Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Intertwined Permanently ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When I finally left Kagome's huts window, I felt that I had talked way too much. 'I even mentioned my past! I rarely even talk to Kurama that much and he's what humans call 'my best friend'. So if he's my 'best friend' then what does that make Kagome, seeing as to how I talk to her more than I do to Kurama, and I barely just met her and she's a worthless human!!!!! It doesn't make sense! I couldn't stop myself from talking so much! My own self!!! I don't want her to think that I'm a really social person so I won't go over there tomorrow, I'll just have to steal some food from someone. Even though that food was good. Really good. Rrrrrr, she even heard my stomach growl! I can't believe this! I can't wait toget this stupid mission over with.'

I continued running until I reached my perch from last night, and fell into a light sleep.


I woke up early the next morning to the sound of Kikyo's shrill voice screaming around at everyone else.

'Oh man. Stupid clay pot! Shut up! It's really early in the morning, the sun's not even up, and your over there ordering people around with your annoying voice, screaming no less! Some people happen to sleep at 3 freaking am!'

Knowing that I wouldn't get anymore sleep I got up and got some of my food out and ate it, while watching Kikyo scream and yell at the top of her lungs at other people. 'Man, that must suck.'

I saved some food for Hiei,hoping he would come by today, but it was unlikely, 'who would want to hang out with me?'At that moment Sango came into the hut with my food. I looked up at her and smiled but she merely glared at me and said "Hurry up and eat this, Kikyo went to all the trouble to cook for you, I never would have cooked for a backstabbing, murderer like you! But then, Kikyo's just a really nice person, pretty too, unlike you." I smiled sadly and took the food to eat, even though it was disgusting, because I knew that Sango was planning on watching me eat the whole thing.

As I slowly made myself sick by eating the junk cooked by Kikyo, I felt tears come to my eyes. I quickly wiped them away, not wanting Sango to see them because she would only hate me more if she thought that I was trying to get out of being killed. In her mind, I really deserved this. I remembered the reason why Sango and everyone began to hate me.


We had been attacked by Naraku's minions, including Kohaku, but we managed to get them to flee for their lives, although they all went in different directions. Kohaku had fled first so I ran after him before anyone else did. I remember getting lost in the woods and not being able to find him, meanwhile everyone else were now going after Kohaku as well. They had a much better chance, seeing as to how they had three people with really good senses with them while I had none. According to Miroku, when they reached Kohaku they were too late for I was already removing his jewel shard to keep for myself.


It must have been Kikyo disguised as me because she had had an extra jewel shard when we found her and at that point only Naraku Kohaku and us had them(Koga had already been killed). Noone believed that it had been Kikyo who had killed Kohaku. They all thought that it had been me.

When I had finally eaten all of the 'food', if you could call it that, Sango snatched the tray away from me and quickly left the hut. I watched her sadly as she walked away greeted quickly by a laughing Shippo, smirking Inuyasha, and a merely smiling Miroku. Oh, how I wish I was with them. But I'm not and I never will be again in my life.

looking away from the happy scene I walked over to the window(Hiei broke it) I decided to watch the birds instead.

As I watched them my thoughts moved over to a dog demon. Sesshomaru to be exact. He and I had developed a rather unexpected relationship together. We had actually become friends, although I doubt he will ever admit it. He's not really that bad once you get to know him he's kind, in his own way that is. For instance, if he found you almost dead on the ground he might save you and when you wake up he would probably insult you and then leave you alone to fend for yourself. Or if he knew you well he might take you to his castle, and when you wake up he would still probably insult you but then he would say " You must leave in three days at the most, I don't care if you're dying, in three days I will have a servant pick you up and dump you outside if you are still here." Although that is rude I would rather get bandaged up and allowed to stay at his castle, even if only for three days, than just be left for dead without even the slightest bit of help from anybody. But that is just me. I wouldn't call him overprotective of me, I mean he might give me a small warning of someone or something being dangerous and he might save me in the middle of a huge battle, but that is about it. He wouldn't jump out in front of me or threaten or hurt someone for flirting with me, and I don't expect him to do so. I don't ever expect him to do anything for me because there is a really good chance that he won't.


"Hey toddler! We just came to ask where in the heck Hiei is?! Kurama can't even find him!!!"Yelled Yusuke as he walked into the prince of Spirit World's office, or should I say stormed, followed by two of his other teamates.

"Yeah, where's the shrimp?!"Yelled Kuwabara, right into his thus far silent teamates ear.

"Kuwabara, would you please keep your voice down, and at least try to stop yelling into my ear. I'm getting a migraine." His no longer silent teamate, Kurama, pleaded.

" Alright, I'll tell you. Hiei is now on a mission that I sent him on. I only sent him because it required only one person, and Hiei has the most free time out of you four." Koenma spoke up, not wanting a migraine.

"What's the mission?" Questioned Yusuke, thankfully not yelling.

"Well he has to save a girl...(Procedes to explain the whole mission to them."


"Oh, well no wonder we couldn't find him. He's in a whole different time period." Kurama stated, calmly.

"I hope he hurries, that girl is pretty." said Kuwabara, as he sat drooling and staring at Kagome's picture on the screen. Everyone else sweat dropped.

"Well, we're just gonna leave now." Said Yusuke, as he dragged Kuwabara away by force.

"Thank you for clearing that up, Koenma." Kurama said, before exiting the office.

"Just hope that Hiei does save her." Stated Koenma, before he got back to his work.



p.s.-this is a Hiei/Kagome fic!