Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ It's all in the Mind ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
Okay people, third story going and just to warn you I will ONLY be updating this fic on amount of reviews received and when I have time, so then I will not be clogged up with this plus my two other main ones, I will give leeway for amount of reviews if I think it is a particularly crappy chapter or I haven't updated in a while but still, to keep my time allotted fairly, this fic will come last in my priorities unless something's change.
Okay this is an Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho fanfic, and main character obviously Kagome and this is just a beginning chapter to see how it is received so sorry for length.
~It's all in the mind~
It was slow, like being in water. Sound was muffled even though there was not a second of silence to be heard. It was like the ears were disconnected from the rest of you, to save you from one horror, or to play with your mind, no one knew.
If one were to stop and try to listen, to try and understand the chaos they stood in, they would be killed, shot down for trying to understand…to understand why.
It was a battlefield of blood, painted in the colours of life, and ending with death. It was a tragic work of art, bodies placed haplessly on the once blank canvas, paint not given a thought too, and all one samey colour, red.
It was funny, with the amount of different beings it was all the same, human, demon, animal blood, all that one fire engine red, startling to the eyes, and the soul.
There were no borders now, of class, race or blood, human collapsed on demon, demon collapsed on human, animal blood spurted on dead and live bodies alike, no notice.
No worry.
It was happening everywhere, a demon, obviously filled with the bloodlust of it's kind would charge, slash it's claws or gnash it's teeth, and then another body was placed on the canvas, it's blood mingling helplessly with another's.
If you stepped in the blood, you added to the chaos of red, or in her eyes you did. Your footprints would mar the paths of the dead, the noble and the brave, silly footsteps of one foolishly lucky to still be alive, amongst such madness.
They stood out, your footprints did, but they stood out much more, in her opinion, when it was your friend's blood you painted with, your best friend's blood which stained your shoes.
Your friends blood that showed it was …all…your…fault.
And it was, she never second guessed herself, as her hands, slippery with blood, death, sweat and grime yanked an arrow from a quickly cooling body and fitted it into a deeply abused bow. She never wavered in her belief, in her suffering.
She let loose another arrow, its dark pink aura lighting up its path, but did not help its intended victim.
And so another one fell.
It should have been her in that demon's place, should have been her blood on the canvas. Only then would she be able to close her eyes to her wavering friends, as they dealt another swift blow to the enemy, and were dealt two more in return. Muscles cramping, faces contorted in pain, as they fought on, fought for a cause which one had started, and one had to end.
It was countless, the amount that had already fallen. Inu-youkai, Neko-youkai, Hebi-youkai, horses and humans.
No matter the amount, no matter the millions that would fall, only one death so far would not leave her, was still haunting her, no matter the amount of bodies she had stumbled over, pulled arrows out of.
It was just one, one almost insignificant death compared to so many around her, compared to the armies which had risen and fallen before her eyes, but it was one, that would haunt her, eat away at her, never leave her to her peace.
Though if one were to look around, peace would be laughable, an illusion slipping through the hand, like the threads of time.
The fates can only help things run more smoothly, they cannot hold onto time that has been lost, for it is now the future, and as everyone knows.
The future cannot be changed.
Even now, as she turned around, through the chaos, towards the direction of that fatal moment, it had been then, in those few seconds out of 19 years of life, 4 years of suffering. That the final childish peace in her soul had gone.
Never to return.
Just like Sango.
It had been so simple, so simple to her mind.
If it was your friend, they could never die, they were yours! And always stayed yours! They did not become another dead body on this canvas that SHE has helped to create!
They were supposed to live! To stay your friends! To never leave you, to never die before you, or because of you.
Because you were their friend, you were supposed to be there, to help them, to keep them alive!
NOT to watch them die, by the hands of their own brother, not by the hands of an innocence lost, because of you! The older were supposed to die before the young, but not at the hands of the young!
Not your own blood, not because of your so called friend!
Her eyes deadened as a path, clear for only a fraction of a second, passed before her, showing her, almost in mocking, the sight of two bodies, both clothed in black, almost hugging in death, their final resting place.
A place where they could finally be together, in peace, away from this place, away from betrayal, where they could rest.
In the one place of true peace anyone could have.
But she would not have that peace today. Choking back on a sob as the almost imaginary path was blocked once more, she turned and slammed her final arrow in her grasp into a human less then a foot away from her.
And so another one fell.
Useless, she dropped her bow to the ground, her hand gripping the hilt of the sword, the gift, maybe the final one, given to her from her mentor, once enemy, now friend and protector.
Out there somewhere in that chaos.
As were the others, Miroku, Inuyasha, Kouga…somehow even little Shippou had managed to find his way into the fray, even though she had threatened him with no chocolate ever again if he came out here.
If she ever found that kit of hers, she would never, ever let him go.
But for now, she would fight, she had to fight. For her future, and for the lives of her friends.
She would correct what she had started.
She bit her lip as she felt the tips of a clawed hand press sharply against her bare neck, she leant forward, almost in submission to this unknown demon, but as she leant forward she titled slightly to her left.
And with a quick grunt of exertion, her blade sunk deep into the gut of the unknown, and now dead demon. She waited, still for a few moments as she felt the grip fall from her neck lifelessly, with a quick step forward and jerk her sword came free, and a faint thud could be heard as she moved on. Not even glancing back.
She was surrounded, by friend and by foe as she fought. Her movements graceful, even in her weariness, her eyes were blank slates, totally without emotion as she sliced, jabbed and beheaded demon and human. And another demon, and another human.
It was never ending, you killed on, another one would take its places.
And it was then she faltered, one single step, slipping on the blood beneath her feet, and she fell. The world tilted crazily, as she slammed into the ground, breath forced from her lungs as she lay there, for a second, maybe more.
Her hair becoming matted with blood and mud as she lay there, among the bodies of the dead. She never looked once to her side, afraid almost to see the eyes, glass, lifeless eyes.
With a final swallow against those thoughts and the smell, she managed to roll onto her feet, barely avoiding the sweep of a large, curved sword as it cut down two Neko-youkai, wearing the emblem and colours of the Lord of the South.
She winced as they fell, silently to the ground before she hop-skipped to the side and sliced the large Oni on its hip. Not killing it, but giving her enough time to finish it off.
It turned, lumbering in it's stupidity to it's 'prey', she remembered her lessons, clearly as she turned on the ball of her foot, sword held at an angle as she waited.
You must wait, to plunder forth will get you killed, but the one who lives, is the one who waits, and listens.
And she did, focusing silently on her victim, her ears were alert to the sound of danger around her and when none came, she lunged forward halfway through her turn as the Oni lowered its shoulder as it turned, and left vulnerable its heart.
It almost squealed as the sharp edge of the sword tore through skin, sinew and bone into the pulsing organ beneath its fragile shell.
And it stopped for a second, and silence reigned around her as its eyes slowly dimmed, but a deathly smirk grew.
Too late, in the rush of a kill she should have controlled, a single demon managed to break through her defences, it's claws catching the cloth of her top and the skin on her side as she wrenched the sword from the Oni and tried to avoid the blow.
Pain lanced through her already battered body, as she stumbled, once, twice as blood flowed steadily from her wound before she gained her balance and watched in an almost morbid fascination as a sword, deathly swift burst from its chest and with the same speed was yanked back out.
Falling, the now dead demon revealed to her the cold yet weary gaze of the TaiYoukai of the West, his armour cracked, hair and tail matted with blood and grime.
"Miko, did this Sesshoumaru give you permission to die this day?"
Shaking her head at his words, she felt his clawed hand on her good side gently as he tugged her forward.
"You will survive this Miko, that is an order" and as she looked up, all she saw around her were unknown demons and humans battling away.
And for the first time in the last week, she smiled.
But while she smiled the battle went on around her, never letting up and the smile slipped from her face. She couldn't relax just yet, if she wanted to survive.
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