Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hentai Bets ❯ Beating the Competition ( Chapter 20 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Well, this chapter is for all of you Hojo-haters, and especially for Kawaii-KeKe-Chan, who did me the great honor of writing the 200th review for “Hentai Bets!” And I hope darkestheart666, Youkos_Kitsune, and Bruce n Charlie will forgive me -- I don’t know how I missed replying to their reviews for Chapter 18: Sorry!!
Darkestheart666 - Thanks for your kind words! I hope you continue to enjoy it -- we’re nearing the end.
Youkos _Kitsune - Yes, the bet’s off, but Kagome’s still in the dark, -- even though Hiei thinks it’s all fixed now.
Bruce n Charlie - I’m glad you like the story! You know I try to keep up with yours, too!
Seiteki Tenshi - I know -- I’m evil to leave off my chapters the way I do -- it’s a compulsion. (Be glad I don’t own a baboon pelt. Heh heh!)
Bloodbunny - Please don’t hate me because I’m … EVIL! Don’t worry -- Hojo’s going to get what’s coming to him.
Cutiekitty - Her neck was tingling from Hojo using the Gem of Desire to control her -- it’s been happening when she’s been with him a few times before.
VVSaz - I am so sorry I just couldn’t get this chapter out before your trip. I wanted to e-mail you the first few pages, but didn’t have an address to send it to. I hope you’ll check it out when you get back!
Silvermist taleweaver - I LOVE the recipe for Roast Hojo!! That’s an inspired dish. I hope you what Hiei’s got cooked up for him. (Just between you and me -- it’s not all in this chapter. *wink wink*)
SadBrokenWings - I have to agree about the wrongness of it all, but that’s what makes it so much fun, ne? Hojo’s really making a mess of things, but I think Hiei’s about to return the favor. Heh heh!
Michael 22 - I’m sorry my cliffhangers are so cruel -- I’m telling you I just can’t help myself. Maybe I need therapy. And Hiei has had just about enough.
Todavialoca - Here it comes: Hiei vs. Hojo. I don’t think it’s much of a match-up, do you? Yeah, Hojo will get his, but Hiei may have to wait to give Kagome hers. (Hopefully not too much longer, though, right? Heh heh!)
Underwater963 - I hope you’re still watching for the update -- even though it took 10 days instead of 5 seconds. I hope it’s worth waiting for!
Halfblackwolfdemon - I’m glad you liked the way Hiei and Kurama got in the others’ faces about the misunderstandings. *sigh* Now if someone would just explain it to Kagome better …
Icyfire - I hope this didn’t take too … is that a knock on my door? At 3:00 a.m.? I’m posting! I’m posting!!
DragonKitsune - I’m glad you still think it’s okay, even without the threesome. Yeah, Youko’s still having a good time at Hiei’s expense.
TouketsuKaijin - I know what you mean -- I feel a little sorry for Hojo, too, but he’s just so much fun to mess with! And, yeah -- Hiei kind of bumbled through his explanation to Kagome, didn’t he? Can you imagine having to tell someone something like that? And someone is still going to have to set her straight!
Kawaii-KeKe-Chan - Yep! Hojo made his move all right. Now it’s Hiei’s turn!
PureMiko Kagome69ner - Bad Hojo! I think he’s about to get his nose smacked with a newspaper -- or worse. And yeah -- it’s time for Kagome to go get her man, er, demon!
SangoTajiya - I can’t believe Kagome said that -- can you? Or … did she? I’m glad you didn’t mind the wait last time -- hope this one’s worth it, too.
HeartStar - Right on the money!
T-Chan - Well, I never did really list the pairing since it was supposed to be a competition. I have to agree with you that I think Kagome is the best match for Hiei AND Kurama. (And Sesshoumaru. And Inuyasha. And Shikamau. And Sasuke. And Kakashi. And sometimes Yusuke.) But, I’m afraid only one gets her in this story. With the way I set up her thoughts about Inu and Kikyou and “being enough” for someone, I just couldn’t let one of them not be enough for her.
Loveinuyasha911 - Yep -- Hojo had the Gem all along. We’ll let Hiei take care of him. Then if they can get rid of Musou, and make Kagome understand about him and Kurama, she and Hiei might finally have time to start on those little firebabies. (And I think Yusuke should babysit at least once a week, don’t you?)
ChaoticKittiex3 - Not … not the inflatable bat!! I’ll do whatever you say -- Hojo’s outta there!
mental/telepathic conversations - “Youko” “Kurama” “Hiei”
(thoughts to self)
DISCLAIMER: I do not own, nor did I create or draw any profit from “Inuyasha” or “Yu Yu Hakusho.” I mean, come on -- have you read this story? My stuff has no class whatsoever.
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Last time:
As the warmth and tingling spread throughout her body, Kagome leaned forward and touched Hojo’s face gently. “Hai. I’ll marry you.”
“What the fuck?!!?” Shippou was stunned. “There’s no way she would have accepted him -- not now!”
“Fuck! He’s using the damn Gem!” Hiei’s nails grew into deadly-looking claws and fangs glinted in the faint moonlight as he gnashed his teeth in fury..
“I think you’re right -- but where is it? He’s not wearing a necklace.” Kurama asked, glancing at Hiei warily -- things were about to get ugly.
Hojo continued to stare at her intently. “Tell me you love me. I want to hear you say it.”
“I … love you …”
******************************************************** ****************
“Wha …?” Hojo was startled to hear her boyfriend’s name follow her profession of love, but was too swept away by the feel of her lips on his to question it at the moment.
“Wait! What did she say? Did she just call him Hiei?” Shippou asked. He was feeling a little panicky after hearing his mother agree to marry that ningen, and he was wondering if, in his confused state, he was hearing things.
“Hai, she did,” Naraku confirmed.
The sound of his name connected to her declaration immediately halted Hiei’s transformation. His skin had already taken on a pale green hue, but it didn’t progress any further as his rational side tried to figure out what was going on, while his instinctual side was somewhat mollified at hearing that his chosen onna apparently did, indeed, love him. Thank the Kamis the ningen hadn’t been able to steal her completely using the Gem of Desire, but he was still going to rip him limb from limb for even trying.
Miroku stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Something went wrong. He must have used the necklace wrong.”
Suddenly Kurama’s eyes lit up. “He used it like a wish. He prefaced everything he said with ‘I want …’ But, …” he chuckled, “like most artifacts, you must be extremely precise in the way you use them. His exact words were ‘I want you to see me as the one you love and desire above all others.’ Unfortunately for him, -- and me, -- to her, that one is obviously Hiei.”
While it was nice to have it said and acknowledged by the damn fox, so he would finally back the hell off and stop trying to seduce the onna who was about to become his mate, that wasn’t the thought that was foremost in Hiei’s mind at the moment. What he was focused on, was the sight of that dirty, rotten, lying, thieving, filthy, good-for-nothing, dead man who currently had Kagome wrapped possessively in his arms while he was kissing her and cupping a breast in one hand. (The blasted onna doesn’t have on a bra -- why is it that she never has one on when all these other males are groping her?!!?) Completely ignoring the fact that he was the reason behind the missing bra, he exploded in rage. That was the last damn straw. Hiei had seen enough, heard enough, and thought enough -- now he was going to injure, maim, torture and kill enough. In a flash, he was behind Hojo, hauling him up by the neck of his shirt. He heard Kagome cry out as he spun the guy around and sent his fist straight into his face. It was only the sound of her voice that made him hold back from killing him with that first blow. He stood over him as he groaned and covered his nose with his hands. Then he bent over and fisted his hand in the front of Hojo’s shirt as he yanked him up.
“Did you really think you could take my onna with some kind of magical Gem? You’re pathetic. Even with it, the only way you could even get close to having her was to make her think you are me. You might want to close your eyes now, -- this is going to hurt.”
And all anyone could see was a blur of movements as Hiei pummeled him mercilessly for a couple of minutes -- that being all the time he needed to break 6 of Hojo’s ribs, his collarbone, and all 5 fingers on his right hand, before fracturing his jaw almost as an afterthought, along with inflicting numerous other small injuries and bruises. Then, with a flash of light, Hiei was thrown back about 20 feet as a bright pink barrier surrounded the unconscious man on the ground. He was in danger of being hit by a ball of purifying power when Shippou leaped in front of him.
“Kaa-san, no!”
“Shippou, why are shielding him? He attacked Hiei,” Kagome stood with the ball of power crackling as it hovered in the air over her open palm.
“Kagome-sama, that is Hiei,” Miroku ran over to stand beside her.
Hiei stood up and started to go to her, but she backed away. Shippou stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. She turned to the man lying on the ground. It was Hiei. What the hell was going on? “You’re saying he isn’t Hiei?”
“That is your old friend Hojo. He used the Gem of Desire, but apparently didn’t know the right way to do it, and he ended up making you see him as Hiei. Don’t you remember talking with him?” Miroku asked.
“Hai. I sat down with Hojo to tell him I had decided I couldn’t accept his proposal.”
“Ah, but you did accept it,” Naraku informed her.
“I did?” Kagome was completely confused, and she didn’t like it one bit. After being possessed and forced to try to kill Inuyasha, she had sworn she would never be controlled like that again. “No, … damn it! Where is that blasted necklace?”
“You need to remove your barrier so we can search him,” Kurama pointed out.
Just then, Yusuke and Kuwabara came running over to them. “What the hell is going on here?!!? The other guys are starting to get worried because Hojo’s been gone so long. They think Hiei’s probably killing him,” Yusuke told them. He saw the man lying on the ground. “Well, shit! He did kill him! Damn it, Hiei! Now we’re going to catch hell from Koenma.”
“He is not dead. Yet,” Hiei informed him curtly.
Kagome had dispersed the barrier and was kneeling down beside the body. Seeing the bruised and battered face, she immediately ran her hands over his jaw, lip, and nose, healing those injuries with her powers. (Damn it! He looks like Hiei!) She looked up at the others. “Are you sure this is Hojo? I mean, …” and she couldn’t help but continue to touch him gently, erasing the bruising and swelling around his eyes. Kurama stopped her and said, “He may look like Hiei to you, but he is not. It would be better if we search him first, while he’s still unconscious.” She looked wistfully at the man who looked like Hiei to her, then reluctantly nodded.
“What does he mean he looks like Hiei to her? She can’t tell that’s that Hojo dude?” Kuwabara asked with a frown on his face. Yusuke looked just as confused.
“We believe Hojo used the Gem of Desire to get her to marry him, -- only he screwed it up and made himself look like Hiei to her,” Shippou explained.
As he was searching him, Kurama pulled up the man’s shirt to see if he had the necklace taped to the small of his back or somewhere like that. Kagome grabbed his wrists. “Wait! Are you sure this isn’t Hiei? He looks just like him, and … well, with you touching him like that …”
Kurama’s eyes widened in shock and Youko started laughing. “She’s jealous -- she doesn’t like us touching him because she thinks he looks like Hiei and that we want him!”
“Youko! That’s not funny!”
“Hai, it is! And I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
Kurama looked around. Shippou was laughing so hard he was starting to choke. The monk had his mouth covered with his hand, but his shoulders were visibly shaking. And Naraku’s eyes were gleaming with malicious amusement.
“We can still have some fun -- we should go along with it, -- you know, make her think we won’t give him up so easily.” Youko waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“WHAT?!!? NO!! NO WAY!!”
“Perhaps it would be best if one of us searched him. After all, he does look like your … partner, to her, and it seems to make her a bit uncomfortable to see your hands on him,” Naraku drawled, causing Kagome to blush in embarrassment.
Hiei blinked. (She still thinks Kurama and I are lovers?) He strode over to Kagome and took her arm, pulling her up. “I thought we had this all straightened out.”
She yanked her arm out of his grasp. The others had said this strange youkai was Hiei, but he didn’t look like him. Or sound like him. But if it was him, it seemed he was angry because she didn’t want Kurama touching him, er, Hojo, -- who looked just like him, while he didn’t. “Hiei?”
He blinked again. (She can’t recognize me? I thought she just didn’t look when she was trying to protect the man she thought was me, and then I thought she was wary of me because we look the same to her. What the hell is going on? ) “Of course. Who do I look like to you?” (Please don’t let her say that ningen’s name.)
“Truthfully, you just look like a shadowy figure. And you don’t sound like Hiei, either.” She looked around at the others, who were watching them with frowns on their faces.
“Now that is an unexpected development,” Youko commented, stroking his chin thoughtfully.
“Hmmm. Interesting. Obviously, in order for her to see Hojo as Hiei, Hiei can’t look like himself to her,” Kurama said, trying to puzzle out the intricacies of the spell. “That’s an interesting side effect. Perhaps the Gem really does work like a wish. In which case, it might not be reversible.”
“Are you saying she might not ever be able to see me as me again?” Hiei asked. He didn’t like the thought of that. No, he didn’t like that one bit.
“Well, possibly after the man dies …” Kurama’s voice trailed off.
“That’s easily fixed then.” He started toward Hojo.
“No!” Kagome grabbed his arm. “You can’t kill him!” She glanced anxiously at the figure on the ground before locking eyes with the unfamiliar-looking youkai. If he really was Hiei, she couldn’t let him do it. “He should be punished, hai, but I don’t know that he deserves to die for what he did. And I don’t want you to get into trouble with the Reikai over this. Let them deal with him,” she pleaded with him.
Hiei saw the concern and worry in her eyes, and his tension eased when he realized it was for him. (She loves me. She may not recognize my face, but her thoughts are for me.) He pulled her to him, wanting, -- no, needing to have her close, and was shocked when she placed her hands flat against his chest to stop him. “Kagome …?”
“Gomen. I … I know you must be Hiei since everyone else can see that, but … it’s really hard for me to feel that you’re … you. You don’t look the same, or sound the same, -- even your aura is different,” she looked at him apologetically. “I’m sure we will be able to figure out a way to fix this. If not, I will get used to you like this, … eventually, … it’ll be okay.” She was really starting to worry that this could turn out to be a deciding factor between her and Kurama, but it was hard to respond to him when he felt like a stranger to her.
Hiei let go of her and stormed off. This could not be happening. He knew she loved him. They had the freak with the necklace. This mission was practically over. He could ask her to be his mate, and he knew she would accept him -- if she could fucking see that it was him! If this had happened to anyone else, he would have laughed his ass off. He suspected Youko was doing that right now. No! He was not going to wait for them to find a way to reverse or remove the damn spell or wish or whatever the hell it was. She didn’t feel that he was himself? He’d fix that.
He turned around and marched back to her. “Close your eyes.”
He put his arms around her again. “Close your eyes,” he demanded.
She hesitated a minute, then slowly closed them, bringing her hands to rest on his chest again like she did before. He immediately claimed her lips in a bruising, possessive kiss that demanded a response. When he didn’t get one, he clutched her tighter to him, causing her to push against his chest. She could feel the prickle of tears behind her eyelids as she tried to make her body respond the way she knew he wanted her to. (This is Hiei. This is Hiei.) She wanted to give him what he wanted, and she kept telling herself it was him, but the aura that was threatening to envelop her was telling her senses it was someone else. She tried to focus on the taste of his lips and the way he was trying to pull her out of the Gem’s effects, but it just wasn’t working.
When he felt her try to push him away, Hiei’s heart sank. He was so sure that she would be able to tell it was him if she wasn’t being fooled by her sight. But she had said his voice sounded different, too, which was why he hadn’t tried talking to her to evoke a response. He had thought her other senses would tell her the truth and then she would know and would be able to break the hold the Gem had on her, but it was becoming painfully obvious that it wasn’t going to work. If he couldn’t reach her through her sight or sound or smell or taste or touch … that was it! He had to tap into her memories of those things in a way she associated only with him. And he knew just how to do it.
He let go of her once more and reached up to cover her hands with his. When she started to open her eyes and move away, he said, “Wait.” Then he took her hands and moved them slowly down his chest to his waist. “What are you …” she started. Then he took possession of her lips once again and lifted her hands and planted them squarely on his backside. As his lips caressed hers, he felt them part as a huge smile lifted the corners. He ran his tongue along her teeth, then brushed it briefly against hers before lifting his head to look at her face. She gave his butt another firm squeeze and laughed as she opened her eyes. “Hiei …”
“You have got to be kidding me!” Shippou laughed.
Youko was cackling. “Who would have thought the Junjoukaren no Miko had a secret like that -- she’s got an ass fetish!”
Kurama smiled and arched a brow at her and Hiei. “I’m familiar with all the standard methods of identification: fingerprints, bite marks, aura examination, ki signatures, … but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone identified by that method before.”
“Never underestimate the power of subliminal appreciation for the finer things in life,” Miroku preached. “However, I must say, I never thought of using one curse to overcome another one.” He stroked his chin thoughtfully.
“Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me she can tell he’s Hiei now because she felt his ass? She’s a hentai like the rest of you.” Yusuke shook his head in disbelief.
Kagome blushed a deep scarlet and hid her face in Hiei‘s shoulder as he chuckled. “Don’t insult my onna, detective.” As she shot him a questioning look at his choice of words, he cupped her chin in his hand, and lightly ran his thumb along her jaw. Quietly, he murmured, “Kagome, you are the only onna for me.”
She leaned into his hand and closed her eyes. It wasn’t everything she hoped for, since there was still Kurama, but it was pretty good. She sighed softly and smiled. “Arigato.”
Shippou whispered to Kurama, “Not good enough. Especially since she thinks neither of you have ever even been with a woman before, and he didn’t exclude you from the picture.”
Kurama stared at him. She thought he had never been with a woman?!!? He covered his eyes with a hand and propped his elbow with the other one and shook his head in denial. “Where did we go wrong, Youko?”
“I don’t know, Red. I just don’t know,” Youko’s shoulders were slumped. “I can honestly say, I’ve never had anything like this ever happen before.”
A groan caught everyone’s attention, and they gathered around the man who was starting to wake up. “He doesn’t have the necklace on him,” Naraku told the others.
“Are you sure?” Kagome asked. “He must have it.”
“Maybe he swallowed it or had it surgically implanted,” Miroku suggested.
“We’ll just have to make him tell us,” Kurama said.
“Fine with me,” Hiei agreed. And he crouched down next to the man as he opened his eyes and slowly tried to sit up. Due to his injuries, he wasn’t able to do more than lift his head, so Hiei pulled him up by the front of his shirt, ignoring his cries of pain. “Are you awake now? Good.” And he slammed his fist into his face, breaking his nose again and knocking him back out.
“Hiei!” Kagome yelled.
He arched a brow at her and let the man fall back. “You can heal him again.”
She knelt on the other side of Hojo. As she held her hand over his face, she couldn’t help but marvel that the Gem of Desire had been able to make her think he was Hiei. She smiled as she thought how clever Hiei was to find a way to break through the spell. Her smile grew as she thought about just how was able to do it. Damn, but he had a great ass!
She moved back as Kurama took a seed out of his hair and coaxed it into a small, multi-leaved plant. He took one of the leaves and broke it and waved it under the man’s nose, rousing him once more, and helping him to a sitting position while supporting his back.
As Hojo opened his eyes again, Hiei leaned forward. “You used the Gem of Desire to try to take my onna.” Then he smashed his fist into the man’s face again. Hojo slumped back against Kurama, down for the count.
“Oh, fuck! Hiei! Stop doing that! We’ve got to get him to tell us where the damn necklace is and then you all have to go back to the camp before the others come here looking for you.” Yusuke shouted.
“Shit, that’s right. How are you going to be able to get him to go back without ruining everything?” Shippou asked.
“Hiei can erase his memories of this and replace them or control him with the Jagan,” Yusuke explained. “But first, he has to back the hell off and let us talk to him.”
“Fine,” Hiei snapped. He stood up and walked away a few steps.
Kagome leaned over Hojo again and healed the nose and collarbone. She’d have to fix the ribs and fingers after he talked. Kurama broke another leaf and revived him, still propping him up in a sitting position. As his eyes slowly focused, they landed on Kagome. He reached out a hand to touch her face and winced as his ribs protested the movement.
“Kagome, darling, don’t worry. Help me up and we’ll get away from the little maniac, and when we get back to the village, we can be married.”
Kagome sent her fist straight into his nose with such force it knocked Kurama backwards, too.
Hiei was laughing so hard he had to bend forward and rest his hands on his thighs to keep from falling over.
“Wow, kaa-san! Your right jab has really improved,” Shippou complimented her with a laugh.
Yusuke stood there blinking. “Well, … damn.”
“She and the shrimp are a better match than I thought,” Kuwabara whispered to him.
“My Miko has just been full of surprises on this mission, “ Naraku said, more than a little amused by this turn of events.
“Um, Kagome-sama? You know you’re going to have to heal that again, right? Then perhaps you should go stand over there with Hiei while we question Hojo,” Miroku suggested.
“Fine,” she said curtly, unconsciously echoing Hiei. When she had healed him again, she got up and walked over to where Hiei was. He smirked and put his arm around her waist, anchoring her at his side. He was feeling extremely pleased with the onna he had chosen.
When Hojo woke up this time, he shut his eyes tight and cringed. Being conscious was dangerous to his health. And really painful. What the hell was going on? All he wanted was to marry the girl of his dreams. “Hojo? Where is the necklace?” he heard a male voice ask. He didn’t think it was the psycho. Maybe he was saved. He cracked one eye open. There were 5 strange guys standing around him, and it felt like he was leaning back on someone. Where was Kagome? “Kagome?”
He heard a familiar growling noise and cringed again. “Hiei, stay back and let us do this. Now, Hojo, give us the fucking necklace and you might make it out of here in one piece,” Yusuke warned him.
Shit! Not only was the little monster still here, but apparently his whole gang was, too. He really was Yakuza, wasn’t he? And they were going to kill him and leave his body out here in the woods. “Look, … I’ll leave her alone, okay? Just please let me go …”
Yusuke grabbed him by the front of his shirt. “Are you listening to me? Give us the necklace, damn it!” He shook him for good measure.
“I don’t know what …” he began.
“Look ningen. We don’t have time for this. A group of youkai are about to attack you and your friends and kill you to get the necklace. Give it to us and we’ll protect you,” Naraku tried to bargain with him.
“Youkai? Are you guys crazy?” He looked around at them in fright. Not only were they murdering gangsters, but obviously they’d been doing too many of their drugs, too.
“Enough of this.” Hiei strode forward, unwrapping his bandanna. He stood in front of Hojo, who stared at the Jagan eye in horror and disbelief.
“What are you?!!?” he asked hysterically.
“Your worst nightmare. Remember what I said before? This is going to hurt.” And he let the Jagan pry into the man’s mind, ripping viciously through his thoughts, memories, and fears to find the information he sought. Hojo’s face contorted in agony, then he slumped unconscious once more to the ground. “His watch. He had the Gem made into the watch facing.”
As Kurama moved to take the watch off his wrist, an ominous buzzing noise filled their ears.
“What the fuck?!!?” Yusuke yelled.
“Saimyoushou,” Miroku said, wide-eyed.
One of the large hornet-like insect youkai grabbed the watch and flew away while a swarm of hundreds of others dived towards the detectives. “They’re poisonous!” Kagome warned them. And she raised both her hands and sent out a wave of purifying energy from her fingertips, decimating almost half of them before they started to spread out. Shippou quickly took out a few masses with bursts of foxfire. Realizing these insects were easier dealt with using wide-range attacks, than taking them out one at a time, the others stood back to let Kagome and Shippou take care of them. In just a few minutes, the area was clear.
Miroku turned to Naraku. “I didn’t know Musou could create and summon Saimyoushou.”
“500 years ago, he couldn’t. It seems to be yet another ability he has developed, like the miasma-like fog,” Naraku said, frowning.
“Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about this guy’s powers so we don’t rush in and get our asses handed to us?” Yusuke asked, running his hand through his hair in exasperation.
Naraku arched a brow at him. “As I’ve told you before, he has been a separate entity for 500 years -- for all I know, he might be able to blow sunshine out his …”
“Ahem!” Miroku interrupted. “I’m sure Yusuke wasn’t accusing you of withholding information, Naraku. He was merely wondering what other abilities Musou might have inherited from you. Right, Yusuke?”
Giving the detective a nasty glare, Naraku told them, “He may be able to create barriers to repel attacks and mask scents and auras. He did already exhibit regenerative abilities back then. And, he may be able to absorb other youkai to utilize their power and abilities. Other than that, I have no idea.”
“Well, hell. Isn’t that enough?” Yusuke grumbled.
“He now also has the Gem,” Kurama reminded them.
“Kaa-san …” Shippou put his arm around her shoulders.
They all turned to look at Kagome. “He has what he needs now. And he may know how to use the Gem properly. With the courting mark, he can call you to him at any time, Kagome-sama,” Miroku said quietly.
She nodded in acknowledgement and closed her eyes. “I will not be controlled again -- not by that damn Gem.” She looked up and locked eyes with Hiei. “Do you think you can fight its effects from inside my mind with the Jagan?”
“I would have to have complete, unrestricted access. You would have to drop all barriers.” he told her, -- knowing how difficult it would be for her to make herself vulnerable like that. She nodded again. “And I need to mark you. Now.”
She stared at him with a startled look on her face. “What?”
“Hiei, I really don’t think this is the time for that kind of stuff,” Yusuke said. He received a cold glare that had him backing up and holding up his hands in appeasement. “I was just saying …”
The apparition turned back to Kagome. “You need to let me place a courting mark ahead of Musou’s. That way if he somehow manages to take you, I will be able to find you. It will also let me call you away from him, and it will enable me to establish a direct link to your mind.” He was going to kill the detective. He couldn’t possibly have thought Hiei meant to take the onna right now -- even though he wished he could. Really, it was the only way to be absolutely sure Musou couldn’t take her. But he didn’t want to do it under these circumstances. Hell, there might not even be time -- that freak could call her to him any minute now. And Hiei damn sure wanted to have plenty of time when they mated.
(Of course. That makes sense. What was I thinking? For a second there, I thought he actually wanted to … Baka! Get a grip. He didn’t like it when I was acting a little possessive about Kurama touching him just a little bit ago, even though it was really Hojo, -- he’s not ready to completely give him up yet. So, there’s no way he’d be thinking about making some kind of permanent commitment to me. He’s just trying to help, and I’m being an idiot. Focus on the task at hand, girl -- you can work on landing your man later!) She took a deep breath. “Okay.”
Hiei saw the question in her eyes change to understanding, then he thought he saw just a brief flash of disappointment and resignation. (She doesn’t want my courting mark? Why would she object to it if she loves me? Maybe it is just because of the control she has to relinquish to me.) He put his hands on her arms to draw her close to him, and saw her glance over his shoulder. He looked around to see everyone watching them with avid interest. (And maybe it’s because I’m a baka not to have taken her somewhere private for this.) “Do you idiots mind?!!?”
“Not at all, Hiei. I’m sure we’re all happy to act as witnesses to such a momentous event,” Kurama smirked at him.
(Great. Kurama’s going to make this hard on Hiei. Not that I can blame him. Even though he knows it’s just for the mission, it has to be hard for him to see the one he loves put a courting mark on someone else.) “Just do it,” she said quietly.
He tried to search her eyes for a hint of what she was feeling, but she closed them and turned her head to the side. He pulled the neck of her shirt over, exposing her shoulder, and stared angrily at the bite mark already present there. His eyes began to glow as his fangs elongated. (This may not be the mark I wanted to make, nor the time or the place for such things, but no one will be able to deny my claim.) So, it was with no small amount of satisfaction that he sank his fangs into her warm flesh.
The sweet taste of her blood filled his mouth, but was immediately overwhelmed by the intense sensation of immense, ancient power, which quickly spread throughout his body and made his nerve endings tingle. He felt the tension in her muscles as she held back that part of it that could weaken and injure him with its purifying properties. He injected a small amount of his own youki into the wound, and forced himself release her, licking the area firmly to stop the flow of blood. It pleased him to see the mark Musou had given her was already fading somewhat in deference to his more dominant claim. He had placed his mark much closer to her neck -- the only one that could ever supersede his now was a mating mark. He closed his eyes and his grip on her shoulders tightened. He felt almost drunk from the small taste he had had of her blood, and he had been unprepared for the feel of the power it contained. It was no wonder Musou had gone into seclusion after marking her. Hiei was sure that even the small amount of purification the youkai must have experienced would have weakened him considerably. However, even without the purification, the effect of marking her was still quite painful as he was so hard now that it was all he could do not to press himself against her and take her to the ground to finish this. Thank the Kamis she wasn’t of noble blood -- if he had to actually go through a courting period like Shippou, he’d go insane.
When he opened his eyes, he saw that she had hers shut tightly and she was biting into her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. He felt how tightly her hands were gripping the sides of his waist, and the mingled scent of their arousal was about to do him in. It would have, too, if it weren’t for an annoying voice in his head.
“That good, huh?” He could hear the smile in Kurama’s voice.
“You have no fucking idea.”
“Damn rotten, lucky little bastard,” Youko grumbled.
He leaned forward and licked the blood from her lips before whispering, “Definitely cinnamon.”
“Wha…?” Kagome opened her eyes and blinked at him. Then as what he said penetrated the pleasurable fog in her mind, she blushed.
Of course, Hiei noticed they were not the only ones affected by his marking her. As youkai, Kurama, Naraku, and Yusuke had responded on a primal level and the faint scent of their arousal drifted over to him, along with the monk’s, who may not have youkai senses or instincts, but was, after all, a true hentai.
“Ahem. If you two are done, you need to finish healing the man so we can get him back to his camp,” Naraku reminded Kagome.
As Kagome moved to walk over to Hojo, Hiei stayed close by her side. When she knelt down and started running her hands along the man’s torso, Hiei’s claws drew blood in his clenched fists. It was all he could do not to snatch her away from the ningen.
“I think we may as well send all of the men to the Reikai with Kouga. Since Musou already has the Gem, they are just a liability here that we would have to protect,” Kagome said. “Of course, either you or Kurama will need to erase Masaharu and Yasuo’s memories so they can rejoin the others at the resort. And Tokiya and Hojo will need more than that done depending on what the Reikai decides to do with them.”
“Hn. This man has already been taken care of. He will remember nothing pertaining to the Gem or his attempted misuse of it,” Hiei stated blandly.
Kagome glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.
“He will remember nothing of the way he has been pursuing you or his proposal, either,” he told her.
She nodded.
What Hiei didn’t tell her was that after he returned from the Reikai, seeing him would probably always make the man piss his pants in fear, if he were ever unlucky enough to run into him again.
Kagome stood and walked over closer to the lake to retrieve her things from earlier. Hiei stayed right beside her. Kurama woke Hojo so he could walk back on his own. Under Hiei’s manipulation, he was calm and accepting of all of them, and walked along without a word. Kagome noticed that Hiei continued to stick close to her side, in between her and everyone else. She didn’t give it much thought until she noticed him moving to deliberately keep Miroku from walking beside her.
“Hiei? What are you doing?” she asked. She was slightly amused by his actions, but curious, too.
Shippou started snickering as he came up to walk on the other side of her. “He can’t help himself. It’s instinct to block possible rivals from approaching his chosen female since a courting mark can be supplanted by another one, like he did to Musou’s. Now that you bear his mark, I’d say the only ones that he’ll let get near you anytime he’s around, are me, Jakotsu, and Yusuke.” Hiei glared at him, but silently acknowledged that he was right.
“Are you serious?” she asked in astonishment. “I’ve never seen you do this around Rin.”
He laughed. “That’s because I don’t have any possible rivals for her. With Sesshoumaru as her guardian, my instincts are satisfied no one else will try to take her. You’re the only person that’s ever obtained permission for someone to court her.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and hugged her briefly. “By the way, I don’t know if I ever said it, but, arigato.”
She flashed him a blinding smile and hugged him back. “Anything for you, sweetie.”
(Well, … crap. That damn kitsune really is going to be a part of my life forever.) Hiei sighed to himself. Then another thought hit him. (Shit! When he mates, we’ll be up to our eyeballs in furry, little kitsunes -- and Kagome will probably offer to babysit them for him.) His eyes took on a glazed look as he imagined dozens of chibi Shipppous asking him impertinent questions and hiding his katana and filling his cloak with screaming mushrooms. He shuddered. He sure hoped Grandfather Sesshoumaru wanted to spend lots of time with his grandchildren -- perhaps a little suggestion with the use of the Jagan …?
“Pleasant thoughts, Hiei?”
“Shut up, fox.”
“What have you got to be angry about? You got the girl. Hell, she’s even got your mark on her. And as soon as we recover the Gem, you get to go have the best sex of your miserable little life. So stop being an ass.”
“Until we do recover the Gem, there’s still a freak out there who’s going to try to take her. Of all the females in the three realms, why is mine the one every bastard I see is after?”
Youko burst out laughing. “The question should be how the hell did you end up winning the heart of a female that so many other males want? Seriously, Hiei, I’ve got to hand it to you -- I never would have thought you could do it. Then again, I think we were both a little stupid to think we could seduce a woman like Kagome into our bed without winning her heart. It was an all-or-nothing deal from the start. And you, my friend, have won it all.”
Hiei stopped and turned around to look at Kurama. He was surprised by the seriousness of Youko’s tone, along with the sentiments he was spouting. “You are being awfully gracious about your loss. What is your game?”
“So suspicious! Can’t you just accept my congratulations?”
“It is unlike you to be happy in the fortunes of others -- unless you see a way to profit from them yourself. You may as well forget the threesome idea, it’s not going to happen.”
“Stingy little bastard,” Youko grumbled.
“I told you.”
Kagome looked back at Hiei and Kurama briefly before sighing and walking on.
“What is it?” Shippou asked.
“Shippou, this courting mark, … you said because of it, Hiei is compelled by his instincts to keep me away from the competition,” she whispered.
“Yeah,” he gave her a questioning look. “Does that upset you? I know you always hated it when Inuyasha and Kouga acted like that.”
“Actually, … no. I did hate it when Inuyasha acted possessive, because it made me feel like he saw me as a possession. I guess that deep down, I always knew he really didn’t want me -- it was just the idea of anyone else having me that set him off. And Kouga was attracted to me, but he also liked the idea that I could benefit his pack with my ability to see the shards, and he wanted to take something away from Inuyasha. But, when Hiei does it, well, it’s actually kind of flattering, and … comforting. It makes me feel like he really wants me -- even though I know it wasn’t his choice to mark me, I felt a connection between us before that. And he did say I was the only woman he’s interested in. He’s not doing it to keep me around just in case, and he’s not trying to outdo anyone or anything like that. He has nothing to win by being with me, -- just … me.”
Her words made Shippou feel slightly uneasy as he thought about the bet between Hiei and Kurama. True, they had called it off, but they had just called it off. He hoped it wasn’t going to hurt her if she ever found out about it.
“Actually, I was wondering, … got anything I can use to keep the competition away from him?” she asked. Shippou blinked a couple of times. His lips twitched. Seeing his expression, she continued, “I know, I know, … it’s not like me to be like this. And I do feel bad for Kurama -- having to see the one he loves mark someone else -- even if it is just to get the Gem back. This connection does give me an unfair advantage. And Kurama’s a nice guy, but I can’t just give Hiei back to him. I think we can really have something together, you know?”
Shippou looked down at her and smiled at the hope he saw shining in her eyes. He hugged her again. “Yeah, I know.” He grinned at her then, and said, “Well, if you want to keep him focused on you, then I suggest you ply your womanly wiles.” At her blank expression, he glanced down and indicated her chest. “The avatar can’t compete with those.”
A dark red stain quickly spread across her face and she smacked him on the shoulder. “Shippou!”
“You asked.”
********************************************************* ***************
Kouga and Jakotsu joined them right outside the campsite, and the others filled them in on what had happened. Jakotsu walked up to Hojo and slapped him, bringing him out of his Jagan-induced stupor. “You beast! Scoundrel!”
“Ow! What was that for? I don’t even know you,” he said, rubbing his cheek.
“Jakotsu, he doesn’t remember doing any of it,” Kagome told him quietly.
“Hmph. Those handsome playboy types always deserve a good slap anyway.” He waved his finger at Hojo. “You’d just better mind your manners or you’ll get more of the same.”
Hojo stared at Jakotsu as he turned and sashayed away. “Kagome?”
Hiei stepped in front of her. “Just gather up your co-workers, ningen.”
Hojo turned pale and started to shake. “You!” And he ran into the clearing, stumbling over his backpack and almost landing in the campfire.
Tokiya jumped up. “What’s going on?”
As Kagome and Hiei walked in, followed by the other Spirit Detectives, the 4 men gathered together. “I’m afraid your camping trip is being cut short. Instead, you’ll be spending a little time in the Reikai,” Naraku informed them.
“Reikai? What the hell are you talking about?!?” Tokiya shouted. “Hojo, who are these people?”
Yasuo and Masaharu helped Hojo to his feet and cast anxious glances at the group of men standing with Kagome and her boyfriend. Some of them were pretty scary-looking, like a gang of street thugs. Yasuo recognized a couple of them from the resort. Then Masaharu gave a happy cry and ran and embraced Jakotsu.
“Jakotsu! I’m so happy to see you!”
“Of course you are, sugardoll,” he greeted him back. “And I’m glad to see you, too. But we don’t have time for any fun right now. You’ve been hanging out with some very bad men,” he scolded him.
“What do you mean?” Masaharu asked, running a hand down Jakotsu’s chest.
“Stop that, you naughty boy!”
Hiei stalked forward and stood right in front of Tokiya, while Hojo cowered behind Yasuo. “What he means is that your friend here set you all up to be killed while you sleep tonight.” At their startled gasps, Tokiya turned a little pale. Hiei grabbed the front of his shirt as he backed away. “Did you really think you could have me killed and that she would fall into your arms? You’re pathetic.”
Tokiya took a swing at him, only to have it blocked and his fist held in an iron-tight grip. He screamed in pain and everyone in the clearing could hear the sickening crunch of bones being crushed. He would have fallen to the ground in agony if Hiei hadn’t held him up. “No one takes what is mine.” And the other 3 men averted their faces from the flurry of violence that came next.
“Oh, crap. Hiei, we don’t have time for this!” Yusuke yelled.
“Oh hush! There’s always time for a little bloodshed,” Jakotsu admonished him. Masaharu bent down and burrowed his face into his chest and Jakotsu rubbed his back soothingly, but called out to Hiei, “You really should break the fingers one at a time, starting at the outer knuckle first.”
Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Kurama stared at him. Naraku laughed. “Did you think he got his reputation as a bloodthirsty mercenary in the Sengoku Jidai period by slapping people? Jakotsu’s specialty was slow, torturous death.”
“Well, one of my specialties,” he winked at them. “I can show you the others later, in private.”
That announcement made Yusuke and Kuwabara cringe, and Kurama shuddered slightly in distaste.
“Hiei! Please!” Kagome came up behind him. He stopped and let the ningen slide to the ground.
Kouga walked up beside her, and she was immediately whisked away about 10 feet. Kouga grinned and arched a brow at Hiei. “So, you really did put a courting mark on her, huh?” Then he looked down at Tokiya’s unconscious figure. “Damn, what a mess. How come he looks so good?” He pointed at Hojo, who was still clutching onto Yasuo’s shoulders from behind him.
“Oh, he didn’t. Kagome had to heal him. More than once,” Naraku said gleefully.
And as Kagome started forward to help Tokiya, Hiei held her back. “Leave him. They have healers in the Reikai. You will need your energy against Musou.” She hesitated, then nodded.
As Kouga picked up Tokiya and prepared to summon a portal, Hiei unwrapped the Jagan to wipe the men’s minds, including Hojo’s again. But right as they were following Kouga into the Reikai, Hiei stepped up and smashed his fist into Hojo’s nose again, knocking him through the portal.
“Why did you do that?” Miroku asked. “I thought you said he couldn’t remember what he had done.”
“Hn. He doesn’t. But I do.”
And the Spirit Detectives, minus Kagome, broke out into loud laughter.
************************************************************* ***********
“So, what do we do now? Go after Musou, or wait for him to come for her?” Yusuke asked, looking around at everyone.
“I don’t like the idea of being a sitting duck. The more time we give him, the better his plan will be. He might not even know how to use the Gem yet. I say we go get him -- the sooner, the better,” Kagome said with grim determination.
Hiei wrapped an arm around her waist. “She is right.”
“Agreed. I suggest we prepare quickly and just take our weapons. Don’t worry, Kagome-sama, we’ll get him,” Miroku assured her with a grin.
“I know. Arigato. Just give me a few minutes to change and we’ll leave for Musou’s camp.” And she pulled some clothing out of her backpack and headed into the trees with Hiei right behind her.
“Are you sure we should be taking her where he is? What if he just grabs her and disappears while we’re fighting?” Kuwabara asked, concern etched on his face.
“That’s why Hiei marked her. Even if Musou does take her somewhere, we’ll be able to find her. And if it looks like he’s getting too far away too fast, Hiei can try to call her away from him,” Kurama explained.
A portal appeared and Kouga stepped out to join them. “You’re not going to believe this, but Koenma and Enmaru released that jackass Hojo already. He and the other two are already back at the resort.”
“They decided that since he didn’t seem to really know what it was that he had, and because he wasn’t using it for ‘evil purposes,’ they figured the runt had punished him enough,” Kouga told them. “But the other guy, well, they’re not sure what to do with him yet. He was working with demons, although it seems that they approached him. And he knew they were planning to cause trouble in the Ningenkai, and he did make a deal to have the others killed. So, he’s pretty much screwed. They’re having the other guys tell everyone that he got sick and caught a plane back to the mainland -- I suspect he’s going to ‘have an accident’ once he gets home and have to serve out a nice, long sentence in the Reikai.”
Shippou let out an angry growl. “I can’t believe they’re letting that Hojo bastard off so easily. What if he had succeeded in forcing my Okaa-san to marry him? They might have found themselves short one miko to help clean up their messes.”
Miroku patted him on the shoulder. “But, he didn’t succeed. You know there’s no rhyme or reason to the decisions they make in the Reikai. And I’m sure Hiei will make sure Hojo never bothers her again.”
“You’ve got that right,” Yusuke said, grinning evilly.
“So, what are we doing?” Kouga asked them.
“We’re going hunting.”
******************************************************* *****************
Kagome had already stripped off her shirt before she realized Hiei had followed her. “Oh! Hiei, you didn’t have to come with me -- I’ll be right back.” She held her shirt up against her chest.
“A few minutes won’t make much difference,” he said, taking her in his arms and lowering his head to kiss her. As his lips touched hers, the shirt fluttered to the ground as she reached up to rest one hand behind his neck and the other on his shoulder. He knew he didn’t have time to even kiss her as thoroughly as he’d like to, but he had to have her close for at least a minute or two. Just thinking about those two ningens and that blasted youkai trying to take her made his blood boil. He needed to assure himself that she was, in fact, his, and that no other male was going to have her. And now, with his mark on her, her scent and the vague sensations of her own feelings that he could sense wrapped up in his own youki, were driving him over the edge. Normally, he would have looked forward to the upcoming battle, but right now all he wanted was to get it over with so he could get on with more important things.
She wasn’t sure if it was because of his youki flowing through her or because she had finally admitted to herself what it was she was feeling for him, but she felt like her skin was hypersensitive to his touch. And she couldn’t get enough of it. Or him. This was what she wanted -- he was what she wanted, not just for now, but forever. And she was determined to make him forget everything and everyone else. She pulled him down to the ground. Needing to feel more of him, she sat back and yanked his shirt up. He let her pull it over his head and toss it aside before he pinned her beneath him, crushing her breasts against his bare chest and causing them both to groan at the contact. This time she reached up and captured his lips, needing to claim him for herself. He let her taste and explore his mouth for a few seconds before reasserting his dominance over her. She dug her nails into his back as he cupped and kneaded one of her breasts. Suddenly, he lifted his head and let out a vicious growl.
“Ahem. Kaa-san, I thought you were changing clothes -- so why is his shirt lying on the ground over here?” Shippou asked innocently, as he leaned back against a tree.
Kagome growled in frustration, causing both males to look at her in surprise. “Shippou, if I gave you some money, would you go to the movies like a good little boy?”
The kitsune started chuckling. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to tell me something.”
“I am. Now go ’way.”
“All right. I just wanted to tell you that Kouga’s back. We should go soon,” he said quietly.
She sighed. “I know. I’ll be right out, okay?”
He nodded and left.
Hiei sat up and pulled her up with him. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply. “As soon as Musou is taken care of …”
She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him softly. “I’ll hold you to that.”
A few minutes later, the two of them walked back into the clearing to rejoin the others. Miroku and Yusuke both let out long whistles, while Naraku and Kurama’s brows lifted in appreciation. Kuwabara stood there with his jaw hanging slack. Kouga just muttered, “Damn!” But Shippou yelled, “What the hell are you wearing, kaa-san?”
Kagome had on a pair of skintight, low-slung, bright red hiphugger shorts. They were extremely short -- barely covering more than the curve of her buttocks, and exposing the entire length of her legs from thigh to ankle. Her top was a snug-fitting, pristine white, vee-neck tank top that showcased a generous amount of cleavage, with the bottom of the shirt hitting right at her belly button, a good 3-4 inches above the top of her shorts. Over her shoulder was her bow and a quiver of arrows. “This, Shippou, is what the 21st century miko wears.”
Jakotsu clapped his hands. “Want me to braid your hair real quick, Kagome?” At her nod, he skipped over and started separating and twisting the thick tresses.
“Hiei, I must say I am surprised you’re letting her wear that.”
The fire demon arched a brow and smirked at Kurama. “Letting her? I helped her put it on. And as soon as we take care of Musou, I’m going to help her take it back off.”
“OOOooooo! Damn rotten, smug little bastard!”
“Okay, let’s go!” Kagome said. And Hiei scooped her up in his arms as they all took off to find Musou.
**************************************************************** ********
“Well, shit! Now what?” Three hours later, Yusuke and the others were standing in the middle of the large clearing that used to be the site of Musou’s camp. There was no sign of anyone or anything. “Where would they go?”
“Your guess is as good as ours, toushin,” Naraku said, his voice tight with irritation. (Damn it! I should have known he wouldn’t stick around -- I wouldn’t have. But I wouldn’t wait to take her, either, once I had the Gem. So how would I have done it?) He looked around. “But I have an uneasy feeling that we are right where he wants us to be.”
“You think he has set a trap for us?” Miroku asked, looking around cautiously.
“No, … I think he has set a trap for her.”
Hiei kept an arm around Kagome as they scouted around the area looking for any clues as to where Musou had gone.
Suddenly Kouga yelled, “Over here, guys! I found something.” As they gathered around the wolf, he held up a ancient-looking scroll that had been hidden underneath some bushes at the back of the camp.
“Be careful with that,” Kurama warned. “It has a strong feel of youki to it.” Kouga handed it to him and he checked it for any discernable signs of traps. “The youki seems to be woven into one side of it.” He slowly and carefully unrolled it.
“It’s blank,” Kuwabara said, voicing aloud what everyone was wondering about.
Kagome reached out a hand toward it, but Hiei stopped her. “I think it’s a message for me.”
“All the more reason for you to stay away from it,” he frowned at her. Then he pushed her behind him.
“If there is writing on it in Musou’s youki, he may be counting on Kagome using her purifying power to make it show up,” Kurama mused.
“Would Naraku’s youki be similar enough to Musou’s for him to read it?” Shippou asked.
“No. Although we may share similar abilities, I completely cast out all parts of those demons that he was made up from,” Naraku told them.
Everyone fell silent for a minute, then Yusuke spoke up. “Would it have to be Kagome’s purification powers, or do you think one of the monk’s ofudas might make the writing show up?”
Kurama looked at him. Then he looked at Hiei. Then they all looked at Miroku. Finally Kurama said, “Actually, … that might work.”
Hiei made sure Kagome stood back a few more feet, while he positioned himself in front of her. Kurama put the scroll on the ground and stepped back. He nodded at the monk, and everyone held their breath as he took out an ofuda and sent it towards the scroll. When it touched the parchment, it crackled with a blue light, then the scroll rose and hovered in the air.
Everyone turned to see a purple sphere rise from the ground from under Kagome’s feet to encase her within its barrier. Hiei tried to force his way into it, but was thrown back. As he stood to try again, they saw Kagome close her eyes and raise a hand to her shoulder. In a flash, the sphere was gone. The scroll dropped to the ground. Written in bold purple script were three words: “Come to Me.”
************************************************************ ************
Darkestheart666 - Thanks for your kind words! I hope you continue to enjoy it -- we’re nearing the end.
Youkos _Kitsune - Yes, the bet’s off, but Kagome’s still in the dark, -- even though Hiei thinks it’s all fixed now.
Bruce n Charlie - I’m glad you like the story! You know I try to keep up with yours, too!
Seiteki Tenshi - I know -- I’m evil to leave off my chapters the way I do -- it’s a compulsion. (Be glad I don’t own a baboon pelt. Heh heh!)
Bloodbunny - Please don’t hate me because I’m … EVIL! Don’t worry -- Hojo’s going to get what’s coming to him.
Cutiekitty - Her neck was tingling from Hojo using the Gem of Desire to control her -- it’s been happening when she’s been with him a few times before.
VVSaz - I am so sorry I just couldn’t get this chapter out before your trip. I wanted to e-mail you the first few pages, but didn’t have an address to send it to. I hope you’ll check it out when you get back!
Silvermist taleweaver - I LOVE the recipe for Roast Hojo!! That’s an inspired dish. I hope you what Hiei’s got cooked up for him. (Just between you and me -- it’s not all in this chapter. *wink wink*)
SadBrokenWings - I have to agree about the wrongness of it all, but that’s what makes it so much fun, ne? Hojo’s really making a mess of things, but I think Hiei’s about to return the favor. Heh heh!
Michael 22 - I’m sorry my cliffhangers are so cruel -- I’m telling you I just can’t help myself. Maybe I need therapy. And Hiei has had just about enough.
Todavialoca - Here it comes: Hiei vs. Hojo. I don’t think it’s much of a match-up, do you? Yeah, Hojo will get his, but Hiei may have to wait to give Kagome hers. (Hopefully not too much longer, though, right? Heh heh!)
Underwater963 - I hope you’re still watching for the update -- even though it took 10 days instead of 5 seconds. I hope it’s worth waiting for!
Halfblackwolfdemon - I’m glad you liked the way Hiei and Kurama got in the others’ faces about the misunderstandings. *sigh* Now if someone would just explain it to Kagome better …
Icyfire - I hope this didn’t take too … is that a knock on my door? At 3:00 a.m.? I’m posting! I’m posting!!
DragonKitsune - I’m glad you still think it’s okay, even without the threesome. Yeah, Youko’s still having a good time at Hiei’s expense.
TouketsuKaijin - I know what you mean -- I feel a little sorry for Hojo, too, but he’s just so much fun to mess with! And, yeah -- Hiei kind of bumbled through his explanation to Kagome, didn’t he? Can you imagine having to tell someone something like that? And someone is still going to have to set her straight!
Kawaii-KeKe-Chan - Yep! Hojo made his move all right. Now it’s Hiei’s turn!
PureMiko Kagome69ner - Bad Hojo! I think he’s about to get his nose smacked with a newspaper -- or worse. And yeah -- it’s time for Kagome to go get her man, er, demon!
SangoTajiya - I can’t believe Kagome said that -- can you? Or … did she? I’m glad you didn’t mind the wait last time -- hope this one’s worth it, too.
HeartStar - Right on the money!
T-Chan - Well, I never did really list the pairing since it was supposed to be a competition. I have to agree with you that I think Kagome is the best match for Hiei AND Kurama. (And Sesshoumaru. And Inuyasha. And Shikamau. And Sasuke. And Kakashi. And sometimes Yusuke.) But, I’m afraid only one gets her in this story. With the way I set up her thoughts about Inu and Kikyou and “being enough” for someone, I just couldn’t let one of them not be enough for her.
Loveinuyasha911 - Yep -- Hojo had the Gem all along. We’ll let Hiei take care of him. Then if they can get rid of Musou, and make Kagome understand about him and Kurama, she and Hiei might finally have time to start on those little firebabies. (And I think Yusuke should babysit at least once a week, don’t you?)
ChaoticKittiex3 - Not … not the inflatable bat!! I’ll do whatever you say -- Hojo’s outta there!
mental/telepathic conversations - “Youko” “Kurama” “Hiei”
(thoughts to self)
DISCLAIMER: I do not own, nor did I create or draw any profit from “Inuyasha” or “Yu Yu Hakusho.” I mean, come on -- have you read this story? My stuff has no class whatsoever.
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Last time:
As the warmth and tingling spread throughout her body, Kagome leaned forward and touched Hojo’s face gently. “Hai. I’ll marry you.”
“What the fuck?!!?” Shippou was stunned. “There’s no way she would have accepted him -- not now!”
“Fuck! He’s using the damn Gem!” Hiei’s nails grew into deadly-looking claws and fangs glinted in the faint moonlight as he gnashed his teeth in fury..
“I think you’re right -- but where is it? He’s not wearing a necklace.” Kurama asked, glancing at Hiei warily -- things were about to get ugly.
Hojo continued to stare at her intently. “Tell me you love me. I want to hear you say it.”
“I … love you …”
******************************************************** ****************
Chapter Twenty: Beating the Competition
“I … love you … Hiei,” she said softly as she ran her thumb over Hojo’s lower lip before leaning in to kiss him.“Wha …?” Hojo was startled to hear her boyfriend’s name follow her profession of love, but was too swept away by the feel of her lips on his to question it at the moment.
“Wait! What did she say? Did she just call him Hiei?” Shippou asked. He was feeling a little panicky after hearing his mother agree to marry that ningen, and he was wondering if, in his confused state, he was hearing things.
“Hai, she did,” Naraku confirmed.
The sound of his name connected to her declaration immediately halted Hiei’s transformation. His skin had already taken on a pale green hue, but it didn’t progress any further as his rational side tried to figure out what was going on, while his instinctual side was somewhat mollified at hearing that his chosen onna apparently did, indeed, love him. Thank the Kamis the ningen hadn’t been able to steal her completely using the Gem of Desire, but he was still going to rip him limb from limb for even trying.
Miroku stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Something went wrong. He must have used the necklace wrong.”
Suddenly Kurama’s eyes lit up. “He used it like a wish. He prefaced everything he said with ‘I want …’ But, …” he chuckled, “like most artifacts, you must be extremely precise in the way you use them. His exact words were ‘I want you to see me as the one you love and desire above all others.’ Unfortunately for him, -- and me, -- to her, that one is obviously Hiei.”
While it was nice to have it said and acknowledged by the damn fox, so he would finally back the hell off and stop trying to seduce the onna who was about to become his mate, that wasn’t the thought that was foremost in Hiei’s mind at the moment. What he was focused on, was the sight of that dirty, rotten, lying, thieving, filthy, good-for-nothing, dead man who currently had Kagome wrapped possessively in his arms while he was kissing her and cupping a breast in one hand. (The blasted onna doesn’t have on a bra -- why is it that she never has one on when all these other males are groping her?!!?) Completely ignoring the fact that he was the reason behind the missing bra, he exploded in rage. That was the last damn straw. Hiei had seen enough, heard enough, and thought enough -- now he was going to injure, maim, torture and kill enough. In a flash, he was behind Hojo, hauling him up by the neck of his shirt. He heard Kagome cry out as he spun the guy around and sent his fist straight into his face. It was only the sound of her voice that made him hold back from killing him with that first blow. He stood over him as he groaned and covered his nose with his hands. Then he bent over and fisted his hand in the front of Hojo’s shirt as he yanked him up.
“Did you really think you could take my onna with some kind of magical Gem? You’re pathetic. Even with it, the only way you could even get close to having her was to make her think you are me. You might want to close your eyes now, -- this is going to hurt.”
And all anyone could see was a blur of movements as Hiei pummeled him mercilessly for a couple of minutes -- that being all the time he needed to break 6 of Hojo’s ribs, his collarbone, and all 5 fingers on his right hand, before fracturing his jaw almost as an afterthought, along with inflicting numerous other small injuries and bruises. Then, with a flash of light, Hiei was thrown back about 20 feet as a bright pink barrier surrounded the unconscious man on the ground. He was in danger of being hit by a ball of purifying power when Shippou leaped in front of him.
“Kaa-san, no!”
“Shippou, why are shielding him? He attacked Hiei,” Kagome stood with the ball of power crackling as it hovered in the air over her open palm.
“Kagome-sama, that is Hiei,” Miroku ran over to stand beside her.
Hiei stood up and started to go to her, but she backed away. Shippou stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. She turned to the man lying on the ground. It was Hiei. What the hell was going on? “You’re saying he isn’t Hiei?”
“That is your old friend Hojo. He used the Gem of Desire, but apparently didn’t know the right way to do it, and he ended up making you see him as Hiei. Don’t you remember talking with him?” Miroku asked.
“Hai. I sat down with Hojo to tell him I had decided I couldn’t accept his proposal.”
“Ah, but you did accept it,” Naraku informed her.
“I did?” Kagome was completely confused, and she didn’t like it one bit. After being possessed and forced to try to kill Inuyasha, she had sworn she would never be controlled like that again. “No, … damn it! Where is that blasted necklace?”
“You need to remove your barrier so we can search him,” Kurama pointed out.
Just then, Yusuke and Kuwabara came running over to them. “What the hell is going on here?!!? The other guys are starting to get worried because Hojo’s been gone so long. They think Hiei’s probably killing him,” Yusuke told them. He saw the man lying on the ground. “Well, shit! He did kill him! Damn it, Hiei! Now we’re going to catch hell from Koenma.”
“He is not dead. Yet,” Hiei informed him curtly.
Kagome had dispersed the barrier and was kneeling down beside the body. Seeing the bruised and battered face, she immediately ran her hands over his jaw, lip, and nose, healing those injuries with her powers. (Damn it! He looks like Hiei!) She looked up at the others. “Are you sure this is Hojo? I mean, …” and she couldn’t help but continue to touch him gently, erasing the bruising and swelling around his eyes. Kurama stopped her and said, “He may look like Hiei to you, but he is not. It would be better if we search him first, while he’s still unconscious.” She looked wistfully at the man who looked like Hiei to her, then reluctantly nodded.
“What does he mean he looks like Hiei to her? She can’t tell that’s that Hojo dude?” Kuwabara asked with a frown on his face. Yusuke looked just as confused.
“We believe Hojo used the Gem of Desire to get her to marry him, -- only he screwed it up and made himself look like Hiei to her,” Shippou explained.
As he was searching him, Kurama pulled up the man’s shirt to see if he had the necklace taped to the small of his back or somewhere like that. Kagome grabbed his wrists. “Wait! Are you sure this isn’t Hiei? He looks just like him, and … well, with you touching him like that …”
Kurama’s eyes widened in shock and Youko started laughing. “She’s jealous -- she doesn’t like us touching him because she thinks he looks like Hiei and that we want him!”
“Youko! That’s not funny!”
“Hai, it is! And I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
Kurama looked around. Shippou was laughing so hard he was starting to choke. The monk had his mouth covered with his hand, but his shoulders were visibly shaking. And Naraku’s eyes were gleaming with malicious amusement.
“We can still have some fun -- we should go along with it, -- you know, make her think we won’t give him up so easily.” Youko waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“WHAT?!!? NO!! NO WAY!!”
“Perhaps it would be best if one of us searched him. After all, he does look like your … partner, to her, and it seems to make her a bit uncomfortable to see your hands on him,” Naraku drawled, causing Kagome to blush in embarrassment.
Hiei blinked. (She still thinks Kurama and I are lovers?) He strode over to Kagome and took her arm, pulling her up. “I thought we had this all straightened out.”
She yanked her arm out of his grasp. The others had said this strange youkai was Hiei, but he didn’t look like him. Or sound like him. But if it was him, it seemed he was angry because she didn’t want Kurama touching him, er, Hojo, -- who looked just like him, while he didn’t. “Hiei?”
He blinked again. (She can’t recognize me? I thought she just didn’t look when she was trying to protect the man she thought was me, and then I thought she was wary of me because we look the same to her. What the hell is going on? ) “Of course. Who do I look like to you?” (Please don’t let her say that ningen’s name.)
“Truthfully, you just look like a shadowy figure. And you don’t sound like Hiei, either.” She looked around at the others, who were watching them with frowns on their faces.
“Now that is an unexpected development,” Youko commented, stroking his chin thoughtfully.
“Hmmm. Interesting. Obviously, in order for her to see Hojo as Hiei, Hiei can’t look like himself to her,” Kurama said, trying to puzzle out the intricacies of the spell. “That’s an interesting side effect. Perhaps the Gem really does work like a wish. In which case, it might not be reversible.”
“Are you saying she might not ever be able to see me as me again?” Hiei asked. He didn’t like the thought of that. No, he didn’t like that one bit.
“Well, possibly after the man dies …” Kurama’s voice trailed off.
“That’s easily fixed then.” He started toward Hojo.
“No!” Kagome grabbed his arm. “You can’t kill him!” She glanced anxiously at the figure on the ground before locking eyes with the unfamiliar-looking youkai. If he really was Hiei, she couldn’t let him do it. “He should be punished, hai, but I don’t know that he deserves to die for what he did. And I don’t want you to get into trouble with the Reikai over this. Let them deal with him,” she pleaded with him.
Hiei saw the concern and worry in her eyes, and his tension eased when he realized it was for him. (She loves me. She may not recognize my face, but her thoughts are for me.) He pulled her to him, wanting, -- no, needing to have her close, and was shocked when she placed her hands flat against his chest to stop him. “Kagome …?”
“Gomen. I … I know you must be Hiei since everyone else can see that, but … it’s really hard for me to feel that you’re … you. You don’t look the same, or sound the same, -- even your aura is different,” she looked at him apologetically. “I’m sure we will be able to figure out a way to fix this. If not, I will get used to you like this, … eventually, … it’ll be okay.” She was really starting to worry that this could turn out to be a deciding factor between her and Kurama, but it was hard to respond to him when he felt like a stranger to her.
Hiei let go of her and stormed off. This could not be happening. He knew she loved him. They had the freak with the necklace. This mission was practically over. He could ask her to be his mate, and he knew she would accept him -- if she could fucking see that it was him! If this had happened to anyone else, he would have laughed his ass off. He suspected Youko was doing that right now. No! He was not going to wait for them to find a way to reverse or remove the damn spell or wish or whatever the hell it was. She didn’t feel that he was himself? He’d fix that.
He turned around and marched back to her. “Close your eyes.”
He put his arms around her again. “Close your eyes,” he demanded.
She hesitated a minute, then slowly closed them, bringing her hands to rest on his chest again like she did before. He immediately claimed her lips in a bruising, possessive kiss that demanded a response. When he didn’t get one, he clutched her tighter to him, causing her to push against his chest. She could feel the prickle of tears behind her eyelids as she tried to make her body respond the way she knew he wanted her to. (This is Hiei. This is Hiei.) She wanted to give him what he wanted, and she kept telling herself it was him, but the aura that was threatening to envelop her was telling her senses it was someone else. She tried to focus on the taste of his lips and the way he was trying to pull her out of the Gem’s effects, but it just wasn’t working.
When he felt her try to push him away, Hiei’s heart sank. He was so sure that she would be able to tell it was him if she wasn’t being fooled by her sight. But she had said his voice sounded different, too, which was why he hadn’t tried talking to her to evoke a response. He had thought her other senses would tell her the truth and then she would know and would be able to break the hold the Gem had on her, but it was becoming painfully obvious that it wasn’t going to work. If he couldn’t reach her through her sight or sound or smell or taste or touch … that was it! He had to tap into her memories of those things in a way she associated only with him. And he knew just how to do it.
He let go of her once more and reached up to cover her hands with his. When she started to open her eyes and move away, he said, “Wait.” Then he took her hands and moved them slowly down his chest to his waist. “What are you …” she started. Then he took possession of her lips once again and lifted her hands and planted them squarely on his backside. As his lips caressed hers, he felt them part as a huge smile lifted the corners. He ran his tongue along her teeth, then brushed it briefly against hers before lifting his head to look at her face. She gave his butt another firm squeeze and laughed as she opened her eyes. “Hiei …”
“You have got to be kidding me!” Shippou laughed.
Youko was cackling. “Who would have thought the Junjoukaren no Miko had a secret like that -- she’s got an ass fetish!”
Kurama smiled and arched a brow at her and Hiei. “I’m familiar with all the standard methods of identification: fingerprints, bite marks, aura examination, ki signatures, … but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen anyone identified by that method before.”
“Never underestimate the power of subliminal appreciation for the finer things in life,” Miroku preached. “However, I must say, I never thought of using one curse to overcome another one.” He stroked his chin thoughtfully.
“Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me she can tell he’s Hiei now because she felt his ass? She’s a hentai like the rest of you.” Yusuke shook his head in disbelief.
Kagome blushed a deep scarlet and hid her face in Hiei‘s shoulder as he chuckled. “Don’t insult my onna, detective.” As she shot him a questioning look at his choice of words, he cupped her chin in his hand, and lightly ran his thumb along her jaw. Quietly, he murmured, “Kagome, you are the only onna for me.”
She leaned into his hand and closed her eyes. It wasn’t everything she hoped for, since there was still Kurama, but it was pretty good. She sighed softly and smiled. “Arigato.”
Shippou whispered to Kurama, “Not good enough. Especially since she thinks neither of you have ever even been with a woman before, and he didn’t exclude you from the picture.”
Kurama stared at him. She thought he had never been with a woman?!!? He covered his eyes with a hand and propped his elbow with the other one and shook his head in denial. “Where did we go wrong, Youko?”
“I don’t know, Red. I just don’t know,” Youko’s shoulders were slumped. “I can honestly say, I’ve never had anything like this ever happen before.”
A groan caught everyone’s attention, and they gathered around the man who was starting to wake up. “He doesn’t have the necklace on him,” Naraku told the others.
“Are you sure?” Kagome asked. “He must have it.”
“Maybe he swallowed it or had it surgically implanted,” Miroku suggested.
“We’ll just have to make him tell us,” Kurama said.
“Fine with me,” Hiei agreed. And he crouched down next to the man as he opened his eyes and slowly tried to sit up. Due to his injuries, he wasn’t able to do more than lift his head, so Hiei pulled him up by the front of his shirt, ignoring his cries of pain. “Are you awake now? Good.” And he slammed his fist into his face, breaking his nose again and knocking him back out.
“Hiei!” Kagome yelled.
He arched a brow at her and let the man fall back. “You can heal him again.”
She knelt on the other side of Hojo. As she held her hand over his face, she couldn’t help but marvel that the Gem of Desire had been able to make her think he was Hiei. She smiled as she thought how clever Hiei was to find a way to break through the spell. Her smile grew as she thought about just how was able to do it. Damn, but he had a great ass!
She moved back as Kurama took a seed out of his hair and coaxed it into a small, multi-leaved plant. He took one of the leaves and broke it and waved it under the man’s nose, rousing him once more, and helping him to a sitting position while supporting his back.
As Hojo opened his eyes again, Hiei leaned forward. “You used the Gem of Desire to try to take my onna.” Then he smashed his fist into the man’s face again. Hojo slumped back against Kurama, down for the count.
“Oh, fuck! Hiei! Stop doing that! We’ve got to get him to tell us where the damn necklace is and then you all have to go back to the camp before the others come here looking for you.” Yusuke shouted.
“Shit, that’s right. How are you going to be able to get him to go back without ruining everything?” Shippou asked.
“Hiei can erase his memories of this and replace them or control him with the Jagan,” Yusuke explained. “But first, he has to back the hell off and let us talk to him.”
“Fine,” Hiei snapped. He stood up and walked away a few steps.
Kagome leaned over Hojo again and healed the nose and collarbone. She’d have to fix the ribs and fingers after he talked. Kurama broke another leaf and revived him, still propping him up in a sitting position. As his eyes slowly focused, they landed on Kagome. He reached out a hand to touch her face and winced as his ribs protested the movement.
“Kagome, darling, don’t worry. Help me up and we’ll get away from the little maniac, and when we get back to the village, we can be married.”
Kagome sent her fist straight into his nose with such force it knocked Kurama backwards, too.
Hiei was laughing so hard he had to bend forward and rest his hands on his thighs to keep from falling over.
“Wow, kaa-san! Your right jab has really improved,” Shippou complimented her with a laugh.
Yusuke stood there blinking. “Well, … damn.”
“She and the shrimp are a better match than I thought,” Kuwabara whispered to him.
“My Miko has just been full of surprises on this mission, “ Naraku said, more than a little amused by this turn of events.
“Um, Kagome-sama? You know you’re going to have to heal that again, right? Then perhaps you should go stand over there with Hiei while we question Hojo,” Miroku suggested.
“Fine,” she said curtly, unconsciously echoing Hiei. When she had healed him again, she got up and walked over to where Hiei was. He smirked and put his arm around her waist, anchoring her at his side. He was feeling extremely pleased with the onna he had chosen.
When Hojo woke up this time, he shut his eyes tight and cringed. Being conscious was dangerous to his health. And really painful. What the hell was going on? All he wanted was to marry the girl of his dreams. “Hojo? Where is the necklace?” he heard a male voice ask. He didn’t think it was the psycho. Maybe he was saved. He cracked one eye open. There were 5 strange guys standing around him, and it felt like he was leaning back on someone. Where was Kagome? “Kagome?”
He heard a familiar growling noise and cringed again. “Hiei, stay back and let us do this. Now, Hojo, give us the fucking necklace and you might make it out of here in one piece,” Yusuke warned him.
Shit! Not only was the little monster still here, but apparently his whole gang was, too. He really was Yakuza, wasn’t he? And they were going to kill him and leave his body out here in the woods. “Look, … I’ll leave her alone, okay? Just please let me go …”
Yusuke grabbed him by the front of his shirt. “Are you listening to me? Give us the necklace, damn it!” He shook him for good measure.
“I don’t know what …” he began.
“Look ningen. We don’t have time for this. A group of youkai are about to attack you and your friends and kill you to get the necklace. Give it to us and we’ll protect you,” Naraku tried to bargain with him.
“Youkai? Are you guys crazy?” He looked around at them in fright. Not only were they murdering gangsters, but obviously they’d been doing too many of their drugs, too.
“Enough of this.” Hiei strode forward, unwrapping his bandanna. He stood in front of Hojo, who stared at the Jagan eye in horror and disbelief.
“What are you?!!?” he asked hysterically.
“Your worst nightmare. Remember what I said before? This is going to hurt.” And he let the Jagan pry into the man’s mind, ripping viciously through his thoughts, memories, and fears to find the information he sought. Hojo’s face contorted in agony, then he slumped unconscious once more to the ground. “His watch. He had the Gem made into the watch facing.”
As Kurama moved to take the watch off his wrist, an ominous buzzing noise filled their ears.
“What the fuck?!!?” Yusuke yelled.
“Saimyoushou,” Miroku said, wide-eyed.
One of the large hornet-like insect youkai grabbed the watch and flew away while a swarm of hundreds of others dived towards the detectives. “They’re poisonous!” Kagome warned them. And she raised both her hands and sent out a wave of purifying energy from her fingertips, decimating almost half of them before they started to spread out. Shippou quickly took out a few masses with bursts of foxfire. Realizing these insects were easier dealt with using wide-range attacks, than taking them out one at a time, the others stood back to let Kagome and Shippou take care of them. In just a few minutes, the area was clear.
Miroku turned to Naraku. “I didn’t know Musou could create and summon Saimyoushou.”
“500 years ago, he couldn’t. It seems to be yet another ability he has developed, like the miasma-like fog,” Naraku said, frowning.
“Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about this guy’s powers so we don’t rush in and get our asses handed to us?” Yusuke asked, running his hand through his hair in exasperation.
Naraku arched a brow at him. “As I’ve told you before, he has been a separate entity for 500 years -- for all I know, he might be able to blow sunshine out his …”
“Ahem!” Miroku interrupted. “I’m sure Yusuke wasn’t accusing you of withholding information, Naraku. He was merely wondering what other abilities Musou might have inherited from you. Right, Yusuke?”
Giving the detective a nasty glare, Naraku told them, “He may be able to create barriers to repel attacks and mask scents and auras. He did already exhibit regenerative abilities back then. And, he may be able to absorb other youkai to utilize their power and abilities. Other than that, I have no idea.”
“Well, hell. Isn’t that enough?” Yusuke grumbled.
“He now also has the Gem,” Kurama reminded them.
“Kaa-san …” Shippou put his arm around her shoulders.
They all turned to look at Kagome. “He has what he needs now. And he may know how to use the Gem properly. With the courting mark, he can call you to him at any time, Kagome-sama,” Miroku said quietly.
She nodded in acknowledgement and closed her eyes. “I will not be controlled again -- not by that damn Gem.” She looked up and locked eyes with Hiei. “Do you think you can fight its effects from inside my mind with the Jagan?”
“I would have to have complete, unrestricted access. You would have to drop all barriers.” he told her, -- knowing how difficult it would be for her to make herself vulnerable like that. She nodded again. “And I need to mark you. Now.”
She stared at him with a startled look on her face. “What?”
“Hiei, I really don’t think this is the time for that kind of stuff,” Yusuke said. He received a cold glare that had him backing up and holding up his hands in appeasement. “I was just saying …”
The apparition turned back to Kagome. “You need to let me place a courting mark ahead of Musou’s. That way if he somehow manages to take you, I will be able to find you. It will also let me call you away from him, and it will enable me to establish a direct link to your mind.” He was going to kill the detective. He couldn’t possibly have thought Hiei meant to take the onna right now -- even though he wished he could. Really, it was the only way to be absolutely sure Musou couldn’t take her. But he didn’t want to do it under these circumstances. Hell, there might not even be time -- that freak could call her to him any minute now. And Hiei damn sure wanted to have plenty of time when they mated.
(Of course. That makes sense. What was I thinking? For a second there, I thought he actually wanted to … Baka! Get a grip. He didn’t like it when I was acting a little possessive about Kurama touching him just a little bit ago, even though it was really Hojo, -- he’s not ready to completely give him up yet. So, there’s no way he’d be thinking about making some kind of permanent commitment to me. He’s just trying to help, and I’m being an idiot. Focus on the task at hand, girl -- you can work on landing your man later!) She took a deep breath. “Okay.”
Hiei saw the question in her eyes change to understanding, then he thought he saw just a brief flash of disappointment and resignation. (She doesn’t want my courting mark? Why would she object to it if she loves me? Maybe it is just because of the control she has to relinquish to me.) He put his hands on her arms to draw her close to him, and saw her glance over his shoulder. He looked around to see everyone watching them with avid interest. (And maybe it’s because I’m a baka not to have taken her somewhere private for this.) “Do you idiots mind?!!?”
“Not at all, Hiei. I’m sure we’re all happy to act as witnesses to such a momentous event,” Kurama smirked at him.
(Great. Kurama’s going to make this hard on Hiei. Not that I can blame him. Even though he knows it’s just for the mission, it has to be hard for him to see the one he loves put a courting mark on someone else.) “Just do it,” she said quietly.
He tried to search her eyes for a hint of what she was feeling, but she closed them and turned her head to the side. He pulled the neck of her shirt over, exposing her shoulder, and stared angrily at the bite mark already present there. His eyes began to glow as his fangs elongated. (This may not be the mark I wanted to make, nor the time or the place for such things, but no one will be able to deny my claim.) So, it was with no small amount of satisfaction that he sank his fangs into her warm flesh.
The sweet taste of her blood filled his mouth, but was immediately overwhelmed by the intense sensation of immense, ancient power, which quickly spread throughout his body and made his nerve endings tingle. He felt the tension in her muscles as she held back that part of it that could weaken and injure him with its purifying properties. He injected a small amount of his own youki into the wound, and forced himself release her, licking the area firmly to stop the flow of blood. It pleased him to see the mark Musou had given her was already fading somewhat in deference to his more dominant claim. He had placed his mark much closer to her neck -- the only one that could ever supersede his now was a mating mark. He closed his eyes and his grip on her shoulders tightened. He felt almost drunk from the small taste he had had of her blood, and he had been unprepared for the feel of the power it contained. It was no wonder Musou had gone into seclusion after marking her. Hiei was sure that even the small amount of purification the youkai must have experienced would have weakened him considerably. However, even without the purification, the effect of marking her was still quite painful as he was so hard now that it was all he could do not to press himself against her and take her to the ground to finish this. Thank the Kamis she wasn’t of noble blood -- if he had to actually go through a courting period like Shippou, he’d go insane.
When he opened his eyes, he saw that she had hers shut tightly and she was biting into her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. He felt how tightly her hands were gripping the sides of his waist, and the mingled scent of their arousal was about to do him in. It would have, too, if it weren’t for an annoying voice in his head.
“That good, huh?” He could hear the smile in Kurama’s voice.
“You have no fucking idea.”
“Damn rotten, lucky little bastard,” Youko grumbled.
He leaned forward and licked the blood from her lips before whispering, “Definitely cinnamon.”
“Wha…?” Kagome opened her eyes and blinked at him. Then as what he said penetrated the pleasurable fog in her mind, she blushed.
Of course, Hiei noticed they were not the only ones affected by his marking her. As youkai, Kurama, Naraku, and Yusuke had responded on a primal level and the faint scent of their arousal drifted over to him, along with the monk’s, who may not have youkai senses or instincts, but was, after all, a true hentai.
“Ahem. If you two are done, you need to finish healing the man so we can get him back to his camp,” Naraku reminded Kagome.
As Kagome moved to walk over to Hojo, Hiei stayed close by her side. When she knelt down and started running her hands along the man’s torso, Hiei’s claws drew blood in his clenched fists. It was all he could do not to snatch her away from the ningen.
“I think we may as well send all of the men to the Reikai with Kouga. Since Musou already has the Gem, they are just a liability here that we would have to protect,” Kagome said. “Of course, either you or Kurama will need to erase Masaharu and Yasuo’s memories so they can rejoin the others at the resort. And Tokiya and Hojo will need more than that done depending on what the Reikai decides to do with them.”
“Hn. This man has already been taken care of. He will remember nothing pertaining to the Gem or his attempted misuse of it,” Hiei stated blandly.
Kagome glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.
“He will remember nothing of the way he has been pursuing you or his proposal, either,” he told her.
She nodded.
What Hiei didn’t tell her was that after he returned from the Reikai, seeing him would probably always make the man piss his pants in fear, if he were ever unlucky enough to run into him again.
Kagome stood and walked over closer to the lake to retrieve her things from earlier. Hiei stayed right beside her. Kurama woke Hojo so he could walk back on his own. Under Hiei’s manipulation, he was calm and accepting of all of them, and walked along without a word. Kagome noticed that Hiei continued to stick close to her side, in between her and everyone else. She didn’t give it much thought until she noticed him moving to deliberately keep Miroku from walking beside her.
“Hiei? What are you doing?” she asked. She was slightly amused by his actions, but curious, too.
Shippou started snickering as he came up to walk on the other side of her. “He can’t help himself. It’s instinct to block possible rivals from approaching his chosen female since a courting mark can be supplanted by another one, like he did to Musou’s. Now that you bear his mark, I’d say the only ones that he’ll let get near you anytime he’s around, are me, Jakotsu, and Yusuke.” Hiei glared at him, but silently acknowledged that he was right.
“Are you serious?” she asked in astonishment. “I’ve never seen you do this around Rin.”
He laughed. “That’s because I don’t have any possible rivals for her. With Sesshoumaru as her guardian, my instincts are satisfied no one else will try to take her. You’re the only person that’s ever obtained permission for someone to court her.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and hugged her briefly. “By the way, I don’t know if I ever said it, but, arigato.”
She flashed him a blinding smile and hugged him back. “Anything for you, sweetie.”
(Well, … crap. That damn kitsune really is going to be a part of my life forever.) Hiei sighed to himself. Then another thought hit him. (Shit! When he mates, we’ll be up to our eyeballs in furry, little kitsunes -- and Kagome will probably offer to babysit them for him.) His eyes took on a glazed look as he imagined dozens of chibi Shipppous asking him impertinent questions and hiding his katana and filling his cloak with screaming mushrooms. He shuddered. He sure hoped Grandfather Sesshoumaru wanted to spend lots of time with his grandchildren -- perhaps a little suggestion with the use of the Jagan …?
“Pleasant thoughts, Hiei?”
“Shut up, fox.”
“What have you got to be angry about? You got the girl. Hell, she’s even got your mark on her. And as soon as we recover the Gem, you get to go have the best sex of your miserable little life. So stop being an ass.”
“Until we do recover the Gem, there’s still a freak out there who’s going to try to take her. Of all the females in the three realms, why is mine the one every bastard I see is after?”
Youko burst out laughing. “The question should be how the hell did you end up winning the heart of a female that so many other males want? Seriously, Hiei, I’ve got to hand it to you -- I never would have thought you could do it. Then again, I think we were both a little stupid to think we could seduce a woman like Kagome into our bed without winning her heart. It was an all-or-nothing deal from the start. And you, my friend, have won it all.”
Hiei stopped and turned around to look at Kurama. He was surprised by the seriousness of Youko’s tone, along with the sentiments he was spouting. “You are being awfully gracious about your loss. What is your game?”
“So suspicious! Can’t you just accept my congratulations?”
“It is unlike you to be happy in the fortunes of others -- unless you see a way to profit from them yourself. You may as well forget the threesome idea, it’s not going to happen.”
“Stingy little bastard,” Youko grumbled.
“I told you.”
Kagome looked back at Hiei and Kurama briefly before sighing and walking on.
“What is it?” Shippou asked.
“Shippou, this courting mark, … you said because of it, Hiei is compelled by his instincts to keep me away from the competition,” she whispered.
“Yeah,” he gave her a questioning look. “Does that upset you? I know you always hated it when Inuyasha and Kouga acted like that.”
“Actually, … no. I did hate it when Inuyasha acted possessive, because it made me feel like he saw me as a possession. I guess that deep down, I always knew he really didn’t want me -- it was just the idea of anyone else having me that set him off. And Kouga was attracted to me, but he also liked the idea that I could benefit his pack with my ability to see the shards, and he wanted to take something away from Inuyasha. But, when Hiei does it, well, it’s actually kind of flattering, and … comforting. It makes me feel like he really wants me -- even though I know it wasn’t his choice to mark me, I felt a connection between us before that. And he did say I was the only woman he’s interested in. He’s not doing it to keep me around just in case, and he’s not trying to outdo anyone or anything like that. He has nothing to win by being with me, -- just … me.”
Her words made Shippou feel slightly uneasy as he thought about the bet between Hiei and Kurama. True, they had called it off, but they had just called it off. He hoped it wasn’t going to hurt her if she ever found out about it.
“Actually, I was wondering, … got anything I can use to keep the competition away from him?” she asked. Shippou blinked a couple of times. His lips twitched. Seeing his expression, she continued, “I know, I know, … it’s not like me to be like this. And I do feel bad for Kurama -- having to see the one he loves mark someone else -- even if it is just to get the Gem back. This connection does give me an unfair advantage. And Kurama’s a nice guy, but I can’t just give Hiei back to him. I think we can really have something together, you know?”
Shippou looked down at her and smiled at the hope he saw shining in her eyes. He hugged her again. “Yeah, I know.” He grinned at her then, and said, “Well, if you want to keep him focused on you, then I suggest you ply your womanly wiles.” At her blank expression, he glanced down and indicated her chest. “The avatar can’t compete with those.”
A dark red stain quickly spread across her face and she smacked him on the shoulder. “Shippou!”
“You asked.”
********************************************************* ***************
Kouga and Jakotsu joined them right outside the campsite, and the others filled them in on what had happened. Jakotsu walked up to Hojo and slapped him, bringing him out of his Jagan-induced stupor. “You beast! Scoundrel!”
“Ow! What was that for? I don’t even know you,” he said, rubbing his cheek.
“Jakotsu, he doesn’t remember doing any of it,” Kagome told him quietly.
“Hmph. Those handsome playboy types always deserve a good slap anyway.” He waved his finger at Hojo. “You’d just better mind your manners or you’ll get more of the same.”
Hojo stared at Jakotsu as he turned and sashayed away. “Kagome?”
Hiei stepped in front of her. “Just gather up your co-workers, ningen.”
Hojo turned pale and started to shake. “You!” And he ran into the clearing, stumbling over his backpack and almost landing in the campfire.
Tokiya jumped up. “What’s going on?”
As Kagome and Hiei walked in, followed by the other Spirit Detectives, the 4 men gathered together. “I’m afraid your camping trip is being cut short. Instead, you’ll be spending a little time in the Reikai,” Naraku informed them.
“Reikai? What the hell are you talking about?!?” Tokiya shouted. “Hojo, who are these people?”
Yasuo and Masaharu helped Hojo to his feet and cast anxious glances at the group of men standing with Kagome and her boyfriend. Some of them were pretty scary-looking, like a gang of street thugs. Yasuo recognized a couple of them from the resort. Then Masaharu gave a happy cry and ran and embraced Jakotsu.
“Jakotsu! I’m so happy to see you!”
“Of course you are, sugardoll,” he greeted him back. “And I’m glad to see you, too. But we don’t have time for any fun right now. You’ve been hanging out with some very bad men,” he scolded him.
“What do you mean?” Masaharu asked, running a hand down Jakotsu’s chest.
“Stop that, you naughty boy!”
Hiei stalked forward and stood right in front of Tokiya, while Hojo cowered behind Yasuo. “What he means is that your friend here set you all up to be killed while you sleep tonight.” At their startled gasps, Tokiya turned a little pale. Hiei grabbed the front of his shirt as he backed away. “Did you really think you could have me killed and that she would fall into your arms? You’re pathetic.”
Tokiya took a swing at him, only to have it blocked and his fist held in an iron-tight grip. He screamed in pain and everyone in the clearing could hear the sickening crunch of bones being crushed. He would have fallen to the ground in agony if Hiei hadn’t held him up. “No one takes what is mine.” And the other 3 men averted their faces from the flurry of violence that came next.
“Oh, crap. Hiei, we don’t have time for this!” Yusuke yelled.
“Oh hush! There’s always time for a little bloodshed,” Jakotsu admonished him. Masaharu bent down and burrowed his face into his chest and Jakotsu rubbed his back soothingly, but called out to Hiei, “You really should break the fingers one at a time, starting at the outer knuckle first.”
Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Kurama stared at him. Naraku laughed. “Did you think he got his reputation as a bloodthirsty mercenary in the Sengoku Jidai period by slapping people? Jakotsu’s specialty was slow, torturous death.”
“Well, one of my specialties,” he winked at them. “I can show you the others later, in private.”
That announcement made Yusuke and Kuwabara cringe, and Kurama shuddered slightly in distaste.
“Hiei! Please!” Kagome came up behind him. He stopped and let the ningen slide to the ground.
Kouga walked up beside her, and she was immediately whisked away about 10 feet. Kouga grinned and arched a brow at Hiei. “So, you really did put a courting mark on her, huh?” Then he looked down at Tokiya’s unconscious figure. “Damn, what a mess. How come he looks so good?” He pointed at Hojo, who was still clutching onto Yasuo’s shoulders from behind him.
“Oh, he didn’t. Kagome had to heal him. More than once,” Naraku said gleefully.
And as Kagome started forward to help Tokiya, Hiei held her back. “Leave him. They have healers in the Reikai. You will need your energy against Musou.” She hesitated, then nodded.
As Kouga picked up Tokiya and prepared to summon a portal, Hiei unwrapped the Jagan to wipe the men’s minds, including Hojo’s again. But right as they were following Kouga into the Reikai, Hiei stepped up and smashed his fist into Hojo’s nose again, knocking him through the portal.
“Why did you do that?” Miroku asked. “I thought you said he couldn’t remember what he had done.”
“Hn. He doesn’t. But I do.”
And the Spirit Detectives, minus Kagome, broke out into loud laughter.
************************************************************* ***********
“So, what do we do now? Go after Musou, or wait for him to come for her?” Yusuke asked, looking around at everyone.
“I don’t like the idea of being a sitting duck. The more time we give him, the better his plan will be. He might not even know how to use the Gem yet. I say we go get him -- the sooner, the better,” Kagome said with grim determination.
Hiei wrapped an arm around her waist. “She is right.”
“Agreed. I suggest we prepare quickly and just take our weapons. Don’t worry, Kagome-sama, we’ll get him,” Miroku assured her with a grin.
“I know. Arigato. Just give me a few minutes to change and we’ll leave for Musou’s camp.” And she pulled some clothing out of her backpack and headed into the trees with Hiei right behind her.
“Are you sure we should be taking her where he is? What if he just grabs her and disappears while we’re fighting?” Kuwabara asked, concern etched on his face.
“That’s why Hiei marked her. Even if Musou does take her somewhere, we’ll be able to find her. And if it looks like he’s getting too far away too fast, Hiei can try to call her away from him,” Kurama explained.
A portal appeared and Kouga stepped out to join them. “You’re not going to believe this, but Koenma and Enmaru released that jackass Hojo already. He and the other two are already back at the resort.”
“They decided that since he didn’t seem to really know what it was that he had, and because he wasn’t using it for ‘evil purposes,’ they figured the runt had punished him enough,” Kouga told them. “But the other guy, well, they’re not sure what to do with him yet. He was working with demons, although it seems that they approached him. And he knew they were planning to cause trouble in the Ningenkai, and he did make a deal to have the others killed. So, he’s pretty much screwed. They’re having the other guys tell everyone that he got sick and caught a plane back to the mainland -- I suspect he’s going to ‘have an accident’ once he gets home and have to serve out a nice, long sentence in the Reikai.”
Shippou let out an angry growl. “I can’t believe they’re letting that Hojo bastard off so easily. What if he had succeeded in forcing my Okaa-san to marry him? They might have found themselves short one miko to help clean up their messes.”
Miroku patted him on the shoulder. “But, he didn’t succeed. You know there’s no rhyme or reason to the decisions they make in the Reikai. And I’m sure Hiei will make sure Hojo never bothers her again.”
“You’ve got that right,” Yusuke said, grinning evilly.
“So, what are we doing?” Kouga asked them.
“We’re going hunting.”
******************************************************* *****************
Kagome had already stripped off her shirt before she realized Hiei had followed her. “Oh! Hiei, you didn’t have to come with me -- I’ll be right back.” She held her shirt up against her chest.
“A few minutes won’t make much difference,” he said, taking her in his arms and lowering his head to kiss her. As his lips touched hers, the shirt fluttered to the ground as she reached up to rest one hand behind his neck and the other on his shoulder. He knew he didn’t have time to even kiss her as thoroughly as he’d like to, but he had to have her close for at least a minute or two. Just thinking about those two ningens and that blasted youkai trying to take her made his blood boil. He needed to assure himself that she was, in fact, his, and that no other male was going to have her. And now, with his mark on her, her scent and the vague sensations of her own feelings that he could sense wrapped up in his own youki, were driving him over the edge. Normally, he would have looked forward to the upcoming battle, but right now all he wanted was to get it over with so he could get on with more important things.
She wasn’t sure if it was because of his youki flowing through her or because she had finally admitted to herself what it was she was feeling for him, but she felt like her skin was hypersensitive to his touch. And she couldn’t get enough of it. Or him. This was what she wanted -- he was what she wanted, not just for now, but forever. And she was determined to make him forget everything and everyone else. She pulled him down to the ground. Needing to feel more of him, she sat back and yanked his shirt up. He let her pull it over his head and toss it aside before he pinned her beneath him, crushing her breasts against his bare chest and causing them both to groan at the contact. This time she reached up and captured his lips, needing to claim him for herself. He let her taste and explore his mouth for a few seconds before reasserting his dominance over her. She dug her nails into his back as he cupped and kneaded one of her breasts. Suddenly, he lifted his head and let out a vicious growl.
“Ahem. Kaa-san, I thought you were changing clothes -- so why is his shirt lying on the ground over here?” Shippou asked innocently, as he leaned back against a tree.
Kagome growled in frustration, causing both males to look at her in surprise. “Shippou, if I gave you some money, would you go to the movies like a good little boy?”
The kitsune started chuckling. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to tell me something.”
“I am. Now go ’way.”
“All right. I just wanted to tell you that Kouga’s back. We should go soon,” he said quietly.
She sighed. “I know. I’ll be right out, okay?”
He nodded and left.
Hiei sat up and pulled her up with him. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply. “As soon as Musou is taken care of …”
She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him softly. “I’ll hold you to that.”
A few minutes later, the two of them walked back into the clearing to rejoin the others. Miroku and Yusuke both let out long whistles, while Naraku and Kurama’s brows lifted in appreciation. Kuwabara stood there with his jaw hanging slack. Kouga just muttered, “Damn!” But Shippou yelled, “What the hell are you wearing, kaa-san?”
Kagome had on a pair of skintight, low-slung, bright red hiphugger shorts. They were extremely short -- barely covering more than the curve of her buttocks, and exposing the entire length of her legs from thigh to ankle. Her top was a snug-fitting, pristine white, vee-neck tank top that showcased a generous amount of cleavage, with the bottom of the shirt hitting right at her belly button, a good 3-4 inches above the top of her shorts. Over her shoulder was her bow and a quiver of arrows. “This, Shippou, is what the 21st century miko wears.”
Jakotsu clapped his hands. “Want me to braid your hair real quick, Kagome?” At her nod, he skipped over and started separating and twisting the thick tresses.
“Hiei, I must say I am surprised you’re letting her wear that.”
The fire demon arched a brow and smirked at Kurama. “Letting her? I helped her put it on. And as soon as we take care of Musou, I’m going to help her take it back off.”
“OOOooooo! Damn rotten, smug little bastard!”
“Okay, let’s go!” Kagome said. And Hiei scooped her up in his arms as they all took off to find Musou.
**************************************************************** ********
“Well, shit! Now what?” Three hours later, Yusuke and the others were standing in the middle of the large clearing that used to be the site of Musou’s camp. There was no sign of anyone or anything. “Where would they go?”
“Your guess is as good as ours, toushin,” Naraku said, his voice tight with irritation. (Damn it! I should have known he wouldn’t stick around -- I wouldn’t have. But I wouldn’t wait to take her, either, once I had the Gem. So how would I have done it?) He looked around. “But I have an uneasy feeling that we are right where he wants us to be.”
“You think he has set a trap for us?” Miroku asked, looking around cautiously.
“No, … I think he has set a trap for her.”
Hiei kept an arm around Kagome as they scouted around the area looking for any clues as to where Musou had gone.
Suddenly Kouga yelled, “Over here, guys! I found something.” As they gathered around the wolf, he held up a ancient-looking scroll that had been hidden underneath some bushes at the back of the camp.
“Be careful with that,” Kurama warned. “It has a strong feel of youki to it.” Kouga handed it to him and he checked it for any discernable signs of traps. “The youki seems to be woven into one side of it.” He slowly and carefully unrolled it.
“It’s blank,” Kuwabara said, voicing aloud what everyone was wondering about.
Kagome reached out a hand toward it, but Hiei stopped her. “I think it’s a message for me.”
“All the more reason for you to stay away from it,” he frowned at her. Then he pushed her behind him.
“If there is writing on it in Musou’s youki, he may be counting on Kagome using her purifying power to make it show up,” Kurama mused.
“Would Naraku’s youki be similar enough to Musou’s for him to read it?” Shippou asked.
“No. Although we may share similar abilities, I completely cast out all parts of those demons that he was made up from,” Naraku told them.
Everyone fell silent for a minute, then Yusuke spoke up. “Would it have to be Kagome’s purification powers, or do you think one of the monk’s ofudas might make the writing show up?”
Kurama looked at him. Then he looked at Hiei. Then they all looked at Miroku. Finally Kurama said, “Actually, … that might work.”
Hiei made sure Kagome stood back a few more feet, while he positioned himself in front of her. Kurama put the scroll on the ground and stepped back. He nodded at the monk, and everyone held their breath as he took out an ofuda and sent it towards the scroll. When it touched the parchment, it crackled with a blue light, then the scroll rose and hovered in the air.
Everyone turned to see a purple sphere rise from the ground from under Kagome’s feet to encase her within its barrier. Hiei tried to force his way into it, but was thrown back. As he stood to try again, they saw Kagome close her eyes and raise a hand to her shoulder. In a flash, the sphere was gone. The scroll dropped to the ground. Written in bold purple script were three words: “Come to Me.”
************************************************************ ************
End Chapter Twenty