Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Angel ❯ Harrow Memories ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“You don't understand this, I think you never did
Silently I search for a reason to exist”
Ungod (Stabbing Westward)
Harrow Memories
“Angels to Humans”
Koenma frowned as sat idly at his desk tapping his fingers. There were no barrier breaches, no attacks, and no paperwork. One would think that Koenma would be overjoyed at this. He sighed and let his head connect with the desk. The door to his office cracked open and he raised his head up. He smiled as he made eye contact with Botan. Her cheerful pink eyes sparked with happiness as she ran over to Koenma. He watched as her blue hair bounced and stopped at his desk.
“I thought I'd come and keep you company,” Botan nervously said as Koenma blushed.
“That's okay…I'm fine sitting here alone,” Koenma assured as her smile faltered.
“But I brought checkers,” Botan whispered as her mood dropped.
“Do you want to be black or red?” Koenma asked as he noticed her mood drop. There was no trouble in a friendly game; there had been times when he wished he could spend time with the soul collector.
“I'll be red,” Botan cheered as she set up the board.
“Aren't you supposed to be working?” Koenma questioned.
“I got another girl to cover for me,” Botan assured with a wave of her hand.
A red light flashed and they both sighed. Koenma pushed a button and a TV appeared in his wall. It showed a location and what was happening. Botan sighed and grabbed her oar. Before the portal open Koenma cleared his thought. She looked at him with a confused look.
“We can continue this game later,” Koenma offered and she nodded.
He sighed as the portal closed leaving him alone with the game. He set the pieces up and wondered what Naraku was up to. Their affairs rarely crossed over, but recently he had been very ambitious. Koenma moved the red piece and glanced up at the screen. It was the spirit detective's turn to make a move.
Kagome flew down to meet Miroku. He smiled and waved to her as she gently landed beside him. Miroku sighed and she allowed herself to sigh as well. The sun had long ago set and it was moving closer to midnight. Kagome glanced at Miroku out of the corner of her eye and then looked away. His violet eyes studied her before he truly smiled at her.
“What bothers you?” Miroku asked. Kagome's eyebrows furrowed as she thought this over.
“You know about Shippo…right?” Kagome hesitantly asked. She knew she could trust Miroku. He was the only one on this forsaken planet she could trust. Inuyasha she could only trust with certain things, but Miroku left no room for doubt.
“The orphan Kitsune you watch over. Is this about him?” Miroku questioned.
“Yes…my memories are horrible. I'm remembering horrible things that I have done,” Kagome confided as she shivered.
“Kagome, you know that we don't have memories,” Miroku informed.
“I know. I know we don't have them, but they keep showing up. It's like a horror movie in my mind,” Kagome ranted as she ran a hand through her hair.
“Do you know why we don't have memories?” Miroku questioned.
“I never thought about it,” she sighed.
“Because we are angels—”
“Fallen angels,” Kagome corrected as he scowled at her.
“As angels we never age, we never die, we never need nourishment or anything that a human would need. Another thing we don't need is memories. A human needs memories to help them grow and learn, but as angels, we are made to know all we need to,” Miroku explained.
“I don't get it,” Kagome pouted.
“You are retaining memories because you are taking a step away from being an angel,” Miroku clarified.
“I thought we have memories, if we didn't then I wouldn't know you or Inuyasha,” Kagome argued.
“You know us because we are made to know each other,” Miroku clarified.
“So our friendship is an illusion?” Kagome questioned.
“Are friendship is very real. You are just changing,” Miroku informed.
“Will I become one of the angel's that Naraku keeps locked up?” Kagome questioned as fear passed through her.
“I don't believe so, you are just changing,” Miroku repeated.
“Is that good?” Kagome questioned.
“The only change we have witnessed has been bad, but a good change would be welcoming,” Miroku vaguely answered.
Kagome nodded and ran her fingers along her feathers. She didn't want to lose her feathers and become like the mindless beasts that Naraku used for wars. It sent a shiver of disgust and fear through her. She took pleasure in suffering and creating destruction, but she didn't want to be mindless.
“Has Inuyasha changed at all?” Kagome questioned.
“I haven't noticed anything physical,” Miroku honestly admitted.
`What about mental?' Kagome thought with a saddened look.
“Do you feel that?” Miroku questioned. Kagome escaped her thoughts and searched the area with her eyes. Her pupils thinned as she nodded.
“It feels like…”
“It feels like an Infernal,” Kagome whispered.
Kagome watched as the wind picked up speed and caused leaves and branches to fly at them. She didn't understand why Naraku would release one of those mindless beasts when there had been no planned war. Kagome and Miroku took a step back as the ground shook. Her eyes widened as the ground exploded. They stood there and let the dirt pass through them. No physical objects could harm them if they didn't take form.
“How cute, the two Fallen Powers are having a get together,” It hissed as it rose from the ground.
“Goshinki,” Kagome growled as she took a step back.
The once beautiful angel had gone insane. He was worshipped as a god for some culture that had been forgotten. His beautiful tanned skin turned a sickly purple as his eyes became crimson. The black slits in those crimson orbs were all he had for eyes. His once white hair had turned black from all the horrors he had committed. Kagome stared at the deformed body and wondered if they would all meet that twisted fate. His elongated face with horns emerging from his forehead reminded her of her memories. He opened his mouth and snapped his sharp teeth into the air as if signaling a battle. Goshinki stood well above the tree level and that was when Kagome realized something.
“Miroku, I think he is flesh,” Kagome whispered.
“I feared that,” Miroku whispered.
“I can hear your thoughts. You both fear that I am flesh, but I am not truly flesh. I have taken a form that will allow me to damage this world, but will vanish when I am finished,” Goshinki clarified as he tired to grin.
“How have you escaped your prison?” Miroku asked as his staff materialized in his hand.
“Naraku had released me,” he hissed, as his crimson eyes flashed with hate.
`I wonder why he has done that,' Kagome thought as she prepared for a battle. She had no weapon to call upon. Her weapon had been called back to heaven when she had fallen. Her teeth gritted in anger.
“Spirit gun!” A voice shouted.
Kagome's eyes snapped to left as she watched the spirit energy sore through the air. Goshinki grinned and vanished from sight. Miroku and her then watched as five men ran out into the clearing.
“I think you missed,” Kuwabara commented.
“Pathetic,” Goshinki hissed as he swiped at the detectives.
Kuronue took to the air and pulled Kurama away from the massive claws. Hiei dodged the attack and went for a tendon in the leg. Goshinki laughed as he quickly moved away. Kagome studied Hiei as he battled. She had not had the chance to properly meet him. Yusuke prepared his spirit gun again and Kuwabara charged with his double spirit swords.
“They'll die,” Miroku calmly supplied.
“They survived the Makai tournament,” Kagome retorted.
“You know this is different,” Miroku scolded.
“There lives are not my business,” Kagome coldly said.
“Then I will be going since I have to check up on Kohaku,” Miroku stated as he smirked and vanished.
“You asshole!” Kagome shouted as she shook her fist. A grunt caught her attention and she scowled. Kuronue had been hit out of the air.
“Do not move Kagome,” Goshinki warned as she tensed.
The other detectives looked around the area and realized that he was talking to someone else. His pupils thinned as he chuckled and clutched Kuronue in his claws.
“Let him go,” Kagome hissed, she needed that youkai to take care of Shippo.
“You really do care for that Kitsune?” Goshinki questioned.
“Stay out of my mind!” Kagome shouted as her energy gathered at her hands.
“How would you like to see the monster you will become? Would you enjoy glimpsing the death of the one you protect?” Goshinki taunted as he dodged another spirit gun.
`My memories,' Kagome thought with shocked look.
“Yes, those wonderfully memories…they are making you the perfect monster,” Goshinki supplied as he grabbed the rose whip and ripped it apart.
“That damn Fallen's here,” Yusuke growled.
“Now is not the time for grudges,” Kurama warned as he picked a seed from his hair.
“Would you like me to show them your sin?” Goshinki questioned.
Kagome's wings opened and she took to the air. Goshinki's pupils widened as her feet dig into his skull. She grabbed onto his horns and held on as he reached up to swat her off.
Bastard!” Kagome growled as she held on.
Hiei took this opportunity to attack. Goshinki roared with rage as slashes covered his body. He dropped Kuronue's body and Kagome's eyes narrowed. His foot was coming closer to crushing the bat youkai. A sigh of relief left her as Kurama pulled his friend away from the battle.
“Would you like to remember everything?” Goshinki taunted.
Kagome's eyes flashed red as she released her grip and fell to the ground. A scream tore from her lips as she felt everything pulled to the surface. Goshinki laughed as he kicked her form away from him. Kagome curled into a ball and whimpered. Her eyes closed and she held the tears in. She could see Kouga closing the gates, she could see herself taunting the man to jump, and finally she watched the mugger kill Shippo's parents.
`These aren't supposed to be,' Kagome thought as her form became solid.
Goshinki reached down and picked up Kagome's limp form. Her lower wings were clutched in his hand as the other two poked out. Yusuke stopped charging his spirit gun as he stared at the being in Goshinki's hand. Kuwabara's spirit sword grew and he plunged it into Goshinki's chest. Goshinki smacked him away and shook the limp angel with a smirk.
“Prepare to die,” Goshinki hissed as he opened his mouth. Saliva dripped on her unconscious body as her head rolled to the side.
“Help her,” a voice whispered.
Kuronue's eyes slowly opened as he rubbed his temple. He pushed himself up and focused on the giant ogre. His pupils narrowed as he tried to figure what was in its hand.
“Save her,” the voice whispered.
Kuronue gripped his scythe and pushed off the ground. Hiei jumped toward Goshinki only to have him vanish once more. Kurama cursed as Yusuke blindly shot his spirit gun off. Kuwabara was knocked out from the last blow he had received. A shadow flew over them and Kurama grinned. His emerald eyes caught sight Kuronue heading toward something. Hiei's crimson eyes narrowed as he tapped into the youki of his Jagan. He winced as Goshinki's mind attack his. The monster was born to have mental abilities. That was obviously his strong point.
Kuronue caught sight of Kagome's limp body. He froze in mid air as he stared at the feathered wings on her back. She appeared to be dead, but the light rise of her chest told him something different. Kuronue grabbed the wire his scythe was attached to and began to swing it in a circular motion. Kuronue released the scythe and it went flying towards Goshinki. He roared as the hand clutching Kagome fell to the ground. His crimson eyes turned toward the bat and he attacked. Kuronue flew out of the reach and grinned as he flew between every attack.
“Spirit gun!” Yusuke shouted.
Goshinki coughed as he spat blood up. His eyes widened in fear as he realized he was truly bleeding.
`This shouldn't be,' he thought as he jumped away from them.
The rose whip bit into his flesh as his leg gave out from the attack. He struggled to get back, but he failed. Kuronue's scythe slashed his neck and Goshinki felt everything beginning to shut down.
`The spirit energy made my form real,' Goshinki thought before everything faded.
“Is it dead?” Yusuke questioned.
“Did Koenma tell us what type of youkai it was?” Kurama questioned.
“He didn't even know,” Yusuke answered.
Their eyes traveled to the limp form of Kagome. Goshinki's blood coated her pearly feathers as she lay in the limp hand. Hiei touched his sword to her neck and growled when she didn't respond.
“Maybe she has the answers,” Kuronue suggested as he carefully watched Hiei.
“Is that really Kagome?” Yusuke questioned in disbelief as they circled around her.
“That's what the creature called her,” Kurama replied as he studied her.
“She looks our age,” Yusuke grumbled. “She looks innocent.”
“Did you imagine the Fallen to be like that?” Kurama questioned as he motioned to Goshinki's corpse.
“Yes,” Yusuke dryly said.
Kuronue bent down and scooped her into his arms. He maneuvered her so her wings were closed and pressed against her back. Hiei raised an eyebrow at the action and Yusuke began to protest.
“We should kill her!” Yusuke protested.
“For once I agree with the Ningen,” Hiei seriously said.
“But she's unconscious,” Kuronue pointed out.
“So is Kuwabara, but you don't see us coddling him,” Yusuke growled.
“That's different, she's a girl,” Kuronue.
“The fallen really have no gender,” Kurama softly said.
“She's a hermaphrodite?” Kuronue questioned with a worried look.
Hiei's left eye began to twitch before he sheathed his sword.
“No, they take on a gender when they choose to take form,” Kurama corrected with a grin.
“Oh,” Kuronue said before he smirked. “I'm taking her home.”
“She's not some stray cat you can just take home,” Yusuke argued.
“Kitty…” Kuwabara's unconscious form mumbled.
“She didn't harm us and we need answers,” Kuronue argued back.
Kurama rolled his eyes in thought when he remembered a certain kitchen knife. Yusuke's left eyebrow twitched as he tried to stop himself from exploding. Hiei watched all three with twisted amusement. Kuwabara drooled.
“She harmed me when she pushed me in front of that car!” Yusuke growled.
“Not to mention the kitchen knife she threw at your head,” Kurama added.
“Didn't she try to drown Hiei in the toilet?” Yusuke questioned as Kuwabara giggled.
“I kill you if you mention that again!” Hiei growled.
“She's harmless now, besides…we need answers,” Kuronue seriously said.
“If she does anything! Then I'm gonna kick your ass!” Yusuke warned before he turned away and stomped off.
Kuronue shrugged as he looked to Kurama for some support. The Kitsune merely shrugged and Hiei had already vanished. It seemed like the week had just became more interesting.
Author's Note:
Questions? Comments? Concerns?