidnapped because of the shards I carried. But Inuyasha always came for me. He risked his life for me countless times. Heck, he carried me on his back the length and breadth of Japan as we searched for the jewel shards. And sometimes, even though he was uncomfortable being around people after spending so much of his life alone, he would walk beside me, or we would sit and look at the stars. Once, when I was sick, he went to the trouble of fixing up a remedy he remembered from his childhood. And he often covered me with his fire-rat hitoe as protection, even though it left him more vulnerable to attack.”
“And the dead miko? What about his relationship with her?”
“Kikyou was important to Inuyasha. While he was my first love, she was his. Even though she couldn’t completely accept him as he was, she did love him in the only way she knew how. She let him hang around, when everyone else either ran him off or tried to kill him. She was a caring person, and I think she would have been happy if she could have just been a healer, and not had to be a protector, as well. But when she was given guardianship of the Shikon no Tama, she distanced herself from others. They were … lonely together. And it made both of them feel better. She was the first person to care for him at all since his mother died, and he would have done anything for her. If Naraku hadn’t interfered, he would have become human for her, and they would have had a normal life together. I like to think they would have been happy, but that wasn’t their fate. They didn’t trust each other enough, though, or Naraku wouldn’t have been able to trick them the way he did. If they had, Kikyou would have still died from her injuries, I suppose, but without the bitterness and hatred that tainted her when she was resurrected. Perhaps they would have been able to say their goodbyes, and she wouldn’t have sealed him to that tree. He probably would have been able to kill Naraku before he grew stronger. Maybe, if they’d only had more time, that trust would have grown …”
Hiei “hmphed” at that. From what he knew of the story now, they had spent a year together before Naraku had come along. The miko had had a martyr complex when she was alive, and she had been hiding the fact that she was caring for the thief, Onigumo, from Inuyasha. No, they wouldn’t have grown to trust each other more, because she hadn’t trusted him at all. And how could the hanyou have been happy as a ningen? After having lived with the strength and power of a hanyou, -- not to mention the senses of one, -- he would have felt weak and vulnerable and useless. He would have been miserable. He had been better off without her kind of love.
Kagome continued, “I won’t lie and say I wasn’t jealous of her, or not threatened by her past with him. Even though she wasn’t truly alive after her body was resurrected, I was afraid he would choose to be with her, -- either in hell, or in some sad excuse for an existence together on earth. And my own relationship with her, -- as her reincarnation, -- has always been … very difficult. Back then, I had a hard time relating to her. I was like some poor, weaker, less attractive, less valuable version of her. And I was afraid that was all Inuyasha saw when he looked at me.”
Feeling him shift as if to protest, she turned slightly in his arms and cupped his cheek. “I was just a young girl. I was insecure, and sometimes downright scared, both of the things I saw happening all around me, and of the things I felt inside. I was afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing. I was afraid of not measuring up to the beautiful, powerful priestess he had loved. I was afraid of being rejected. But, when it came right down to it, I always knew that no matter what, I couldn’t be Kikyou for him, -- and I really didn’t want to. I wanted to be loved for who I am. And I wanted Inuyasha to know that he could be loved for he was.
Hai, her soul was reincarnated and eventually came to rest inside me, but we aren’t the same person. When he first saw me, Inuyasha mistook me for her. I think he saw the differences right away, though, -- I didn’t have the calm composure that Kikyou did,” she blushed slightly. “I had a rather quick temper. And, of course, I didn’t have Kikyou’s power or control, nor her skill with the bow. I really was useless, except for my ability to see the shards. So, the differences were not in my favor. But, somehow, in spite of that, he came to love me for who I am. It was still confusing, and disturbing, for him, and for me, because the soul of the woman he had first loved was in me. And Kikyou thinks my soul is hers, but it isn’t. It isn’t the same soul she had when she was alive. It has changed, -- matured. It took me a long time to realize that. Sometimes, though, … I still feel guilty for being alive, and for having had the time with Inuyasha I did, when she never got to.”
Hiei leaned forward and kissed her, letting his lips slide over hers in a gentle caress. “She didn’t take advantage of the life she had, or of her chance to be with him. She was too busy trying to change things to suit some idealized vision she had of what her life could be. You shouldn’t feel guilty about the choices she made.” She had been a fool, but the hanyou had lucked out. And so had he.
“Arigatou.” She turned completely sideways so she was sitting across his lap, and rested her head against his shoulder and neck. “Hiei, … I would like to know more about you, too. Will you tell me about the Jagan?”
“Hn. What do you want to know?”
“Well, I guess I was wondering why you had it implanted. I mean, you are very powerful in your own right. Your hiyoukai blood and youki are very strong, though I’ve only seen you use your fire powers to burn one of my shirts and a pair of your pants,” she grinned at him. “I’ve seen your speed, though, and you’re one of the fastest hiyoukai I’ve ever met, -- I believe you could outrun Eishumaru, …”
“I can.”
She smiled at his matter-of-factly tone. “Do you also have ice powers?”
“Hai, but they are not as strong, and take a lot of concentration to control. I haven’t been able to utilize them for healing purposes, but Yukina is a strong healer,” he said, -- his pride in his sister evident in his voice.
“You should tell her,” she said gently.
“I am not going to …”
“You should reconsider the matter. I am sure she would love to have you stand behind her when she marries,” Kagome cajoled him.
“Onna, …”
Recognizing the futility of badgering him, she changed the subject back. “You are an expert swordsman. So, why did you need it?”
She had completely succeeded in throwing him off-balance. “What?”
“The Jagan. You know, even though I knew you had it artificially implanted, I didn’t realize it has a separate consciousness until Jin referred to you as the Jaganshi. You have … subdued it to use its powers?” she asked.
“And what can it do?”
“Many things. I can use it to locate people, and objects that emit auras. I can read the thoughts of weak-minded individuals easily, and some stronger-minded ones with effort. I can even use it to hypnotize and control people. I can communicate telepathically with others, who are either weaker or willing to let me enter that part of their mind. Kurama and I communicate that way often.”
Kagome looked up at him with her brow furrowed as she thought over what he said. “So, the Jagan can enter different parts of the mind to manipulate it, communicate with it, or simply pry around in it and spy on the thoughts within. And you said it would detect any threats to you, right?”
“Hai. Of course, it is mainly concerned with its own safety and protection, so it is extremely vigilant, and even though I keep it warded, it would lash out against any danger it saw to itself, or me, by extension,” he told her wryly.
She seemed to think about that for a minute. “So, it would still be cautious even if you felt you were in a safe place?” He nodded, and noticed she seemed somewhat relieved by that. Then she asked, “Could you use it to see someone’s memories?”
“Hai.” He tried to look into her eyes, but she was looking down into her lap now, and her hair shadowed them. “Is there a particular reason you ask?”
“I am … curious. Why did you have it implanted?”
He wanted to pursue her reasons for asking those last couple of questions, but he knew this issue needed to be dealt with. After just a small hesitation, he told her, “I needed it to track down my mother. Since the Makai was formed, the Koorime have isolated themselves, and it is very difficult to find them. I planned to kill her. Actually, I planned to kill them all.” He waited for her to gasp in horror, but she just leaned into him and nuzzled his neck while stroking his back.
When he didn’t say anything else, she finally asked, “And what happened when you found her?”
“She was already dead.”
“That must have been very difficult. You didn’t get to say the things you needed to say to her.”
“Aren’t you listening, onna? I didn’t go to talk to her, I went to kill her.”
“Well, hai, but you would have talked to her.”
He pushed her a little away from him to make sure she was looking at him when he spoke. “Kagome, I am a killer, and a thief. I have been serving out a sentence to the Reikai for stealing a valuable artifact, with plans to enslave the Ningenkai. Just because you have the ability to make me act like a pussycat, do not mistake me for one.”
She tilted her head as if contemplating what he had said. “No. No, I would never mistake you for a pussycat.” She took his hand and pressed it to her cheek. “I am honored that my opinion of you matters to you, because I know you would not even bother to tell me that about yourself otherwise. But, I also think you already know that your past makes no difference to me, or you would not be interested in making this into something more. You need to hear me say it, though, don’t you?”
She put her hands on the sides of his face and gazed into his eyes. “Hiei, there are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people, -- there are simply people, who do both good and bad things, and who make both right and wrong decisions. You may have done a lot of evil in your life, but you have also done a lot of good. You grew up thinking of yourself as a ‘Forbidden Child,’ -- created from an illicit, wrongful love, and I am sorry that you were shunned and looked down on by those with small minds and not enough gumption to look and see the truth for themselves. There are no boundaries to real love, except the artificial ones created by fearful people. Unlike Inuyasha, you didn’t seek to change yourself to gain acceptance, but I think you still feel there is something about you that makes you too different from everyone else to be able to expect the things most people take for granted. And I get the feeling that you think my ‘acceptance’ of you is something remarkable. It isn’t, you know. You have lots of friends, -- people who trust you, and like you, and care about you just the way you are. Hiei, there is nothing wrong with you, -- there is nothing to ‘accept.’ And I don’t feel the way I do about you ‘in spite of’ who you are,” she leaned forward and rested her forehead on his, her voice lowering to a whisper, “ … it’s because of who you are.”
(And that is what makes you the most remarkable onna in all three realms, whether you think so or not, baka onna.) She was right. He had needed to hear her say it. He closed his eyes and let her words wash over him, and just let himself feel the soft warmth of her lips as she pressed them to his, moving them slowly, reverently, from one edge of his mouth to the other. And he continued to sit there, greedily letting her lavish him with her soothing touch, which warmed him from the inside out, until he was pulled from the exquisite comfort by a cold rain. “Damn.”
Kagome giggled as he jumped up with her in his arms and took off for the house. It was a regular downpour, and her hair and clothing were plastered to her in just a few seconds. When he deposited her in front of the door to her room, he debated on just waiting there until she came back out, but reluctantly went on to his room to dry off and put on some dry pants. She joined him 20 minutes later, now wearing a black gown and robe, and with her hair freshly brushed, but still slightly damp. She touched the inside of the door, sending a barrier all along the walls of the room, and then walked over to the bed, where Hiei was sitting.
Although it was still hours earlier than they usually went to sleep, he thought she probably needed the rest, so he stood up and pulled back the covers and motioned her in, before turning out the light and crawling in after her. As soon as he lay down, she began to lightly run her hand back and forth across his chest, and up and down his arm. He breathed in her scent deeply in contentment, and then pulled her closer to him. He hoped her sons all slept good tonight, because he was going to push them until they dropped tomorrow. And the next day, and the next. They needed to issue their challenges soon, because there was no way he was going to wait a minute longer than he had to before he claimed her as his.
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
He was in hell. Obviously this was his punishment for being impatient. It had rained nonstop the last two days, but that hadn’t stopped Kagome or her sons. They had gone on with their regular routine. And everyone in the house had been on the receiving end of Kagome’s healing more than once. The only ones who weren’t sporting injuries were Ginta, who had stayed in with Hakkaku, Master Zhang, and surprisingly enough, Kagome. But, everyone seemed to be more tense and determined now, and the sparring was brutal. Kuwabara was bemoaning his lot, having switched places with Yusuke last night. He was complaining loudly, both about being tired and in pain, and about having to leave his ‘darling fiancée.’
But that wasn’t why Hiei was in hell right now. No, that would be because he had spent the last three days fighting with his own body’s desire for, and reaction to, his female. Wasn’t it enough that he had admitted to himself that he actually seemed to be in love with the blasted onna? Or that he had every intention of making her his permanently as soon as he could? So, why couldn’t his cock be reasonable and wait patiently, instead of making itself an irritating, aching nuisance? Hell, he’d been hard so often and for so long now that he was afraid if he accidentally bumped into something, it would snap off.
He had really thought that when he came to terms with his feelings, he would be able to control his physical reaction to her, but instead, he was having twice as hard a time keeping his hands off of her. He couldn’t even stand within a few feet of her, because he was afraid he would reach out to touch her. And if Kurama didn’t keep his hands to himself, he was going to lose them. Of course, that hadn’t seemed to be much of a problem lately. What the hell kind of game was Kurama playing now? He had stopped touching her inappropriately, and he wasn’t trying to overwhelm her with blatant sensuality, but somehow, this new, softer approach he was taking seemed more intense and insidious to Hiei. And the blasted onna was becoming comfortable with him. He should have known that damn fox would keep looking for a way to get to her. That’s what made him such an excellent thief.
They were all sitting in the room that had been set up as an amateur movie theatre. Wanting everyone to relax, Kagome had suggested they spend the evening watching a good movie. While they all got comfortable and picked out what to watch, she had brewed some tea, popped some popcorn, and gathered some snacks and cold drinks for everyone, with Sassouta’s help. After passing out bowls of popcorn, she walked around the room with a basket filled with boxes of assorted flavors of Pocky and a new Matcha Pretz with Black Honey Syrup flavor. She handed Daitano a box of the Men’s Pocky, and patted his hand. She thought he would like the more bittersweet chocolate. She especially hoped he would relax tonight. He was growing more and more serious and single-minded these days, spending all of his waking time either training or drawing up battle plans, and he had a tendency to brood, like his father had. Obviously, he was worried about something, and she was going to have to try to talk to him about it soon.
As she went around the room, most of the others picked out a box of either chocolate, strawberry, or almond Pocky, though Kuwabara was happy to see she had some boxes of Kyoto Powdered Tea Azuki Bean, and Kurama decided to sample the Kobe Wine flavor. Kagome felt her cheeks heating up when Hiei’s eyes blazed as he picked out two boxes of strawberry and two boxes of the honey flavor that was only available in the spring, deliberately brushing against the inside of her wrist with the back of his hand as he reached into the basket.
When were all these idiots going to go to bed? He still had to wait until tomorrow to be able to sate himself with her, so was it asking too much for everyone else to simply go away so he could at least sit next to her?!!? Where was an unstable portal into the wilds of the Makai when you needed one to appear? Finding their way back would be a good exercise for the boys, and maybe Kurama and Kuwabara would get lost somewhere, like the Koorime village, for a few years. It would serve them both right. That way Kuwabara wouldn’t be around to drool over his sister, and just the thought of the fox being stuck in a village full of man-hating females made Hiei smile.
Kagome set the rest of the snacks on a table in one of the back corners of the room, and opened herself a drink with a small sigh. Kurama and Shippou had already indicated the space in between them on one of the couches was hers. She would much rather sit over at the side with Hiei.
After putting a cooler full of ice and drinks on the floor in the middle of the room, Sassouta grabbed the seat next to Hiei. He arched a brow at the fire youkai’s obvious irritation. When his mother gave a quick, almost wistful-looking glance in their direction, his eyes widened momentarily, then a slow smile crept over his face. He had thought the little hiyoukai was interested in her, and perhaps it wasn’t one-sided. His brothers had laughed at him when he suggested putting Hiei’s name on the list. Well, he just might have the last laugh. Now if they could just get rid of the avatar, …
He watched her go sit down, and he frowned and mumbled to himself, “Gray again.” He saw Hiei looking at him questioningly, so he leaned back and said quietly, “I told you all when we first met that all I’d ever seen her wear my whole life was white, because she was in mourning. Then we go to Tokyo, and she wears black, which Shippou said was the more modern color for mourning. When he told her she would have to get other clothes because she had accepted Yemon’s suit for courtship, I thought, ‘Finally! I’ll get to see her wear bright colors, -- happy colors, -- colors that show off her eyes and her skin tones, and her beautiful hair, like all the other women.’ So, what does she get? Gray. White, black, and gray. Every now and then, a dark, almost-black blue. You didn’t see her in the pink iromuji she wore for the first cha-no-yu she served. She was … more beautiful than I’d ever seen her before, -- like a fairy-tale hime come to life. Damn it, I want to see her wear the colors she wore for our otou-sans: purples, blues, greens, yellows, pinks …” He leaned forward and looked at the floor, clasping his hands together, with his elbows resting on his knees. “I want to see her celebrate her life and her own happiness. I want to see her in red.”
Hiei stared at the boy for a minute, then he looked over at Kagome and frowned. He wanted to see her in red, too.
“Hey, Daitano, toss me one of those orange Ramunes,” Kuwabara called out.
“Someone tell me what the purpose of these stupid marbles in them is,” Eishumaru grumbled, eyeing his bottle in distaste.
“Yusuke says that sucking the soda around the marble without splashing it or blocking the flow is why the girls in our country are so good at …” Kuwabara turned a violent shade of red as he looked over and saw Kagome sitting there, having just taken a drink of her lemon-lime Ramune. Everyone else turned to look at her, too. “Oh, gosh! I didn’t mean … Gomen, Kagome!”
Eishumaru’s eyes twinkled as he asked, “Well, kaa-chan? Is it true?”
She started choking.
“I guess you might have forgotten how to do it after 500 years without any, -- of these sodas, I mean,” he said pleasantly. “Of course,” a puzzled look came over his face, “didn’t you have one just the other night? I could have sworn I heard …” He went flying across the room, and smacked into the wall next to the door. “Damn, Daitano! I didn’t even see that one coming!” He rubbed his jaw.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!!? You can’t joke like that about okaa-san! When are you going to grow up and start showing some sense and dignity?”
“Oh, lighten up, you stuffy old windbag,” he stood up and dusted himself off. “You act like some 999-year-old hermit who’s never had sex before. Hell, you act like she’s never had sex before,” he waved his arm around, indicating their mother. “And just the other day, you said she needed to … ooooommmppphhhhh!!!”
In a flash, Daitano had leaped over one of the couches and tackled Eishumaru to the ground, rolling them both out the door. The next thing everyone heard was two sets of footsteps racing up the stairs. Then Sassouta jumped up and laughed. “Well, shall we take bets or shall we join them? Free for all?”
Ginta looked at Kagome, and at her nod, grinned, and threw his fist in air with a shout, “Free for all!” Then he took off. Shippou rolled his eyes and shook his head, but he was right on his heels.
“Come on, Kuwabara! Let’s go bust some heads!” Sassouta grabbed his arm and pulled him out of his chair. The big man looked around at the others, shrugged his shoulders and ran out after him.
Since Zhang was upstairs sitting with Hakkaku, and Jaken and Myouga were still in the Makai, that left Kagome sitting there with her hands over her face, while Kurama and Hiei took turns staring at her and each other.
“Excuse me, Kagome, but what just happened here?” Kurama asked curiously.
Bringing her hands down to her sides, she said, “Eishumaru was worried about the way Daitano has been brooding these last couple of days. He is focusing too much on the fight ahead, and he tends to forget to let himself relax and do other things. So, when the opening presented itself, Eishu baited him to let him blow off some steam.” She got up and headed for the door. “I just wish he’d find some other way to do it for once, instead of talking about my …” she sighed. (Souta and I never talked about kaa-chan’s sex life, -- we didn’t even want to think about it.) “You can join them if you want. I’m going to go gather some towels and bandages so everyone can dry off and get patched up when they come in.”
“Well, shall we join them?” Kurama asked with a grin.
“Hn. I can’t believe they haven’t had enough yet. It’s a shame Yusuke isn’t here to enjoy it.”
And the two Spirit Detectives joined the others outside in the cold rain.
After everyone had come back in and gratefully partaken of Kagome’s healing abilities one more time, they trudged upstairs to submerge their tired, aching bodies in hot baths. They agreed to try the movie again tomorrow night. Kagome chuckled to herself as she picked up all the boxes of Pocky and put them back in the basket.
“What’s so funny, onna?” Strong arms encircled her waist and pulled her back against a warm chest, and she closed her eyes contentedly when she felt his lips trail along the side of her neck.
“I was just thinking about what Kuwabara said. When I was growing up, some of the boys in my school used to say the same thing. My girlfriends and I were too self-conscious to drink Ramune when we went to parties or get-togethers where there were any boys, -- at least, until Eri decided that was the best way to get a date with the captain of the tennis team. She drank so many bottles of it while trying to get his attention after practice one day, that she threw up right on his shoes when he actually approached her,” she laughed at the memory.
“You would like to go spend some time with these friends of yours, wouldn’t you?” he asked.
“I would like to see them again, hai.”
“Then we will set aside a day for you to visit them.”
She turned in his arms and kissed his cheek. “Arigatou. That would be nice, but we really don’t have time for that.”
He arched a brow at her. “Didn’t you say your son needed to take the time to do other things besides simply focusing on the fight ahead? So do you. Now, put up one of your barriers.”
“You want me to put up a barrier here? Why?”
“Because you wanted to watch a movie, and that is the only way we will be able to do it properly. The two of us are going to sit here together, and I don’t want to be interrupted by any idiots or kitsunes,” he said fiercely.
Kagome giggled at that. “Wait, I’ll be right back.”
When she returned, she closed off the room with a barrier, and walked over to where he was sitting on one of the couches. He stared at her in surprise when she handed him a big bowl of ice cream, but she just smiled and picked up a handful of movies. “Any preferences?”
“Hai, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.” He liked the way the color rose in her cheeks. She was such an interesting combination of natural, complete, confident sensuality and blushing, flustered chastity. And she made him feel so many different things. On the one hand, the mere sight, smell, or even thought of her was currently causing his cock to attempt a jailbreak from his pants, but in spite of his extreme discomfort, he wanted nothing more than to have her beside him where he could just touch her or wrap an arm around her. He was still completely stymied by how satisfying something so simple could be. He looked down at the bowl in his hand. She had brought him a bowl of ice cream. Such a simple gesture. But it made him feel … cared for.
After starting the movie, she turned off the lights and sat down next to him with a bowl of popcorn, and sat two bottles of water on the floor in front of them. “What? No Ramune?”
Her face grew hot, and she glared at him for a second, then chuckled. “You know, I never would have taken you for the type to tease people. That’s a part of you that constantly takes me by surprise.”
“I don’t tease people. I tease you.” (And it surprises me, too.) It was just another example of how she affected him.
As they settled in to watch the movie, Hiei quickly finished off the ice cream so he could set the bowl down and rest his hand on her leg. Again, he was amazed that just the small contact could be so soothing. And even though he had every intention of pouncing on her the second she stepped into his room tomorrow night, he had to admit that he had really enjoyed the time they had spent these past couple of nights just talking and getting to know each other better.
Because of the rain, they had stayed in his room last night and played Shogi, at her suggestion, which she was surprisingly good at, even though he had won all three games. He had been interested in her strategies, but she had a tendency to show her hand too soon. It was another intriguing aspect of her personality, -- that she could so successfully keep parts of herself completely sealed off, and yet was so open and easily readable in some areas. When he had mentioned that, she had grimaced and confessed how much Sesshoumaru had always worried about that.
He had asked her about the hundred years after Kouga had been killed. She had shared several stories about her friends, Miroku and Sango, and how she had enjoyed watching their children and grandchildren grow. She also told him about Rin and Kohaku, and their family. She had beamed with pride as she talked about her own sons growing up, and expressed her love and gratitude for Shippou and Ikiji, along with Ginta, Hakkaku, Myouga, and Jaken, and several other members of the three houses who had stood by them. She had barely said anything about the fighting to defend the Eastern and Western palaces, but he could tell she blamed herself for their loss. And she didn’t mention a word about those who had turned against her, or the times spent hiding from assassins and other enemies.
When it was her turn to ask some questions, he was pretty sure she had wanted to ask him more about Yukina, but instead she had asked how he had become a member of the Reikai Tantei. He had explained how his plan to enslave the Ningenkai had brought him up against Yusuke, and his previous meeting and subsequent partnership with Kurama. She had smiled and pointed out that he meant to say “friendship,” and he had rolled his eyes at her, causing her to giggle and pat his hand. He had gone on to tell her about the Reikai’s punishment, and some of their early cases as Spirit Detectives. After they had put away the Shoji board, they had just lain in bed and talked long into the night. They had told each other a lot, but there was so much more still to discover and share. A lifetime might just be enough to do that.
He looked down at her. She had tucked her legs up beside her on the couch and was resting her head on his shoulder while clasping his hand between both of hers in her lap. Sensing his gaze on her, she looked up at him and smiled. “Are you enjoying the movie?” she asked quietly.
He nodded. He actually was, and he was sure she had picked it knowing he would like it. And there were some rather interesting similarities that could be drawn between it and her real-life adventures. It was about an unlikely group of adventurers, who had been brought together to journey on a dangerous quest because of an artifact, -- a ring -- that was sought by many creatures for its power. “You’ve seen this before?”
“Hai, but it’s been so long, I had forgotten just how good it was. I must have been about 12, maybe 13 when it came out here. So, it’s been at least 120 years for me since I saw it,” she grinned. Then she squeezed his hand. “And it’s really nice to be able to watch it with you like this, …” she paused for a moment, then said, “I know this sounds silly, but I kind of feel like a schoolgirl out on a date with her boyfriend. At least, I think this is what it would feel like. I never really got to go on one when I was younger, except for a couple of outings with Hojo, which I ended up skipping out on because of the quest and Inuyasha. And I’m definitely not counting Yemon and Kurama’s ideas of ‘dates’ as a measure of the real practice, so you’re setting the standard here,” she grinned at him, then turned back to the movie.
Hiei couldn’t decide if he wanted to be flattered by the thought of him ‘setting the standard,’ amused by her likening his relationship to her to that of a boyfriend, or completely irritated by the reminder of what Yemon and Kurama had been up to when they had spent time alone with her. When she shifted her position slightly and wrapped an arm across his middle, he decided to settle on content.
But once again, he had been reminded of the strange life Kagome had led: a ningen onna, -- a very beautiful one, at that, -- who grew up knowing about, but was actually completely inexperienced in, the ways of ningen courtship or commitment, yet who believed fully in their ideals of love and family; a powerful priestess, -- and yet she had mated with a hanyou and two full-blooded youkai, -- Taiyoukai, no less, who had ruled over the West, East, and North, forcing her into a role she had no preparation for, yet had apparently succeeded at brilliantly; a celestial being of sorts, -- and she had lived by and raised her sons according to youkai law and customs, while being hunted by them, even as she lived among ningen taijiya, and contributed her abilities to the welfare and survival of their village. And now, she was basically flouting an unspoken youkai taboo by taking the Forbidden Child as her lover, -- even though he was investigating her for her mates’ murders, -- and was happy to simply be sitting with him, watching a movie like any ningen couple might do. Just who the hell was this onna, and what the hell had the kami been thinking when she was born? And who did he thank?
Hiei shifted a bit restlessly. He had been able to curb and control his need, -- satisfying himself with her presence and her scent for the last couple of hours. And her absentminded caresses had helped soothe his desires, even though her touch was enough to heat his skin. But now, her touch had become more deliberate and searching, and she was kissing his neck in a way he could not ignore: warm, feather-soft touches, interspersed with gentle sucking, and long, slow, moist, mind-numbing licks. He could not hold out against this for long. (Damn! Out in the rain again.) “Kagome, …”
“Hmmmm?” She continued her torture, now moving his shirt up and out of the way so she could knead the muscles in his chest and abs more firmly.
“I don’t think you realize …”
“Oh, but I do,” she assured him.
He jumped as her hand slid down into his lap and cupped him. For a minute, he couldn’t speak as she stroked him through the soft material of his pants. Then, when she slipped from the couch to the floor, and moved between his legs, he realized she did know exactly what she was doing to him. And as she unbuckled his belts, he really wanted to protest and tell her she didn’t need to, -- really, -- because he should be strong enough to wait until they could take their pleasure together. But when it came right down to it, he just lifted his hips so she could pull his pants down and out of the way. He’d tell her later that she didn’t have to.
He closed his eyes as he felt one of her hands close around him, while the other rested on his thigh. She squeezed him lightly, then, using the pad of her thumb, she began rubbing small circles up and down the underside of his shaft. Her other hand moved from his thigh and the next thing he knew, she was, well, there was no other word for it, petting the top side of his length. He opened his eyes and watched her heatedly. She was studying him and his reactions to her touch. When her thumb brushed repeatedly right along the edge of the head and he jerked involuntarily, she stopped the rubbing and the petting and leaned forward and slowly licked the extremely sensitive area she had found. He knew right then that what she had in mind was going to be different from the other times she had satisfied him this way.
She looked up at him and licked her lips before slowly taking just the head of his cock into her mouth. His eyes nearly rolled back into his head when she started tapping on that spot with the tip of her tongue. It was going to be all over in a matter of seconds. Then, she stopped, and loosening the hold her lips had on him, she began circling his cock in a slow, small, clockwise motion that had him seeing spots. He could feel the different parts of her mouth touching and gliding along the different parts of his cock, and she slowly took in more of his length. When she had reached her limit, she began moving back up, this time circling in a counter-clockwise motion. When she reached the top, she tapped him again with the tip of her tongue. It had been fun while it lasted. But when he was able to open his eyes again, he realized that she was not done, and thanks to what she was doing now, neither was he.
Again, with just the head of his cock in her mouth, she was gently swirling her tongue and lips right around the ridge of the head, while applying just the right amount of suction to keep him hard and drive him crazy. Then, with her lips firmly wrapped around the shaft, she took him in as far as she could. He was vaguely aware of the way she had a hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock, and that she was kneading the muscles of his inner thigh with the other one. He was not prepared for the sensations that shot through him when she loosened her grip around him and traveled back up, sucking in air all around his shaft as she went. The air on his moistened length immediately cooled the flesh, and made him jump, causing her to laugh around him. He’d never felt anything like it. She met his eyes and her own sparkled with amusement. Then, she started down again, only this time, instead of tightening her lips around him, she slowly let out the air she had sucked in on the way up. For the first time ever, the label “blow job” made sense, -- and there were some Makai whores who owed him his money back. Where she had cooled his hardened flesh before, now she was rapidly heating it up, and the little sparks that had jolted him turned into an all-encompassing, all-consuming fire. His claws ripped into the cushion beneath him as he tried to hold himself down. “Kagome!”
Hearing him shout her name caused her to stop momentarily, as a deep shudder ran through her body. She resumed with the cooling and heating motions a few more times, then swiped her tongue vigorously up the underside of his cock twice before thoroughly bathing the head with gentle licks. When she slowly sucked him back into her mouth and ran her tongue along the ridge, he buried his hands in her hair and bucked his hips. To his shock, he realized she was keeping him from going off with a well-placed thumb at the base of his shaft. He had all the sensations of release, -- without the release. And the pleasure continued to roll through him as she increased her suction on the head. His ears were ringing when she finally moved her thumb to use both hands to hold his hips down. He called out her name again, but it came out more of a groan. He came in unbelievably long, powerful bursts that seemed to go on and on, and he would have worried that she would choke if he could have formed a coherent thought.
And as he came down from his high, he felt her tongue slowly twirl around his length until, placing a kiss at the top, she rested her head in his lap, and with her arms around his hips, hugged him. There it was. Even though her mood had been more playful, she had still treated him reverently, -- as if he was worthwhile and something she truly wanted. And he could feel the care she had taken to make sure he was thoroughly pleasured and completely soothed. Stroking the back of her head, neck, and shoulders, he said, “You did not learn that from drinking a soda.”
He smiled when she giggled. “And if you had gone on a date with a boyfriend and did that, you would have been the most popular onna in Tokyo.” He could feel the slight heat rise in her face, and he wanted to see the color in her cheeks, even if it was just in the flickering light from the screen, so he lifted her up and settled her into his lap. (Beautiful.) He lightly touched his lips to hers before parting them so he could indulge himself further with her sweet taste. He was surprised when her normal strawberry flavor was tempered with the tang of salt. He stopped and pulled away from her, his brow furrowed, as he felt his blood heat and his fangs and claws start to elongate. He struggled to contain the urge to transform, and puzzled over what had triggered it until he looked into her questioning eyes and it hit him. The salt mingled with her strawberries was him.
Forgetting the problematic signs of his imminent transformation, he grasped the back of her neck firmly in one hand and captured her mouth once more. This time, he plundered her depths, searching out the interesting mix of flavors. He was completely captivated by the combination, even though it wasn’t a mixture you would think would work. There was something very right about. So right, in fact, that he had to pull away from her again. Now he knew what was happening, and now was not the time, damn it! Tasting himself on her lips, and mingled so thoroughly with her own taste, had drawn his instincts to the fore. To the more primitive part of himself, it was proof of her absolute acceptance of him, -- proof that she belonged to him. And his reaction was proof that he wasn’t going to be able to wait very long to take her as his mate.
When the movie was over, and they got up to head upstairs, he mumbled, “You know you didn’t have to …”
“Says who?” she grinned as she picked up the cushion they had been sitting on and flipped it over so his claw marks didn’t show.
He growled, “I’ve told you before I am not a weak, pathetic sex-obsessed …”
“I know,” she said, taking his arm and heading for the door. “But I don’t have your strength of will, and as much as I am ashamed to admit it, three days seems like a long time to me.”
”It’s been four days. You had to sleep after healing the ookami,” he reminded her.
Her smile got bigger and her eyes sparkled. He was completely adorable. “Well then, I hope you can understand, even though I’m sure it seems rather obsessive to you,” she stopped and looked him in the eye, “but I just needed to be close to you that way. I appreciate your indulgence of my runaway desires. Arigatou.” And she kissed him lightly, removed the barrier and headed for the stairs.
She might have been teasing him, but he detected her sincerity as well. And his male ego was more than willing to take her words at face value.
---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
“Damn it, you stupid bitch! You’re ruining everything!” Yemon paced back and forth in his bedchamber, growling at the female slumped in a heap on the floor. “How could you let those two see you meeting with that shell of a woman?!!?”
After a minute, she leaped up and bared her fangs and claws at him. “Who the hell do you think you are to hit me?!!?”
He gnashed his teeth at her challenge to his authority. “I am the lord of these lands, -- my word is law for all the wolf clans in the North. I will deal with you as I see fit.”
“But I am the alpha female. Your father decreed it so. You can’t just treat me like one of your filthy whores,” she confronted him.
“Then maybe you should stop acting like one. But then, you’d be of no use at all.”
She slapped him, raking her claws across his face. “You would be nothing without me. What does it matter if those lapdogs saw me? They’re so pathetic, they couldn’t scratch their own fleas unless Kouga told them to.”
“You really are stupid if you think that. Haven’t you been paying attention the last 400 years? Those two have formed alliances in every single clan in the North. They have been slowly and carefully preparing the way for that puny pup to sweep back in and take over these lands. They may look like fools, but they have cleverly and strategically backed Kouga’s followers through the years, so now they hold important positions and will throw their support to his son.”
“You are the fool if you believe Kouga’s son is nothing but a ‘puny pup.’ If I hadn’t come up with this plan, you would have granted Kouga’s son his challenge and perished with barely a whimper, because you haven’t the brains to realize that as Kouga’s son, he was born more powerful than you’ll ever be,” she spat at him.
Wrapping his hand around her neck, he slammed her up against the wall, and tightened his grasp until she was clawing at his hand. “That whelp is no match for me. Hell, Kouga’s bitch hid them beneath a spell that prevented them from aging for 400 years! He’s just a boy! And you know that isn’t the issue. You were seen by their retainers, talking to that walking corpse. Now they will know that you are plotting against her.” He released her and let her fall to the floor once more. “You have become a liability.” He raised his hand and plunged his fist into her chest.
She stared up at him incredulously. “Why … why would you …? I thought … we were going to be mated …”
“You are simply in the way, Ayame, -- you and your plans for revenge. I had no intention of mating with you. Hell, we’ve been lovers for 200 years now. Where are my sons, bitch? You are barren, and I will have my sons. I will take Kouga’s bitch as my own. And when I have my sons, I will kill her and those so-called ‘heirs of the Makai.’ I will rule the Makai with my sons by my side.”
With blood trickling out of the corners of her mouth, Ayame choked and her eyes watered, but she glared up at him. “You pathetic fool. You would actually mate with her? Kouga’s son won’t get a chance to kill you then, because she will. And you will never have any sons. How many mistresses have you had in the last 400 years? Forty? Fifty? And how many bastard sons have you sired? None! I am not barren, -- it is you who isn’t man enough to …”
Her words died in her throat with a gurgle, as Yemon twisted his hand inside her chest before ripping it back out, -- her heart clenched tightly in his fist. “Goodbye, Ayame. I’m afraid you just had a very bad accident.”
------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
The next morning at breakfast, Hiei told the others he would be back later, and took off, just missing Botan’s arrival with Touya. After he had been introduced to Kagome, her sons, Master Zhang, and Shippou, he asked for a moment with Kurama and Kuwabara.
Stepping into the library again, Kurama turned to Touya with a smile. “First Jin, and now you. Am I correct in assuming you received an invitation to come here?” he asked the ice master.
With a small smile, the ninja youkai looked down and nodded. “Hai. And having spoken with Jin, I believe I know the reasons.”
“And what will your answer be?”
“I would like to know a little more about them before I agree to any alliances, but with Jin’s decision to join them, I probably will, as well.”
“You may stay for their morning training session, if you wish,” the avatar told him.
“Arigatou, I believe I will. As for the lady, … while I will not deny her appeal, I do not want to be making any long-range decisions when her situation is so … uncertain. But I also bring some news from Lord Koenma. Shishi Wakamaru found and met with Chokyuukai. He is keeping watch on Kagura for me right now. Apparently, the boar demon is a rather weak individual. Shishi said he seemed quite content to stay at home with his 40 wives, and has no interest in revenge on the miko, though he did ask if she had changed her mind and was looking for a husband.”
“Forty wives?!!? That’s just … just … wrong!” Kuwabara sputtered.
“And is Princess Ayame still at the Eastern palace?”
“No. She left to return to the Northern lands two days ago.”
“Any word from Chuu or Rinku about Kikyou?”
“No, but, …” Touya paused and fixed him with a hard look, “there have been three more females’ bodies found, -- this time in the Eastern lands. They were all killed by hama no ya. And they were all a bit older than the earlier ones, and significantly more powerful.”
“What?!!?” Kuwabara yelled. “Where’s Botan? I’m going to get Yukina right now!”
“Calm down, Kuwabara. You know Yusuke will not let anything happen to her. Please continue, Touya.”
“Lord Koenma has sent in more searchers, and has questioned Kagura about her possible whereabouts. She claims that she and Kikyou were merely acquaintances, and that she hopes their paths never cross again. She directed him to the last place she saw her, which we already knew about, but there was no sign of her.”
After a minute, Kurama said, “Well, I suppose you should meet with your hosts. I’m sure they will bring you out, if you tell them you wish to see them train.”
When Touya had gone, Kurama turned to Kuwabara. “You realize that this may change our priorities. If Kikyou isn’t found soon, we may have to leave Kagome and her sons to the care of others, along with the girls, while we search the Makai for her.” He frowned deeply as he continued, “It concerns me that she is still killing youkai females. I would have thought she had already rebuilt her strength with the earlier souls she took. And the fact that she is now targeting slightly older, more powerful females leads me to believe she is ‘powering up’ for some purpose.”
“She’s doing it so she can kill Kagome. We have to warn her,” Kuwabara said fiercely.
“I think you are correct, but I don’t know if we should tell her that. If her sons find out, they may very well take it upon themselves to hunt down Kikyou, and they can’t be seen in the Makai yet.” Kurama’s green eyes lightened to Youko’s gold, and his features turned hard. “The widow’s enemies are interfering with her sons’ abilities to concentrate on their goals. Instead of merely seeking out formidable allies, they are wasting time screening them for potential mates in the hopes that they will be able to keep her out of the Reikai’s grasp. They are concerned about Kikyou showing up again, and Kagura has managed to turn her personal vendetta against her into a difficult situation for Eishumaru, which may result in him having to give up control over part of his lands, if and when he is successful in regaining them. And they are upset about Lord Yemon and Princess Ayame’s possible plans to simply humiliate her. She is a tremendous liability to them.”
“None of that is her fault!”
“Actually, Kuwabara, it is. Those three women and the Reikai are after her because of her mates’ deaths.”
The tall, husky Spirit Detective pointed his finger in Kurama’s face and sputtered for a minute, before lowering his hand and turning his back on him. “I hope you will be ready to apologize to her when this is all over.” Then he walked out of the room.
“I hope there will be a reason to,” the avatar said quietly, “for her sons’ sakes.”
--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
That night, Hiei waited a bit anxiously for Kagome to come to his room. He had returned later that morning to find Touya sparring with Daitano, and Kurama had lost no time telling him the news Touya had brought with him. He had noted the way Kuwabara was giving the fox the cold shoulder. Obviously, they had clashed over the subject of her probable guilt or innocence again. At least Wakamaru had managed to eliminate one of the names from their list for them. The dead miko’s killing spree was troublesome, though, and he agreed with Kurama that they would probably have to go find her themselves. He also agreed that they shouldn’t tell Kagome or her sons. One thing they didn’t need was for those boys to go off half-cocked into the Makai.
He paced back and forth in front of the window, and then stopped himself when he realized what he was doing. (This is ridiculous. I am not nervous about whether or not she likes the gift I got her.) He had never bought something for someone else, though, -- not like this. It was more than just the actual gift, -- it was what it stood for that made him wonder if she would accept it or not. (What the hell is taking her so long? She went to her room over an hour ago.)
In her room, Kagome was sitting on her bed, naked, fingering the material of the gown and robe laying out across it. When she had come up to bathe and change for the night, after the movie they had all watched, she had found a package on her bed. The second she opened it, she knew it was from Hiei. What she didn’t know, was whether or not he knew about the symbolism of it. It was a beautiful, elegant gown and robe set. The gown was a simple, ankle-length, gauzy sheathe with spaghetti straps. But the robe, -- the robe was straight out of fairy-tale books. The only decoration on it were the tiny pearl-like buttons which ran down the front from the neck to abdomen. The bodice and waist were form-fitting, while the skirt of it flared slightly at the hips, allowing for ease of movement. The sleeves were straight almost all the way to the wrists, before they, too, flared out, -- ending in the front so they were practical enough, but flowing downward in the back, almost to the floor, to draw the eye and emphasize the graceful movements of the wearer. It was something an old-fashioned hime might wear. But the style and elegance didn’t bother her. She had, in fact, worn similar articles of clothing in the past. No, the reason she was sitting on her bed, naked, just staring at it, was because of the color Hiei had chosen. They were red.
She sighed and closed her eyes. She knew that many women chose to wear red lingerie because it was supposed to be sexy and passionate. But she hadn’t worn a red outfit since … Kouga died. Traditionally, red was the color of celebration, and happiness. She had worn red the day after she and Inuyasha became mates, and the day after she had become a true mate to Sesshoumaru, and Kouga. She had worn red the day after each of her sons was born, -- even Sassouta. She had still been in deep mourning then, but had worn a red obi with her white tomesode kimono. She had worn red when her dear friend Sango had given birth to her first child. She had worn red for Sesshoumaru’s birthday, and the banquet Kouga had thrown in honor of his two dear friends, Ginta and Hakkaku, and a number of other festive occasions. To wear red now, whether Hiei knew or not, would be like declaring she had truly found happiness and was putting the past behind her. It would signify her decision to move on, to live again, … to love again.
Could she do that? So much of the past was still so unsettled. And so much of the future was closed off to her because of it. But, … she had promised him that she wouldn’t let that cloud their time together. And she was happy, -- in a way she hadn’t been for over 100 years. He deserved to have her acknowledge that. Again she thought, -- for him, it was the least she could do. She stood up and picked up the gown.
When he heard the door open quietly, he stood up from where he had been leaning against the wall. She stepped into the room and closed the door, putting up a barrier as she did. Then she just stood there for a minute, staring at him, before she undid the top button of the robe and started over towards the bed.
“Wait.” He slowly walked up to her, and when he reached her, he lightly ran his fingers along her cheek and jaw.
“Arigatou gozaimasu, for the gift,” she said, fingering the buttons.
“No, I should be thanking you for wearing it,” he told her.
And as she stared into his eyes, she felt like she was drowning in the smoldering depths. So much had happened, -- so much had changed between them. He didn’t break eye contact with her as he slowly began to undo the buttons. She thought about how in the beginning, when she would come to him, he would stand across the room while she undressed and got into the bed. Now he met her halfway, or even at the door. And while he might have ripped a few of her yukatas and gowns right off of her back, he had never undressed her before.
As the flames in his eyes seemed to burn brighter, while he peeled the robe off of one of her shoulders, she had to close her eyes and turn her head. It was … too much. The feelings were too intense, her heart was pounding too loud, her blood was heating too high. She had been such a fool. Right from the start, she had been playing with fire, -- thinking she could use it to warm herself without getting burned. But now, -- now it threatened to consume her completely. And as she drew in a shuddering breath and opened her eyes to gaze at the one who had rekindled the fires of her heart, she gave herself up to it to dance in the flames.
Without a word, he brushed her hair back over her shoulder and sought out that one particular spot on her neck he had already claimed, -- the place where she would wear his mark, -- the place where everyone would see that she was his. He couldn’t put it there yet, but soon. For now, he would have to be content with letting his lips and tongue relish in the feel and the taste.
She moaned softly at his touch, and he picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He unfastened the rest of the buttons, and opened the robe, spreading it out on the bed beneath her. That was what he wanted, -- to see her lying there, with her pale skin glowing in that otherworldly way, and her long, coal-black hair streaming across the red all around her. Her eyes were already a dark, midnight blue, but like her skin, they seemed to glow. The red of the robe enhanced and emphasized her beauty, but more than that, it showed him that she really, truly was happy with him. And he was going to love her right there, on the red robe, and then he was going to wrap them both up in the contentment.
When he started to remove his shirt, she stopped him and sat up. Replacing his hands with hers, she slowly pulled it up, exposing his skin to her hungry eyes. When she had tossed the garment aside, she pressed her hands against his chest and kissed him tenderly. Then she reached down and unbuckled his belts. As she carefully pulled the pants down past his hips, she brushed up against him. He was impatient in his desire and his need to take her, but he forced it down, determined to savor every touch, every look, every feeling.
Dropping his pants over the side of the bed, he lay down beside her and traced her lips with his fingertips, before leaning over her to taste them. She stroked his back with long, sweeping, light touches with one hand, while she cupped the back of his neck with the other one, sinking her fingers into his hair. He slanted his mouth over hers and she opened to him, gladly giving what he sought. Their hands became restless, roaming over each other’s skin, re-learning each curve and angle, feeling out the hollows and plains, -- caressing, soothing, relishing the freedom, and the possession.
As their languid exploration turned to barely-suppressed passion, he covered her with his body, needing more now, but still trying to draw out the anticipation and the pleasure for both of them. But when she shifted beneath him, and drew her knee up along his side, he lifted himself up on his arms to look down at her. She was … heaven and earth, unconditional love and undying passion. His goddess. His onna. His. And as he slowly, carefully, reverently joined their bodies together, he knew that there was no turning back. He could never go back to the self-consumed, self-contained life he had led. He wasn’t alone anymore, and he didn’t want to be. He had a new goal, -- a new purpose, … and it was her.
His movements were slow and unhurried, and it was as if time stood still, allowing them to show each other what was in their hearts. Kagome was mesmerized by the crimson glow of his eyes. His gaze alone felt like a soft caress. They had been together many, many times, and in many, many ways, but not like this. There was no give-and-take, -- just a complete outpouring of giving from both of them. She had marveled many times over how perfectly, -- how wonderfully they seemed to fit together, -- how his hard, thick length seemed to merge and meld into her soft, accommodating depths, -- not just filling her, but completing her.
And as that smooth, hot flesh slowly glided in and out in long, dragging strokes, she couldn’t help but think that she had never experienced this with him before. She had no complaints about his skills as a lover or the way they had each sought their pleasure up until now, but she had never expected this from him. This wasn’t a good, hard fuck, or hot, passionate sex, or even a warm, comforting coupling. Her fiery, neck-or-nothing lover was making love to her as if the world didn’t exist. As if there was nothing or no one but the two of them. And if this was all she could have for whatever time she had left, it was more than enough. He was more than enough. If she could make one more wish on the Shikon no Tama, she would be selfish, and wish for this to never end.
Kagome reached up and wiped away the tiny line of sweat trickling down the side of his face, before lifting herself just enough to meet his lips. With a groan, he pressed her back down against the mattress, and increased the pace of his thrusts as he took what she offered. Dipping into the sweet recesses of her mouth, and mimicking the movements of their bodies, his tongue danced with hers, -- teasing, touching, tasting, until they were both short of breath and panting for air.
Even though his body was straining for release, Hiei was still reluctant to let it end. But when Kagome clenched her inner muscles around him at the same time that she pulled him as tightly against her as she could, and rubbed her cheek into the side of his neck, he was lost. His wild, rapid thrusts kept time with the tempo of his heart, and when she cried out his name, he let it carry him away until he poured out his seed, and his love, and claimed her love in return.
No words were spoken, and none were needed, as they came together again and again, all through the night, -- building on the foundation they had already laid, with the red robe beneath them.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
The next day, Jaken and Myouga returned. They both looked very tired, so after making sure they had a hot meal, Kagome told them to get some rest. She and the boys would meet with them later that night to find out all of their news. As they started up the stairs, Myouga turned back “Oh, Lady Kagome, I brought back a large wooden box that I found in one of the places where we had hidden some of the belongings from each of the three Houses. Gomen nasai, but it was too heavy for me to bring in, so I left it outside where the portal opened. Funny, but I thought you used to keep that one in the big chest in your room. I recognized the carvings and that large diamond on it right away. My apologies that it wasn’t with your other things.”
“That … that’s quite all right, Myouga. Arigatou gozaimasu.” She bowed her thanks.
Kurama and Hiei both looked at her curiously. The color had drained out of her face. It was all Hiei could do not to go over to her and ask what was wrong.
She blinked a few times, then turned to her sons. “Um, Daitano, would you …?”
“It’s all right, Kagome. I’d be happy to retrieve it for you. Shall I just set it in your room?” Kurama asked politely, a pleasantly bland expression on his face.
“All … all right. That would be fine. Arigatou, Kurama. I … I suppose we should return to our training.” And she quickly left, with Master Zhang following her at a leisurely pace.
“Now this is an interesting development. Obviously something in that box has our widow feeling a bit anxious,” Kurama observed.
“Hai. I suppose you plan to try to get into it when you take it up for her?” It was a rhetorical question, and they both knew it.
“Maybe we will finally get some solid evidence. Even though it has been 500 years, I was sure there would still be something to point firmly to her innocence or guilt,” Youko chimed in.
“My thoughts exactly. I will let you know what I find, Hiei. You should catch up with the others.”
He was more than a little concerned by how pale Kagome had gone at the mention of the box. He still didn’t care one way or another if she had killed her mates, but now he was positive that if she did, there must have been a reason for it. And truthfully, he just didn’t think she did. Maybe he was just as big a fool as Kuwabara, but, knowing her, and loving her the way he did, and knowing the way she loved him, he didn’t think she had it in her to kill the males she had loved. So, he had a vague idea of what was in the box,: bad memories. Unfortunately, they were going to have to expose them to the light. But he wasn’t going to ask her about it. He had asked her to leave her fears out of their time together, and he certainly wasn’t going to waste it on their investigation of her. Because it just didn’t matter.
The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Kurama was not able to get into the box. It was warded and sealed, and it would take some time for him to find a way in, -- just like it had with the big wooden chest. He would bow out of the training tomorrow and work on it. He had to go into Toba anyway, so he would just say he would be gone all day. Perhaps he would even take the box with him into the Reikai while they were outside.
That night, Kagome and her sons met with Jaken and Myouga in the library for several hours. There were lists and maps strewn all over the desks and some on the floor. The two retainers had been busy making discreet inquiries into the loyalties of some of the most powerful youkai in the Makai. They believed the boys had some solid supporters in the East, and in the Southwest, where Mukuro ruled. And they knew from Ginta and Hakkaku that Sassouta could count on several of Kouga’s followers. But in Yomi’s territory, the Southeast, and in Raizen’s Central lands, they had come across several pockets of youkai who claimed they would fight vigorously against any “true heirs” who dared to stake claims on any area of the Makai after all these years. And they had been unable to cross into the Western lands at all.
When she finally made it upstairs, and was lying in bed, spooned up against Hiei, he asked her about the news the two retainers had brought. She sighed. “Well, it wasn’t as good as we had hoped, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I don’t think Daitano will have much trouble in the East, even if Lord Tobikuma ends up turning down his petition for a personal challenge. I think we could just about take it with the four of us, Shippou, Ginta, Hakkaku, and the youkai who are living there who have said they will support him. It would be good if we could handle it on our own, without having to call upon our other allies.”
He frowned and leaned over her shoulder so she looked back at him. “You know we will stand with you, too.” When she blinked at him in surprise, he ground his teeth together. How could she not know that?
“Hiei, your obligation to protect us will end when the challenges are issued. We do not expect you to put your own positions in the Makai and Reikai at risk by taking up our cause. Working for the Reikai as you do, could make things a bit awkward. I have already cautioned the boys about that with the two youkai who have come to meet with them here. We did not realize they were also working for the Reikai. Our last report on them was that they were mercenaries.”
“Onna, you don’t seriously think we are just going to dump you at the edge of the Makai and wish you luck after all this?” he asked, his exasperation plain in his voice.
“You have all done so much for us already. We could not ask you to do more,” she insisted.
He leaned down and spoke quietly into her ear, “You don’t have to ask.” Then he lay back down and wrapped his arm firmly about her. “Now go to sleep. It will be time to get up soon.”
Kagome started to protest, but decided it wouldn’t do any good. They would have to discuss this again later, but right now, thanks to her late night and her vigorous lover, she was really very tired. So, she closed her eyes and smiled.
The next day, Kurama didn’t return until after dinner. He still hadn’t been able to break the seal to get into the box, but he had figured out how to get past the wards. He was sure that given another opportunity, he would have it opened. But, he knew he had to return the box to her room before she retired for the night, and he would probably have to wait a few days before he got another chance at it. He had been surprised to find it exactly where he had placed it in her room. He would almost swear Kagome hadn’t even touched it, and he had expected to have to search for it. There was something important in it, and he was sure she would have hidden it. Or removed the contents. Strange.
Hiei walked along with him as he headed to the area where Kagome and Master Zhang were training. The avatar planned to walk back with her when she was done, as had been his usual practice. His hand closed over the small box in his pocket. His eyes flashed gold, and a slow grin spread over his face. He had a gift for her.
“No luck with the box?”
“It will take a few more hours, but I believe I will be able to open it soon.”
“Hn. Are you so sure you made the best use of the time you had? You reek of sex. I did not think Botan was your type.”
Kurama arched a brow at him. “I didn’t know you were so interested in my sex life, Hiei. But you are correct, -- Botan is definitely not my type. I merely indulged in the fruits of a little experiment of mine in Toba. I am happy to say, it was quite successful. I look forward to putting it into practice with our widow.”
Hiei’s jaw tightened. “Still haven’t given up? You seem to be fixated on her.”
He turned towards his friend and smiled a bit predatorily, “No, fortunately for her. If that were the case, I would have had what I wanted long before now -- all that I wanted. I would not be bothering with this polite pretense, Reikai be damned. Trust me, not even our stalwart widow could hold out against a truly obsessed kitsune. And she won’t be holding out much longer against a determined one. I will uncover all of her secrets, -- and enjoy myself in the process.”
“Hn. Your success with an ordinary ningen onna has certainly boosted your confidence.”
“Oh, my confidence has never wavered, -- merely my patience. But now, I know my wait will soon be at an end.”
Hiei’s eyes narrowed. The fox had something up his sleeve. But, what? “Do not forget our objectives in favor of your methods,” he warned him, before disappearing in a black blur.
“It appears he has not gotten over his own attraction to our prey. Perhaps you should have taken him into Toba with you. Getting laid might improve his disposition, and goodness knows he could certainly use that,” Youko chuckled.
“Don’t fool yourself. For Hiei, that is his disposition at its best. He has actually been relatively calm lately, -- almost ‘content,’ even. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he is becoming fond of these boys, too, and almost comfortable with this life we have been leading since this mission began. It’s probably the closest he has ever come to having a ‘home life,’ of sorts.”
“Hmmm. You could be right. Still, I think a good fuck would do him a world of good. It certainly made me feel better, -- even though it wasn’t particularly all that good. She was eager, though, I’ll give her that. She practically jumped you the second you walked into the shop.”
“Well, she had been working with the bracelet for several days.” He fingered the box in his pocket again. “The effects of the aphrodisiac in the thin hemp-like vine I grew and invested with a touch of my ki, that I took to the jeweler to string the bracelet on, had already manifested themselves in her from her repeated touching of it. Not to mention, I think she had been wearing it. I would have been surprised if she hadn’t stripped down right there in the showroom and thrown herself all over me. I am just curious to see how long it will take to affect our widow similarly. We know she won’t be wearing it often, since she spends most of her day in training.”
“I have to hand it to you, Red, it really was a stroke of genius to develop that vine. You’re a credit to our kind. An aphrodisiac that is tuned in to a particular ki, injected into a vine thin enough to be used to string jewelry, … well, it’s just brilliant. I’m proud of you.”
“Hmph. Truthfully, I consider it a personal failure to have to resort to such tactics, but our time runs short.”
“Don’t sweat it. Some nuts are just impossible to crack without a hammer. Hell, where would the challenge be if every female fell at our feet? Life would be way too boring. It does us good to have to work for it sometimes.”
“I should have known that would be your attitude. You get a kick out of teasing your potential lovers and leaving them, -- even when it leaves us uncomfortable. I think you actually relish that sensation of being on the verge of fulfillment,” Kurama accused him.
“Heh heh! You could be right! When you’ve lived as long as I have and experienced as much as I have, you learn to take pleasure in each stage of the game,” Youko agreed.
When the barrier came down, Kurama asked Kagome to walk with him a bit before going back to the house. She agreed to a short walk and nodded Zhang on. He raised a brow at her and nodded back. Kurama wasn’t surprised she came with him, -- he knew she had been feeling more relaxed and comfortable around him. It was just as he’d planned. But, he had also noticed that she seemed a bit more cheerful, and a bit more ‘open’ these days. She had always been friendly and polite, but he thought he could detect more of her genuine feelings coming through. He supposed it was due to her increased familiarity with all of them, or else he was finally learning to read her better.
“How is the training going? I’ve noticed you have few wounds or scratches these days,” he began politely.
She smiled at that and pointed out the small scratches running across the front of her neck. “These are the only ones tonight, and they’re not deep at all. I almost dodged them.”
He smiled back at her. “You seem to be making excellent progress.”
“I hope so, -- I’m trying, anyway.”
He stopped walking and took her hand. “Kagome, I know that you have never really taken my courtship seriously, and that you are well aware that I am not really looking for a mate. It’s true that when we were assigned to protect you and your sons, Yusuke and I were also assigned to interfere in your personal life to ensure you don’t take another powerful mate.”
“That really was a bit extreme, but I can assure you I have no intention of taking another mate,” she interrupted.
“Hai, I believe you. But I want you to know that even though I am not searching for a mate, either, I am not averse to entering into a monogamous relationship. Youko and I both find you very attractive, as I’m sure you also already know.”
“Kurama, I don’t think …”
“Hear me out. I’m not going to push you about it, or revert to my earlier, less-than-scrupulous methods to try to convince you. I just want you to know that the offer is open. And,” he reached into his pocket and pulled out the box to hand to her, “I would like for you to accept this as a token of my friendship and admiration. You may tell Yemon it is a courtship gift, if you like, because I will still play that part for you.” And with a wink, he urged her to open the box.
Inside was a delicate bracelet made up of three triangular-shaped onyx stones, with three gleaming white pearls in between each of them. “It’s lovely. Arigatou gozaimasu, Kurama, but I can’t accept this,” she protested.
He took it out of the box and fastened it around her wrist. “Ah, but you must. I had it made for you. I could not resist when I saw those onyx stones produced from the sand’s contact with your blood, -- especially when I found three shaped like triangles. As you know, the onyx is a grounding stone, which can be used to help release and banish grief. I know that in spite of the time that has passed, you still mourn your three mates. And since we are so close to Toba City, I could not resist combining the onyx stones with Mikimoto pearls. It is my wish that you will wear this to contribute to your peace. And so Yemon and Shippou cannot accuse me of being a piker for failing to produce a suitable courtship gift,’ he chuckled good-naturedly.
“Well, … arigatou. It really is a lovely bracelet and a lovely thought.” And he leaned forward as she tiptoed to place a chaste kiss on his cheek.
Taking her hand and placing it on his arm, he said, ‘We should head back to the house. It looks like another storm may blow in.”
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
It rained and stormed for the next two days, but that did not keep them from receiving a visitor. Yemon’s greeting from everyone but Kagome was decidedly cool. She did her best to be charming, and to entertain him, so the others could continue to pursue their training without him looking in on them. It was difficult giving up her own training time, but she definitely did not want him to see what he would be up against if by some miracle he granted Sassouta’s challenge. She could tell by the way he talked to, and about Sassouta that he considered him no threat.
It was irksome to have to sit by him and listen to his ideas and plans for the Northern palace when he brought her there as his mate, if she accepted him. He told her about the nursery they would set up, and mentioned a few midwives he would assign to her. There was something different about the way he talked about their possible future now, though. He seemed to truly believe it would happen just like he said. Kagome began to wonder if perhaps she and her sons had jumped to the wrong conclusions about him and Ayame. Granted, he could have just rehearsed all this well, but he sounded so sincere about his desire for her to bear him sons. Maybe he wasn’t planning to jilt her for the ookami princess as some form of revenge. Could it really just be a coincidence that Ayame was his lover? And was it possible that he hadn’t told her about his plans or even that she and her sons had returned? Whatever the case, she wished he would return to the Makai.
She had placed him in a room on the 2nd floor, in the south wing by himself. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him too close to Hakkaku, who had finally regained consciousness, but was still bedridden in the north wing. Actually, she had decided she didn’t even want Hakkaku’s injury mentioned to Yemon, just in case he was in league with Ayame. At least Kurama’s room and the whole middle wing would be between them. But keeping Hakkaku’s condition a secret made it difficult for her to tend to him as she would have liked. She was very grateful that Master Zhang took over for her.
The first day and night didn’t go too badly, but the second day, … Hiei was extremely agitated by the wolf’s presence, and Kurama’s calm, satisfied manner wasn’t helping things. Kagome had told him about the bracelet Kurama had given her, and how upfront he had been about his intentions. She seemed almost grateful to the damn fox for being willing to continue to act as her suitor. And he had spent time, along with Shippou, acting as a buffer between her and Yemon by not leaving them alone for long periods of time. This nice, helpful act of his always seemed to yield results, -- especially from females, -- and it seemed to be working on her, too. Damn kitsunes.
But when Yemon was making ready to leave, after dinner on the second day of his visit, Hiei overheard him telling Kagome that if she accepted him, he would send his wolves and youkai to help Eishumaru fight in the Western lands. But if she didn’t, he couldn’t promise what side they might ally themselves with. Then he had insisted she walk him to the library to wait for the portal. When she had returned, her hair was mussed and her lips were swollen. Hiei had left without a word, and hadn’t come back until late.
Kagome was relieved when she felt him return. If he hadn’t, she would have been up all night. The last two days had been difficult, and she was really upset about Yemon’s veiled threat. He had spent almost all of his visit being charming and pleasant, and then right at the end, he had oh-so-nonchalantly dropped his bomb. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when they went into the library, he had also told her that when he took her for his mate, she had better not try to present him with a kitsune as his son. And he had grabbed her and kissed her with barely-suppressed violence. Now her thoughts were all awhirl. Could she be ready to petition for her challenges in a month? Less? Could they possibly have enough support by then in case her petitions were denied? Because she didn’t think she could continue this charade much longer, and she was almost certain Yemon was going to demand her answer soon.
She was just getting up to go to Hiei’s room when he stepped into hers. She smiled and walked over to him, but he kept her at arm’s length. He looked very serious, and she could tell he had something important on his mind. “What is it, Hiei?”
“Kagome,” he ushered her over to the bed and made her sit down. “I’ve told you before that I know how important it is to you for no one to find out about us, but, …” He turned away and looked out one of her windows. “I do not like having to watch you spend time with other males.”
The wolf’s actions tonight had brought him to the brink of violence. Seeing the evidence that he had touched her, -- had kissed her, -- had made Hiei want to follow him into the Makai and slice him up like cabbage for kimchee. He had done some hard thinking, but had come to a decision. No more waiting. He knew she was going to object to him asking her to go ahead and drop the pretense now so he could go ahead and mark her as his, but it was going to happen soon anyway. It was inevitable. And it would make a lot of things easier for both of them.
Just because they were preparing for battle, it didn’t mean they couldn’t spend more time with each other. As a matter of fact, that was all the more reason to spend as much time as possible together. Not that anything was going to happen to him. He was confident he would come through it all right. And he would keep her out of it, so she would be safe.
Hai, it would be difficult if the ookami joined with the nekos, but when it became known that she was his mate, and that the Reikai Tantei were standing with her sons, he thought that might sway a lot of youkai to their side. Oh, sure, it would also send several straight over to the other side, too, but Hiei knew that their individual enemies, and even those who hated all of them as a team, feared them. There was a good chance many would simply stay out of it because they were in it.
He turned back around to her and stared at her intently. “I want to go ahead and mark you. We can deal with the ookami.”
Her mouth went dry. (He couldn’t possibly have said what I think he said.)
He reached out and touched her face, frowning at the horrified look he saw there. “I don’t think it would be too reckless a move to go ahead and become mates now, instead of after your sons have reclaimed their lands. It could actually work to the benefit of all of us.”
“Hiei, … I … I thought you understood.” She stared up at him with haunted eyes. “We can’t be mates. Not now. Not ever.”
He blinked for just a second and swallowed thickly. His gut started churning. “I told you not to worry about the Reikai. I will make sure they don’t …”
She reached out and touched his chest. “It doesn’t matter if the Reikai lets me go or not,” she said softly.
He took a deep breath and tried to think. He had expected an argument about the timing, but not this, -- not this complete denial that they could ever be mates. What the hell was going on?!!? He loved her, and she loved him. They had never said the words, but, … She cared for him, and accepted him without reservation. So, why couldn’t they be mates? They had already secretly been lovers for …
He looked around her room. It suddenly struck him that the only times he had been in here were when he had sneaked in to check on her and be with her. She had never invited him in here. She always came to his room. Did she not want him in here? Even when no one else knew about them? Was he not good enough for her to have in her room? He stared back into her eyes and his gaze seemed to burn right through her. Was that it? He wasn’t a Taiyoukai. He wasn’t even an accepted hybrid. He was good enough to meet with in secret, -- somewhere else, --but not good enough to belong in here. Not good enough to show in the light of day. What a FOOL he’d been!! Of course she accepted him, -- as long as she didn’t have to let anyone else know. Everything was fine as long as they kept their relationship a secret.
“Hiei? It’s not … I mean, I thought …” She stood up and threw her arms around him. He looked so lost there for a minute, and now she could feel his anger rolling off of him in waves. (Damn it! I thought he understood! I never thought he would want to …) She blinked rapidly to stave off the tears that were threatening to well up and blur her vision. (I never wanted to hurt him.)
He grabbed her upper arms and held her away from him, his fury pouring out of him so thickly he was shaking. “So that’s it? I’m good enough to fuck, but not good enough to take as a mate?!!?”
Her eyes grew wide and her mouth gaped open. She shook her head vehemently. “No! That’s not it!”
“No? Then maybe I didn’t hear you right. Because I thought you said we could never be mates. Not that the timing is wrong because of Yemon’s threats, or because of your sons’ situations, or even because the fucking Reikai wants to lock you up for killing your previous three mates. I suppose I should consider myself lucky. At least I wasn’t good enough to be victim #4,” he hissed at her and pushed her away from him.
“Hiei, no! You know that I … that I love you! I just can’t … I can’t …”
“I don’t need your love,” he sneered. “Save it for your next lover. I believe our original agreement was that I could end our arrangement at any time. Stay away from my room.” And he stormed out and left the house in a flash, heading straight for the Makai.
“I … love you.” And she slumped to the floor and collapsed in tears.
---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
He was a fucking IDIOT! What the hell had gotten into him? He knew better. How many times had she warned him? How many times had he seen the fear in her eyes? Fear for him. Before he had ever become involved with her, he had heard her declare that she would not take another mate. She had told him the same thing the night she had asked him to be her lover. How could he not have connected that with her fears? He had let his own fears and insecurities, -- ones he hadn’t even realized he had, -- overwhelm him. He had felt rejected. Well, now he just felt like a damn fool.
She hadn’t rejected him. She had been trying to protect him. She didn’t want anyone to know they were together, because she thought that would make him a target. How many ways did he need to have that spelled out? Apparently a LOT, because he had been in the Makai for three days now, killing everything that crossed his path, before it hit him. She had even told him she loved him, -- said the words out loud, -- and he had thrown it back at her, and cut himself off from her.
He leaned back against the tree he was currently sitting in and closed his eyes. Those damn kami had to be laughing their asses off right about now. They had known he would blow it, but, even they couldn’t have guessed he would do it in such spectacular fashion. He had turned into a paranoid, insecure ass right in front of her eyes. That damn ookami had had him so agitated that he had decided time wouldn’t be an issue. He had already been impatient to claim her. How could he have been so stupid not to realize that time had never been the issue. It had always been about her fears that someone would try to kill anyone she took as a mate. But the only thing that had come to his mind when she had said they could never be mates, was that he had always known no one would ever really want him, because he wasn’t good enough to keep.
And now he was going to have to go back and face her, and hope that somehow she could overlook the fact that he was an idiot. Because she did want him. He knew she did. And he was going to be with her, and he wasn’t going to stop trying until he convinced her to take the risk and let him mark her. He wasn’t going to let some bastard keep her from him with her fears. And he wasn’t going to rest until they had found, and captured, or killed, whoever it was that had targeted her mates. Then she wouldn’t have any excuse to be afraid, and she could relax and enjoy their life together. And in spite of his stupidity, he had every reason to believe she would accept his apology easily. She loved him, after all, and she had already known what an idiot he was, -- he was adorable, right? And he would keep telling himself that until he mustered up the courage to go back.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
She was such a FOOL. What had she been thinking? She knew better than to get involved with someone. She had known from the beginning that nothing could come of it. But she had selfishly ignored that, -- fooling herself into believing she could be with someone without any real feelings being invoked. And now she had hurt Hiei. True, she had thought she had chosen the one person that she could have that kind of relationship with, without any worries that he, or she, would come to care for each other. How stupid was she? She knew better than most that even the most hardened character had some endearing qualities. And Hiei was loaded with them. He just took care to keep them hidden. But with the kind of relationship she had sought, -- the kind of contact they had, -- it was inevitable that she would discover them. And then, even when she knew how dangerous it was for her to care for someone, she had fallen in love with him. And she had allowed things to change and develop into more.
She sighed and hung the red gown and robe in her wardrobe, placing it in the back, behind everything else. Even as she told herself that maybe, just maybe, she could have that much, she had known that it couldn’t last. That, too, had been inevitable, given her situation. But she had thought it would end differently. She had thought either the Reikai would mete out its justice, or that he would turn from her in disgust at her weakness. She had expected it to end with his anger or indifference, -- she had not thought he might feel rejected, or that he might assume she didn’t think he was good enough because of his blood or lack of social status. As if those things mattered to her. But she supposed she should have known he would feel that way. She was so stupid.
Kagome walked over to her window and stared out into the night, running her fingers over the smooth, polished stones in the bracelet Kurama had given her. Maybe she should just go lie down on the clusters of onyx stones that had amassed on that one section of beach. But it would take a lot more than that to banish her grief. And regret. She really didn’t want Hiei to believe she hadn’t thought him good enough to be her mate. She wanted him to know, and believe, that she truly loved him. He deserved to know he was valued, and treasured. But, … at least this way, … he was safe.
And so, she had written him a letter, explaining everything, and assuring him of her feelings and of his worth. She had sealed it, and given it to Myouga with instructions to deliver it to Hiei when everything was all over. The flea had looked at her carefully, but had accepted the envelope without question. Now, she would just have to keep her distance, which shouldn’t be too difficult, considering he had told her to stay away. She would sharpen her focus on the fight ahead. The dreams had returned, but upon waking she was able to shake them off, knowing Hiei should be safe now. It still made for restless, mostly sleepless nights, but she could live with that. For a while, at least. Until this whole thing was over.
She opened her door and started down the stairs. Kurama would be waiting. She knew it would be hours before she could seek a small respite in sleep, and she had mentioned at dinner that she would like to go for a walk later. The avatar had offered to accompany her, since she wasn’t supposed to leave the house by herself. He really had been very kind lately.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
“Where the hell have you been?!!?”
Hiei ignored the red-faced detective and walked further into the house, searching for Kagome’s aura. She wasn’t there. It was dinnertime, so where was she?
“I came back here to switch places with you, and Kurama and Kuwabara told me you just disappeared! So, where the hell have you been for the last 4 days?!!?” Yusuke yelled.
“My business is my own,” the apparition told him.
“You little …! Shit, Hiei! We’re trying to protect them, and the girls, from dead mikos and assassins, and they’re preparing for a fucking war, and you think you can just wander off to do whatever the hell it is you do, when you’re not being a pain in my ass, whenever the hell you feel like it?!!? Fuck THAT!! You owe me an explanation!” Yusuke flung his arms around wildly, then got right up in his face.
Hiei narrowed his eyes at him. “The Reikai may have been able to force me to act on their behalf, but they do not own me or my time. I do not answer to them about my personal business, and I do not answer to you.” He tilted his head and regarded him with interest. “What has happened to get you so agitated? -- Because I know it hasn’t been your desire for my company.”
“You sure as hell got that right!” He turned his back and ran his hand through his hair. “Shit, Hiei. Princess Ayame has disappeared. Jin lost her. Over a week ago! And Ginta went into the Makai to check with the spy they have keeping an eye on Yemon, and she’s disappeared, too. It’s possible Ayame discovered her and killed her. And there’s no telling what she’s up to now.” He turned back around to face him. “And if that isn’t bad enough, they’ve found three more dead female youkai. In the Northern lands this time. Kikyou is really moving around.”
(That explains why I found no trace of her in the East.) Having decided he may as well accomplish something useful while he was hiding out, -- er, … doing some thinking, in the Makai, Hiei had gone to the Southern lands where the first bodies were found and tried to trace Kikyou from there into the East. When he hadn’t located her, he had been half-afraid she might have already come into the Ningenkai after Kagome. So, he had abandoned his search and hurried back. And where was she? “Where is Kagome?”
“What? Oh, she’s still working with Zhang. They’ve been hitting it hard. Kurama’s out waiting for them to finish. With the threat of Kikyou popping up, we’ve been keeping a close eye on her, though it would have been a lot easier if we had had someone else to take a turn every now and then.” He glared at the little fire demon. Getting no response, he threw his hands up in the air and gave up. “All right. At least now that you’re back, we can call Botan and you can switch places with Kuwabara at Genkai’s.”
Yusuke blinked. “What?”
“No, Kuwabara can stay at Genkai’s to watch over Yukina.”
The toushin stared at him in disbelief. He stuck his finger in his ear and squinted his eyes as he moved it around vigorously to clean out any wax. “I must not have heard you right. I could have sworn you said Kuwabara could stay at Genkai’s. With Yukina.”
Hiei walked over to a window and looked out. “He has stepped up and claimed responsibility for her. As her mate, it will be up to him to keep her safe. He may as well go ahead and do so. Since he is willing to put her life before his own, I will have to trust him. And, … she will be happier with him there.”
Yusuke came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Damn, Hiei. I never thought I’d hear you say something like that. Did you go off to do some thinking or something? Or has some spirit possessed your scrawny little body? If that’s the case, I have to warn you, whoever you are, that Hiei’s going to be pissed when he gets back.”
The apparition turned his head and scowled at his teammate, causing Yusuke to bust out into laughter. “Whew! Arigatou, man! I needed that! Now, come on. Let’s get something to eat.”
When Kagome, Kurama, and Zhang got back to the house, all three of her sons shot up from the table. They smelled blood.
Daitano took a breath, and slowly let it out as they walked into the dining room. They were all three laughing. “How badly hurt are you this time, okaa-san?” His eyes widened when he took in the condition of her uniform. There were cuts and tears everywhere, and lots of blood. Then his eyes widened even more. Master Zhang had three long gashes across his chest. “You hit him!”
“Damn, kaa-chan! You got him three times!” Eishumaru ran over to have a look.
Zhang laughed heartily. “She did indeed, even if they are rather shallow.” He sniffed the air. “Ah, that smells good. Excuse me while I quickly wash up. Your mother helped me work up quite an appetite tonight.”
“I’ll go tell the cooks to keep the stoves fired up,” Sassouta said, with a smile.
Kagome, seeing Hiei standing there at the table, stood completely still for a moment, then, with a polite smile bowed slightly and said, “Welcome back, Hiei.” She looked beside her to where Kurama was standing. “I should go clean up as well.” She held up a hand to forestall her sons’ worries about her injuries. “These are all shallow, too, -- there’s just a lot of them,” she grinned wryly. “So, if you will excuse me, … Kurama, if you don’t mind, I would appreciate some of that salve you loaned me the other day.”
“My pleasure,” he smiled, and walked with her to the stairs. “Do you have some bandages in your room?”
Hiei thought his head was going to explode. It was all he could do not to rush up the stairs after her. There was blood all over her! Why weren’t these idiot sons of hers more concerned? And Kurama was going to put salve on her wounds and bandage them? Oh, HELL no! “Don’t you think one of you should go check her injuries? Or at least help her bandage them?”
“Well, actually, she doesn’t seem to be hurt nearly as bad as she was a couple of days ago,” Daitano said calmly.
“Yeah! You should have seen her, -- I thought these guys were going to string that old man up,” Yusuke laughed.
“Anyway, I’m sure Kurama will help her with any bandaging she might need,” Eishumaru waggled his eyebrows.
Shippou rolled his eyes at him, and stood up. “Nevertheless, I think I will go check on her.”
“I still can’t believe she actually hit ’ole Sloppy Zhang, -- maybe he’s getting sloppy in his evasive maneuvers, too,” Sassouta commented.
“No, I think okaa-san has just become very determined. She is pushing herself. I think she sees that the end is finally in sight,” Daitano said, cracking the knuckles on one hand as he slowly drew his fingers into a fist. “And when this is done, she can finally rest. I don’t think she has rested a day since the Eastern palace was lost. Not truly.”
“Daitano, remind me not to invite you to any festivities at the Western palace, -- you’d have everyone crying in their sake,” Eishumaru joked with him. But his eyes had taken on a determined gleam, too.
“Speaking of festivities, I claim the right to throw the first of the celebration banquets at the Northern palace,” Sassouta spoke up, trying to lighten the mood again and cheer both of his brothers up.
Ginta and Hakkaku agreed that was a fine idea, and that it would be an excellent way to begin relations all of the ookami clans. Yusuke was quick to add his own suggestions for making it a big party, and Jaken and Myouga began to discuss plans for celebrations at the other two palaces. But Hiei’s thoughts were on the onna upstairs, and what he would say to her when he got the chance.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Kagome slowly untangled herself from her covers. Zhang was going to throw a bucket of cold water on her again in the morning, like he had for the past 5 mornings. Now was when she needed it. She climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom. Nothing like a cold shower every night around 2:00 a.m. She had searched out Hiei’s aura the instant she had woken, and was reassured that he was all right. The damn dreams had been getting worse since he came back three nights ago. Oh, the fear was the same, but the erotic parts before that were lasting longer and longer, and becoming more intense. And it was becoming next to impossible to mask her arousal whenever he was around, or even when she just thought about him. And it was happening all the damn time now. Hell, she was starting to respond to Kurama’s light touches. He had been teasing her and flirting with her as he walked her up the stairs that night, and when he draped his arm across her shoulders, she had found herself leaning in to him.
She put her hand to her forehead and just stood there a minute as the water rushed down the drain of the shower. Then she turned it off and stepped out to dry off. She looked down at the mostly-healed wounds decorating her body. There were a lot fewer of them than just a few days ago, but it wasn’t because she was improving. For a while there, she had, but now she was losing ground, and Master Zhang was backing off. He hadn’t said a word, but she could see in his eyes what he was thinking. She was so frustrated, she felt like crying. Instead, she slipped into some clean clothes, kicking the gown she had been wearing, that was now damp with the sweat from her fevered dreams. Then she picked up the bracelet Kurama had given her and put it on. She lightly stroked the three black stones.
Releasing the barrier from her door, she quietly stepped out into the hall. She took a step towards Hiei’s room, then stopped. She knew he wanted to talk to her. She had known it that first moment she saw him after he returned. His regret had had been clear in his eyes. But, she just couldn’t. She had avoided being alone with him, and always put up a barrier as soon as she entered her room at night. She had thought long and hard after he had left, and she had decided it really was for the best. She could not take another mate. She would not. And if they were together, she wouldn’t be able to keep from yearning for that. And the more she wanted with him, -- the more they had together, -- the more danger he would be in. No, it was better that they just stay away from each other. At least this way, he was safe. She turned away from his room and started down the stairs.
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
This was fucking ridiculous! He had been back for three days now, and he hadn’t been able to get near her. When he finally got his hands on that onna, he was going to … (Well, … fuck me!) Thinking about getting his hands on her was not helping! He was going to have to work on developing those damn ice powers so he could freeze certain parts of his anatomy, -- or at least slow down the blood flow to them. It was a wonder he didn’t pass out, because obviously, none of it was flowing to his brain. Up until now, he had thought getting hit by Yusuke’s Rei Gun on a one-in-a-million shot was the stupidest thing he had ever done in his life. Now he knew better. So help him, if he ever got mad enough to walk out on her in a fit of anger again, he was damn well taking her with him. Or tying her up and hiding her body somewhere where he could find her, and get to her, when he got back. And hai, he knew he wasn’t making any sense, but it didn’t fucking matter. He couldn’t take it anymore. He was going to stand outside her door until she opened it, and then he was going to grab her and take off.
He marched out into the hallway and over to her door. Even though he knew she had a barrier up, -- he had checked just a couple of hours ago, -- he couldn’t resist trying the doorknob. It opened. He quickly slipped into the room. “Kagome?” He looked around. She wasn’t in the bed. He checked the bathroom and the sitting area. “Kagome?” He was going to have to kill that onna. Where the fuck was she?
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
Kurama opened the door to his room. “Well, this is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect to see you here, -- at least, not tonight. Of course,” he reached out and pulled her into the room, slowly closing the door behind her, “I knew from the moment we met, that this was inevitable.” And tangling his fingers in her long, pitch-black hair, he bent his head and kissed her.
------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
End Chapter Twelve
*A/N* All right! Yay! Now I can finally get on to the chapter I’ve been dying to write.
Hee hee! Do I have a lot in store for you next time!
*A/N* All right! Yay! Now I can finally get on to the chapter I’ve been dying to write.
Hee hee! Do I have a lot in store for you next time!
I know a lot of writers listen to particular kinds of music when they are writing particular kinds of scenes. Just for the heck of it, I just thought I’d share a couple of things I was playing over and over and over. When Kagome and Hiei were walking along the beach, and had one of their long talks, I just had the urge to go all the way back to the ‘70s and listen to some BeeGees “How Deep Is Your Love?” It fit the mood perfectly. Hiei was brooding in the Makai to Three Days Grace’s “Never Too Late.” And I have a new theme song for Hiei and Kag in my head now: When she walked in the room in the red robe, (and everything that happened afterwards, heh heh!), I HAD to listen to the Scorpions’ “Send Me An Angel.” Are any of you uberly-talented enough to make those vids on YouTube? I would LOVE to see a spliced anime vid of them to that song!!
Did you recognize the scene with the red robe? It’s the one from Sardave’s awesomely fabulous picture, “To Play With Fire.” You should check it out on her profile page here, because it comes up larger than on mine. OR, I think she has a color version posted on her account at Deviant Art.
Speaking of DA, so many people have asked me if I have any pics of Daitano, Eishumaru, and Sassouta, that I just HAD to ask Sardave to put her talented fingers to the task. BUT, if any of you would like to take a shot at drawing them, or a Hiei/Kag picture, or any scene from this story, I am going to set up a contest at DA. I’ll try to have the details up in a couple of days. My account is under madmiko there, just like everywhere else. There will be small monetary prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. If you think you might be interested, please email me at themadmiko@yahoo.com .
Finally, I just wanted to mention a few stories/writers you might want to check out: Sardave’s “The Intertwined,” (It’s got Youko!); TAJE’s “Maturity and Sacrifice,” (it’s a straight IY fic); KibaSin’s “Such a Small World” (It’s an AU Hiei/Kag, or try anything else she’s written!); halfblackwolfdemon’s “Iyashii Yuuwaku Da” (IY/Naruto) or “Zetti Yaburera Nai” (Hiei/Kag!); Anything by BrokenSouledPoetess and Ryukotsusei; Kawaii-KeKe-Chan’s “Not the Only One,” (Kag’s being courted by Inu, Youko, AND Kurama), and on Fichaven, look up Hieisexymiko -- she’s got tons of stories and one-shots. I’ll list some more good stuff next time. And if you know of something really good, let ME know, please!
Hitoe - a shorter, kimono-style overshirt or jacket, -- like Inuyasha’s
Jaganshi - Kagome didn’t realize the Jagan had a separate consciousness, until Jin called Hiei the Jaganshi, or the Master of the Evil Eye
Shogi - it’s a board game that is basically a Japanese version of Chess, (but I think it’s more complicated)
Hime - princess
Ikiji - the inu from the Western lands who helped train the boys when they were younger
Kimchee - it’s an Asian version of cole slaw (Hiei wanted to slice Yemon up like this -- LOL!)
Mikimoto pearls - one of the main reasons Toba has become such a popular tourist attraction. Mikimoto Kokichi was the first person to successfully cultivate pearls. Mikimoto Pearl Island is a museum about pearl cultivation, and you can watch performances by female divers. (And buy pearls!) My father brought my mother back a strand of Mikimoto pearls when he stopped over in Japan when returning from Viet Nam.
Reviewers: I’m loving ya!
Animeboysrock23 - Don’t worry! I won’t stop until it’s done!PureMiko Kagome69ner - Well, at least Kagome doesn’t have to put up with one of those sneaky, mean women any more. Heh heh!
Seiai - I’m so glad you enjoyed the ending to the last chapter! I was really in the mood for some fluff. ^_^ Kagome and Hiei have had some good talks, but they still have an obstacle or two in their path. Heh heh!
Sango Tajiya - The last chapter really was a lot of fun. This one gave me fits, but events had to happen … I have to say, I’m loving the way Kurama has everyone up in arms. Heh heh! And I think we’ll be meeting Ginjiro in the next chapter.
Angelwings21 - Hey! You got your wish! At least, one of them -- Ayame is kaput! I’m always happy to make the readers happy! Heh heh! I like your theory about it possibly being Master Zhang, but he was in China when Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were killed. I’m really glad you’re wondering “whodunit.”
Ness - Yay for Hiei/Kag fluff! Kikyou and Ayame definitely had a falling out. But then, so did Ayame and Yemon. All things considered, Ayame really didn’t get along with anyone, did she?
Darkjewel - I really appreciate you taking the time to review! It definitely has a different feel than “Hentai Bets,” -- at least I was certainly hoping so, since that’s what I was going for. I will freely admit, I looked at “HB” as some hentai humor with a story running through it. “BWM” was meant to be fairly equal parts relationship/mystery. (Though I have discovered that relationship-building takes a lot more time than doling out clues/reveals. ^_^ Trying to weave them together and balance them is a challenge.) I’m so glad you enjoyed the long-awaited kiss, and watching poor little Hiei fall in love, (and eventually have to face that fact), even though it was the last thing he would have ever anted to do. LOL!! But, now that he’s admitted it to himself, it’s a whole new ballgame for him, and he has his strategy all lined up. Now he just has to corner his prey, but she won’t stay put. LOL!! I hope your co-workers enjoy your happy dance!!
BrokenSouledPoetess - Kisses for everyone! You know, I had NOT planned to end that chapter of that sweet, warm & fuzzy note, but I was in a fluffy mood. And now it’s one of my favorites. I completely agree -- she was fooling herself by thinking she could take a lover and not come to care about him. She was just made to love and accept people, -- it’s her greatest quality. Hiei would agree. ^_^
HeartStar - So, is your other theory panning out? There was some more stuff in this one, but there’s still more to come next time!
Babygirl20008 - Hmmm. Good question about whether or not the inus could tell if Kagura’s son is Sess’ by his scent! I would have to say that scent is individual. Maybe a newborn could be recognized as belonging to its parents since it would be held and cuddled all the time, but by the time they’re grown, … That’s my take on it, anyway. I’m glad you liked the last chapter’s ending. This one isn’t quite so sweet. Heh heh! But, I hope you liked this chapter anyway!
Silvermisttaleweaver - I’m glad this is keeping your attention! Poor Kurama has become the object of everyone’s ire with his tactics. Heh heh! Kagome, and Sesshoumaru are both gratified by your belief in his faithfulness. Hmmm. Kuwabara hasn’t noticed any “red string crap” yet. Then again, he is rather distracted by his worry for Yukina, and he hasn’t been around much. But, Sassouta has noticed … something between them, -- he just doesn’t quite know how significant that little glance was. Heh heh!
Raeko - Thank you so very much for the kind words! I am truly flattered that you are enjoying this so much. Heroin might not be a bad comparison -- writing this story keeps me up countless nights, just staring at the screen and reaching out for my soda with a shaky hand … You’re right! The old folks are in the lead when it comes to finding out about Hiei and Kagome. Her sons have been narrowing the field, but they’re kind of stuck on Kurama. Funny that the “detectives” seem to be the most clueless. LOL!!! Hmmm. I was intrigued by your thoughts that Kagome is only on the fringes of the many groups, but not quite belonging to any of them. I guess I was kind of looking at it as her being central to most of the groups -- bringing them all together and being the glue that hold them together in many cases. But, I kind of like your idea of her and Hiei starting their OWN little group. Heh heh! I’m glad you like the way I try to sprinkle the H/K scenes throughout the chapters. I do my best!
Jen9 - Thank you so much for both your love and your hate. LOL!! It’s a great compliment!
Michiru AOZ - I am really grateful that you wrote a review for this! It really boosts my confidence and enthusiasm to know that what I’m writing is coming across the way I wanted it to. And it’s so good to hear that you appreciate the different elements I try to incorporate into it -- the pacing of the relationship, some touches of humor, the revelations and realizations, etc. I certainly hope you enjoy where the story goes, because it’s getting ready to really take off. Thanks so much for all the encouragement!! I’ll try not to disappoint you!
AnonymousO - Whew! I’m glad you’re going to leave my head on my shoulders until this story is done. Did I mention it’s going to be at least 300 chapters long? LOL!! I threw out a little more info in this chapter, but there’s still more to come! Too bad about Ayame, ne? Heh heh!
Venusrox - Yay! I’m glad you’re loving this! I hope you continue to do so!
Beckyducky - I still have a few twists and turns up my sleeve. Heh heh! You summed up the sons’ personalities just the way I was hoping they were coming across, -- so, yay! I’m glad the fluff didn’t make you ill! LOL!
Brightshadow4494 - thanks for the kind words! Glad you’re enjoying this!
LordoftheWest - So nice to see you over here on MM!! I’ve almost got the story caught up on AFF. It should be by next weekend. Kanna would have been one way the souls didn’t end up in the Reikai, but I was following the canon version of her death during the quest. (Of course, I was just doing that in my head, so no one could have possibly known I was thinking that. *sigh* Sorry! But I have to admit, I like that idea.)
Catriona695 - I’m so glad you decided to give this a try, and I am very honored and extremely flattered that Ryukotsusei nominated this story for consideration for Best Crossover in the InuYasha FanGuild! I know that crossovers can be difficult to follow and get interested in if you are unfamiliar with the characters of one of the shows. I’m glad you hung in there past the deaths of Inu, Sess, and Kouga, too. They may be gone, but they are definitely not forgotten in this story! And the sons have been a challenge to write, but a fun one. As for the markings, I thank you for the great compliment! -- I just tried to come up with a logical explanation for Sesshoumaru’s, and for the jagged ones Inu exhibits when he loses control, and that seemed to fit. I’m glad Hiei and Kag’s relationship has stood out as more than just the lemons, -- I’ve tried to let it evolve in as believable a manner as I could. And if you’re skimming through the lemons to get back to the rest of the story, then I must be doing something right with the plot, -- so Yay! When it comes to the evidence, it’s a little difficult to come up with much hard evidence for murders that took place 500 years ago, involving supernatural means. And since you aren’t a YYH fan, the detectives may seem a bit “off” in their detective abilities because I’m monkeying around with their title as “Spirit Detectives.” I can’t remember them actually “solving” any murder mysteries in the series. (Though my memory may be faulty.) They’re more like regular “policemen” --their task is mainly to keep the Ningenkai safe from demons who slip through the barrier. They usually have some case files, which tell them about the particular demon they’re after, or some kind of artifact they’re supposed to retrieve or person they’re supposed to protect. And they may have to hunt for them, and may have to try to figure out what exactly they’re up to. That’s why I thought it would be fun to have them actually have a case where they need to be more like real detectives. Does that make sense? As for the story’s length, I have all of the major events plotted out, but I just can’t say how long it will take me to get from here to there, --especially since my chapters tend to be mega-long. I would guess-timate 4 - 5 more chapters. And, of course, the killer or killers will be revealed , along with the motive. I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story, and I really appreciate you checking it out! (I’ve been reading some of the IYFG nominated stories, too. I had been following a few of them already, since IY is my first manga love!!)
Drachegirl14 - Glad you liked that last chapter! I’m trying to keep the answers (and a few questions) coming. Hope you liked the reveals in this one!
TAJE - Last chapter, Kagura got smacked, this chapter, Ayame got offed. Heh heh! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the boys, and that you agree that Kagome purifying her mates’ remains made sense. I thought it would be something she would have worried about. Once Hiei admitted to himself what his feelings were, he decided to make the most of it and to go for it. Now if he could just get past a couple of obstacles and get his onna to agree, … Heh heh! Glad you liked the onyx stones, -- I couldn’t resist having Kurama do something sneaky with them. Heh heh!
Ebi-chan - Yay for the kissy scene! I think the build-up to that is going to be one of my favs for a long time, so I’m really happy that so many people enjoyed it. I think we’ll be addressing Kagura’s claims in the next chapter, and Eishumaru will come fact-to-face with Ginjiro. (That’s the plan, anyway!) I imagine several people will be wanting to smack Kurama. Heh heh! Well, Pookie, I hope your internet woes are at an end! It’s hard to enjoy your “fix” when you’re sneaking it at work, LOL!!
Halfblackwolfdemon - Hiei is definitely ready to make it permanent, -- convincing Kagome, though, may not be easy. Kurama may need another swatting with the newspaper. LOL! Yeah, I have to walk everyone through the houses so I can keep everything straight. It took me a LONG time to draw myself a diagram and assign everyone a room. LOL! You won’t see any serious Kuwabara-bashing from me, -- I happen to love the big lug! Well, I know there are both things to love and hate in this chapter, but I hope you liked it overall!
Jade san - I’m so glad you’re loving this! I will send you another email now that this chapter is finally done.
Inufan001 - Wow! I love your enthusiasm!! It gets me really stoked about what’s going on, and what’s coming up! Thanks!!
Sardave - Some fluff and sweet moments in this, I think. I hope they came off all right and weren’t too much. I’m so glad you mentioned the “adorable” scene, -- as you can see, that is going to pop up again. LOL!! (Yeah, I like catch-phrases and running gags. The continuity appeals to me. ^_^ ) Kagome’s fears for him are playing a big role now that things have become so much more serious. I’m so glad the onyx stones appealed to so many people. It was one of those little nothing details that when the inspiration hit me, I fell in love with the idea. So, I couldn’t resist making more of it by having Kurama incorporate them into his little scheme. Heh heh!
DYquem - Yay for the kiss! I’m so glad you enjoyed the progression of Hiei’s thoughts at the end. Well, they didn’t get outted yet, but Sassouta noticed their interest in each other. ^_^ And Hiei is definitely having problems with Kurama and Yemon being around her, -- that’s what prompted him to initiate the subject that led to their break-up. And yeah, I can’t believe I broke them up after bringing them so close, either, but I wanted to play up Hiei’s vulnerability that he didn’t even know about until those kinds of feelings were brought to the surface. But, he’s a demon with a goal now. ^_^ What? You want to see Kurama’s blood? But he hadn’t even put his sneaky plan into action yet. LOL!! And yes, you are quite correct -- his tying Kag to a tree was NOT a case of “kinkiness between consenting adults.” She plainly told him to stop. And he was deliberately assaulting her in a sexual way to get her to talk, -- it wasn’t a case of him trying to seduce her. But, he wouldn’t have gone so far as to rape her, and I wanted to show that Kagome wasn’t really afraid he would do that. That didn’t mean she wasn’t upset by it, though, either. I wasn’t trying to be blasé about what he was doing, but I deliberately tried to lighten what was going on with her thoughts that ‘only a kitsune would think to interrogate someone by tying them up and taking their clothes off,’ so the fact that she wasn’t afraid of him would come through. She knows what kind of a youkai he is, and how ruthless he can be, but she believes that even though his methods are unsavory and his thinking is rather warped, he was doing what he did for a reason -- a cause he believed in, and that “in his own way,” he is rather … honorable. So, I didn’t want that whole thing to come off as so offensive, though I did want some healthy and hearty indignation. (And just so you know, Hiei hasn’t forgotten anything Kurama has done during this mission. ^_~ )
Kitsune youkai jade - I’m glad you like the story! I know it took a while for this chapter to get up, but it was a real bear. And I’m starting on the next chapter tonight! ^_^
Yue no Rei - Thanks! I’m really glad you think the plotline is freakishly amazing, and not just freakish. LOL!! Fresh flowers? Really? ^_^ !!!
RaiTerra - You know, that last chapter turned out to be one of my favorite chapters, too, and I wasn’t so sure I even liked it until I got to the end. I hope you found some things to like in this one, too!