Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Power ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Blood Power
By Boxing King
Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kurama all reached the trees in the nick of time, the wasps closing in around the woods. Panting, Yusuke turned around and anxiously scanned the walls of wasps.
There were barely a hundred feet into the trees, and the demons hadn't even attempted to follow.
Yusuke frowned. Where the hell was Hiei?
His two teammates were wondering the same thing.
Kuwabara spoke up first. “We can't leave him there, guys. We have to get him out somehow. We can't leave him behind.”
Kurama had a troubled look on his face. “Hiei… Hiei should be fine. He has more fighting experience than any of us. He's probably just having fun… killing all the demons.” While his words spoke one story, the pinched look on his face spoke another. Hiei wouldn't abandon the mission.
“I can't risk a blast into that mass. It might hit him, and do more damage than all those damn wasps together.” Yusuke frowned. He opened his mouth to continue his thought, when a cry suddenly rose above the buzzing.
Hiei had been hit.
Swearing, Kurama was the first to react. With a snarl he rushed the low-class demons. His eyes began to flicker gold as he began to lash furiously with his rose-whip. There was no way he was going to let Hiei die, not after all they had been through. No way in hell!
Yusuke and Kuwabara swiftly joined into the feverish attack. The impenetrable wall remained.
“What are we going to do?” shouted Yusuke. “It's like they aren't even dieing!”
Kurama looked Yusuke square in the eye. “Shoot them, Yusuke.”
Yusuke, not even pausing in his attacks, looked at Kurama. “What are you cracked? I might hit him!”
“It is a chance we are going to have to take. We can't make it out there otherwise. It is imminent death if we do not reach him soon.” A pleading note entered his voice. “Please, Yusuke. Shoot the damn bugs, and I'll run out and get him. You two can cover my retreat. With luck, he won't be too far from the woods.”
Yusuke looked at his friend, and saw no other way. Kuwabara grimly looked on as Yusuke prepared to use his spirit attack.
With quick motions he ran to the front of the woods, directly next to the wasps. With a guttural snarl he raised his finger and fired.
She wriggled through the hole with ease. And yes, Hollywood was right, she had fallen into another empty cell. There wasn't even a pile of hay in this one.
She grimaced. I guess it was a good thing that the cell was empty. I have no idea who else I would have encountered here. My luck, it would have been a guard. With a frown, she considered this comment. How was it that her captor had no idea there was a hole in her wall when it wasn't even covered in this cell. And why was there no guard?
And just where in hell had that blasted rat gone? She looked around. In the corner there was another blasted hole. She supposed that she should be thanking the rat, being her savior and all.
Instead, she went to try the door. Maybe her captor really was that dumb and had left this cell unlocked. With luck.
She hesitantly hobbled over to the wooden door. She slowly placed her hand on the scarred surface. It looked like more than one prisoner had tried to claw their way out. Looking through the bars, she pushed.
It opened. Her jaw dropped. Just how dumb was her captor? Some bad guy…
She shook her head. Here she was questioning her good luck. Just like in the movies, since Hollywood had proven correct so far, questioning things led to a stream of misfortune. She wasn't going to make that mistake. No siree.
She edged the door open, jerking at the loud squeaks the hinges made. Surely someone would hear all this noise. The crumbling wall, the squeaky door.
She stuck her head out the door and quickly looked left and right. Not a soul in sight.
Ok, time to stop questioning things and just run for it.
She hobbled out into the hall and made her way into the darkness. She had no idea where she was going, just hopefully away from this place.
Kurama ran for all he was worth. The bugs had scattered after the blast, leaving a somewhat clear sprint to his comrade. His mind was in a panic. Hiei wasn't moving. He was crumpled on the ground, his sword a foot away. Kurama could no remember ever seeing a time when Hiei had looked so vulnerable.
Damn him. Damn him for playing the hero. Stupid fool. We would have been fine running together. Damnit. I need to run faster. Vainly trying to increase his already blurring speed, Kurama tried to reassure himself. Hold on, Hiei. I'll be there for you in just a minute.
Yusuke and Kuwabara watched from the forest. While focused on one friend rescuing another, they couldn't help notice that the wasps were not yet moving in. Last time, it had taken them seconds to recover. Now, it had been at least a minute and all they did was form a circle to watch the two demons. Something was so not right.
“Come on, Kurama. Hurry up,” Yusuke muttered. “The sooner we all get together and under cover, the better.
Kuwabara was watching the wasps as well. He frowned when he realized something. “What are they waiting for, Yusuke?”
At this point Kurama finally reached Hiei. He ran over to his slumped form, and tossed him over his shoulder in a fireman's grip. He made sure to grab his sword on his dash back to the forest. Hiei would never forgive him if he deliberately left his sword when he had a chance to grab it. The moment he turned and began to head back to the woods, doing his best at speed, the wasps dispersed.
Kurama was so surprised he stopped running for a few seconds. “Yusuke,” he shouted, “What the hell is going on?”
“Beat's me, Kurama,” Yusuke bellowed back. “Just get your and Hiei's asses over here, will ya?”
Kurama frowned, and finally just shook his head. The sprint back to the woods was considerably faster than before, for some reason.
He gently laid Hiei down on a mossy pile beneath a tree.
“How does he look, Kurama?” asked Kuwabara in a hushed tone.
They all frowned. Hiei didn't look too good. He had a purple swelling on his right arm. Apparently, the poison was enough to work on full-blooded demons as well. He looked comatose. He didn't so much as twitch as Kurama quickly examined the rest of him, looking for other injuries.
I don't know if I have the right plants here for this. I don't recall hearing of poisonous wasps before. I can try and make something, but I don't know how effective it would be…” Kurama grew quiet. “Maybe Boton would know more…”
It hit them all at once.
“Son of a BITCH!” snarled Yusuke. “How in hell could we forget about Boton? Where is she?” Yusuke was looking around frantically. He ran off to the clearing to look.
Kuwabara put his head in his hands. “Don't bother, Yusuke.” His voice was muffled by his hands, but it didn't change the fact that everyone heard him clearly.
“She isn't nearby. I would have felt her.” He grew silent for a moment. “We are such assholes.”
“DAMNIT!” Yusuke punched a tree in anger, causing it to collapse.
“We now have one member incapacitated and one missing…” muttered Kurama.
Yusuke finished Kurama's thought for him.
“We are so screwed.”