Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ From the Past ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
Hello! This is my second story on mediaminer and yet again another Inuyasha one, this one is an Inu/YuYu crossover, though my next fic will not be a crossover I'm thinking lol, so for all you people who hate crossovers look out for my next fic!
Please leave a review! I love to read them!
Disclaimer: I do not own and will never own any characters, plots, places or situation from the anime series' Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho this story is completely for creative purposes. These series belong to the creators and owners of Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho but any unknown characters, places or events are mine.
It was a quiet summer afternoon, a typical one in modern day Tokyo, Japan. The sun was blazing in the clear crystal blue skies, just passing its zenith for the day as it slowly travelled west.
The sun, although still afternoon, was barely touching the top of the Goshinboku which seemed to droop very slightly in the heat.
There was no breeze, nothing to help against the sweltering heat of the summer day. The birds continually flapped their feathered wings even on the ground, as other animals rolled in mud or splashed around in the cool waters around the shrine.
But not everything was a peaceful and normal as it seemed.
The Well-House
Dirty, dry, calloused hands gripped the edge of the old well barely clinging on by the fingertips, rubbing away at the tender skin on them allowing blood to slowly slick the edge of the well. It was with much effort and tearing of skin and cloth that the figure eventually managed to escape from the depths of the old well.
Tears streaming down the young girls face she did not worry about her hair or nails like most other modern girls, instead she slowly looked at the bow and set of arrows she had lifted from her back to make sure there was no permanent damage on the items.
Delicate, although battered fingers lightly danced over the hard woods surface as the items, created in the ancient style of Feudal Japan, checking for splits which would weaken and eventually break the precious bow or the arrows.
The girl worked mechanically, her eyes were blank slates as she bit her lower lip in agitation struggling against the river of salty tears begging to be released.
Eventually her hands and fingers slowed their gentle dance as they placed the bow on the dusty earth floor along with the set of 5 arrows.
There was complete silence, for a second maybe more, before quiet, heart felt sobs filled the well house, as the girl fell to her knees, sliding down from her perch on the side of the well.
Her dirty and bloody tattered school uniform swayed around her figure gently as she bent over, hands cupping her face as she cried, cried for her friends, for the past and the future and for herself.
And her only comfort, the bow and arrows, her last reminder of a time over 500 years ago.
Unknown area of Makai
The woods surrounding the large western styled palace were in absolute chaos. Word had travelled fast about a meeting of the 高い委員 (high council members). Such an event had not happened in years, and any meeting meant either representatives of one of the levels of the known Makai, or trouble and a lot of it.
Rarely did such powerful demons ever meet formally. As friends and comrades yes, they were known to hunt together and celebrate the more traditional festivals of youkai culture but rarely was a meeting called, and rarely in such haste.
The high Lord Sesshoumaru, his brother Lord Inuyasha and their now grown charge Shippou-san had arrived only hours ago following the arrival of Lord Kouga of the Ookami clan.
They were meeting in the palace created when this area of Makai was also brought into creation nearly 500 years ago, the palace was large, its grounds spreading over 150 acres into the surroundings forests, lakes, fields and villages.
Its high spires went into an intimidating point, reflecting the glare of the afternoon sun down onto the lake by the southern side of the castle.
The white stones which created the palace glowed faintly and sparkled as the water reflected onto its surface. All in all it was a beautiful and almost melodic palace, hardly a place most would associate with such proud male youkai.
Although the palace was rarely visited by the High Lord Sesshoumaru, it was his own, as the forests around it were Lord Inuyasha's and Shippou-sans while Lord Kouga reigned over the northern mountains.
And now they all met, for a reason unknown by any other youkai.
Within the Palace
"You better not be messing with us Sesshoumaru" Kouga sat back in the ornate chair, one leg propped up on the edge as his chin rested on one hand, his eyes focused intently on the Silver haired Inu-Youkai sitting at the head of the wooden table.
"This Sesshoumaru does not 'mess' around with people, Kouga especially on such an important matter" His voice was clipped, one would almost say offended but Sesshoumaru rarely showed such emotion. His cold golden eyes surveyed the group he had called together on such short notice.
"Well then what are we waiting for! We can't just leave her out there thinking such things! My woman needs me!" He barely let the words slip from his mouth when the younger Silver haired Inu of the group snarled back at him.
"Your woman! Shut up you wimpy wolf! She isn't yours!" His Hanyou ears were laid down flat on his head as he spoke, his fangs bared in the age old sign of dominance among canine brothers.
"That's what you think dog-turd! She never stopped me from calling her my woman now did she?! So…"
"Shut up both of you!!!" The two arguing youkai turned in surprise to the youngest of the group and the only non-canine. The forest Kitsune, Shippou.
His red hair seemed to glow in his anger as he gave a very low growl at their childish actions. "We don't need this kind of bickering here! We don't have time, the sooner you two act like the proper Youkai you are the sooner we can go and get Kaa'san!"
His words shut the two males up as quickly as if one had used the word sit on one of them in particular.
Sesshoumaru barely held back a sigh of relief as the table once again became silent. Young Shippou was right, now was not a time for such childish bickering, Kagome at that moment held much more importance.
And they all knew that.
They had all been there, at the final battle 500 years ago when Naraku had finally been defeated at the hands of the all the four lands armies and one single Miko.
Against all odds she had won, but at what she thought a high price, their demise.
A single side effect of the jewel when it had finally fused together was something none of them had expected. And one no one had answers for, let alone Kagome.
When the jewel had come together the amount of power within its pure shell had become a violent storm of energy when it had sensed the amount of youkai nearby. Although not completely, the jewel had started the creation of the barriers separating the three worlds: Renkai, Ningenkai and Makai.
Had she created the barriers properly though then they would not have survived the amount of pure energy held within the barriers. But then one named Enma had decided to work upon the first creations of the barrier, but they had been ready. Over 100 years after the barriers first creation they were ready for it to happen again, and then they had made the deal.
At that time King Enma had not been a very cunning or strategic man, he had gone on his power and strength, things which Sesshoumaru could easily overcome.
The treaty had been done within a matter of weeks, they would have their own area of Makai to rule, without the interference of Renkai or any of its rulers, the land was their own and if they proved they could be peaceful they would be granted access to the Ningenkai, for reasons of their own.
Although they hadn't been granted access yet, it was now too late for them to just wait around.
They would break the laws of the treaty, but for a worthy cause.
Kagome was back.