Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change Your Fate ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

 Change Your Fate
Chapter One
Disclaimer: Inuyasha and YuYuHakusho are owned by Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi respectively. I just love their characters and they take over my life.

A/N: Hello and welcome to the first chapter! Just wanted to clarify some timeline stuff here so it doesn't get all confusing. Also, SPOLIERS if you haven't finished either show. YYH timeline: Yusuke has yet to fight Sensui and is still in fact a spirit detective, along with his team of Kuwabara, Kurama and Hiei. The barrier is still up and only lower class demons can slip through. Enma is still in charge of the Reikai. I know cannon-wise, Yusuke is about 18 when he returns to Ningenkai after the Makai Tournament but I want to speed up everyone's ages a bit and make Yusuke and Kuwabara 18 and Kurama 19. That would mean, after Toguro, some time has passed, and he essentially fights Sensui at 18 and returns back to Ningenkai at 20-21. Or, he just originally dies at an older age instead of 14. Whatever floats your boat. InuYasha timeline: A little harder to pinpoint but same deal, Kagome has been traveling with Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango for a few years and is 18 herself. They've yet to defeat Naraku but both sides are close to finishing their portion of the jewel. This will be my own take on the final battle and anything else after that. I only do this because this will have a higher rating and I hate writing smut with underage characters. This fics pairing is undecided as well. I usually love Kagome/Hiei but I'm not opposed to Kagome/Yusuke or even Kagome/Kurama, hell I can even do Kurama/Hiei if Kagome gets with someone else. I figured if people wanted to send in their opinions in reviews, I'd put her with whatever you guys thought was the best fit. Sorry for rambling! Please read, review and enjoy!

500 Years Ago
Sengoku Jidai
"Wind Scar!"

Inuyasha's yells boomed out in the clearing as his Tessaigai's attack headed straight for Naraku.

After years of jewel hunting and demon battling, they had finally made it to the day of reckoning, the day they would defeat Naraku, face to face. The half completed Shikon No Tama hung in a small glass jar on a thin cord around Kagome's neck while the other half was concealed by Naraku.

Naraku, using his tentacles to hold him high into the air, had begun to falter a bit himself, trying to regenerate and ward off attacks from Sesshomaru's poison whip, Inuyasha's Tessaiga, and the purification powersfrom Kikyo and Kagome's bows. His incarnations all dead, Naraku was forced to use his one and only remaining form to battle. A horde of Saimyosho buzzing and demon roars filled the air and Sango and Miroku cleared the skies using their Hiraikotsu and Wind Tunnel respectively. Kouga, shards still in his legs, whirlwind around with Ginta and Hakkaku taking down any ground demons.

Jaken, under direct orders of Sesshomaru, had taken Shippo, Rin, and a shard-less but alive Kohaku back to his western palace for safety. The kids had piled onto Kirara's back and Sango, giving her brother a hard hug, told Kirara to protect them at any cost. The Taiyoukai may have been stone cold but he knew this battle was not one for a child.

Naraku's tentacles twisted and jabbed, attempting to grab and pierce any flesh they could get their hands on.

"Give me the jewel Inuyasha!" Naraku yelled, his eyes glinting with malice.

"Never, you bastard!"


"Wind Tunnel!"

The skies cleared for a minute, all demons and Saimyosho gone from the foray. Miroku fell to his knees, panting as he sealed his palm, closing off his Wind Tunnel to recuperate. Sango kneeled beside him, her breathing heavy and allowed her eyes to close for a minute as she leaned her head on his shoulder. They only allowed this for a few seconds before getting up and helping their friends defeat Naraku.

They heard Kouga yell out in pain, and Kagome turned towards him just in time to see one of Naraku's tentacle appendages finally sneak and wrap around Kouga's legs. Naraku lifted him up towards him and ripped out the shards from his legs. Kagome launched an arrow, the glowing pinkarrow headgrazing the tentacle that held Kouga. The tentacle began todisintegrate, making Kouga drop to the ground. Ginta and Hakkaku ran toward their friend and pack brother, as Kouga held onto the tears in his legs where Naraku had ripped out the shards.

Kagome's aim had considerably improved over the years, and gone was the awkwardly "almost there" arrows of the past. She shot with confidence and poured her power into each arrow, hoping it would be enough to do damage against Naraku.

She had been doing this forever now it seemed, it became second nature to her.

'Still not as good as Kikyo,' she mused to herself, as she pulled back another arrow.
Kikyo had changed the past few years, once she fully became part of the group. She was still a little standoffish but it seemed her desire to drag Inuyasha to hell had subsided a little. She actually became a good asset to Kagome, as the undead priestess seemed to take pity on her lack of archery skills. At first, Kagome had felt pang after pang every time Inuyasha had so much as looked at her or went off to talk to her. After awhile, the pang started to go away and Kagome realized that she might just possibly be falling out of love with Inuyasha. It hit her like a train one day, when he and Kikyo had snuck away and come back hours later. Inuyasha had given her a sad smile but Kagome had returned it fully without forcing it for the first time. She wanted him to be happy and he was happy.

Kagome hadn't realized how much she had changed either though. She had always been a very beautiful girl but she filled out to be a gorgeous woman. She was still petite and a little shorter than Kikyo, but her legs were long and firm from years of running and walking and her figure was curvy but athletic. Her chest and butt had filled out nicely although she was oblivious to the stares men gave her as they passed through villages. Her hair, which had grown to just past her bottom was usually braided back or in a ponytail to keep it out of her way. She still visited her family on the other side of the well time to time but she had definitely missed most of her schooling. Her mother ended up pulling her out completely, stating that she was going to a special school in another country to make up for her absences because of her illnesses. It definitely worked as after two years, people began to forget about Kagome Higurashi, the girl with a 1000 illnesses.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha continued their assault on Naraku directly while Sango and Miroku took to destroying his extra appendages. As Kagome began to pull another arrow out of her quiver, she fumbled and for two seconds she was thrown off balance as she took her eyes off Naraku to fix herself. He chose that moment to strike, send a tentacle so quickly that it took everyone by surprise.


Kikyo had seen the tentacle just before it reached Kagome's legs and in a moment of recklessness, pushed her out of the way and let it wrap her up instead. Naraku lifted her in the air, slamming her back into his chest and grabbing her neck in his hand.

"GIVE ME THE JEWEL. I will release her if you give it to me. If you don't, I will choke the life out of her, and then slaughter you all before you even have a second to grieve."

Kikyo struggled against Narakus imprisoning hand, but it tightened more around her throat. Small gasps came out of her mouth as she struggled to breathe.
"You would think," he said, hissing in her ear, "That someone dead like yourself couldn't be killed again like this. But if I can't squeeze the life out of you, I'm sure there are many other ways we could try."

Inuyasha lifted his great sword, ready to send a blast straight at Naraku...and Kikyo.

Kagome ran between them, her hands in the air, and with a loudness that even surprised her, she screamed out, "STOP!

Everyone looked at her.

Inuyasha fumbled andstaredat her like she had lost her head. "STOP? You want me to stop?"

"Stupid girl, I said give me the je-"

"YOU CAN HAVE ME," Kagome yelled out, ignoring Inuyasha's loud 'WHAT?!' from behind her. "Let her go, and I will come with you. I will give you the shards, and you can do whatever you want with me. You loved Kikyo, you won't kill her. Inuyasha loves Kikyo and he'll continue to fight until you are dead. Take me and kill me instead. You can have the whole jewel, just let them live."

Kagome felt Inuyasha grab her hand but she just looked at him and whispered, "I have to do this. I have a plan."

Naraku let Kikyo fall, and before Inuyasha could say anything else to Kagome, he dashed forward to grab her. Naraku, just as quickly snatched up Kagome his tentacles and held her in front of him.

"You are so weak Miko, I will enjoy dismembering you and tainting the jewel you have worked so hard to complete. I knew I would win, it was only a matter of time."

Naraku reached out and yanked the necklace containing the shards off Kagome's neck. Letting out a cackle, he pulled his half of the jewel out and with a small sheen of pink light, the jewel began to mend itself. Within seconds it started to turn a dark purple,corrupted by Naraku's own evil energy.

"Kikyo, NOW!" Kagome yelled out, hoping the woman 25 feet below her had heard over the rush of the demonsswarming around them as they felt the whole power of the jewel. Kiko who was about to shoot an arrow at a demon a couple of yards away, instead turned and pointed it at Kagome. With a nod and a small, sad smile on her lips, she poured the last of her purifying energy into the tip. She released the arrow and it made a clear mark for Naraku, but also Kagome.

Naraku, taken by surprise by Kagome's yell, didn't realize Kagome had put her hands over his own that held the jewel. Tapping into the last of her power as well, a bright sheen of pink surrounded herself and Naraku as the arrow pierced straight through her chest and into Naraku's. Naraku let out a scream of anger and pain and as they both fell to the ground Kagome pushed her power further, and in a blinding pink flash of light, they were gone.

The rest of the group had both been blown back by the power that Kagome had released and the demon swarm had been purified before they even knew what happened. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Kouga, Ginta and Hakkaku had a few minor burn marks where her power had pushed them. Sango rose steadily to her feet, she saw that Sesshomaru was already up and checking over the area to make sure all the opposing demons had been obliterated. Sango, in a stunned silence, helped Miroku to his feet and watched as Inuyasha was tended to by Kikyo. Kouga, Ginta and Hakkaku rose, holding their heads in pain. The smell of death hung in the air and she gagged, tears in her eyes. She moved forward, trying to find the body of Kagome, wondering if it had been blown to bits by that blast. There, on the ground, so small and so powerful, was the Shikon No Tama. The jewel glinted in the last bit of sunlight that marked the day. All they were fighting for, came down to this. This stupid, pink, small, jewel.

Sango cried out, grabbed the jewel and in a rage almost chucked it across the battle field. Sesshomaru, faster then she had seen, had grabbed her hand holding the jewel.

"I will take care of this," he said, and the jewel fell out of her hand and into his open one.

"How can I trust you?" She asked, staring at him, eyes glassy with tears that still needed to be shed.

"This Sesshomaru has had enough of this tiring game. I will hold onto the jewel for safe keeping."

Sango nodded. Miroku came behind her and pulled her up into a hug. She cried tears of agony for her best friend, taken by the jewel. Miroku stroked her hair, holding her, as a few tears escaped his eyes as well.

"Is she...is she in there?"
Inuyasha had stepped forward, his eyes never leaving the Shikon No Tama in Sesshomaru's hand.
"I believe so," said Kikyo. "Kagome confessed to me months ago that she believed this would happen. We knew the battle was coming and planned for me to shoot her a while ago. She knew she would need to be sacrificed at least. But she also believed that by killing Naraku along with herself, they would go inside the jewel just like Midoriko and Magatsuhi. Either herself or Naraku would wish for it, essentially letting them live for as long as the jewel is around."

"You knew she was going to kill herself?" Kouga asked, incredulously.

"It was for the greater good!" Kikyo said, defending herself.

"The Miko is correct," said Sesshomaru cooly. "This Sesshomaru believes she is not even dead. Her soul is just trapped to keep Naraku contained."

"Well, what do we do?" Inuyasha asked. He had been strangely quiet, having trouble understanding that Kagome would do that for all of them.

Nobody answered him, because they themselves had no idea.

"If her souls in the Shikon, then where is her body?" Sango asked. "When Midoriko sacrificed herself, her body remained and mummified."

A loud pop came from behind them and they all turned in shock.

A large man had appeared before them, taller and wider than Sesshomaru, and looked to be three times as heavy. His face was covered by a large black beard and mustache that seemed to attach to his hairline all the way around and his half lidded eyes had narrow, square spectacles barely covering his bushy black brows. His frame was adorned with high quality robes that seemed to sway even without a breeze.

"I am Enma-daiou, ruler of the Reikai," he said, his voice booming across the clearing. "It seems like everything has gone according to plan. We will take Miko Kagome's body for safe keeping in the Reikai. We have special equipment ready until it is time."

The group didn't say a word, and just stared at this strange man. Inuyasha and Kouga looked prepared to attack at a moments notice but Sesshomaru held up a hand.

"And where, pray tell, is the Miko's body to begin with? And what do you mean, 'until it's time'?" Sesshomaru asked him, his voice like a steel edge of a blade.

"Her body was blown so high into the sky that we picked her up before she had time to touch the ground. The fates had written about this moment and we were ready for it. You are all too stupid to need to know anything else.”

"Hey, you're the stupid one! If you knew this was going to happen, why didn't you stop it before it could start?!" Inuyasha cried out. He was on edge, first Kagome was gone, now this guy.

Enma gave him a look that made him back down immediately and his ears fold back a little.

"I do not have to explain myself to you, hanyou. Just know when her present time lines up with the past, we will find a way to make sure this never happens,"Enma replied cooly, his distaste rolling off his tongue. He turned towards Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru, I trust you can keep that jewel safe in your territory until the time is right. In one month I will make an announcement that will change the world forever. Peace between Raizen, Mukuro and Yomi will not happen. Stick to your own territory. We will meet again, in 500 years."

With another loud pop, Enma-daiou was gone.

"What did he mean, he's going to change the world? Who are those people he mentioned?" Miroku asked.

"You don't know Raizen?!" Ginta and Hakkaku asked, their voices incredulous.

The humans, and Inuyasha shook their heads.

Ginta continued, "He's like the most powerful demon of all time. He doesn’t even stay on land because his power is so high it obliterates people in a flash when he's in a bad mood. He's somewhere in the middle of the ocean right now, last I heard. He stopped eating humans and his health is going down."

"The other two are pretty powerful as well," Hakkaku said. "Yomi and Mukuro are pretty even in terms right now but they don't agree with Raizen's plea to stop human consumption. They're building up their following now actually."

"I'm sure I could take them," Inuyasha said, his eyes glinting in the challenge.

"Don't be stupid you mutt, we would be lucky to even have a quarter of what they have right now," Kouga said, smacking his fist on Inuyasha's head.

Before Inuyasha could send a retaliation blow, Sesshomaru spoke up, "Stop that you idiots. Enma is going to separate the humans and demons with a barrier. There's been talk for quite a while since the three of them had their meeting with Enma. Enma believes it's in the best interest for humans."

They all stared at him in shock.

"We'll be...separated?" Kikyo asked, her voice low and confused.

Sesshomaru nodded before continuing, "We don't yet know how strong with barrier will be, but humans and demons will be no more. In time, humans will forget about us."

They all looked at each other, taking in the thought that in a month, it would be the last that some of them would see each other.

"What about Inuyasha?" Sango asked.

"Inuyasha will likely stay here," said Sesshomaru, giving a look to his half brother. "Your group will accompany me to my lands. We have much to discuss about this barrier and about the Miko."

Everyone was quiet as they cleaned themselves up and began the trek to Sesshomaru's land. So much had happened in such a short time. They had lost Kagome, but not really. They were losing their home, but not really. It was a new beginning but no one was happy.

Sango walked at the back of the group, thinking about her best friend and the sacrifice she had made for them all.

'How am I going to break this Shippo?'

End A/N: Alright there's chapter one! I'm hit and miss with chapter lengths, sometimes they're 8 pages like this one, and sometimes they're three pages like the next one. I'm still working on it though so it'll be up soon and probably longer. I really suck at fight scenes but I know it needed to happen so please bear with me haha.

If I wrote anyone out of character or need improvement anywhere, please let me know! I appreciate constructive criticism. I also appreciate regular reviews! They make me happier and more likely to finish a story if I know people are reading. I used to write religiously in high school but stopped for a few years so I want my creative juices to flow. I'm not sure if FF works the same way anymore, but if anyone does Beta reading in their spare time and wants to pop in to give me a hand with corrections, just let me know!

Next chapter has explanations and the YYH gang! See you soon!