Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Entering Another Realm ❯ Missing ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own them, so don't bother me!



~Kuronue's POV~

I chuckled from my bedroom window, as Youko blocked Kagome's path, just as she was
about to step over the entrance. "Do you watch my every move?" yelled Kagome angrily, as she
Youko didn't say anything except. "I win." I was surprised to feel Kagome's anger rolling
off her like a thunderstorm from where I stood.
"No you haven't!" argued Kagome. "I'm going to beat your arrogant ass!"
"I would like to see you try." answered Youko, as he grabbed Kagome by the wrist and
pulled her away from the entrance. Yes, ever since that fateful day they declared a challenge on
each other, this has been going on. I made another tally mark on the wall with my claws, making
it Kagome's fiftieth attempt to escape in a week.
As if that wasn't bad enough, Youko doesn't seem interested in stealing since that challenge
either, spending all his time keeping an eye on her. Those two are so intent on winning
that they barely notice anyone else, me included. I'm beginning to feel left out. I'm probably
already left out.
"You bastard! Let go of me!" came the scream of Kagome at the top of her lungs. I sighed
again, I'm surprised Youko hasn't gone death yet. Quite the contrary actually, Youko has by
some strange chance, grown immune to it. But the poor me wasn't that lucky. Things are heating
up in this castle, I better go seek protection in the forest. If your in your right mind, you would
too, since an all out war is about begin.


~Kagome's POV~

"Let go of me!" I yelled again, but he only smirked and gripped on tighter. That's it! I
sent a wave of purifying energy toward him, but he easily dodged. Even though I won't admit it
out loud, but this constant battle between Youko and me has helped improve my powers greatly.
"Is that all you got?" asked Youko in his annoyingly clam voice. I quickly summoned a
shield when Youko sent his razor sharp rose petals at me. I know full well that he isn't even
using half of his power. That is why it angers me, why am I that weak?
I sent another ball of my energy at him, which he again dodged, so it hit an "innocent"
lower class demon. Not that we cared, it was his fault for getting in the way! Wait, did I just
think that? Man, he's really rubbing off on me.
"Good job, that's the twentieth lower class demon you killed this week." snickered
Youko, as I growled at him. Look at that, now I learned how to growl too. What is Mama going
to think when I get back? If I get back.
Without knowing it, we had taken our fight into the near by forest. As Youko lashed out
with his rose whip trying to hit me, he knocked down many trees. I was caught off guard when a
yelp could be heard, and Youko's rose whip lashed me across the shoulder. He quickly changed
it back to a rose, as a black figure leaped out.
"Can't you guys leave my out of the fight for once?" demanded Kuronue, as he stretched
out his wings. His eyes widened, when he finally spotted my bleeding arm. "Are you okay?"
"What kinda question is that?" I demanded, as I smiled at him. I was going to get off the
grassy ground, when I noticed that Youko was keeping me down. I glared into his cold, golden
eyes, when I saw his eyes soften a bit. When I blinked and looked again, it was the cold, uncaring
eyes again. Maybe I was seeing things.
"Take off your kimono." he ordered without emotion.
"No way!" I yelled as I tried to get up again, but was pulled down by Youko, causing me
to land in his lap. I blushed furiously, as he held me tightly to him and pulled down my kimono
where I was wounded.
Kuronue coughed and smiled, as I glared at him, and dared him to make any remarks.
"I'll just leave you two to your business, since I need some lunch." Kuronue excused himself,
and was gone in a flash. I winced in pain, as Youko applied healing herbs to my wound and
bandaged it.
"Pay more attention next time." warned Youko, as I kept my mouth shut this time. "Weak
humans." The nerve of that guy, or demon! So arrogant and uncaring! "I'm surprised your even
alive, you being so weak."
I clenched my teeth and started grinding my teeth together, as I could feel my anger rise.
immediately remembered that Youko didn't know who Kikyou was.
"Woman, shut up, and I have no clue who this Kikyou you speak of is." replied Youko in
a calm tone. I quickly stood up, and glared at him.
"My name is Kagome, KA-GO-ME! NOT WOMAN!" I yelled, as I ran deeper into the
forest. Why does everyone treat me this way? I wasn't really thinking about what I was doing, all
I knew was that I needed to get away. So, I ran as fast as I could and as far away as I could.

~Youko's POV~

I was taken by surprise with that last outburst. But when I looked again, Kagome was
already gone. How annoying, she escaped! I took off, following her scent. What's going on?
Kagome isn't that fast! I should of caught her by now. I was going to speed up, when a bunch of
female demons blocked my path.
"Move." I growled, and they just giggled.
"Are you looking for something?" asked the one with blonde hair, as she walked up to me
swinging her hips. "I'll help you." I was growing impatient, so I summoned my vine, and shot it
straight through her heart.
"Help!" cried the remaining females, as they scrambled away. Useless bitch. The stench
of the females are making me lose track of Kagome's scent. I was trying to sniff out her trail,
when I heard a roar of thunder. Just my luck. The next second, a downpour had started.
"Kagome, where are you!" I growled out. What if she got attacked? Why did she have to run
I searched everywhere, drenched in rainwater, but I barely noticed that. I was really
surprised that I am even worried for her. I had never felt worry in my life before, and it feels
weird feeling it now. It's a new experience for me, and once again, it was started by that single
human female.


~Feudal Era~

"How's Inuyasha?" asked Miroku, as Kaeda stepped out of the hut.
"Not that good." replied Kaeda, "but Kikyou's with him right now. What happened
"Sesshoumaru." replied Sango, who had stayed out of the whole fight.
"Sesshoumaru must have improved a lot." added Kaeda. "Before, Sesshoumaru couldn't
even beat Inuyasha, but this time, Inuyasha's on the brink of death."
"That's because before, Inuyasha had Kagome and our help." replied Sango. "Kagome
isn't here, and I'm not helping that bastard!"
"Plus Inuyasha kept falling into a hole, but Kagome isn't here to sit him." added Miroku
with a thoughtful look. "Do you have any clue what's going on, Kaeda?"
"That is strange, but I don't know yet. I'll go look it up, and see what's wrong with
Inuyasha. Keep an eye on Kikyou for me, will you. Make sure she doesn't drag Inuyasha to hell
in his weakened state.
"I think he's better off in hell." retorted Sango. "If Kikyou doesn't drag him there, I'll
smash him there!"
"Sango, Lady Kagome wouldn't want that." reasoned Miroku.
"How do you know?" asked Shippo. "Kagome was pretty mad!"
"But she cares for Inuyasha." argued Miroku.
"And Inuyasha cares for the dead pot." argued Sango, as Miroku sighed and raised his
hand in defeat. Miroku took a seat next to Sango, and wrapped his arms around Sango's
shoulder in a comforting manor. Sango was just enjoying his comfort, when Miroku's old habits
kicked in.
He slowly slid his perverted hands down Sango's spine, when a loud bang could be heard.
"Knew I couldn't trust you." muttered Sango, as she walked away with Shippo in her arms. "Do
it again, and I'll send you where I'm going to send Inuyasha."
"Yes, Lady Sango." replied Miroku, as he fainted, with a deep, deep bruise on his head.
"It was worth it." he muttered in his un-conscience state.
"When will he ever learn?" asked Shippo to no one in particular. "I wish Kagome was
back. It's just not the same without her."
"I agree." added Sango, as she peeked into the hut where Inuyasha and Kikyou were.
Inuyasha had his arms wrapped around the dead clay, while she was snuggling into his chest. "I
think he's all healed."
"Yea." agreed Shippo.
"So we will continue with shard hunting tomorrow." finished Sango, as she turned and
"Maybe Kagome will be back tomorrow." sighed Shippo, as he yawned. "I'm getting
sleepy, and I miss when Kagome sings me a song."


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