Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ K&K: The Search For Two Brothers ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~Peril's Cottage~
Hiei had Kurama up against the wall, holding his throat. Kurama was breathing heavily. "Hiei calm down!" Yusuke said. Hiei began to let go slowly. Hiei finally let go once and for all and then fastly walked out of Peril's house. Peril followed him out. Hiei stood watching the smoke in the air. Peril stood a few feet behind him. "Its okay Hiei... Yukina saved your life... she wanted..." Peril was saying until Hiei interupted her. "Just stop Peril..." He walked up to her. "Stop trying to comfort me... I can take care of my self and i dont need a half human if anybody!" He told her. She had an angry face on him when she turned her head and walked away. Kurama then approached. "Dont take your anger out on her. Im very sorry about Yukina but thats no reason to make others feel bad." Kurama said. "I dont care about how others feel... I care about how I feel." Hiei said selfishly. "You never let anyone get close to you Hiei... I find it hard sometimes for myself to be around you... Im glad you made it out of the fire okay." Kurama said to him before he seen his neckalace glowing. "Y- your neckalace is glowing Kurama." Hiei told him. "I know..." He replied. Kurama started to feel a bad feeling in his chest and could sense something bad.
~Fast Forward~
"Kioto dont die on me now!" Kioto heard as he squinted his eyes open. Tiena was trying to wake him up thinking that he was dead. "Wake up Kioto!!" Tiena screamed in his face. "Ah... Im up okay!... You dont have to give me mouth to mouth or whatever you planned on doing!" Kioto told her. "Very funny!" Tiena said. "Now get up. We have to find a place where we can get some hospitality." She said. "Where the heck are we?" Kioto questioned. "How am I suppose to know." Tiena replied. "i have to find my uncle! I have to know that he is okay." tiena said worrily. Just as they began to walk Kioto spotted something coming toward him and Tiena. As it go closer he realized that it was an arrow and that it was just about to hit Tiena! "NO WATCH OUT!!" Kioto yelled before the arrow jabbed right into his chest. Tiena was breathing heavily as she crawled to Kioto. "No! Kioto!" She yelled. She didnt know what to do and she began to panic. Kioto was struggling for air as blood was coming out of his mouth.
Naraku was at his desk sitting in the almost dark. A man approached. "I missed..." He said soft but mean spoken. Naraku turned around. "What do you mean you missed?" Naraku asked quickly and angrily. "I aimed and shot it at the girl but..." The man paused. "But?!... tell me you did not the hit the boy?!" Naraku said anxiously and angrily. "... He pushed the girl out of the way... it hit him..." The man eplained. "Sniper! Your the best! Now that you nearly killed my son I have to go fix it. Now i want you to get rid of this man... and dont miss this time!" Naraku said giving Sniper the picture of Hiei.
~Peril's Cottage~
"Ah... i got a bad feeling Hiei!" Kurama told him. "What does it feel like?" Hiei asked. "Like something really bad is about to happen. Kurama looked up to see Sniper up in a tree about 100 feet away pointing a bow an arrow at the back of Hiei. Sniper then let go and the arrow was coming at them. "Watch out!" Kurama grabbed Hiei and rippd him dow to the ground. The arrow then went strait into the wall next to the door just as Yusuke came out. "Whoa!" Yusuke said opening the door. "Yusuke you moron get down. "Huh!? Hes getting away!" Yusuke yelled pointing in Snipers direction. Kurama and Hiei quickly got up and looked in the pointing direction. Sniper was hoping from tree to tree until he was no longer in sight. "Ah what are we gona do!? We have people trying to kill us left and right!" Hiei said. "We should keep moving. If we stay in one place at a time we're easy to be tracked." Kurama said. "Your right Kurama." Yusuke said. "Lets go already!" Hiei said. "I guess that girl Peril is gona stay home." Kurama said. "I guess so... SO LETS GO!" Hiei yelled. The three men continued on their journey.
~Neonna's Cabin~~Fast Forward~
Kagome was hugging Sango on the coach out in the living room while Miroku's body rest in peace. Shippo was sitting on a chair feeling sorry for Sango and hoping that Inuyasha was okay. "Its gona be okay Sango... I just wish Inuyasha was here." Kagome said with tears in her eyes. "Miroku and me were never really together... why did i waste so much time in telling him that i did love him... why?" She asked herself while breaking down. "Sango, Miroku would want you to celebrate his life right now than sit in grief over his death." Kagome told her. "I... I just miss him so much already." sango said pulling Kagome into a hug again.