Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Intertwined Permanently ❯ Chapter 16

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome and Hojo had been engaged for a couple of months, and it was driving KKagome insane. Hojo was annoying her. It was bad enough that she was going to marry someone she most certainly did not love, but, it was made even worse my his constant talking to her. It was as though he never left her side. And, when he did, his voice would still be ringing in her head nonstop, which led to many headaches that Kagome thought would never go away, which caused Hojo to always be worried to her, making him spend even more time with her!

She thought many times over about letting him go, but, for some reason, she just couldn't. her entire future was at stake, but, even so, she was STILL too weak to do anything about it. It wasn't because she was WEAK or anything, because, she most certainly was not. It was just that Kagome was too kincdhearted, and, she couldn't stand to cause anyone pain, even the annoying Hojo. And, to let him go would definitely bring pain.

So, Kagome thought up the brilliant plan of making him let her go. Unfortunately, as Kagome soon realized, it wasn't going to be that easy.

First, she attempted to make Hojo think she was a complete idiot, by, acting with great stupidity around him. She did this for two complete weeks, before she realized that it was in complete vain, seeing as Hojo somehow seemed to like her even more.

So, she tried doing the exact opposite. She acted immensely intelligent for about a week until she realized that, he liked all the same, if not even more.

After that, she decided to try to be really rude to him, but, he didn't even notice.

Hiei was getting fed up. For the past couple of months, Kagome and that one guy, whatever-his-name-was, had been engaged. It didn't help that everyone else seemed even more excited and happy than usual, when he felt even more glum than he used to. The fact that Kagome was getting married depressed him.

And so, Hiei, not enjoying feeling worse than usual, decided to try and break them up. He figured it would cause Kagome pain if any of his plans worked, and, even though he didn't like that fact, he also didn't like who she was marrying.Or, at least, that was Hiei's excuse. If he was questioned, he would merely say that he was doing her a favor. That she would be ruining her life by marrying him.

So, Hiei, like Kagome, had been trying to get rid of Hojo. His first plan was to make Kagome look like a jerk, so he wrote a note that was supposedly from her. It said that she was only marrying Hojo because she wanted his money. Hiei assumed that Hojo would drop Kagome just like that if he read and believed the note. Sadly, the note never got to Hojo, at least, not in readable form. He had slipped it onto Hojos' desk in chemistry, which, was terrible mistake because, the next thing Hiei knew was that some girl spilled some liquid she was making for an assignment, right in the not, quickly dissolving the ink on the paper.

After that, Hiei tried to make Kagome look idiotic by switching her homework with Yusukes which Hiei figured had no effort put into it at all Sadly, Hiei was mistaken, because, Kagome had gotten a better score than she would have with her own work. Turned out that Yusuke had secretly copied Keikos' work when she wasn't looking.

At a loss of what to do, Hiei and Kagome both came up with the same plan. Get Hojo to fall for someone else. Kagome decided to use some random girl she had seen looking at Hojo. Hiei had decided to use some girl looking at him. They both did this at the exact same time, and, unfortunately, had their plan ruined in doing so. It would have actually worked if only one of them had done it. Sadly, they both did. When the two girls noticed each other while conversing with Hojo, they started a quiet arguement over him, which grew louder and louder until it turned into an all-out brawl. Hojo ran away, and that was the end of that.

Kagome did not know what to do.

But, of course, she need not have done anything, for someone was staring straight at Hojo right then. And, it just so happened that Hiei noticed this someone doing so.

This someone was, in fact, Ayumi, Kagomes friend.

'Oh... I wish Hojo would've gone with me, but, I know Kagome likes him a lot, so I really have to quit liking him too. What kind of friend would I be if Iwas in love with one of my best friends husband? But, I can't help it. He's so nice, and, interesting.'

" I couldn't help but notice you looking at him." Hiei said to the girl.

"Huh?! Oh, umm, well, I was just admiring Kagomes fiance. They'll be great together, don't you think?" Ayumi said frantically.

"Admiring? seemed more like wishfully thinking, if you ask me. It would seem that you have some feelings for the idiot." Hiei said, smirking a little.

" Well, even if that is true, I'd never ever betray Kagome! I mean, she must love him, and, she's one of my best friends." Ayumi said.

" So? If you like, take him. She may be your best friend, but, he's your first love. If you and her switched positions, she'd take him. Kagome may be a nice person, but, she'd still take him. You should do the same. She'll understand." Hiei finshed, with his full on smirk in place.

" Do, Do you really think I should? I-I do love him, but... Should I? I..." Ayumi said, looking down.

" Go." Hiei said, pushing the girl towards Hojo.

He then decided to sit back and relax; fate would do the rest.

Over the past few months, Ayumi and Hojo had become closer and closer. They seemed to do everything together. And, Hojo was getting confused. He, somehow, felt even happier when he was with Ayumi than he was with Kagome. He was truly confused. Lately, whenever he'd think about Ayumi, he'd blush and feel really happy. It was never like that with Kagome. He loved spending as much time as he could with Ayumi, and, he did.

After having a picnic in the park with Ayumi, It finally hit Hojo. He was in love with Ayumi, not Kagome.

He knew he'd have to let Kagome go. He didn't want to hurt her, but, he didn't want to spend the rest of his life with her rather than Ayumi. He knoew he'd have to tell her sooner or later. He figured sooner was better, so, he decided today was the day. He was going to have to tell Kagome, whether she like it or not.

" Uh, Kagome, can I speak with you?" Hojo asked, after chemistry.

" Sure, what is it Hojo?" Kagome asked.

" Well, it's just, our engagement... I, well I... I love AYUMI not, you." Hojo said, " So, our engagment, I'll have to call it off. I'm sorry."